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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

He aims his left hand toward his lightsaber hilt and attempts to use the Force to yank it back into his hands.

Nothing happens on the first few attempts but he finally manages to pull it over to himself.
He sighs and continues sparring with Laphisto.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
taking note of the sigh he would chuckle gentle, swinging the blade as he spoke

" keep your head up lad, everything takes practice, the more you try and the more you use your powers, the better you will become"
Jacen nods and smiles.
"Yes, Master."
He takes several deep breathes in attempts to calm himself as they continued training. He works hard to maintain his stance and keep his focus on both his lightsaber as well as Laph's.

He does well for a little bit but loses focus and breaks his stance again.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
flicking his ear and watching his stumble back he would nod gently towards the kid pushing back into a stance giving a light chuckle his way

" good your doing better, now let's try again, blade up, this time try not only pulling up to block but swing and push your strength against your opponent's blade"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
taking several steps toward Jacen he would use his size to his advantage chuckling a bit as he speaks

" good good, I have size and strength over you, how do you counter? find a weakness. and exploit it."

his tail would continue to flick and sway around behind him, much like any other large bipedal animal with a tail. helping to keep his balance. his clawed feet would also scrape and slide along the hard metal flooring
Jacen would attempt to use the Force to amplify his ability to jump so he could leap up taller than Laph and bring his lightsaber down at him with a powerful downstrike!

He doesn't jump any higher than normal and skips forward at Laph with a sloppy swing of his lightsaber.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
the sudden action would certainly cause laphisto to step backwards a few times. alight smirk moving along his maw as he speaks

" good, good! just like that, force me back and get yourself out of the corner"

he would take a step forwards slashing downwards at Jacen. his ear perking a bit as he awaits his next action
Jacen tightens the grip on his hilt and dashes forward at Laphisto. He grits his teeth and skips up as he puts all of his power into a horizontal slash aimed at Laph's chest.

He manages to maintain his focus just enough to maintain his balance as he moves and swings a better swing than usual at his master!
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his lone ear he would move to try and block the blow to his chest, haven been more so focused on swinging in an attack that he didn't exactly expect a counter causing the blade to strike firmly against the beskar of his chest piece. after Jacen made his pass he would give a hearty chuckle before calling out to him

" splendid! just like that my boy. you will be a excellent Swordsman in no time"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a small chuckle turning his blade off, hooking it to his belt with his arms crossing over his chest.

" very impressive indeed, perhaps that is enough for now, its been a long day and we both could use sleep like rel over there"
Jacen nods and chuckles before deactivating his lightsaber and likewise attaching it to his belt.
"The autopilot should get us to Kashyyk while we sleep. We'll be able to continue our journey nice and refreshed. Hm, what will we do if your friend is nowhere to be found once we land?"
Jacen yawns and stretches his arms.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Nodding gently he would move for the door

" There are many empty bunks in this empty ship, find a room and claim it as your own"

yawning lightly he would grunt with a soft huff moving down the hallway to find a room for himself
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
When Laphisto woke he would gaze twords the view port of the cabin. Noticing the ship was still in hyperdrive. Pushing himself up and out of bed his hand would grip the bridge of his nose with a small soft sigh. The day after his awakening had been stressful. Thus far he had been shot at , almost kept as some sort of wall decor and nearly blown up by an orbital bombardment. And that was all before dinner time, shaking his head from the thoughts he would try and get busy, turning his wrist up twords himself and turning on the holo computer

Making rounds around the near abandoned ship he would start off by checking the sub systems wasn't an engineer by heart but he has been around his fair share of ships, and this old relic was something familiar to him none the less
Jacen awakes groggily and stretches loudly as he climbs out of his bunk. He had been up most of the night reading The Way of the Monolith and Jedi Tricks for Dummies, hoping to learn something that could help him in his training. He chuckles to himself as he looks at the books and sets them onto his desk. He gets dressed and wraps his weapon belt around his waist as he prepares to head out into the ship and start the morning.

He walks through the nearly empty ship and gave himself a tour as he made his way back toward the mess hall.
"Hey, good morning Rel. Good morning, Laph!"

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