Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Battle Begins

Evvar immediately began to hear dozens of voices over the comm channel, all crying out in panic. He needed to get in there. In the thick of it. He sped towards the bulk of the pirate fleet, where they had just launched a dozen or so starfighters and bombers, which were headed towards one of the Lilaste Order's heavy cruisers. Those bombs would shred that cruiser to bits.

Coaxing all he could out of the engines, Evvar was now approaching the enemy squadron from their starboard flank. "Talons! Engage!" he ordered, and his fellow pilots formed up on either side of him, lasers blazing away.

The enemy was now starting to respond, and the fighters took a sharp turn to engage Talon Squadron, while the bombers kept gunning for their target. He had no time to deal with the fighters. So he would pull a risky maneuver to end the fight quicker. Hopefully no one told Dravin macovish Dravin macovish that Talon Leader had stolen his maneuver. As Evvar threw his interceptor into a steep dive, cutting under the enemy starfighter, he leveled out, practically begging for his target to chase him.

And the enemy did. Brilliant red flashes lit up his cockpit, indicating near misses. Evvar looked back through the canopy, and saw the pirate edge closer and closer. And once they were a specific distance away, Evvar slammed hard on the brakes and tilted his nose up, completely stopping the interceptor. The pirate shot by, quickly realizing their mistake and trying to correct it. But Evvar was already blasting away at his target's tail, and incinerated the fighter in seconds.

"Talons, cover me! I'm going for the bombers," he reported, throwing his throttle past the safety limiter. He needed all the speed he could get if he was gonna save the cruiser. If only he had missiles.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 1 Evvar Roxupa Evvar Roxupa

As Evvar and the Talon Squadron continued their daring engagement with the pirate fleet, the battlefield remained a tumultuous sea of chaos and destruction. Over the comm channel, voices from various vessels and squadrons merged into a cacophony of urgent messages and shouts.

"Captain Ilara, we've got hull breaches on the port side!" a officer among the cruiser rang out on the comms frantically trying to relay information

"Engineering, we need more power to shields!" soon pipped up from another bridge officer

"Enemy bombers closing in on the cruiser!" the pilot spoke with urgency

Amidst the chaos, Evvar's bold maneuver to divert the attention of the pursuing pirate fighters had allowed a momentary respite for the heavy cruiser. But the relentless advance of the enemy bombers continued unabated, their payloads primed to devastate the Lilaste Order's vessel.

"Command, this is Cruiser Alpha-One. We're taking heavy fire. Requesting immediate support!" The voice of Captain Ilara quivered with the strain of command. and the anticipation of the oncoming fighters, that were sure to destroy her ship and kill all the crew onboared

"Copy that, Alpha-One. Reinforcements are en route. Hang on!" crackled in through the comms as a few Pheonix Interceptors rushed over to assist the cruiser. a second squadron joining up along side Evvar and his squadron "Luetenant push left ill head right, we can cut them off and get them caught in a cross fire"

Meanwhile, the communications ringed from Captain Ilara's channel as the crew on board braced for impact

"Enemy fighters are regrouping for another pass!. Brace for impact! Brace for impact!"
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Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki

She had received word to move all units in on the warehouse. So here she was, creeping through the streets the best she could, hiding behind landspeeders that were quickly abandoned when word of an attack came. And the landspeeders were good cover, given that there were so many of them left strewn across the street. It seemed like there was so much traffic that the drivers thought it better to run than to drive. Hopefully they all made it out.

Kavir finally reached the end of the road, pressing herself up against a tall commercial building to her left. She peeked around the corner....there were four Lilaste soldiers there crouched low, looking through their rifle sights. The sergeant pulled out her sniper rifle and looked through the scope, scanning the open street ahead of the Army troops. Nothing. They were just being cautious.

The warehouse was still a block or two away. They would face heavy resistance further in. "Soldiers!" she called. "You're clear."

They nodded gratefully and continued on. The soldiers entered an intersection...and were driven over by a landspeeder. Kavir gasped in shock as she watched all four bodies crumple to the ground simultaneously, and the landspeeder (with a bloody front section) slowed down. Rage filled Kavir's heart and she zoomed in her scope. The crosshair now settled on a laughing Nikto pirate, a bandana wrapped around his head.

She fired. Perfect revenge.

"Move in," she whispered to the seven Elghaseki behind her. They filed into the street, rifles extended, taking cover behind the abandoned vehicles.
Evvar nodded to himself as the other flight of interceptors appeared by his side. He swept to the left, his squadron following, quickly gaining on the bombers. Once he'd gone out for about five seconds, he took a slow turn back inside, coming in perfectly on the bomber's left side. Across the way, the other squadron was angling in too, and began to fire.

Evvar squeezed the trigger, and his lasers quickly tore through the bombers' shields, destroying two in seconds. Once he finished his pass, there was one bomber remaining, which was easily picked off by the cruiser's weapons. "Good job, Talon Squadron. And thanks, Hardri Wing."

"No problem."

Now, Evvar reduced his speed, scanning the battlefield for another emergency situation.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 1 Naval warfare Evvar Roxupa Evvar Roxupa

As the battle raged on in the depths of space, the Lilaste Order continued to tighten their grip on victory against the formidable pirate forces. The once-chaotic skirmish was now favoring the disciplined and well-coordinated Order.

In the distance, the remnants of the pirate fleet were desperately trying to regroup, but it was clear that their defenses were crumbling. The pirates' disarray allowed the Lilaste Order's interceptors and cruisers to pick them off one by one methodically.

With their advanced tactics and superior firepower, the Lilaste Order was a formidable combination. Evvar's deft maneuvers and precise shots had devastated the pirate bombers, leaving only one remaining swiftly dealt with by the mighty weapons of the Order's cruiser.

As the final pirate ship was reduced to debris, the victorious Lilaste Order began to consolidate their position. Communication channels crackled with reports of enemy ships surrendering, realizing that further resistance was futile. The battle-scarred pirate vessels either fled into the void or raised white flags of surrender.

the naval combat had come to an end, with the three stations in the distance being the last of the pirate forces. though the navey followed their orders remaining as a defensive barrier between any other forces and Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze 's star destroyer
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Just as Evvar blasted apart another enemy starfighter, the comm channel was filled with cries of surrender. He then received orders not to fire on anymore pirate vessels. Darn. He wanted to destroy them all. But that would come in time. In a different way. Justice would be served, whether through death, or other more peaceful means.

"Stand down, Talons. Secure the perimeter. Begin patrol. Mark,"
he said, and the squadron formed up in a patrol formation, reducing the throttle to 50%.

So the battle up here was won. Evvar wondered what was happening down below...

Eden Io

Location: Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

As the walkers crashed through the walls of the storehouse, Eden flew in through the breaches to take advantage of the shock and awe inflicted by the mechanized assault. Identifying the pirates stationed along the upper walkways as the most immediate threats, the gynoid immediately unleashed a hail of fire from her SMGs on their positions. Three of the pirates stumbled, then fell to the ground floor in Eden’s wake as bullets tore through their chests and heads. Then, flying towards a laser cannon nest positioned close to the rear of the foyer, Eden locked onto the three heat signatures around manning the weapon before firing her last plasma rocket and jink-boosting to her left in order to evade the retaliatory fire.


A violent explosion of superheated gas burned the hapless gunners alive, followed by a secondary explosion that vaporized what was left of their bodies as one of the laser cannon’s power cells cooked off in the blast. The explosions sent shockwaves rippling through the entire foyer, at which point Eden registered a wave of heat coming over her. Fortunately, her bodysuit (and the inherent flame resistance of her Vong-derived construction) kept her well-protected. Sensing an opportunity to capitalize on the fiery explosions, Eden jink-boosted to her left, before pirouetting in mid-air and emptying her SMGs’ two magazines into a pair of pirates on the ground floor, both of whom had been stunned and deafened by the successive blasts. With her SMGs empty, Eden leveled her shotgun towards a third pirate, before firing a pair of 10 gauge slugs into his chest, ripping through his heart and vital organs in a single salvo, while painting the ground with crimson fluid.

“Cannon emplacement splashed!” Eden called out. “I’m engaged!”

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 Eden Io

Commander Tarain stood in the command center of his AT-AE walker, surrounded by a holo table that displayed the ongoing battle in intricate detail. His walker's armor bore the marks of numerous missile impacts, with scuffs and indents marring its once pristine surface. Yet, despite the battle-worn appearance, the walker remained fully operational, a testament to its robust design.

As Tarain observed the chaos within the storehouse, his eyes were locked onto the live feed of Eden's daring assault.

"Eden knows how to make an entrance," Tarain muttered, a wry smile crossing his face.

Then came the pivotal moment. Eden targeted the laser cannon nest, and Tarain watched with anticipation. The eruption of explosions that followed was both devastating The power cells cooked off, burning the gunners alive, and the ensuing secondary explosion vaporized what remained of their bodies. Shockwaves rippled through the storehouse's foyer, and Tarain momentarily worried about the safety of his troops.

Just as he was about to issue a directive, his attention was drawn to another AT-AE walker engulfed in flames. Panic briefly flickered across his features, but it was short-lived. The walker stood firm, and Tarain watched in amazement as it turned its barrel toward the source of the missile that had struck it. The walker unleashed its firepower with a thunderous roar, obliterating the infantry responsible for the explosion in a fiery spectacle of destruction.

"By the force!," Tarain exclaimed, his voice filled with determination. "These walkers are truly formidable. Hold your positions, soldiers! We've got this! For the Order!"

With renewed confidence, Commander Tarain continued to monitor the battle from his AT-AE walker's command center, ready to lead his troops further into the storehouse to secure their objective.

Eden Io

Location: Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

Eden didn’t normally have a strong bloodlust.

And yet, the gynoid found herself falling into the chorus of the slaughter all the same as she unleashed a salvo of bolts from her side arm blaster while propelling herself through the air via her bodysuit’s thrusters in an effort to close into melee combat. Her bolts caught a Weequay pirate in his upper back, cutting him down under the hail of fire just as Eden descended on the group. On cue, the gynoid lashed out with her vibroblade, tearing through the throat of a second Weequay pirate, before sweeping low to sever the legs of a third. All the while, blood painted the ground in copious amounts as it spilled out from the pirates’ bodies. Enraged by the gruesome deaths of their comrades, the other Weequay pirates managed to draw a bead on her and opened fire. Eden grimaced as a number of bolts struck her, causing warnings to light up in her HUD. Nevertheless, with the robust protection afforded by her shielded bodysuit, she didn’t stop moving. Jink-boosting with a violent, instantaneous burst of acceleration, Eden was suddenly on the flanks of the pirates, at which point she struck back with her pistol, a volley of three bolts spitting forth from its barrel to strike a fourth pirate in his chest. Just before the remaining pirates could reacquire her in their sights, she was back behind cover. However, by then, the pirates had other problems.

Eden gave a relieved sigh as a hail of blaster fire unleashed by a nearby AT-AE tore into the group of pirates, giving the gynoid the opportunity to assess the damage to her bodysuit, while slotting her last two magazines into her SMGs. In that regard, she was fortunate. While the material around her abdomen was giving off smoke, the miniaturized shield projectors had largely dissipated the bolts.

With that, Eden kicked up off of the ground via her thrusters and accelerated back towards the fray. The storehouse was almost theirs.

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 Eden Io

Commander Tarian, , observed the intense final moments of the battle with a mix of admiration and somber determination. As he watched the chaotic events unfold on the holo display, Tarian commanded authority over the comm channel, "Maintain positions, soldiers. Victory is at hand. Make this last push and lets show them what for."

The holographic projection portrayed the grim aftermath of the brutal engagement—lifeless Weequay pirates strewn across the war-torn ground, their bodies a stark reminder of the cost of war. Blood splatters painted a dreadful picture, etching the reality of the battlefield.The Lilaste soldiers acted swiftly at Tarian's command, efficiently detaining the surrendering pirates while neutralizing those who attempted to flee. It was a necessary and complicated reality of war that they faced.

And then, a torrent of blaster fire from a nearby AT-AE Walker tore into the remaining pirates, signaling the battle's thunderous finale. The remnants of the enemy had no choice but to yield or scatter in panic. Tarian's voice rang over the comm channel, firm and resolute, "Good work, men, the storehouse is ours. Wipe out any stragglers and clean house while we wait for our drop ships to pick us up. Good work out there, including you Eden. Come see me in the walker, and we will discuss your contract."

The battlefield, once a thriving city, now lay in ruins, bearing witness to the ferocity of the conflict. The soldiers, battle-worn and weary, began to organize, ready to hold the storehouse amidst the desolation. The victory was theirs, but the scars of battle were etched into the landscape, a somber reminder of the sacrifices made. As the soldiers moved through the battered city, their path was marked by the remnants of the battle—smoke, debris, and the lingering echoes of combat. They stood vigilant, ensuring the storehouse remained secure until reinforcements could safely escort them back to base, a beacon of resilience in the destruction.

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