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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Pushing his blade up to deflect the lightning he would grumble eyes flashing the blue as usual. pushing out to attempt a force Stasis on Rel the lightning would bounce along his blade interfering with his eyesight giving a growl and taking a step back into the open corridor pushing into an offensive stance
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Snarling softly he would open his maw letting a large plume of fire out of his mouth, the jet of the flame being ten feet long and five feet crossed in a cone. pushing his own force energy out he would growl breaking rels concentration. reaching out to slash at Rels Lightsaber. catching the blade and sending it flying off down the hallway. breaking free from the force choke he would rush forwards slashing at rel
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Carefully Deflecting the blows he would give a loud snarl Parrying Rels blade and moving to slash along his shoulder. making good contact he would then kick at Rels leg near the kneecap to incapacitate him
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
flicking his lone ear he would reach out snarling a bit eyes narrowing a bit pushing his blade to block the blow. with the lightning crackling over the blade and around his body he would snarl .by this time word had begun to spread amongst the crew of the ship. several people running down the hallway and throughout the corridors in an attempt to get out of weapons range from the duel. narrowing gently. flicking his ear lightly and pushing out with the force to throw him off balance
Hearing the sounds of battle coming from somewhere in the ship Grendel starts to sprint towards the noise with vibro axes drawn, approaching the room where the sounds of battle are coming from Grendel charges into the room not noticing that the door was in the way, with a roar Grendel joins the fight.
Sith controlled Rel let’s a snarl out
Using more unblockable sith lightning on Grendel but missing
“Help me”
Rel cries before being put back into sith
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
grumbling softly he would glance to grendel. Holding his blade up. In an agressive stance leveled with his shoudlers
" so big guy mind knocking out friend out here, maim if ya must but don't kill him"
Rel dashes at laphisto slashing him across his chest

Then sith rel ignites the double saber on accident
“ a deep voice says
This is pretty cool I’ll take this for my self some day
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Using the Beskar armor he wore to his advantage he would push into rela. Swing aiming the cortosis weave mesh away from the blade and. Aiming to ram his shoulder into rels face

Kayin Verd

The initial scream that had made Kayin looking outside the door was now replaced by the sound of a fight taking place which made her torn about having been asked to retreat into her room because from here, the only thing she could do was to listen to the loud commotion and hoping for the best.
Unfortunately, Kayin wasn't good at sitting quietly, especially when she was nervous and so the girl carefully cracked her door to look outside again, spotting Grendel who came running too. Her eyes widened a bit, this must be quite serious!

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