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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Jacen took hold of the controls as Rel likewise found a seat and the Agenda leapt away from the landing pad, flying dangerously low above the Toydarian city as the bombardment began obliterating the landing pad!

"This guy is karking mad!"

He still had the Kashyyk coordinates logged into the ship's drive and began preparing for a jump into hyperspace.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Pulling the ship out of orbit he would growl gently the collectors ship stopping it's bombardment seemingly now being attacked by ships from the Grey Jedi concordate

" Now's our chance to get the hell out of here"
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Jacen initiates the jump into hyperspace and sets the ship into autopilot as it hurdles away from the swamp planet and toward the massive jungle-planet of Kashyyk.
He stands up from his seat and walks through the ship into the mess hall as he takes deep breathes.
"Let's eat, shall we?"
He begins unpacking the food and water rations as they move further away from the Collector.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
taking some time to breathe he would lean forwards shaking his head lightly. the battle they had just endured was a tough fight. against an enemy he couldn't even see, he had felt almost helpless in that battle. how would he be able to complete his sentence if that was even possible anymore? if he runs into more droids he is most likely not to be as lucky a second time. shaking the thoughts from his mind he would push from the seat had head for the mess hall

" well what type of food did you get for us Jace"
"Colo Claw Fish, Fried Nuna legs, meilooruns, some bread and vegetables as well as some simple ration bars."
Jacen grins and sits down in the mess hall as he gets himself a glass of water.
"Hey, when you said that I don't necessarily need a kyber crystal... Is that true?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a soft nod his way he would chuckle taking a seat and grabbing for anything that was meat-based

" well yes and no, there are other options. kyber crystals are the more basic variant yes but like my own light saber I have a opila Crystal within my blade. then again it might be a tradition lost to time. I know when I built my Lightsaber Kyber Crystals and Adegan Crystals were becoming widely popular for their easy use and installment. theoretically, you could put just about any type of crystal and precious stone into a lightsaber "
Jacen thinks for a few moments and nods his head.
"Well, I won this astromech betting on a podrace on Tatooine. I traded the astromech to some Jawas in return for a bin of electronics and ship parts so I could patch up my old Courier. I found this weird crystal at the bottom of the box and figured it was a battery or fuel source for something."
Jacen rummages through one of his bags and pulls out a jagged dark purple crystal from a small pocket.
He sets a Nightstone crystal on the table and sits down again.

"Will this work?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
reaching out he would grab the crystal in his hand the blue glow flicking within his eyes again as he examines the crystal. giving a firm nod and handing it back to Jacen

" that would work perfectly actually, can't say I recognize it. but its got the right conditions to be a proper lightsaber crystal"

grabbing his lightsaber he would set the hilt down with a heavy thunk. the chrome polished silver black material shining in the mess hall's light. the hilt is made to replicate that of a sword in one way or another.

" When you build your lightsaber make sure you build it to conform to your own skills and comfortability. I built mine to resemble the Force sword that I had lost prior to acquiring a lightsaber. there is no one uniform design and shape. Search your mind and heart and let the force guide your hand"
"Yes, Master!"
Jacen eagerly jumps up and begins gathering various pieces of tech and scrap that he purchased on Toydaria. He places them on the table as well as a lightsaber hilt that was sliced in half, one of his A-180 blasters, The Disabler he purchased and his toolbelt. He grins and chuckles heartily.
"I think I have everything right here!"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
crossing his arms over his chest he would move a hand out towards the boy

" by all means, let us see what you got. this is a step I cannot assist you with so whether you succeed or fail is on your own shoulders"
He nods and takes a few deep breathes before he unrolls his toolbelt and gets to work. He disassembles both halves of the broken lightsaber as well as the Disabler and his blaster pistol. He picks through his scrap pieces and the other disassembled weapons as he tries to remain calm and focused. He pauses for a few moments as he thinks about his next actions and starts assembling the inner workings of his new weapon.

It takes him a little while longer than he expects but is able to put together inner workings and connect the proper circuits and wires. He wipes sweat from his brow and sighs.
"This is tedious."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
watching the boy intently. or well watching the blurry images as he works with his hands he would chuckle gently softly shaking his head at him before speaking. reaching out with the force and grabbing his lightsaber, before starting to pull it apart letting the pieces stay animated in the air the Blue Crystal hovering in the center before pushing the pieces back together. and upon grabbing his blade he would ignite it momentarily. turning it off and set it back down on the table

" There is only so much you can do with your hands, kid, put down your tools, and use the force. let the force guide your hand and craft the blade for you. a lightsaber isn't like any normal weapon or gadget you would put together"
Jacen nods his head, "Yes, Master."
He begins to use parts from his blasters and the broken lightsaber alongside some precious metal pieces he had acquired over the past two years. He focuses and uses the Force to try and utilize telekinesis as he constructs an outer casing and begins to work the guts of his prototype into the shell of his mock-lightsaber. He tinkers with it for a little while, soldering and connecting pieces as he hyper-focuses on the project on the table. He begins smiling as he begins to pick up his pace and uses the Force to connect the various pieces he had constructed.

After several hours of work and heavy concentration, he extends his completed prototype into the hands of his Master, Laph.

The metal acting as a guard for the hilt is a blend of beskar and promethium. The upper portion of the guard is Silvian Iron that's been painted a sinister emerald green.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
taking the blade into his hands he would let his fingers run along its surface giving a light chuckle at its curious design exploring the design with mild curiosity. it wasn't like anything he had seen before the shape was foreign least in the terms of Traditional Jedi weaponry. then again his own blade was of foreign design least nowadays it was. reaching for the button to activate the blade he would press it hoping the thing wouldn't explode or short circuit in his hands with a light raised brow the blade wouldn't ignite. pressing it a few times he would hand it back over to Jacen

" Perhaps something was out of place, or maybe the bond between you and your Crystal is strong enough that only you can activate it. i have heard of such things happening"
"Whoa, let me see."
Jacen gently takes his lightsaber from Laph and takes a deep breathe before activating it, hoping that it wasn't put together wrong.

It makes a dissapointing sputtering sound and nothing happens.

"I'll need to work on it a little longer it seems..."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a soft chuckle he would reach over into his satchel digging around within its contents before pulling out an ossus Focusing lense
setting it on the table and sliding it his way

" Perhaps your focus lense is damaged too great to be effective. this lense was originally in my blade for a while before i switched it out"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"i only have the spare lense any other broken or damaged components we will need to acquire or craft at a further date"

giving a soft chuckle he would scratch under his chin leaning back into an upright position as he watched the boy, the blue glow staying firm on his eyes, it had been a while since he had been unthawed and as such his capabilities were returning
Jacen reassembles his lightsaber and holds it in his hands for a few moments before attempting to ignite the saber once more.

The lightsaber springs out with a satisfying hhmmmming as a dark purple color, almost black, with streaks up pink up the blade emits from the unorthodox hilt. The blade currently sits at two-and-a-half feet long and seems to darken a small area around the blade when active.

"I did it!"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his lone ear as he hears the blade ignite he would chuckle giving a small clap his way, the darkness not having any effect on him as he is currently seeing Jacen through his Force sight.

"ah, wonderful! you did a great job, Jace, congratulations on your first steps to becoming a Jedi"

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