The Redeemer
| Location | Alderaan| Objective | Now this is politics!
This was not what Jenn had expected, in truth - for the better. No, this... was very, very far from boring. House Ulgo, she quickly dismissed as puppets to the Trade Federation, a collective she would certainly shed no tears for if they were to be driven out. But Alicio's verbal sparring with Osiris was simply captivating, particularly to a Mandalorian! Alicio had her respect, to be sure, and she knew his intent to be true from their previous interaction, but the pretender to the crown from House Thul made some valid argument as well - so much so that she could not quite stop herself from wondering if he was right. And yet, just as he mentioned the ever-important matter of the planet's military and the thought crossed her mind, the good Duke completely flipped the situation. Oh, but the way he spoke, his voice calm and collected as he announced how he had been working to reinvigorate Alderaan's defence force, completely pulling the rug from under his rival! It claimed a grin from the Alor, very much awed by the fine display given by the King-to-be. And that grin! Perfectly calculated to infuriate the opposition, no doubt
"Of all the people he could have gone to, a Mandalorian", spoke the siren, visibly struggling not to outright laugh and bring attention to herself, her hand resting against her mouth. Although she had never quite met the man herself, Noah Corek was a name she was familiar with. A truly hardened veteran, worthy of her respect and consideration - much like Alicio himself was, in truth. No wonder that the two had partnered up for this venture. Turning her gaze to the Senator at her side, she knew that any eyes directed her way would see how triumphantly she preened, and she could not care one bit.
"Well. It seems the topic of military support is moot, then, given this... surprising venture of his. I swear, that man just won't let himself get outmaneuvered. Not that his wife is lacking in that department as well- did you see how she swung back at that ridiculous talk of ancestral legitimacy?"
Judging by the grin on her face, the Mandalorian was very much enjoying herself. Watching two of the greatest people she knew proving themselves was turning out to be more than merely a display of solidarity on her part, or the beginning of an attempt at networking for her Clan-
No, it was just plain fun.