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The Baying of the Hound ( Mandalorian Domininon of Ord Radama)


Harley was down on the planet, with a legion of sith troops. When the word came mandalorains where in bound, for some reason she thought they where on the starboard bow, on some ship called enterprise. Though that would just break the laws of physics, she sent word to the sith. She sent message to one [member="Darth Veles"], The mandalorians are coming to ord-radama, please advise on what you wish me to do. She hoped he would pass word on to other sith, and see if they could get her help. People like [member="Darth Ferus"] might be interested in helping her here
Location: Ord Radama: New Raido (Capitol)
Objective: Conquest
Post Count: 2/20
OOC: Sorry for the huge delay in reply.

No matter how many times Strider had fallen from the skies mounted on a Basilisk, it always felt like the first time. The adrenaline rush as man and machine crack the skies above a would be war zone, like gods rolling on magnificent beasts of burden. The danger and thrill was far more proficient in getting the blood bumping then stri'agra, as the skies would light up with AA fire. Death could come at any moment, all it took was a lucky shot and the old man would of been nothing more then dust in the sky.

Unfortunate for the citizens of New Raido, they were not that lucky. Many mandos died in the skies and their names would be remembered and honored, just won't be Strider's name yet. The hound of keldabe and his beast from hell hit ground side, weapons blazing and laying death into those that were in his arc of fire. He was indiscriminate with his targeting for those in the open had many chances to surrender to the Mandalorians. In the three days that The Field Marshal had this planet besieged they made it clear they were not surrendering. So anyone that was Strider saw not wearing beskar'gam and portraying IFF tags were slotted for death.

Mandalorians were a force to be reckoned with. A entire culture based on and built for war and righteous combat. Each individual warrior did not need to be micromanaged in battle. They all were trained from a young age to get the job done. So when Strider hit ground side, he did not need to bark orders and command his men in the formal way that other military commanders had to do. They all new what needed to be done and the Field marshal was pretty much a figure head that lightly directed warriors in a direction he wished for them to go.

So in turn this freed up the field marshal's time table to indulge in the fray of combat. He trusted his vode to the fullest.


"Hull plating?

"There you are!"

Her grin widened.

"Some of it's plain duracrete though.."

"Yeah mate, 'cause we're not where we're goin' yet."

"Now do we get to know what we're doing? Since we guessed right and all?"

"I suppose so! This is Harrower remains your walkin' on."

This provoked a pause for a moment as this semi-cryptic information was considered.

"Harrower.. Like the ship class?"

"Yeah, exactly like that. This bugger got shot down way back when, landed on some might important people who likley had mighty important things. When folks decided to rebuild, they built right over their old city, and the ship what squashed it."


"Well I mean, I'm sure they tore some of it apart, we've seen that, but yeah. They just got done a war, they weren't feelin' fancy and likely didn't have the resources."

"So they just built over it."

"Yeah. Half of these basements are Old City remnants. Didn't you wonder why a basement needs a window what doesn't have a view?"

"I.. did not."

"Well now you know."
Location: Drop pods
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Levy Willamina"] [member="Noah Corek"]
Enemies: We have those?
Post Count: 2/20

Aedan yawned in his seat as the pods were launched from the ship leaning his head forward he half closed eyes eyes muttering to his clans men. "Wake me up when we land. I am going to take a nap." That got a chuckle from most of them as the relaxed in their seats. Sure drop pods were more dangerous than most methods of transportation but there was no going back now. In total there were 8 drop pods containing the majority of Clan Akaata's fighting force that was with Aedan. The rest of them were off doing something somewhere else probably keeping an eye on Aedan's son making sure he wasn't doing anything stupid. But for now their leader was here to fight another battle because why not. His weapons were arrayed on his belt with his saber staff on his back laying across his lap was his L3 rivergun.
Location: Ord Radama: New Raido (Capital)
Objective: Conquest
Post Count: 3/20

Smoke began to bellow from the city as the mandalorian invasion force got to work on doing what they do best. New Raido's streets were now a scene of violence, a urban nightmare that war has brought upon the metropolis. Field Marshal Strider Garon would lead his squad of basilisk mounted warriors up one of the main veins of the city. Discarded and destroyed speeders along with military and police vehicles of varying classes were also present with obvious clues to their destruction. The initial attack had left what organized defenders reeling from the their positions, giving the Mandalorians the initiative thus far. But Strider was no fool, his weary but sharp eyes would keep focus for he knew that there would be strong pockets of resistance lead by unrelenting patriots that could cause issues. The old man new not to underestimate the desire not to be conquered and the pure will to defend such freedom or the pure blood lust to exact revenge upon the many dead. All were such factors that were running through the Marshal's thought process as his metal mount continued forward.

The order to kill off all fighting age males was tactic used to create absolute fear amongst the populace and quell future resistance in this campaign. Survivors of this battle will venture out seeking refuge in other population centers on this world and off world and the stories, either in truth or over exaggerate will paint a picture of beskar clad monsters. So when the next time the field marshal approaches the next system, the chances of surrender will vastly increase. Psychological warfare in its many forms was just one of the many tools a commander had at his disposal, but such was more effective when there was evidence behind the threat to prove that said commander is not bluffing.

Such a slaughter was not honorable work and there would be backlash from his fellow vode on such action. Ideals were peaceful but history is violent. A burden he will bare alone. His basilisk stepped over the lifeless body of a young male teen. Strider would look upon the body visualising his countless sons. He wasn't a true monster not to have such carnage affect him. He has been veteran to many bloody campaigns but his saving grace was that he was not numb to the horrors. These images will haunt him to the day he died, ruining his sleep as his soul battled with the guilt. so was the saga of a soldier. But he would not let such to paralyze him. War was cruel, the crueler it was the faster it was over, was what he kept telling himself.

Strider's basilisk thoughtlessly stepped on the body of the deceased teen and Strider's world was erupted in explosion. The old man was flung from the crippled beast, landing hard a few meters away. Dazed and confused, he laid on his back looking into the skies as blaster fire erupted around him as his squad of riders had triggered a ambush. His helmet washed out the sonic destruction of the blast, so he could hear the explosions and battle around him. But he could not move his body..........
Halik Falkosi stood atop a roof in the middle of a region of New Raido which was a relatively established staging ground. Basilisks still descended from the sky across the horizon leaving destruction where they fell. Honorless, was all that Halik could think about as he surveyed the battle ground through his visor. It was nothing but a slaughter and disgustingly done so. Some tactless fool was ordering for the slaughter of all potential fighting age males. It was disgraceful. Such slaughter engendered no potential for the clans to grow. It was a wasteful slaughter. Mandalorians would die this day, they would kill many more, but stand no chance of gaining new brethren.

The opponents today also were not the strongest around. It was a relatively weak race which populated the majority of this planet. They generally would make for poor potential brethren, but such slaughter could turn off other prospects. The negative impact was great, but who was Halik to interfere? No one as far as this collection of Mandalorians were concerned. No one who was filled with a dilemma. He could join the slaughter and participate in an honorless event, remain at the edge and judge those around him, or he could try and see this wasteful slaughter ended. The planet could be taken without it. However, infighting just weakened the Mandalorians and he did not desire to become a part of that pettiness either.

Perhaps he could find a battlefield on this planet that actually held honor and meaning. He doubted it though...

[member="Bestala Vizsla"]
The sound of a screeching jet pack could easily reach [member="Halik Falkosi"]'s ears. Seconds later, the metal plop of two feet landing on top of a rooftop rang out. Bestala had arrived and stood to his left. She stared at Halik through her visor after tapping her hand on the right side of it. She wore armor made of Mandalorian Iron - just as any other of her kind. Her helmet revealed part of her head - specifically her mouth and face. There was a violet hue to some of the lights and hoo-dads of her armor.

A half-second had passed before she spoke the first words.

<Falkosi?> she said as if a question.

As she lowered her right hand from her visor, Bestala asked in the Mandalorian tongue, <Something on your mind? To be keeping you here?>
Halik heard his clan name from over his shoulder and he looked around. While his helmet could display at 360 degrees, it was a rather annoying way to view the world so he typically kept it off unless actually in combat. The words that followed were spoken entirely in Mandalorian, a tongue which, despite having grown up in Mandalorian space, was still a bit difficult for him. Still he knew enough to be able to respond. He pointed out towards a street some distance away, "I just watched as an unarmed adolescent was killed, cowering in fear at some 'warrior'. It was obvious he was not a combatant. Witnessed the same all across the city. This is a bloodbath... and an honorless one. You come from a proud and long lasting clan, Vizsla, you were not taught this kind of behavior, correct?"

[member="Bestala Vizsla"]
Location: Ord Radama
Objective: Conquest
Post Count: 5/20

The sound of the transport as it went over one of the ridge brought her attention and she stayed on the cannon as they came over small ridge bouncing up and then down with the splat of something under them before they were charging through the one section of the building. Levy let out a woop woop before firing the cannon into one of the enemies strider had her going after before she pounded her chest. "hell yeah, lets keep it up and for the hound."
“Oh,” replied Bestala as she looked at [member="Halik Falkosi"]’s visor.

For a moment after Halik’s answer, Bestala looked down from the building at the chaos below. She immediately saw a similar incident as what Halik described. She clicked her tongue and turned her gaze back to Halik’s face.

“My father only responded like this once as far as I saw. To a primitive village on a backwater planet that terrorized a few villages he was fond of,” Bestala said to Halik, “Maybe these people did something similar.”

Then, Bestala gave her holstered blaster pistol a pat and continued with, “Your weapon can be set to stun, right? Wouldn’t it be a sign of greater strength to be able to capture prey without killing them?”
Location: City of New Raido
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] and other mandos
Objective: Avoid all Willamina's if any are here.

Aedan Miles stepped out of the drop pod as it hit he ground and stretched looking around before whistling lightly to get his men's attention nodding towards the city center. The men nodded and grabbed their gear starting to move quickly as they flitted along the edges of the street knowing that their pods wouldn't attract as much attention as those who were fighting now. Hopefully they could get behind whatever force the others were fighting and supply them with aid until then they moved tactically through the city towards the sounds of combat stopping only once on the way. That stopped involved them running into what looked to be a small military unit from the planet heading away from the combat shaking his head Aedan lifted his hand up before making a fist and dropping the fist in the direction of the enemy. That was when his men opened up from their cover firing into the group of men. After a moment Aedan stepped out starting to walk towards the men he drew the saberstaff from his back igniting both ends and spinning the weapon its violet blade springing to life to reveal the black core hidden within it. Walking towards them he held the weapon out to his side calmly.
He ran a finger along the grip of his holstered blaster. His actually did not have any switches for stunning his opponents. Never had a need. He only ever intended to utilize a blaster to kill. If he were hunting to capture something he would simply utilize a different weapon for the situation. His armor had other tools for subduing a target.

Ultimately he had to shrug, "Unarmed and cowering civilians are hardly prey. No, and if only they had been assaulting our people maybe then it would be justified to decimate them... however this is borderline genocide. Honorlessly executed at that. If only we were striking at the Primeval..." Halik hungered for that conflict. A real one. One to rival when the Mandalorians finally got involved in the Republic's war against the Sith Empire so many years ago.

[member="Bestala Vizsla"]
Senator of Vaklin, 1st Siskeeni Advisor

The man moved through alley ways leading a group of children, women, old men, and young men. These were innocents in the war that raged around him. He had come to lend aid, both as a mandalorian and as a witch. Light durasteel armor over a fiberweave body suit was the defense of the day, easily worn under his knee length, black leather jacket. Pushing a door open he ushered the noncombatants inside. "Go to the basement and stay. It will be over soon." The line moved in and headed down the stairs.

Once they were all in he placed a hand against the seam of the metal door and frame and closed his fiery eyes. The metal super heated and welded together locking them in and others out. Then he moved down the alley once more unfettered by innocents. The staff he carried had a spike on one end and a spear like tip at the end of the two meter long tool he used. No blood from combat stained his weapons or armor. He had come to support the dominion but his moral code would not allow him to partake of the wanton blood shed upon all men of fighting age. He would fight and kill armed and hostile enemies but he would not commit to the wholesale slaughter of what he considered innocents.

At the mouth of the alley he stood in shadows, watching as a squad of mandalorians with their metal mounts went by. He recognized the clan markings on several of the droids which clarified that they belonged to clan Garon. Preparing to head back into the alley and away he paused as he felt a tingling in the force. Before he could open his mouth in warning several anti tank missiles launched into the squad tearing into the armored mounts and scattering men and women through the air by the kinetic force of the explosions. Fire, shrapnel and blaster bolts pierced the air as a horde of soldiers sprung the ambush.

Stepping into the roadway Derek's right hand pulled the 48. from it's holster under his left arm and tracked three soldiers running at a fallen vode with blasters aimed and murder in their eyes. Three shots, three gentle squeezes on the trigger of the Enforcer pistol, and the three soldiers went down lifelessly. Running over to the downed vod Derek knelt, ducking blaster fire, to check on the man. "Vod, are you with me?" Another two rushed them mandalorians as Derek watched the ambush unfold. But the slight prickling at the nape of his neck warned him of the two at his back and he stood, spinning while extending his left arm allowing the spear end of the staff to slice through both the attackers' necks.

Dropping back to a knee he rapped on the downed man's buy'ce. "Are you with me ner vod?"

[member="Strider Garon"]
Location: Ord Radama: New Raido (Capital)
Objective: Conquest
Post Count: 4/20

"Ni cuyir jate!" «I am good» The old man growled as his senses and wits came back, giving the young warrior over top of him a thumbs up. He would roll over and stumble to his feet, EE-3 carbine rising to action. Strider and his retinue of mandalorian warriors and droid mounts were still in a killzone and ambush set by by the resistance. They were surrounded on either side, a few mando'ad laid lifeless in the center of the main road while those still capable of fighting were giving the enemy hell.

"No rest for me today!" Strider nodded to the mando that had aided him, [member="Derek Dib"] . Then the battered field marshal would advance to the right side of the road where the heavy blaster fire was cutting into his ranks. An E web blaster was set up on the third floor of the apartment. Strider would send the target information to the closest basilisk rider to eliminate. Few seconds later said Mando and robotic mount unleashed death upon the location was a volley of multiple ordinance that vaporized the targeted apartment.

"Mop em up!' The old man would shout as the resistance fighters began their retreat. They were not prepared for such tenacity and their lines broke. Now it was time to move in for the kill. There was no mercy to be had today. Strider himself would cut into the fleeing patriots with his carbine, bringing death to those that dared to stand against the Mandalorians the might of Clan Garon.
[3/20] Posted on the wrong account, don't care, y'all know who I meant to be, I'm not editing as it would add to our post count, frig that.

"It does explain some of the architectural incongruities."


"Incongruities, osik what don't make sense."

"I know what it means! I'm just surprised he used it slummin' around down here with us."

"Just 'cause we don't all use the big words don't mean we don't know 'em."

"Beraga has the largest vocabulary of any living Mandalorian."

"What? I've only ever heard him speak like, twenty words!"

"Just 'cause he don't choose to use 'em.."

"How would you even know?! ..wait.. you're fething with me."

"You make it so easy."

"Kark you guys."

"You keep trying, she keeps saying no, and you know you're not my type."

"Wall. Jidte, what's past it?"

"More hollow space, I assume the basements continue."

"Good enough for me, bring it down."

A carefully controlled application of det strip, the precision with which it was measured and applied contrary as always to the otherwise irreverant and unprofessional actions of Buruk Squad soon saw the impending wall brought down. While the building would no doubt have experienced tremors, structurally it was largely undamaged.

"I feel like there's been more Durasteel."

"Ayuh, reckon we're getting close."

"What are we after exactly?"

"Well, we're heading for the command center. Might still be usable data to salvage."

"Between being brought out of the sky, built over, and left for years on planet in atmo that's a pretty big might."

"That's true."

"You say that like you're not worried."

"'Cause I ain't."

"Then you're after something else too."

"Eh, yes and no. I'm not after anything in particular, but I know who all was on this ship, and they likely had some fun toys. Even if they're not useful, we can pawn 'em to a collector."

"Who was it?"

"Y'all just want the answers handed right to ya don't you?"

"No, wait I can find this."

"Oh you set him a challenge now, make sure he doesn't walk into any walls while he's reading."

"Pft, he's in armour, he'll be fine."

"Walls might not be."

"I don't live here, I don't care.""


"What's it look like under us now?"

"Uuuh, hollow."

"Good, then let's cut down into it and go through the ship, probably faster than knocking out all these friggin' walls."

This took some time. Durasteel shiphull was still durasteel ship hull, but in the long run it would be much faster than having to keep knocking down wall after wall as they inched forward. Eventually however, they dropped down into a corridor of the long crippled Harrower. It was dark, but the basements had been as well. The lights the Squad carried lit up the immediate area and helmet sensors helped with the rest.

"It's not really much different than the basements, but.."

"Gives y'the bloody jeebies don't it?"

La asked cheerfully.

"Well I dunno I'd put it like that but yeah."

"Could just be me, 'cause I spent a lot of time on ships, but I reckon it's half cause basements are supposed to be underground and creepy, that's what y'expect. Ships are meant to be kept in good working order and up in the air. If they ain't, y'got a problem and are likely gonna die."

"Well that's cheerful."

"Could be accurate though."

"Dunno about the reasons, just know about the jeebies."

"Jeeb away, but let's keep goin."

"Even floors are a nice change anyway."


"I found it!"


"I figured out who was Captaining this ship! It was hard as feth! Do you know how much history has been lost with all the disasters? It's not as easy as just looking things up! You have to actually research and follow leads, and I found it!"

"You realize that the fact that we're here means La did the exact same thing."

"Not really all that impressive."

"I think I might be insulted."

"Osik. I didn't mean it like that."

"Y'would bloody think with the number of times y'all go on about how surprised you are by how smart I am that eventually you'd stop being surprised. I don't care, it just probably says somethin' about your own intellects. I'm just sayin'."

"She has a point."

"I- can't really argue that."

"I didn't know you were so interested in history though La!"

"I'm interested in history when it's got stuff for me to steal and make credits off of. Otherwise I'm not."


"You've crushed his dreams of starting his own little bookclub La."

"He can start it, I just ain't likely to attend."

"I'll go if there's food."

"You're going to have to pick books with pictures and small words Sasc."


"I know!"
Location: Ord Radama: New Raido (Capital)
Objective: Conquest
Post Count: 5/20

"Move in, lets clear this apartment complex!' Strider growled into the squad coms. Obviously the apartment wasn't clear for there was moments ago a E Web nested in aid of the resistance ambush. Field Marshal Garon would be the first to enter the living complex's main entrance, his Carbine at the ready to cut down any threat or fighting age male that his sights bared upon. Such was the order of the day. Mandalorians tactically followed him in, forming up in rolling T formation. They were nothing more then a kill squad.

Three youth males cut across from them and without hesitation the fireteam ripped into the youths without mercy or prejudice. This wasn't personal, it was just business and death was the transaction of war. They got to down bodies of the youth, Strider could hear the wails coming across the corridor. The cries was of a female human who just had watched her children get murdered before her. She thrusted outwards, no worries to the danger she had thrown herself into as she lunged at the fallen bodies. Mad in grief she was, the thought of putter her out of her mersery crossed the Warlord's mind. It would of been an act of mercy for no being should have to bare witness to their children's death.

Strider's carbine's barrel rose, aimed square at the woman's forehead. She looked up, straight into the old man's visors. Her eyes swelled with ever flowing tears of sadness and inferno hate of the beskar warriors. Strider being a father of many could empathize with the woman's pain that very moment. Little did she know that it was Strider that had given the order for slaughter. He was now locked in her dreadful gaze, she began to plead to end it, to kill her. Strider squeezed his trigger and sent a bolt straight through her forehead.

"Keep moving" He growled as he lead the squad to the next room.

By now they were fairly deep into the ship, and no longer in the maintenance corridors right next to the hull. There was debris, dust, and occasionally the had to pry open or cut through jammed doors, but the going was relatively smooth.



This query was largely unnecessary, considering the comment was followed by the light and hum of blaster fire cutting through the stale air.


The Squad ducked through the nearest doorway. A small cabin, four bunkbeds, two on either wall. A stain on one of the beds and a few scraps of metal and leather suggested that someone had died there and rotted away. This was not of much importance however.

"I only saw three of 'em."

"I read five, two with fluctuating power output though, so they're not operating at peak capacity."

"Didn't much reckon they'd be operating at all."

"Five droids isn't a real threat though is it?"

"Nah, plus it means there really might be some recoverable info, so this is a good thing! Just means we'll have t'pay more attention. If there's these ones there's likely t'be more."

"And if they still have any kind of networking enabled they may have just signalled every other droid left in this ship."

"We could get swarmed!"

"Nah, there can't be that many. Folks built over the bloody thing. We're only getting 'em 'cause we're in deep. Actually this is extra good."

"Why. Please. Share more of your piratical wisdom with us and tell me why droids trying to kill me is good."

"I'm gonna ignore that sarcasm. It's good 'cause it means no one else fought through them and looted the place."


"Ha! You should just bow before her piratical wisdom."

"Is that going to be a thing now?"

"It's a thing."

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