Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Battle for Corellia (New Republic Dominion of Hex U30)

Objective 1: Spaceport
-Station Juliet, Warehouse 04
-Disrupt Local & Orbital Comms
Allies: Corellia, SJO, Republic
Enemies: Imperial Scum
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The rear entrance to the warehouse was more a shipping dock - an entryway, with access by a long ramp for transporting boxes & equipment easily. The alleyway behind the long line of storage bunkers was often used to line up transportation vehicles, which were laden with supplies... One of the ways the Imperials had been noticed, is that standard shipments weren't being accepted into this particular warehouse recently.

Sometimes, all it took was a simple change of every-day business. They couldn't have hidden long.

Vincent slipped around the side of the building, leaving the corpse of the Imperial in the dark. Powerful hands gripped one of the steel support beams set into the duracrete, and the wraith heaved himself up onto the brightly lit loading dock, springing easily into cover behind a crate marked "Fragile"; the wooden walls of the container were worn & weathered, as-if it'd been forgotten. Only a few paces away, an entry into the warehouse waited, lonely and silent...

But his instincts told him to wait. Be patient.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tiem was getting bored. All this sitting... for hours, the sitting... Essentially, he was just a glorified operator. Couldn't they find somebody else to man the radios, while he tackled the more exciting jobs, like perimeter security? At the very least, it would have given him a chance to take a potshot at a stray dog... or a vagrant. It wasn't like they were expecting anyone to hit them here. The Imperial Occupation had been sudden & violent... These Corellians were terrified of them, and the warehouse he and his team had occupied had remained untouched. The blonde-haired man rubbed a rough hand over his cleanly-shaven chin, then made a decision & stood.

"Going out for a Cigera. Watch the radio, yeah?" He spoke to one of his fellow troopers, and the bald-headed man squinted but said nothing. Tiem walked out of the office, leaving his carbine... he still carried a holstered blaster and his issued fighting blade, which he didn't expect he'd need.

He took the stairs to the first floor, crossed the large expanse of space filled with shipping crates (which he & his fellows had already raided), and entered the dimly lit hallway leading to the loading dock. "Going out?" A voice caught Tiem's attention as he passed an office, and the blonde-haired man turned, laying eyes upon one of his shorter comrades, Trooper Rylen. Rylen was the group's designated marksman, and the sniper gave his superior a grin. "Mind if I join?" And then, he was up and in the hallway without waiting for confirmation.

Tiem rolled his eyes... but followed anyway. He was already pulling two white cylinders from the pack in his breast pocket. Rylen always smoked other people's cigeras - never his own.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The door to the loading dock swung open, and the sound of loud conversation carried on by a single individual signaled the killer that his patience had paid off. He didn't need to peer around the crate to know there were two men... with one of them, doing all the talking. A few heartbeats passed until the sweet scent of tobac wafted through the air.

"-ven if they do come, what'll they do? We can call air support which'll be here in minutes. I tell ya, this has been one of the easiest deployments yet!"


"Hell, I don't care what the rules of engagement are... I just wanna shoot something. Aren't you bored, Tiem?"

"Shut up, Rylen."

"Nahh, nahh.. Come on, let's see if Farkas has seen anything moving near the fence. Maybe there's -"

Rylen had pointed back toward the rear of the building with his left hand. Both he & his companion had their backs to the entrance... and were so distracted by the shorter man's excited speech that they heard nothing until it was too late. Closing his fist over the shorter man's wrist, Nyax buried his right elbow in the man's floating ribs, feeling a bone-deep crack as a rib shattered under the sudden assault. Using the sudden change of momentum, the boogeyman stepped in, twisting the man's arm and simultaneously attacking his fellow - the taller, tow-headed man with the cigarette between his lips. Nyax' other hand struck the silent trooper in the throat with a violent chop which saw the cigera fall from numb lips. He wouldn't be saying anything, now.

The shorter man's arm was used to control his fall as Vincent arrested the trooper's momentum with his foot, sending the man sprawling to the duracrete. The woosh of expelled air from the broken rib was cut short as the shorter Imperial's head struck unyielding stone.


He left the body there, reeling on the man named "Tiem", drawing a sharpened blade from within his coat and stepping forward, pinning the Imperial's skull against Nyax' own belly while he drove the blade downward, into the rear of the man's skull. There would be little blood, and the assassin was completely in control.

Cleanup was quick - both bodies, tucked behind the crate their killer had used for cover moments before, then covered by a tarp which had been protecting an open container of oxy-tanks. In the shadows, curled up against a wall, the huddled mass appeared to be a pile of refuse, and would be easily missed.​
The wraith had come prepared, drawing a compact pistol from behind his back... then, slipped silently into the building through the door the two men had used earlier.​
Location: Hard landing somewhere near the battle for the Spaceport
Objective One: (Spaceport)
Armor: None
Weapons: The Lightsaber of Darth Umbra and the Sword Twilight
Allies: Unsure (Maybe the Republic, SJO, the Corellains)
Enemies: The Sith
Tags: [member="Tobias Dracks"] , [member="Reverance"] , [member="Julius Sedaire"] , [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] , [member="Vincent Nyax"] , [member="Amari Deechi"] , [member="Vulpesen"] , @Belphaegor​

The sky was burning, rippled with random flashes of twinkling lights…then followed with the occasional brief explosion.
This was war. There was no glory, just brutality showing the more primal side of humanity. It is an unavoidable part of the never ending balance. Without war would you even know what peace is? Without hate would you even recognize what love is?

The sky was shared by various warring factions. It was not just two factions warring. One of those factions was the people of the planet. They were not just fighting for freedom. They were fighting for survival.

They flew with what they had. No more, no less. Many were not machines of war. Vast many were famous transports made by the Corellians. They were civilian transports with small munitions to protect from piracy.

There were many designs of them. Even a decent amount of the YT design Hon Solo flew. After all it was still a very popular design. One of those ships flying through atmosphere sustained major damage to the rear of the ship. The engines failed and it started to lose altitude.

As the craft flew over the battle field in descended rapidly between the cross fire between defenders and the attackers, at the starport. Some blaster blots scored minor hits upon the damaged hull. The scale of the weapons did not puncture the armor plating.

However, in a plum of dust and smoke the YT Transport crashed into the side of a durcrate building. The Screeching twisting sound of metal gave little hope anyone could survive such a crash. The ship was mostly intact and hung partially out of the building. Through tech or the Force there was still one life sign within the ship. Slowing moving, it was moving from the cockpit to the rear of the ship.

Dazed from the impact the Elder used the wall to prop herself up. Blood dripping down from her forehead she acted like she did not even notice. Consumed with the loss of a child she cared very little of herself being at the moment. Propelling her forward towards the boarding ramp anger pushed her. Fear did not grip her. Her fears whatever they may have been was gone. There were just primal notions that drove her forward. The mortally of such notions was far from her mind. The only thought was to share her suffering with those she blamed.

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
Location: Entering the Corellian System​
Objective: BYOO (Just Observing)​

Dark empty space was filled. Three separate shimmering rays of light dropping out of hyperspace. The shape of three different forms was visible. The well recognized shape of the vessels bore the symbol of the Hapes Consortium.

They were not alone as a large vessel dropped out of hyperspace behind them. Behind the larger vessel seven more Royal Happen ships dropped out hyperspace. It was a total of ten Advanced Hapen Battle Dragons and the Hapen War Dragon, the Song of War.

What was a fleet of Hapen ships doing outside of the Transitory Mists? The Hapen Isolationists rarely ventured outside of the Mists. It was more than likely an unexpected event for the battle of Corellia.

After dropping out of Hyperspace the Royal Hapen Fleet slowed to a crawl and did not advance further into the system. All of the Hapen Battle Dragons did waited in a formation, a protective circle around the two thousand meter Hapen War Dragon.

The Song of War, the Flag Ship of the Hapen Royal. It gave the almost certainty that the Happen Queen Mother was here.
The Hapen Fleet did not open hails with any ships within the system. Their attentions were unclear. They did remain stationary far from the battle.
Revenge. It was a quality that some often lacked the courage to feel, or to go through with the act. It predated that something had been done to the individual that was so traumatizing, or affected them in such a way that they have to commit an act against the perpetrators that would be effectively worse than what they had originally done to them. It was the emotions and feelings that went into the act of revenge which often told the story of why, when and how. If someone took something from you, then in turn, you take something back from them and then some so it hurts even more. As the old saying goes: an eye for an eye.

But how do you commit the act of revenge against a people who had no idea that they had done something to someone else that predated the necessity of such a thing? As they also say the dark side is often convoluted in it's logic.

During the Four Hundred Year Darkness there had lived two Sith Lords. Their names were Darth Vupua and Darth Exulae. Together they made up a generation of Sith who had traveled across the galaxy outside of the Sith Order that eventually gave rise to the Sith Empire of the 830s. It was because of these Sith that the teachings of Darth Bane survived into the current era, although it is unknown if they stemmed from Lumiya or were inheritors of Bane's Holocron. If so, it is a deeper mysterious as to how they lost the Holocron and who has it now. Either way, it was with thanks to these two Sith that the Rule of Two still exists, and it is because of these two that the Green Jedi had to pay for their sins.

In a journal that Darth Ayra had recovered she had learned of the existence of both Vupua and Exulae. Originally it had been started by Vupua, chronicling the effects of the Gulag Virus, the affected worlds and how she had survived so long despite becoming infected before it had passed onto Exulae, who had been taken by Vupua as her Sith Apprentice and who had consequentially struck down her Sith Master when the time was right as they had wrote. Seemingly whoever Exulae had taught in the ways of the Force hadn't kept up the journal after they killed their master, but perhaps more interestingly was the tale of the Green Jedi and how they had almost destroyed the Order of the Sith Lords.

As the entries had stated both Darths Vupua and Exulae had landed on Corellia to find a Jedi by the name of Lucian who had been rumored to possess the ability to heal those who had been infected by the Gulag Plague. They had tracked down the Jedi to the Green Jedi temple, a band of fanatics who followed the ways of the light side and Jedi teachings, but served to protect and defend Corellia solely. Impersonating sick Corellians both Vupua and Exulae entered the Green Jedi's temple to be healed, but were instead met with Lightsaber blades pointed at them when their facade had been broken.

Instead of healing the two Sith the Green Jedi had instead attacked them to the sounds of jeering Corellians, resulting in the two having to flee. In the ensuing melee Darth Vupua had lost her dominant hand and Lightsaber blade. Such a loss might as well had been an executioners warrant for Darth Exulae had soon killed their Sith Master after it had happened, at least according to their entry. Darth Ayra had no sympathy for what had happened to her ancient predecessor. They had become weak, what was done to them was a sign of this and what Darth Exulae had done fell in line with the tenants of the Rule of Two.

Whilst approving to what her fellow Sith had done, in their attempt to find a cure to their sickness; the guile of entering an enemy stronghold under the disguise of the dark side; and the fact that they had survived said encounter with the Green Jedi were what Darth Ayra expected from those who had lived before her time. But what Darth Ayra could not forgive was the Green Jedi. As it had been stated in the recovered journal the loss of Darth Vupua was an instrumental loss to our order, putting back our work by several decades. This meant that the Green Jedi had affected her, and now an opportunity had come to finally claim some much needed revenge. No, not for her predecessors but merely for herself.
Mandalorians, she had heard about the T-helmet wearing nutjobs: met one once, and that had been half a disaster. But she didn't let her mind wander too much, when in proper war she jumped all over the place mentally but physically it seemed her body could only focus on piloting. Not much else she had proven good for, rolling her neck with a crack comms flicked open with a brief message to Mastiff Squadron:

"Break off, we'll slash them from the side."

And with that Keira's interceptor went into a spinning roll as the other vessels of Mastiff squadron pulled out from the main TIE assault as those damnable Mandalorian fighters had their field day with them: not Mastiff squadron though, they had other ideas.

Keira watched the carnage and the vessels that had committed it. Maybe there was a note or two she could snag from them, afterwards maybe: and if she could actually make it out in one piece. Making a wide arc the fighters of Mastiff squadron got ready to strike from the "flank" (or as much of one that existed in the absolute chaos of the TIE fighter swarm), Keira squeezed hard on the trigger of her laser cannons the green beams firing out as rapidly as she could force the thing to do, the rest of the squadron following suit whenever they could.

"See that red one, it's mine."

Even as she rather wildly shot at the Mandalorian fighters she already had glory on her mind and began to move to engage Kaine's vessel: not quite in range to attack yet.

[member="Kaine Australis"]
Location: Corellia Spaceport
Allies: Imperials | [member="Hana Munin"] | [member="Magnus Vizsla"] | [member="Meshla Munin"]
Enemies: The New Republic
Objective: Glory

Corellia? More like Brokellia

A smirk appeared on his face of that thought as he sat on a chair, sharpening his beskar spear. He had heard the tragedy that occurred on Corellia and was, quite frankly, indifferent about it. They weren't his people and didn't pity on those that suffered from that horrific event. Certain that the Alor of his Clan would have loved to conquer Corellia and leave some bits of it decimated, but not broken to make it useless.

But the Imperials of the Sith Empire and other aligned factions had already come and claimed dominance of this world. As always, Clan Munin offered its refined quality services to the Sith Empire. Mercenary work was always a grand export for the Clan that brought gleaming profit to the Clan.

Which is why Ravik and several great Mandalorian warriors with him were here today on Corellia. They held no prejudice against the Corellians, but they had a job to do. One they didn't question against and enjoyed, well at least for the Korun Mandalorian. He enjoyed extinguishing any fights caused by rebel cells that sought to bring freedom from Corellia. Spilling blood was something he quite enjoyed, it was his nature and accepted it.

Now a fight was coming on the horizon from the alarms sounding off, a smile appeared on his lips.

"My vode, we must go," the Warrior said to his fellow brothers and sisters, as he stood up from where he sat. He didn't claim any leadership position, but they had to go and face the enemy.
"I wasn't around for the great cataclysm that nearly tore Corellia apart. The old positronic neural net hadn't come online, and it happened long after the real Mykas Venture's time. I have all his memories, the original Coronet, the way things were before, but I've only ever known Corellia as is. I try to imagine what it must have been like sometimes, in the moment I bet it wasn't all that different from today. See that's the thing about Corellians, even the end of the world isn't a surprise to us. Not anymore..."
Mykas Venture Memlogs, 851 ABY
After a brief but illuminating conversation with a Colonel in the Republic Armed Forces, Venture rallied as many fellow surviving officers as he could with the news that their resistance might not be such a lost cause after all. Making his way up to One CorSec Plaza's rooftop landing pads, he had then linked up with a Tactical Response Team which was using the upper levels as a sniper's nest. Somehow a lone chopper had survived the Imperial's early assault, and Mykas managed to convince the others that holding onto CSF headquarters didn't mean a thing if they didn't help the Republic take back their spaceports.

Piling into the police dropship, it wasn't long before they were airborne and flying directly into a stormcloud of flak and Imperial TIE fighters. Venture ignored the turbulence, seemingly unaffected by the chaos all around him at least on the outside. He checked the energy levels on his blaster's power pack before slamming the cartridge back into its chamber and racking the slide to complete the circuit. His longcoat was stuffed with additional ammunition, scavenged from the dead back at CorSec, and he had added a bandolier to his usual ensemble to carry rounds for the scattergun resting across his lap.

He could feel the vibrations of the chopper's anti-personnel blasters firing, and the inspector knew they were close. It was a miracle they hadn't been blown out of sky already, but the hard part was yet to come. None of these men were soldiers, Myk included. They had never charged off a troop transport into oncoming fire before, but they were still Corellians. In his book, that meant every man here was worth at least a dozen stormtroopers. And the Response Team commandos, well they were as capable as any military trained black ops team.

"Smoke em if you got em," he announced, following his own instructions and lighting up a cigarra, "There's only one police in this town."

It was time they let the Empire know their new order wasn't wanted here.

[member="Vulpesen"] | [member="The Elder Kashi"] | [member="Tobias Dracks"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Amari Deechi"]​
[member="Reverance"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] | [member="Belphaegor"] | [member="Ravik Munin"]​
Location: Corellia
Allies: Imperials
Enemies: New Republic if it comes to it
Objective: Observe

Presence shut down in the Force, hair dyed to blonde, eyes shifted to blue, a slightly different complexion and altered cheekbones for the moment, Taeli calmly watched the unfolding chaos from the ground. Much like other worlds beyond the Sith Empire's borders that had been placed within their sphere of influence, Corellia only had a small garrison of actual Sith forces. The rest were from a warlord the GA had never expunged from Anaxes, a man that unknowingly owed his survival to the Lady of Secrets while she had been acting as the GA Grand Marshal.

But for today, none of that mattered to her.

She was simply here to watch the New Republic and their friends liberate her birth world, observe the actions of their forces. She was curious about what was trying to re-establish itself. She had thought the lesson would have been learned from last time, but alas...

She took a note on her datapad, for all the world looking like a reporter or novelist while she sat through the lockdown. A mug of tea sat next to her, as always. She doubted the Sith and Imperials could hold the world with the forces arrayed here, even with the warlord somehow having gained a Super Star Destroyer. But that was okay, today was, for her, to simply gather intelligence.
LOCATION: Starport, West Access
OBJECTIVE: Hold for Sith Reinforcements
ENEMY: Corellian Terrorists, New Republic, [member="The Elder Kashi"] (?), [member="Myk Venture"] (?)
ALLIES: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], Sith Allies, Munin Clan
GEAR: Zelroth's Rest

Ace Pilots hurtled relentlessly, effecting a resplendent display of aerial skill. Dizzying feints, gut-wrenching dodges, mind bending flips and sudden engine burns that heaved their Fighters skyward through bursting clouds of flak. Continuously dogged by TIE and an assortment of other Imperial Attack Craft, if nothing else, the war for the sky only lobbied further proof, that Corellian's simply had more Starfighter Fuel pumping through their veins than the average Stick Jockey.

Enraged flames, that seethed from more than a thousand fires, breathed a creeping fog of undulating smoke in to a westward wind. Soon, an untold legion of City Blocks cowered beneath a blanket of aphotic smog, concealing the bloodshed on the streets from the eyes of the heavens. Lest dear Corellia, weep at the violence of men. If men, they could even consider themselves, now.

The carnage of battle had a way of twisting things, animalizing those that stood witness, they who wielded arms. Bestial acts, begot dreadful perversions. Perhaps one day the Jedi would finally realize this was why they were always destined to fail.

Learn what every Maenan knew: M'nith yuu eth f'zth-yza'th xa-uul.

Madness, offers the only freedom.

Perhaps, for however brief this bloody ousting lasted, Belphaegor could take comfort in the knowledge that they had perceived that divine sensation, got to taste of it's flesh, before they were unwittingly returned to the curse of sanity.

Growling like beasts, the hordes of Freedom continuously pressed against the Imperial positions, howling brutish ruin upon everything that stood before them. The application of tactical positioning slowly devolving in to a rugged scrum at the Empire's furthest defensive lines from the Starport's West Access. Visibility faded, but the intensity of weapons discharging through the smoke, only increased.

Not but a step from the Inquisitor's right, a Stormtrooper barked a terrible yowl; as a Slug struck his hip. Within his body it rebounded from shattering bone, shearing meat and muscle, piercing organs until finally it fled through the shoulder on the opposite side of entry. The man collapsed, blood vomiting from deathly wound, rendering him cold and lifeless in but mere seconds as he lay now, forever silent, hunched over his Service Rifle.

Blaster exchange hung rabidly, blooming through the fog of battle as clinquant ornamentation. Smoke swirled as a Starfighter swung low, belching flame and tar black exhaust before becoming tangled in ruination against the side of a tall and powerful building. Debris, baying madly, flung off by the sudden blossom of the explosion. Spearing Stormtrooper and Freedom Warrior alike on pikes of twisted steel, and crushing them under the morbidly obese blocks of fractured concrete that rained outward from the wound of the wreckage.

Sodden by sudden deluge of gore that misted all around him, Belphaegor plodded on through the chaos at the furthest expanse of the Front still. Unsure if his Messenger had even managed to find his fellow Inquisitor, [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]. Even if the Echani had managed to Rally, there was no doubt this Starport Stronghold would fall, eventually.

The Sith there, fighting this last-ditch effort, would be overwhelmed by the staggering numbers alone, even if these ravenous fiends were armed only with sticks and stones.

The Pale Maenan could feel his Master - his Mother - [member="Matsu Xiangu"] behind his eyes. Sharing every burden, every stab of pain, every hardship. Even now, still recovering from grievous wounds of her own she had suffered, he knew she was with him. There, ahead, sheltered as a wraith in the smoke, the Inquisitor could make out the shape of a Bothan. The glowing cinder of an ignition light betraying intention.

The alien swung his arm backwards, ready to hurl the Thermal Detonator adrift. But Belphaegor caught him. Seizing arm and device of greedy, spiteful, destruction. Folding it down against the Bothan's will, snapping tendons, shattering bone, as he contorted the things arm towards it's abdomen. Then, brilliance.

Beautiful light illuminated the gloom. The duracrete beneath his feet was torn asunder. His alien body bloated by the blast, jigsawing open, in to a billion pieces before vanishing entirely in the glow of the eruption.

Little victories.
Location: Corellia Spaceport
Allies: Imperial Sith [member="Belphaegor"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] Te Veman [member="Ravik Munin"] [member="Hana Munin"] [member="Magnus Vizsla"]
Enemies: New Republic and rebel scum
Objective: Deny
Gear in bio

The Detta Munin carefully attached a detonator to the support beam just as she had in several other key areas of the spaceport. If a worse case scenario came to be, Mesh'la would simply blow the place up to deny the Jedi-loving Republic scum their precious victory. That thought brought a wild grin to the dark blonde's lips well-hide behind the black T-visor of her red-colored helmet that matched the rest of the Mandalorian warrior's armored suit. Oh how fun it would be to do just that, but for now it was wait and see what the battle brought them.

Mesh'la quickly made her way back to where she'd left the other members of the Te Veman mercenary group that were on the Sith Empire's dole. Ever since Clans Munin and Vizsla were exiled from Mandalorian space after the Red Coronation, they had allied with the dark siders, bringing both glory and prosperity to each of their clans. Today would be no different.

[ The charges are set, Ravik... Oya, ner vode. ] Mesh said with eagerness, giving a nod to the other Munin and Vizsla warriors, then she moved past the Korun Mando with her assault rifle held at the ready.
Location: Corellia Spaceport
Allies: Imperial Sith / Te Veman [member="Meshla Munin"], [member="Ravik Munin"]
Enemies: The New Republic and Friends
Objective: Get Money


Those that weren't his friends were enemies. As long as they bore weapons against him, then they'd meet the same fate as any hostile. They weren't his vod, they didn't deserve an honourable death. They didn't deserve a clean fight. What they did deserve was a painful journey to the Netherworld.

A journey that he was very much prepared to help them along.

It wasn't the first time he was fighting with Munin Warriors. They were excellent combatants from what he had seen, quite capable of putting down rebellious dogs and this filthy Republic. When Ravik made the motion to go, the Ripper on his hip was brushed while in its holster, his trusty beskad strapped across his back as well. He was ready to fight. But, he wasn't ready to die.

Magnus hoped they were though.

From his lookout position, he glanced back to the group and descended from his perch some metres above them.

"These people should be decimated."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Streets near the Spaceport under Siege.
Target: [member="Reverance"]
Equipment: Historian's Reach, Alexandra's Sabers, Slugthrower Pistol, Energy-based Sniper Rifle
Objective: Capture the Sith Lord

Alexandra moved across the top of a building, Republic forces in her ear talking about movements and commanding the coordination of the battle. Alexandra was there at the behest of an old friend and fighting along Republic forces. She was there officially as a mercenary under [member="Alyson Halle"], but in truth, it was not odd for the soldiers of the Republic to see the Jedi Grandmaster on the field of battle.

It was odd for her not to be at the front of the battle though, and instead of taking up an overwatch position. This was due to intelligence having spotted a specific Sith Lord in the area, causing her to immediately rush out and more or less demand he be hers to deal with.

Her body came down hard as she let out a sigh, standing on the roof of a building not far and in view of an old friend. Alexandra was unaware of [member="Taeli Raaf"] being there, but she did know there would be hidden sith around the area and that kept Alexandra on edge. She looked around in quick motions, constantly keeping a hold on the area as Daeda took his own path and sniffed at the air. Unlike her, the small wolf knew the familiar presence but did not inform Alexandra as Deada knew there was little to no threat of interference.

The two worked well as a team but kept their secrets and minds separate when it was unimportant for the other to know what was on their minds.

Alexandra's feet pushed off of the next rooftop and settled into a bombed out building, looking towards the spaceport and past it at the ruined surface of Corellia. The planet had suffered greatly in the years since the galaxy had recovered from the Gulag plague. It was in need of restoration and her mind went back to an event she learned about from Atris' holocron, the history collected within. The restoration of Telos had at one time been a project and perhaps it could be reasoned for once more, but for Corellia.

Her mind focused on the subject at hand and she set up the sniper in the window, breathing out and focusing down the scope of the weapon, watching an imperial patrol heading towards the fighting. Her breath drew inwards, holding it for a second before squeezing down on the trigger.

A shot rang out and she smiled as it found its mark, making the patrol scurry for cover. She did not wait though, turning the rifle on another trooper and felling him in quick succession. It was then that her position was spotted and with the force's aid, she launched herself to the building nearby. She had to keep moving and reach the man, in particular, she was looking for.

She had a grudge to settle with the bastard that had sentenced her to death all those years ago, on no evidence and had uprooted her life within the Sith.

And it would not take long, her feet stopping on the roof and looking at a man with an orange saber in his hand. Her eyes glowed bright as she grinned wide and wanted to laugh, she had found him, had found the man she could blame for tearing apart her life with his kangaroo court.

The Sniper found her shoulder as she aimed, her body still without any need for aid from breathing techniques. She stared down the scope and without hesitation she lined it up on his skull. She expected this to fail but her anger at the man took over as she narrowed her eyes and placed a finger on the trigger. She wanted him dead, wanted him to suffer.

But Daeda spoke up and she calmed, her emotions falling back and replacing them with a calmness as she squeezed the trigger and the shot rang out. She did not hide herself, did not move, did not even shift aside from lowering the rifle and looking on from her position. And with one last thought, she projected her presence out to every one in the area, letting [member="Reverance"] know just who struck at him, if he would remember the presence. It had been years, and during that time she had been a very different woman, both in terms of looks but also in the force.

She was ready for this fight, even if it would end up taking everything she had.
POV: Solan Charr
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Ava Cartwright"] [member="Rayf Vigil"]
Republic Personel:

In System Fleet:

[*]Lance of Carida - Centurion Star Destoyer

[*]The Resolute - Centurion Star Destoyer (Heavily Damaged)
  • All Fighters destroyed

[*]The Haven - Billet II Class Cruiser

[*]The Hive - Billet II Class Cruiser (Damaged)

[*]The Nebula - Billet II Class Cruiser (Heavily Damaged)

Incoming Reinforcements:

Solan grinned when the arrival of the Rogue Squadron and [member="Rick Kaloo"]'s forces arrived, drawing the focus from his own ships and leaving him a moment of pause as he read over the reports. The shift in focus would bring cause for a large change in the imperial strategy and could bring the full might down on their forces before they were adequately set up. Thankfully the relief forces seemed to be held at the edge of the SSD's range... but that was only for so long.

Solan knew that would not last long and that was because he had fell victim to the admiral's tricks and he knew it would not be so easy to remain outside of the Imperial fleet's range for too long.

During the opening moments of the battle, Solan had found this out the hard way as the assault force used the gravity wells provided by the imperial forces to jump a fleet in right on top of his own ships, wiping out their escort ships in quick order and the heavier ships still only holding on just barely.

He had to make sure that the newcomers understood that such tricks were at play before the battle got close and tight like before.

His eyes turned on his comm officer, who nodded and tried to broadcast the message out to the other ships, waiting for him to be connected to any of those who had arrived so that he could deliver his message. And if that failed, an open broadcast would be released, letting his voice carry to everyone in the sector.

"This is Fleet Admiral Solan Charr of the New Republic. Be warned that the Imperial forces are able to use their interdictors to drop naval forces on top of your fleets. I repeat, be warned that-" It was then that he was cut off, the officer to his right motioning for his attention as the main fleet of the Imperial forces lurched forward and vanished.

It had been too late.


POV: Imperial Admiral Koth
Allied Forces: [member="Keira Cerdulan"]

1 Supremacy Class Dreadnought (No Submission)
2 Imperial II Class Star Destroyers
12 Victory II Class Star Destroyers
12 Dreadnaught Class Cruisers

The Admiral was surprised by the forces showing up into the sector, coming to help the New Republic rescue this planet and he looked to the side and smiled, nodding his head.

He had expected New Republic ships to arrive and was waiting as the interdiction fields produced by his fleet were shifted, allowing the bulk of his force to make their move. He would be interested in seeing how these new forces reacted to the ships of his blinking out of and into existence in a matter of seconds but it would be interesting.

There were a few concerns, mostly due to the fact that getting this close could lead to boarding actions by those who sought to remove his influence from the command of the battlefield, but such things were of minor concern. It would take a thousand Jedi of the old republic from the stories to take his ship. After all, his ship had capable shields and enough guns to wipe out any approaching boarding party. What the ship admittedly lacked in a crew, due to the ship's size, it would make up for with sheer firepower from the systems that he had focused on his crew occupying.

It was with that in mind that he ordered his ship to jump with the rest of the star destroyers, two seconds between the planes of existence by as the first shots from the Pickle Rick struck his hull, the Subjugator would vanish from sight.

Just as quickly as it disappeared, would it reappear, flanked by the two Imperial Star Destroyer IIs and the numerous Dreadnought and Victory II class cruisers that made up the fleet. Fighters and bombers that had been tearing apart the New Republic fleet repositioned and spread out like a net to try and envelope all those who would be positioned against the enemies of the Warlord.

And with a smile, the Imperial Admiral looked towards the New Republic fleet, barely on its last legs.

"Wipe out the enemies of the Warlord, starting with the bridge of that Flagship... Have the main battlegroup one tear apart that disgraceful excuse for a dreadnought." He directed one of the ISDs, along with a half dozen of Victory IIs and Dreadnoughts to turn on the Fleet commanded by [member="Rick Kaloo"], as the rest split their fire between [member="Amari Deechi"]'s and Rogue Squadron's fighters.

The Subjugator itself, turned on The Independence, cutting the communication from Solan Charr short, and tearing apart the ships bridge under a hail of laser fire, the shields of the Praetorian Class Star Destroyer giving way and the bridge being turned to ash as the weapons tore through.

(Provide a bit more story and action for the fleeters. The Imperial fleet under the admiral is in the middle of our fleets now, splitting its focus. The SSD is undermanned as pointed out and vulnerable to boarding if anyone wants to take a crack at it, you will be joined by Solan as the Independence is about to be made inoperative. The two Interdictors are still at the edge of battle as well, if anyone wants to go take out those, they are lightly escorted by some corvettes.)
The sky was on fire as the Battle for Corellia was well underway. Through the Force Darth Ayra could feel the death, the emotions, the pain of a world that had suffered. Corellia was unrecognizable to the planet she had visited in her youth. This was the first time that she was returning since then, and in the time between then and now Corellia had paid the price for it's defiance. Such was the nature of the Corellians and their steadfast resolve to never back down that the One Sith needed to send a message to the rest of the galaxy to what such defiance could cause them. Scarred and broken, the Corellians had made great strides to rebuild their planet since that war had come to pass. But it still wasn't what it used to be, and she wondered the political turmoil one could spin from the New Republic coming here to wage more war on it's soil. It was an interesting thought.

But such things were trivial in comparison to what had brought had Darth Ayra here. The needs for revenge, to destroy, filled the mind of the Sith Lord as she walked. She was Sith, a follower of the dark side, and this was what she was made to do. The political schemes and plots of Ella Nova were of importance to the Order but this was a far more important, she felt. Blind hot white rage filled Darth Ayra now, blocking out all other thoughts and emotions. Now was not the time to be rational, to be careful, to be cunning as she had to be on Humbarine. Now was the time to be the opposite of these things, and ensure that nothing survived.

As she approached the Green Jedi temple Darth Ayra smiled knowingly. She walked in the same footsteps of Darths Vupua and Exulae, though she did not have an apprentice at her side unlike her predecessor; and much like them she had taken a page out of their book, almost literally. She was coming to the temple as a representative of the New Republic, to represent interests that would help facilitate the rebuilding of Corellia. It was meant to be a secret meeting, but there was a possibility that the circumstances of the meeting had changed, given the battle happening overhead. Perhaps there were Green Jedi fighting now, joining the New Republic liberation efforts. That would make things complicated.

The temple doors opened as she approached, and five green robed Jedi approached her. She could sense their surprise. They had been expecting to meet a small Senator from Humbarine and not to be confronted by a black robed figure. She could sense their base thoughts that this was a trick, that somehow this obvious Sith had facilitated the meeting somehow. She could even sense some concern about the Senator they were supposed to meet.

The fools...


A blue Lightsaber spun into ignition before the assembled group of Green Jedi. Other Lightsabers activated, a mixture of their own green, blue and even yellow blades.

The Sacking of the Green Jedi had begun.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Rayf Vigil"] [member="Cuan Kunn"] [member="Rutar Nok"] [member="Loske Matson"] [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Honus Teach"] [member="Ava Cartwright"] [member="Aedan Lochlan"]

Rogue Squadron would soon find themselves engaged by a squadron of pilots in oddly painted ships. The craft were completely black, albeit with a single red stripe. These pilots were from the 1st Fleet, some of the Sith's elite, and had been sortied in their ships to engage Rogue Squadron during the defense of Corellia. Vanessa Vantai had chosen to bring in multiple fleet assets for use against the encroaching New Republic force, though she doubted they could withstand such engagement over a long period of time. The squadron was comprised of three wings - a space superiority wing flying standard TIEs equipped with hyperdrives, an interceptor wing fitted with the exceptionally maneuverable Forge-class interceptor, and an assault wing with the eight-gunned Eightgun assault fighter. The interceptors would draw back behind the assault fighters, who were behind the TIEs which would initially engage. The assault fighters would then move in on a pass and open up with their firepower while the Forges would use their superior maneuverability to engage any hostiles that attempted to tail the Eightguns. So long as the onslaught bled significantly, it would be worth it.

Alpha Squadron
Pilot | Ship Type | Hull |Shields
Alpha 1 | SI-TIE Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 2 | SI-TIE Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 3 | SI-TIE Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 4 | SI-TIE Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 5 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 6 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 7 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 8 | Forge-class Interceptor | 100 | 100
Alpha 9 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 10 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 11 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100
Alpha 12 | Eightgun-class Assault Fighter | 100 | 100

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Keira Cerdulan"]

A small group of Maldrood irregular fleet units would move to assist Keira Cerdulan's squadron against the enemy craft attacking them. Scans would reveal the fighters to be Mandalorian, their color patterns matching those of the Clan Australis fleet assets that had previously assisted the Commenori in regaining control of their homeworld. They were completely unaware of the cloaked Mandalorian ships within the proximity of the conflict as they launched squadrons to engage.

Maldrood Irregulars
Class | Name | Length | Shields | Hull | Weapons | Subsystems
Harrower-class Dreadnought | Sheol​ | 1400m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Tythos​ | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Knave​ | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Ascendant | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Vector | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100

36x SI-TIE Fighter(engaging Mandalorian fighters)
12x Eightgun-class Assault Fighter(engaging Mandalorian fighters)

[member="Rick Kaloo"]

At long range were other units - units that in particular were scanning the ships within Battlegroup Flare and modulating their weapons in preparation for a shock jump. While Saturn herself had been repaired after engaging the Commenori, she was not commanding this experimental task force. Instead, one of the new Saturn-type Battleships, an O-Variant, was, in concert with other hulls that had yet to be named but which were rushed to the front so they could assist in the Battle of Corellia. Four D-Variants flanked the O-Variant, along with two Silencers and five Massassi corvettes that had been assigned to the unit for monitor duty. In near-unison, after concluding their modulation, they would jump into close range with Battlegroup Flare and open fire. The O-Variant would be able to pull out and shock-jump if such a tactic became viable, but the D-Variants lacked the ability to shock-jump and were committed to the fight until their hyperdrives cooled down.

Sith Experimental Task Force
Saturn-type Battleship - O-Variant | EX-A​ | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Pickle Rick(modulated)
Saturn-type Battleship - D-Variant | EX-B​ | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Morty(modulated)
Saturn-type Battleship - D-Variant | EX-C | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Summer(modulated)
Saturn-type Battleship - D-Variant | EX-D​ | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Jerry(modulated)
Saturn-type Battleship - D-Variant | EX-E​ | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Beth(modulated)
Silencer-class Dreadnought | Knifefight | 1400m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Megaseed 1
Silencer-class Dreadnought | Caernavon | 1400m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Megaseed 2
Massassi-class Corvette | Aurek 1 | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Dimension 1
Massassi-class Corvette | Aurek 2 | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Dimension 2
Massassi-class Corvette | Aurek 3 | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Dimension 3
Massassi-class Corvette | Aurek 4​ | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Dimension 4
Massassi-class Corvette | Aurek 5​ | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 - Firing on Dimension 5

[member="Solan Charr"]

Vanessa Vantai was loathe to assist in Warlordism, but the fact that a Super Star Destroyer-scale warship was in the system and not under direct Sith control meant there was a critical situation afoot. The 92nd Bombard Squadron had been deployed to the area in full force to reinforce the Imperial position, and both the Ablution and Saturn were in-system, though currently staying back and out of the fight. The squadron would move to engage Solan's fleet and its reinforcements in full force.

92nd Bombard Squadron
Voracitos-class Bombardment Sphere | Judgement | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Voracitos-class Bombardment Sphere | Doomgiver | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Voracitos-class Bombardment Sphere | Formidable | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Voracitos-class Bombardment Sphere | Ackyuna | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Carrack II-class Frigate | Galvanizer | 400m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Vigil II-class Corvette | Keeper | 300m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Vigil II-class Corvette | Howlrunner | 300m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Vigil II-class Corvette | Banshee | 300m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Exterminator-class Heavy Corvette | Artemis | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Torrential | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Raze | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Scorpion​ | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Masanya​ | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Massassi-class Corvette | Eagle | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Exterminator-class Heavy Corvette | Blast Radius | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Exterminator-class Heavy Corvette | Halifax | 200m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Crater | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Tondar | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Dagger | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Phalanx | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Glazer | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Blackmist | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Scarlet Thranta | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Tachys-class Pursuit Corvette | Dagger | 150m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100

Independent Units
Pluton-class Battleship | Ablution | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Pluton-class Battleship | Saturn | 2000m | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100

[member="Ella Nova"]

Ayra would feel a familiar presence watching over her. While it was not manifesting, the familiarity was clear as daylight. Vanessa wanted to make herself known to her former apprentice, even as she sat and meditated within the meditation chamber of the Ablution.
Location: Corellia System
Objective: Infiltrate a Republic battleship and retrieve secret war plans for the Empire
Ship: TR-20

Asar quickly enters Corellian orbit, destroying any Imperial ship that got in his way. As he approached the Republic battleship he was shot down by a group of Imperial TIE fighters, Asar crash lands onto the planet's surface. He stumbled out of his now destroyed X-wing and then spotted Imperial troopers patrolling the surrounding area, he swiftly takes them out with his customized E-11 blaster rifle. He makes his way toward a city being attacked by imperial troopers, Asar manages to illude their blaster shots and runs toward the Corellian Starport entrance.

But suddenly he gets caught in a firefight between some Imperial troopers and Corellian Freedom Fighters. He quickly joins the fight taking out many of the Imperial soldiers. The soldiers call for backup and overpower the freedom fighters, he retreats to fight another day. As he runs toward a huge pile of rubble, Asar is shot in his leg. Injured he crawls into a nearly destroyed building to hide from the Imperial troopers.
Location: Corellia, Starport
Objective: 1 - Kill or be killed
Allies: No one
Enemies: Everyone, [member="Alexandra Feanor"] , [member="Myk Venture"], [member="The Elder Kashi"] , [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]

Those who fell before him, they died as they had lived. Removed from significance, without laurel or commendation. These were men and women, given the opportunity to run and instead, chose to fight for entities and groups that cared nothing for their sacrifice. It was the truest form the universe could take - uncaring, cold, calculating.

He stepped forward and cut the first soldier down that charged, frustrated his rifle had jammed on the 17th shot. The slump of mass that remained of his body, it stared idle towards the rafters above - blinking on electrical pulses in meaningless fervor. Another dragged himself across the floor, leaving a wake of red behind him, as he sought to console his comrade - two dying things, finding comfort in their last moments. It was an ideal that Reverance could appreciate because, for all they had done to make change, the bigger picture remained unmoved. The pawns would be lifted, either way, and placed accordingly.

He felt a cold chill run down his spine as he stepped back, recoiling from one of the Republic soldiers - a large one had lashed out with a baton, smacking the Sith Lord across the side of the head. He took another few steps back in dramatization, running the knuckle of his voxyn hand against the dribbling blood from his lip. His biot thirsted for blood - any wound would do. And then he felt that cold chill interface with the rest of his body, muted for the parts that couldn't know the force, and he stepped to right.

An energy bolt smacked against the pauldron of his armor, sending flecks and arcs of energy up against his neck. It scorched lattice marks and blueish white branches across his skin, from his clavicle up to the bottom of his jaw. As he exhaled, he was sure he could breath fire, as he focused his new Vong vision in the direction of the force signature. The large Republic soldier was, from the aperture of the universe and now from Reverance, nothing now. Extending his hand forward, Reverance gripped the man in a crushing vice grip that snapped his arms and legs like branches on a dead tree. With a turn and fling of his arm, he threw the wailing soldier in the direction of where the bolt originated - whether he made it or not, it didn't matter.

He couldn't place who it was on signature alone and from the distance, he could only make out so much. With the sailing consequence of trying to fight from afar, Reverance turned and charged the remaining soldiers with frightening speed and an ever increasing anger.
| [member="Vanessa Vantai"] |

Blinding neon lights of blue, green and yellow danced in the hot air as Darth Ayra and the Green Jedi engaged each other in Lightsaber combat. Standing on the balconies overlooking the combat were an assortment of children from varying races and backgrounds. Rodian eyes glimmered purple in a shimmering heat among the throng of other children, some Human, others Zabrak and even a Yin'chorri stood idly by, a fervor of emotion that filled the temple entrance as they watched their instructors fight their enemy to the death. As Darth Ayra leaped between her opponents, dodging strikes- some tactical, others basic- she quickly noted that these Jedi were not what the best that the Green Jedi Order had to offer her. She quickly summarized that these were mere teachers, elders in charge of training the new generation, whilst the more accomplished and skilled Jedi were currently elsewhere, probably engaging the Imperial occupiers they had long been holding out to usurp since their homeworld had been occupied.

In one on one combat Darth Ayra knew that she could have killed each of these Jedi without much effort. Imperceptible to the naked eye, the five Jedi and the Sith Lord they fought were fighting on a level that only those who were accomplished in using the Force could follow. As the dark side flowed through Darth Ayra so did the light in her opponents, and as a consequence, the strikes that they each traded with each other were timed in a mixture of instinct, emotion and guidance from the Force. But with each strike that was traded Darth Ayra noted that her opponents were just a second or two slower than she was. In single combat it would have been easy for her to dissect each of these men and women, but as a group, the Green Jedi were timing their strikes, parries and blocks in concert with each other. As their Sith opponent moved in for a beheading on one, and a chop that would have severed the right hand of another, their allies moved in, using the Force to time their movement and effectively stopped each strike from landing so that their ally would survive to continue on fighting.

As Darth Ayra quickly came to realise the gap in the skill between her and her enemies they too quickly came to that understanding as well. In the first minute of fighting the Green Jedi had tried to use their extra numbers to overwhelm their enemy quickly, knowing that their greater number gave them a greater advantage than their individualized opponent. But that had nearly cost them, with only a well timed double bladed block from Rousa, a Cathar Jedi Knight, and the help of Elisa, a Human woman from Coronet City, coming at the last moment to save Edgar's life. As Edgar rolled away, swearing expletives that would have made even other Corellians blush, Rousa had timed a well placed kick to send the Sith staggering backwards into the stab that was coming at her back from Tobias. But instead of meeting flesh the elderly Jedi Master had almost ran into his allies as she had used the motion of her fall to quickly somersault over him and down behind him, safely away from the other Jedi who were quickly mobilizing themselves for another attack.

Knowing that their only way to gain victory was to tire their opponent long enough so that they could use their greater numbers to their advantage, the Green Jedi surrounded Darth Ayra, using the Force to sync themselves together in order to time both their attacks and defenses in a coordinated fashion. Coming to this realization herself Darth Ayra allowed her emotions to swirl themselves through her as she prepared for an even greater assault. Sensing the build up of power coming from the Sith, both Rousa and Edgar moved in with Elisa, Tobias and a Rodian called Potus moving in on the flank to defend them from any sudden attacks. Leaping in, both Cathar and man attempted to swat Darth Ayra clean off her feet with the swings of the Lightsabers, but the motion was too basic, too slow to catch her. Before they landed Darth Ayra had leaped out of the way, acrobatically moving among the group of Jedi far quicker than she had the previous times.

Caught off guard by the sudden and unexpected ferocity of the attack, both Rousa and Edgar tried to pull out of their attack in order to turn and protect Potus, who they sensed was the target of the Sith. But instead of parrying the flurry of attacks from the Sith they found themselves hearing the sickening crunch of sinew and bone breaking as Darth Ayra feinted her attack and instead reversed the back of her Lightsaber hilt into the back of Elisa's head, sending her down to the floor in a bloody spasm. As Elisa dropped her Lightsaber, the light extinguishing momentarily, Darth Ayra reached out with the Force and caught the blade an invisible hand, causing the blade back into ignition and sending it flying around in a wild slash at the feet of both Rousa and Edgar. But before it could do damage, Tobias reached out with his own powers and sent both of them flying backwards with the Force before the blade could hit.

Buying his allies only a few more seconds of life, Darth Ayra quickly turned around and made him pay for saving the life of his friends. If Tobias had been trained in the ways of the dark side, as she had, then he might have caught onto the fact that his opponent's back had been exposed for a split fraction of a few crucial seconds as she had manipulated the blade of Elisa to attack them. If he had just sacrificed the legs of both his comrades, Tobias could have ended the fight then and there. But instead he had used his reflexes not to accomplish victory but had used them to save his friends lives, and it had just cost them all the fight. As Rousa and Edgar flew backwards, safely away from Elisa's Lightsaber, Darth Ayra moved in blinding speed, quickly disarming Potus of his Lightsaber with a slash that destroyed the Rodian's weapon before turning and using the velocity of her swing to cleave Tobias in half.

A scream that none of the Green Jedi had heard before escaped Tobias's lips as he collapsed to the floor in a cauterized mess, the space between his left shoulder and chest opened by Ayra's blade. Before Edgar or Rousa were on their feet, Darth Ayra had turned to catch Potus in a violent storm of Sith lightning that lifted him off his feet and into the wall behind him, where he shook and convulsed against the stone as his eyes were burned from the inside out by the power of the dark side. Another sickening crunch echoed through the temple hallway as Darth Ayra stomped down onto Elisa's head, ending her life as well, leaving just two of the remaining masters left.

"Quick! Run!" Edgar shouted up to the balconies as he lifted his Lightsaber in defense. Darting in all directions the younglings ran into rooms, looking for places to hide. As they scattered and ran, Darth Ayra lifted her eyes to the Green Jedi just as she felt it. Somewhere, here on Corellia, was her former Sith Master. She was surprised when she felt the presence of Darth Pandeima. They had last spoken to each other several months ago on Ambria, and they had parted as enemies, with Ayra promising to end her life once and for all. Suddenly, with renewed vigor at the prospect of an opportunity to end Pandeima's life, Darth Ayra charged at Rousa and Edgar to finish them off. With their numbers dwindled down to just two instead of five, both of them did not stand a chance.

In a quick and violent flurry of strikes Darth Ayra was standing on top of their bodies, her body aching from the duel, but her emotions swelling with the victory she had just claimed. This one is for you, Ayra thought to herself as she turned to find the younglings in the temple.
Asar decided it was time to leave Corellia and get back into orbit, limping he snuck past the squadron of Imperial troopers and made his way back to the Corellian spaceport. He crept inside the spaceport and traveled to the hangar where all the ships were kept. Suddenly he was spotted by a group of Imperial guards, they immediately opened fire on him and he limped over to take cover but was shot in the shoulder by an Imperial blaster, the guards slowly walk toward him to check if he was still alive, Then Asar shot all three imperial guards, he crawled over to an X-wing and hopped inside. Asar used the ship's missiles to blow a hole in the Hangar doors. Soon after he flew back in orbit of Corellia, he approached the Republic battleship. He requested access to board the Republic ship when inside he was quickly rushed to the medical room due to his injuries. The Republic used a 2-1B medical droid on the injured soldiers including him. The medical officers found out he was not a Republic soldier, he was actually a bounty hunter wanted for many crimes. The Admiral onboard the battleship put him on a cruiser and sent him to a maximum security prison on Coruscant.
Location: Heading towards the Starport
Objective: 1 - Move onto the Starport
Allies: New Republic, [member="Alexandra Feanor"], [member="Myk Venture"], [member="The Elder Kashi"], [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Amari Deechi"]
Enemies: [member="Reverance"] | Imperial Sith - [member="Belphaegor"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] | Te Veman - [member="Ravik Munin"] [member="Hana Munin"] [member="Magnus Vizsla"] [member="Meshla Munin"]
Equipment: Armor, Side Arm, Blade

-- Kicking an enemy into a stand up stall as the vendors goods flew about like birds in flights he held the sharp vibroblade in one hand and this large Blaster Pistol in the other. The Imperial Soldier laying there had learned a good lesson in thinking he was just another politician. He quickly pressed on as he stuck the blade in the belly of another solder that got too close, the pistol was taking pot shots at the others. It was now becoming a street by street fight as he continued to claw his way to the Port. After all that was where the main push was going for and where he could regroup with the other forces.

-- His blood was rushing now, it was like no other high he could get being in a battlefield again. His eyes zipped from one enemy's dead body to another as he slashed and pulled the trigger. This was his second home, the fresh smell of burning flesh from laser fire and blood soaked rubble. The pinpoint eyes he already had were nearly invisible as he had complete focus on the environment around him. Chit it felt too good to let it go.

-- The visible earphone of the Comlink that allowed him to communicate with his protectors and high command was dangling from his armor. It was then that he finally stopped to look at was he was finally closing in on.

-- Imperial Space Port.

-- It was this time in the split second of a near laughable chuckle that the Vice Chancellor was struck in the chest by a Blaster Bolt from some long rifle near the Space Port. He shrugged it off as he brushed the scorch mark with his hand holding the blaster. Then pointing it at a distant window and pulling the trigger. The Reptilian knew he hit the target, so he continued to job on with the Republic Marines and Republic Knights that were catching up to him. He spotted something he did not figure to see here, something that he heard was the case, but never thought to see it.

-- Mandalorains.

-- Well this would be a rather fun experience, it had been some time since he had a good fight with Mandalorian. The only one who came to his mind was the Warmaster [member="Kaine Australis"]. He slew any soldier that was stupid enough to get in his way, his blood was boiling now and nothing was getting in the way of his current objective. The Politician was in full soldier mode, he was getting tired of these pawns he has had to send to the afterlife. The Marines were knocking over anything they could use as cover and one squad was pushing a burnt out speeder as a portible firing posistion. He was closing in on the Space Port with his small force, not enough to overrun the building, but enough to cause some trouble. Hell, he was enough for that.

-- He stood in the middle of the street as he pushed the activation button on a grenade and tossed it towards the Port. It exploded and caused a few Imps to go flying. Some of his Force Users finally caught up to him and started to deflect Blaster Bolts. "Chancellor, you are in too much danger here, we mu-"

-- Tobias lifted up his blade in a stop hand singal, then looked at the one speaking to him, "We are here to liberate this planet, if hiding saves them all, then I will do it, otherwise we attack that place.... Now."

-- The Group of Fighters started to make another push for the Starport.

New Republic Troopers:

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