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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Factory Judge
"No like, I'm a Senator, and I want to be elected Chancellor, so I'm asking everyone in the Galactic Alliance to vote for me. It's like a play on words, using my last name. You get MORE GORE by voting for Fal Gore.

Does that make sense?"
Fal Gore had a napkin and pen ready.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would raise a light brow cleansing between Jason and the holo computer shaking his head Softly beforlr speaking

"Even if we wanted to I do not believe we are alliance citizens least I'm not my citizenship should dates back to the republic "
Factory Judge
“Oh that’s not an issue, look, don’t turn off the monitor, hear me out. How about freeing wrongfully imprisoned men, women and children?”

Fal Gore was sipping his jawa juice carefully.
Factory Judge
“Well the Galactic Alliance disproportionately jails dissenters HIGHER than any other free government in the Galaxy. Don’t you think that’s wrong?

And don’t you think you have a right, an inalienable right, to defend yourself against terrorists and mad men? A right to stand your ground, protect your family?”
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Looking to Jacen he would raise a brow before glancing back to tev computer screen

" Iv been in Carbonite for the last five thousand years, your guess is far better then my own. Being a prisoner of sorts I wasn't exactly allowed nor really given an opertunity to view the daily lives of politics'
Factory Judge
"Look I get it, you're two upstanding citizens in the galaxy, frozen in time, fighting on a spacecraft, it's okay.

I appreciate the two of you's time and thanks for hearing me out. I may not be able to depend on your vote but I'm going to send over my playlist, it's got some talking points in it and my favorite soundtrack courtesy of local breweries and cantina artists. Just give it a listen, will ya?"

Fal Gore was motioning to the screen to cheers, with his cup of jawa juice.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Blinking softly he would give a chuckle nodding twords the blurred figure with a light shrug

" Erm alright we will give it a listen when we are available to do so"

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