There were many great things that could be said about the holonet, but it was terrible at giving any indications of true height and so, once Laphisto came into view, her own small frame took a few quick steps backwards as if she needed the space to take in what she was staring up at. What more, her purple eyes shot down to his waist, catching a glimse of that lightsaber and worn armour covering him.
Kayin kept her smile, especially since he referred to his ship as 'old girl', it was something charming in it, like they shared many adventures together. "Not bad, I've got the hold of the right ship and man at first try, seems my luck haven't run out just yet, then" Kayin chuckled moments before getting a tad more serious. "About that position. I don't exactly qualify for any of the roles you need filled, you see, I'm kinda in a situation where I'm stranded here...? I could really need a ride home to Corruscant but I'd be more than willing to take a share of the work that needs to be done ? I'm from the streets but I can surely clean, run errands, you name it!"