Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Beacons Are Lit ( Galactic Alliance Dominion of Chandrila & Botor )

Sor-Jan Xantha

Post 4 of 20
Air Objective B: Sith Interdiction Fleet Incoming
Tagging: [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Vale Endriss"]

Corellia Digital Fleet
1x Ruisto-class Exploration Vessel (Epistellar Jovian)
8x Niathal-class shuttles
4x Corellia Defense Multi-Vector Self-Propelled Battle Droids

"Disengage your vessel's engines immediately."

A boarding action outside of One Sith territory?

And the Sith were manuevering away from the Galactic Alliance starfighters. At this point, it seemed they were singling the corporate frigate out. Not at all what he'd expected from them. A bit worrying, in fact.

"Raise shields."

That wasn't going to go over well. But the small Anzat wasn't going to trust blindly in any good faith on the part of the Sith either. "Sith vessels, I repeat. We are a commercial vessel operating in interstellar space." Emphasis on the last part. This was not part of the One Sith territorial space. Feth, this wasn't even in the One Sith Exclusive Economic Zone... this was the territorial space of another sovereign planet. If it were the Chandrila authorities who were making the demands...

But it wasn't.

"Bring us to two-four-one mark three," the boy snapped, directing a turn to port. That would give their own port-side turbolaser batteries line of sight. The Ruisto might not pack a lot of punch, but with Mon Calamari inspired dual-layer shielding, she could take abuse and shell out a decent broadside in return.

As the Sith shuttles approached close aboard, the boy gave a final word of warning. "Any attempted boarding action in interstellar space will be construed as hostile intent and we will defend our right to freedom of navigation."

As if they weren't already hostile enough. The boy expected the first shots to be fired any moment now. Turning toward the protocol droid at the communications terminal, the boy said, "Send a distress signal to the Silver Sanctum Coalition." Carried on the encrypted CD-X network, that would go to the attention of the Coalition Fleet ([member="Valiens Nantaris"]) and the Order of the Silver Jedi ([member="Coci Heavenshield"]), as well as corporate allies at Sasori Research ([member="Matsu Ike"]), and Firemane ([member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]). It was doubtful that any of them might be nearby, but there was no harm in making the effort.

Plus, they were a lot closer than allies in the Kathol Outback.

"And then contact the Nadesico and tell them to get their ass up here."

Suddenly, a sleepy hyperlane survey was about to become a really, really bad day at work...
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)
Location: Chandrila system near asteroid cluster
Objective: Seek and destroy terrorist prison ship & Combat Air Patrol
Allies: GA/Rogue Squadron
Enemies: NPC Zegg Brimhold & incoming Sith fleet
Updated Sitrep: One Flight/Leader - [member="Alexandra Russo"] 1, [member="Choli Vyn"] 7, [member="Vale Endriss"] 8 ; Two Flight/Leader - [member="Asmus Janes"] 9; [member="Devyn Lynton"] 17, & [member="Cal Sedaire"] 19 (temporary ID)

While Alleycat was waiting for the prison ship to reply to her command, Rusty relayed the latest news coming in from dirt side.

"You have got to be kidding… The hostages too?! Well keep me posted. This is getting out of hand quicker than a soap bar in a communal shower," Alex commented to her R2 unit, though wasn't sure what she'd meant. It just sounded funny to her. The Taanabian was burnt out and running close to the red line. R & R was needed and fast.

A tick later the response from the prison ship was made. The angry man on the comms made the Commander's position just that much harder to carry out. Apparently he was abusing the GA hostage aboard.

:: If you come anywhere near this ship with those fighters of yours, you'll be shot out of your cockpit. You've got a lot of guts, I'll give you that, but you wouldn't want to risk this would you?! ::

Russo was just about to give her own reply when a blossoming warhead came out of nowhere and hit the prison ship… Could that of been, no… maybe. The Rogue had never seen the 5th in action, but perhaps that was an insertion. She was impressed. if it was.

[ Rogues… Concentrate on disabling the prison ship. Looks like Superman just joined us and breeched the vessel, ] Rogue Leader keyed to the rest of the squadron.

[member="Logen Brunner"] [member="Gideon Raith"] [member="Zonia Kalranoos"]
Location: Chandrila system near asteroid cluster
Objective: Seek and destroy Blockade!
Allies: GA/Rogue Squadron
Enemies: NPC Blockade
Updated Sitrep: One Flight/Leader - [member="Alexandra Russo"] 1, Choli Vyn 7, [member="Vale Endriss"] 8 ; Two Flight/Leader - [member="Asmus Janes"] 9; @ Devyn Lynton 17, & [member="Cal Sedaire"] 19 (temporary ID)

Choli was already locking her S-Foils into attack position. Her starfighter gave a slight hum as the familiar x shape snapped into place.

Her HUD swung in front of her view, and the sight picture bloomed for her to see.

[ Firing at will.] she chirped out. Behind her, R4 gave a series of beeps and boops. Something about that this was not a good idea and that we had incoming.

“Yeah well, we are kinda the incoming,” she quipped out, the right corner of her mouth twitching upwards. Swinging port side, a bogey came into her field of vision. From beyond her yellow tinted helmet, her eyes narrowed.

“Here we go!” she said, pulling the trigger back as she sent a volley of laser fire at him.


[ 09 ]

Liliane was still not close to the canyons, but she could already sense some darkness around. The man whom she had followed was now nowhere to be found and the woman was left confused and alone. She had no idea she was also being followed by somebody, especially that this somebody was her own Padawan. She didn't know the man had decided to join the mission, neither did she know that he was coming for her.

Maybe she could have managed to sense that had her Force Sense skills been better. But at the moment, she had no way of knowing all of that.

She stopped her speeder bike and stayed where she was for a while. It was a good place to take a short break and eat a protein bar or something. She knew soon she would have to deal with crazy things, so it was for the best she ate something now to regain her energy.

The whole recent times had been crazy hectic and she did not really like that. For a while, she had been doing Jedi work nonstop, not having a moment of rest. While she liked to be busy, she had to admit it was getting out of hand. She needed some time to work with her Padawan, or to spend some time thinking on how to go on with life.

Things were crazy. She knew that.

[ [member="Aston Jacobs"] ]
Post 1 of 20
Air Objective B: Sith Interdiction Fleet
Tags: [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Vale Endriss"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
"This is Sor-Jan Xantha aboard the Epistellar Jovian.

"We were conducting innocent passage through the Chandrila System when a Sith fleet entered the system. We identified ourselves as a Corellian merchant ship conducting commercial research, but the Sith are now attempting to overtake and board us in neutral space.

"We are now maneuvering to fight them, but I fear our resources to be limited and we are not a military vessel. If you are within reach of this transmission, I beg you aid us."

That was the rousing cry that sent Jerek Zenduu into action. His mission had been simple, a delivery to Denon, easy enough for a mere Padawan. Nothing that was supposed to pit the young Jedi into a life or death situation. Nothing that even hinted at danger.

Danger exploded into view as his small craft exited hyperspace, awash across his cockpit-window-made-viewscreen in colors of starship explosions, laser blasts and missile trails. The cacophony brought the boy back to his time flying squadrons for the Republic, by contrast his time in the Silvers had been far more tepid. Indeed, his ship, instead of the fast and nimble fighter he'd flown with the Jedi Order, was bulkier and slower. Something that was fine for trips across the galaxy on errands for his new order, but lent a tone of concern to the boy for the coming engagement.

The distress call looped again, and Jerek caught the tail end of it before interrupting the transmission, "..ssion, I beg you aid us." This Xantha guy wasn't kidding. Three grey, triangle monolithic vessels were bearing down on the small freighter, and the dots onscreen nearby the ships meant they had launched their fighters. Apparently, the word overkill didn't enter the One Sith's vocabulary.

"This is Padawan Zenduu of the Silver Jedi." The boy piped over the comms to the distressed vessel, narrowing his signal to focus on the freighter only. The sleek, arrowhead-shaped fighter spun around, launching itself towards the fray. From the rear quarter of the vessel, a line appeared on the sides, splitting the vessel in three as two outrigger wings extended and exposed the ship's laser cannons. To anyone familiar with the High Galactic Alphabet, the little fighter now appeared distinctly like its first letter. "How can I help?"
Objective: 1) Protect the city from terrorist attacks.
Location: Hana City - Precinct 3
Allies Involved: [member="Armis Vindex"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Vale Endriss"]
Post: 2

Before heading to the other side, to where he assumed were a couple other criminals watching the back door, he headed to the front door. The glass was shattered, and there were a few blaster burns on the inside, a pattern with a break in it. The Sephi was well aware what such a break meant, he'd seen it before. Thus he was pleasantly surprised to not see a body lying under the pattern. Just a trail of blood. When he stepped inside, glass crunched underfoot and a trio of blaster bolts shot out in response. The shots were badly aimed, they came no closer than half a meter.

"Hold your fire, I'm a friendly!"

No other shots followed, but the instant he took another step another two screamed through the doorway. With a sub-audible growl, Audren used the Force to enhance his speed. He was inside the door and a meter past the frame by the time the people inside knew he'd gained the threshold. In an instant he took in the two present: the officer - barely able to sit leaning against a desk - and the civilian who worked there holding a blaster pistol. She was plainly terrified of the gun, and it took the most minor effort of will through the Force to remove it from her grip.

To her credit, the civilian didn't waste time gaping at the blond Jedi. She lunged for the weapon in desperation, but tripped over a chair and fell, pushing the gun further away. When she saw Audren's boots next to the blaster, the fight simply left her. Frankly, he was impressed she'd lasted as long as she had.

"I said I was friendly, why shoot?"

"Thought it was a trick."

"Why haven't you called for help yet? You seemed to have time to position yourself, and he needs a medic."

"Comm broke, and Zaj needed help."

Audren hmmed to himself, then tossed her his comm as he pulled out his lightsaber. He'd need it back, but he could deal with the idiots out back while she called in. And deal with them he did. Considering they only had some bottles and some rocks, he didn't even need to turn the lightsaber on. He made a point of catching one of the bottles and returning it to the sender. Such displays typically caused panic with cohorts, and this was no exception. The number of rocks redoubled. Once he was close enough to melee them, the two ran, or tried to. One slipped on the gravel and knocked himself out from the fall, no help from the Sephi. The other felt the sharp pain of a rock hitting the back of his head.

In fairly short order, the Sephi dragged all five of the prisoners back into the precinct. He found where the restraints were kept and secured them in the holding cells before heading back out to claim his comm unit. Now that this place was cleared up, he could move on.
Location: Prison Ship
Objective: Escape and stay alive
Allies: [member="Zonia Kalranoos"] [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Gideon Raith"]
Enemies: Zegg and company
Post: 3/20

Logen moved cautiously up the corridor towards the prison corridor's control desk. His heart was racing with anticipation, adrenaline pumped into his veins prepping his body for action. He could hear the klaxon alarms baying through out the ship. He figured he would have company soon, actually he thought he would of encountered resistance by now. But from the commotion with the fleet and the ruckus he could feel impacting upon this very ship, Logen had come to the disappointing conclusion that he was not the main priority.

The corellian moved towards the turbo lift, pressing the access button. LOCKED. "Dammit!", he looked back at the Rodian's lifeless body knowing full well that the guard would not have an access key for this very reason. Logen holstered his blaster and fumbled around in his jacket in hopes that Jogar had kept his belongings and not dumped his hydrospanner. He got a wiff of the pungent aroma of Rodian radiating from his jacket as he thumbed around in the pockets. There it was, the hydrospanner!

Logen pulled it out, keeping a mental note that this jacket was going to need dry cleaning. He applied the tool to the screws that held the control panel of the turbo lift. A few quick torques and the panel was off and the old spacer was doing delicate surgery with in the panel itself. He was hijacking the lift, re wiring the controls to manual override to commandeer the lift. He stood up and pressed the access button, the digital display once again showed 'LOCKED' and the panels innards sparked in protest. The access door's opened giving the smuggler his way out.

Stepping into the lift, he went to work on the inside panel for one still needed an access key to work it. Just as his got the panel off and fingering the the inner workings of the computer the lift activated. "Thats not me!" He hissed to himself, quickly drawing his DL-44 while the lift thrusted upwards. "Fek! Fek! Fek!"

The doors snapped open, Logen was face to face with two highly surprised weequays.



It was over with in a blink of an eye. Logen had ended the two pirates with out hesitation and stepped out into the lobby. He needed to get his bearings, and come up with a more solid plan of escape. Luck has been on his side thus far, but experience told him that rolling the dice often eventually end up on the wrong side of the odds.
Location: Prison ship
Objective: Save me, Superman!
Allies: [member="Gideon Raith"] [member="Logen Brunner"]
Enemies: Zegg Brimhold

The detonation that breached the outer hull of the vessel shook the shackles by which Zonia was hung from the ceiling of a cell used to extort confessions from prisoners. Brimhold had sent his henchmen away to deal with the intruders, the two of them now alone inside the chamber of pain. He had removed Zonia's leather jacket, leaving her in a white tank top and cargo pants, her wrists cuffed to an exhaust pipe high above her head, her arms in full extension. Muffled sounds emananted from Zonia's mouth, as a cloth was shoved deeply into her throat, almost chalking her. Kalranoos shook herself, trying to break free, her feet wiggling half a foot from the ground.

"The Sriluurian butterfly can't fly ever again if you touch its wings." Zegg said softly as he circled around her, like a vile arachnid circles a fly caughts in its web - "The faintest of touches robbs it of the ability to flutter away. The frailest of things can be broken with the most delicate of instruments."

As Zeg drew out a curved knife, Zonia's dark eyes widened. The blade was thin, almost surgical, carved out of spotless songsteel, the handle ornamented. He moved closer to Zonia, approaching her from behind, his hand gripping the belt that kept her pants in place.

"You must think I am a brute." he whispered and cryptically smiled to himself.
"Well, I am." Zegg added and rammed the edge of the knife through the fabric of Zonia's pants. Forcefully pulling the blade down, the cloth ripped, leaving Zonia in nothing but white slip briefs. The remainer of fabric was literally torn from her legs. He then reached over and grabbed her by her waist, the blade making a shallow incision between her neck and shoulder. Zonia squirmed in pain, but was only pulled closer as Zegg enveloped the incision with his lips, licking droplets of blood.

"So, this is how good girls taste..." he murmured and moved the blade down, pressing it against Zonia's throat. A single tear rolled down her cheek, eyes closed instinctively, ready to meet her fate.

Alesia Rivas

[ 10 ]
Bring Your Own Objective | Sneaky Business

It didn't happen too often that Jedi Padawans were sent to do things that required at least some degree of clear thinking and responsibility far beyond what an Apprentice could have, but this was one of these times. Well, not because the high command would have wanted two arrogant youngsters to do the work, but mostly because they were just suited for these things and most others were already deployed somewhere else on the planet.

Alesia had no clue who the other Padawan was, but it wasn't like she would even care about it. She just wanted to have fun and get over with it, not caring about whom she would have to work with.

She could remember the event at Coruscant well. The very first missions she had on the battlefield. And that mission was to cause some damage by rebelling against the government. And oh how she had enjoyed this thing. There was no better feeling than the burst of adrenaline she had had while tearing apart the One Sith banner.

She had no idea if she could do something like that this time as well, but she certainly hoped so.

The idea behind this was simple -- intelligence had told the Galactic Alliance that there was an unaffiliated presumably untrained Darksider lurking around on the planet. It wouldn't have mattered much had it been that easy; that bastard had some criminal friends on the planet who had their warehouse located in the capital city of Chandrila.

And that's not it... Those sithspits had also stolen goods from the Alliance. So the mission the two had was like this:

1. Spy on the Sith and the criminals.
2. If there is a chance, retrieve stolen goods.
3. If it gets to a fight, call for aid.
4. If you can grab some stolen goods that don't belong to the Alliance, keep them.

And no, the fourth point was not actually a part of the order the high command had given them. But Alesia just wanted to steal something from the criminals.

[ [member="Tegan Katarn"] ]
Location: Hanna City Outskirts, Agricultural Facility One.
Primary Objective: Locate and Safely Defuse Explosive Material, Eliminate the Terrorist Threat.
Secondary Objective: Apprehend the Rogue General.
Allies: Fireteam Aeacus, Strategic Information Service
Enemies: Galdur Smok.

The Burden of Command was a responsibility and a privilege, it was something that could be taken away faster than one could blink. Thus, when the highest echelons within the Alliance Military had caught wind of one of their General's recklessly endangering, and possibly murdering innocent natives of the planet they were trying to bring into the Federation's fold - they dispatched Naiad Solari of the SIS to apprehend them. His comm-slicer had patched into the local Alliance BattleNet, and what he heard next was beyond belief and disturbing. Those within the High Command were far too busy cleaning up the diplomatic mess to send communique's of reprimand to the offending party, thus whatever had caused the Army of Malastare to stand down must've been negligence. He had made a mistake, so now the rest of the hostages must pay the price. What the hell was this alien thinking? Breathing out a seething sigh of frustration, the Sun Guard slammed his armored back against the Agricultural facility's outer wall. It was clear that he had to do their job for them since they were incapable of doing anything for themselves. Shame he only had one pair of binder cuffs on his person. This supposed Army deserved to be imprisoned and the key thrown away. The same could be said of whom-so-ever decided it was a good idea to bring "minesweepers" to a Hostage Situation. They'd be paying the Piper soon enough, Naiad supposed.

With the power to his cloaking device fading fast, the Thyrusian rematerialized, painting the durasteel wall behind him black with the reflected shadows of his lusterless obsidian armor. Denied the option of a sightless entry, Naiad's gaze swiveled left and right as he looked for an ingress that would lead him through the facility. While the apprehension of the deposed Gungan General was a part of his mission parameters, the explosives had to take greater priority. He and the men under his command would get their dues soon enough. Pushing such venomous thoughts aside and clearing his mind, the former Sun Guard pushed off the wall and dashed towards the rear access hatch. It was there after he had forced the doors back into their housing, that he had entered the facility. With rifle raised, he tracked every shadow and began moving silently throughout the cavernous warehouse. Nothing moved, telling the Sun Guard that these terrorists were thorough in their sweeps. They could very well be disgruntled Ex-Military types or something of the sort. No matter what they were, they knew exactly what they were doing. The opposite of the Alliance forces sent to engage. What an embarrassment.

Nevertheless, as more and more about this organization was uncovered as he made his way towards the ruined foyer, Naiad knew that these people were dangerous. No wonder the Chandrilan Government had asked for their assistance. It was a shame that the first impressions were less than stellar, but secretly, the Sun Guard hoped that how they followed through with correcting their mistakes would inspire the Chandrilan people to join the Alliance. It'd be a long process of personally apologizing to each of the loved ones hurt in this display of misused power, but time healed all wounds eventually. Those of Chandrila didn't seem like the people who held grudges for very long, especially when great care was taken when this crisis was over and the mending could begin. He stopped as he neared a rounded corridor, and fought the urge to smile. The man found it amusing that his thoughts were where he was the most talkative. Even when he talked with the Director or members of his Fireteam, whatever he would say wouldn't be chatty or rife with small talk.

Fanning his tightened grip on the foregrip of his Nightstinger, the Operative ran along the length of the wall, keeping himself aware of his surroundings. He couldn't afford a careless mistake this close to completing his primary objective, and in the back of his mind, as the tactical senses began to take precedence, he believed the Alliance couldn't either. Shouldering his rifle and snapping the barrel up, Naiad spun around the corner - only to bear witness to the carnage wrought by the Gungan's carelessness. Smoldering corpses, Billowing smoke, melted tiles and crumbling pillars. It was as if the scene that painted his visor was torn straight out of his nightmares. Fantastic, He mused. The sight-seeing venture ended as soon as his Target came in range. He was bathed and subsequently outlined in crimson threat markings, while the woman he held at gunpoint was picked out in a contrasting shade of yellow.

He was behind the man named Galdur Smok, with rifle raised, having come out of one of the connecting hallways. How fortuitous. Though his heart betrayed his will and pounded within his chest, the Operative slowly began to move towards the infamous radical as calmly as his armored form could. Nearly two dozen paces away from his target, Naiad could've easily ended the man's life with a single shot. However, that'd be too quick a death for him, hell, it was almost a mercy kill. Instead, the SIS Agent decided to do something less clandestine than he would've liked. He stopped in his tracked and activated his external vocabulator.

:: Galdur Smok. Stop right where you are. ::

He didn't bother activating the vocal disruptor. Let the man know it wasn't a droid beneath the armored suit. Let him know it was flesh and blood, seeking to bring him to justice.

:: For crimes against the Chandrilan people, you are hereby Bound by Law. ::

| [member="Vale Endriss"] |
The Admiralty
Location: Chandrila
Allies: [member="Alesia Rivas"]
Objective: Sneaky Business


The pill went in easily, she swallowed it down and after a moment… there, it was.

Street name: Alpha Red - named after the titular yuuzhan vong killer - was a new drug on the market and it was good. Her veins were on fire, she could feel the burn spreading through her body. Those hazel eyes sharpened, irises enlarged itself as the various chemical compounds in her body reacted towards the sudden shift.

Then it happened.

See, one didn't get Alpha Red because they wanted to feel fire push itself through your veins.

You bought it for the clarity it brought. Tegan stared at the reflection in the mirror, she could see every little speck of emerald in those eyes, could follow every single line made on that face as she made one expression after the other.

The sound the freighter’s engine made faded away into the background as her focus was in the here and now.

This was perfect.

After briefly freshening up her face Tegan exited the head. She rounded a corner, before following the corridor that lead back towards the commons. The other girl was waiting there - presumably.

They had about ten minutes before they landed on Chandrila and the drug worked six.

More than enough time to use it at its full potential.
Location: Prison ship
Objective: Save me, Superman!
Allies: [member="Gideon Raith"] [member="Logen Brunner"]
Enemies: Zegg Brimhold

"There, there...." Zegg cooed, the tip of his finger scooping up the single tear rolling down Zonia's cheek. He then pressed ot against his lips and licked it off his index finger. Salty.
"Only one proper way to take a life." he said upon releasing grip of her waist - "Not through a scope or the monitor of a starship. But from up close, so that their last breath glazes your face."

He then swung her around to face him, the tip of his blade now pressing against her sternum. Brimhold cupped Zonia's chin and made her look him in the eyes. He had seen prettier girls in shady bars across the galaxy. She was nothing special, apart from being so important to the Alliance that they sent an entire platoon to retrieve her. He pulled out the cloth from her mouth, eager to hear what she had to say. Zonia's dark eyes narrowed.

"Go frell yourself." she half-growled and spat towards him, her saliva barely missing Brimhold's scarred face. An ominous chuckle left his dry lips, before he slapped her across the face with the back of his hand.

"Very well." he concluded and slid the blade down her abdomen and pushed her thighs open. His fingers pressed into her groin, palpating to find the femoral vein. Once he found it, the blade was used to make an incision, blood flowing almost instantly in thin rivulets down Zonia's right leg. She groaned as hard as she could, the metallic walls reverbating with her screams before sudden blood loss knocked her unconscious.

Alesia Rivas

[ 11 ]
Sneaky Business

Alesia was waiting for the other Padawan to arrive, unbeknownst of the girl using any drugs or anything. She herself had never really taken these things in, even though she had had the temptations at several times. She just didn't know where she could get these things without getting caught or seeming weird. Because most of the good stuff was illegal.

"You're here," the girl noted when the one she had been waiting for appeared. "And we still have plenty of time, what a miracle."

She had no idea what the girl was like, so she tried her best not to sound annoying or offensive in any way. Mostly just because she didn't know how she would react to such things, less because she actually cared.

The Jedi Padawan did love mocking other people and having fun, a light-spirited person that she was. There was no place for being offended in her life, so she never expected others to feel bad because of her remarks. Empathy and sympathy just didn't really have a place in Alesia's heart.

"Alesia is the name," she muttered, looking at the Lorrdian. It wasn't obvious what her species was, of course, but neither was it obvious in her own case. She was a horrible hybrid of two psychometric species, having an immense tendency to lose her eyesight some time in the future. All of that meant she just had to enjoy her life while she could.

"You're the Tegan the high command talked about?"

It was actually weird to be on a mission with a person kind of her age again, after having been on missions with her Master. It was a relief and a struggle at the same time to get rid of the responsibility of recruiting new people to the Order.

Sneaky business was her favourite, though.

[ [member="Tegan Katarn"] ]
The Admiralty
Location: Chandrila
Allies: [member="Alesia Rivas"]
Objective: Sneaky Business


"Here, I am." The Lorrdian acknowledged, before sitting down on one of the couches in the corner of the commons. The freighter wasn't all too shabby- part of her wondered if she could someone nick it at the end of this mission, supplied by the Alliance specifically for this mission it was good enough quality to be useful, but had just the kind of rough exterior which would make it fit with the rest of the scum they would be associating with.

The desire to steal the ship was quickly suppressed, though. She wasn't alone in this mission and Tegan doubted she would be able to pull it off without tipping off the other girl in the room.

"Ain't seeing any other young, spicy cheeka 'round here, do ya?" One leg was crossed around the other, while her head shifted a fraction in curiosity.

Naw, she wouldn't be stealing any freighters anytime soon. Besides the job payed fairly well - the Alliance was stretched thin these days with Coruscant within their grasp, so they had to contract out a bit here and there. It was the way of the world in her experience, giants stretching out and reaching too far, before having to make up for it by cutting corners.

Would the Alliance break? T had no idea, but whilst they figured that out, she would line her pockets either way.

Alesia Rivas

[ 12 ]
Sneaky Business

"Guess it is you, then," Alesia said, looking at the obviously rebellious spirit next to her. She had no idea what Tegan could have been thinking, but she was rather sure she was much like her about some things, such as getting what you wanted to without giving a damn about what others thought. Maybe she was wrong about that, maybe she was right. Right now, she couldn't tell.

She just couldn't keep on waiting, however. Even though they had just a handful of minutes to wait until they could finally start working on their task, she was feeling impatient.

"What are ya good at?" she decided to ask. "I mean, with the Force."

Why did she want to know that? Well, such knowledge often saved lives. She loved to know what she could do and what she could not, and what her business partners could and could not do. And then she could act accordingly.

It was obvious Alesia had a crazy ability of Psychometry, but there was practically nothing else she could use. She could swing a sword a little bit, yeah, but nothing else magnificent. She loved sneaking around and hiding in the shadows and destroying speakers, though.

"Tis important knowledge, y'know."

[ [member="Tegan Katarn"] ]
Hanna City
Arceneau Trade Company

| 9 |

Saffron had few skills when it came to the Force. Cartomancy was one of them. Learning to train her mind to be a turadium lockbox was another. She had begun to practice on her own, conducting several exercises to strengthen her mental resilience. It would be an ongoing endeavour, but she knew that it would take her time. Practice. Dedication.

For now, the focus was on what was happening on Chandrilla. While Arceneau Trade managed to lock down their biodome, there was much to stay aware of. Any terrorist activity that neared would have to be dealt with swiftly. Her lips pursed.

Hopefully, the Alliance would be able to take care of it soon enough.
Location: Chandrila system near asteroid cluster
Objective: Seek and destroy Blockade!
Allies: GA/Rogue Squadron
Enemies: NPC Blockade
Updated Sitrep: One Flight/Leader - Alexandra Russo 1, Choli Vyn 7, Vale Endriss 8 ; Two Flight/Leader - Asmus Janes 9; @ Devyn Lynton 17, & Cal Sedaire 19 (temporary ID)

The bogey blew up in a mass of fiery debris, the snub fighter barely avoiding it as Choli spun in a barrel wheel to avoid it.

"WHOOO!" She gave an excited cheer, R4 behind her mirroring her hoot with one of his own. The astromech pebble drone did not have much time to cheer, there were other enemy pilots out there waiting to take a shot at Choli and the rest of the Rogues.

"Just have to get in..." she muttered to herself. If they could break that blockade, then the rest of the Alliance Navy could come in. Where could they do the most damage? It wasn't like it was easy peasy to where they could just send two protons down a chute! Lips drew thin, and she swung her starfighter up into a loop, then met up with her wingman.

[ Gotta find a way to punch through these guys! ] she said, glancing around.
[ 13 ]


Everybody breathed. Every living soul, everything breathed at the same time. The Force breathed, that's why. And along with the Force, everything breathed.

Oscar could feel it. His meditations with the Force had shown him sights that not many saw. He was a seer, and although not a very skilled one, he still saw things which made very little sense at first, but which held a lot of meaning.

Factions breathed as well. The Light and the Dark breathed. It was just the way it was.

He could sense an energy growing stronger and then slowly fading away into sweet nothingness while the other side grew in size. He loved seeing this vision. It was his favourite.

Breathing was his favourite.

The rise and fall. Rise and fall of factions. The Alliance was rising.

He smirked.
The Admiralty
Location: Chandrila
Allies: [member="Alesia Rivas"]
Objective: Sneaky Business


The girl snorted flippantly, before finally settling her feet on the table in front of the couch.

"Force? Ain't got no time for t'hokey magic tricks." She casually petted the stock of her revolver, Tenloss Ambassador - neat little thing, slugs so she could manipulate the path the projectile was taking, but energized with some plasma... so it hit harder than a simple slugthrower.

"That's all the force ya need, Aly."

Obviously she wasn't being completely straight-forward, because she could use the Force. And used it aplenty, too, but there was little point in disclosing every little trick she had up her sleeve. She didn't know this cheeka and giving away all your aces left ya with nothing when it came to it.

But High Command would know that she was awfully good with taking her shots, so they probably already suspected projectile guidance of some sort.

Gray Paladins were more known to the Galaxy at large these days.

Alesia Rivas

[ 14 ]
Sneaky Business

"OK," was the reply Alesia made. At least now she knew that the woman could probably shoot really well. Then she could keep on fighting with her lightsaber and the Force, remaining on the more melee side of the fight.

Yeah, hiding in the shadows and retrieving stolen goods was a fun mission, but she surely wanted to have some real action as well. And even though she would disobey the High Command by doing that, she was out of karks to give. She would not succeed as a Jedi if all she had to do was recruiting Jedi Padawans and fighting in the shadows.

She wanted to do the real thing.

"We better get goin', though," the Jedi Padawan said. "We're 'bout to get there."

It was nice that she didn't have to use the formal speech like she had to when she was on a mission with her Master. She preferred the easy straightforward all over the place slang talk. Kind of matched her style more.

Her hand moved over her belt, just to be sure that the lightsaber was still attached to it, and then nodded, confirming what she had just said.

"We should go."

[ [member="Tegan Katarn"] ]

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