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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Kayin Verd

"I'll do that, I imagine mechanics is slightly easier for a newbeginner like myself!" Kayin crossed her arms, about to turn around when another member of the crew entered the bridge. She had seen him only briefly before, but gave a polite nod in Rel's direction. "Captain here has an incredible and exciting idea for us on how to gather the credits!" The young girl grinned, still enthusiastic about what they would be able to find on the ancient driver.
"Another lightsaber?" Kayin undid her crossed arms. "Mind switching it on, I've barely ever saw one in person" Kayin looked at the two men who both owned sabers and rolled her eyes slightly with a smile. "Ya ya, girl from the poor districts of Coruscant. I've seen some sabers whenever their owners have come running after me down narrow alley ways"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
chuckling at the girl's enthusiasm, his gaze would swap from rel to kayin his ear perking at the mention of Igniting his lightsaber causing a slight shake of his head to follow suit " a Lightsaber is not a toy to be sh-" his words would be cut off as he frowns to rel. his own lightsaber is very untraditional. looking more like a broken sword than a lightsaber itself" as for the credit situation yes, we can hit up some old bases that might be in the nav computer, might break lucky, that or when we head to commence, if they take up my Prison contract they will provide for us most likely"

turning to the doorway a Bimm male walking up to the pair " cap'in we have the fuel tasks repaired and shes ready to fly"
he would glance between the pair whipping his hands on his uniform, and once dismissed he would turn to leave

Kayin Verd

The blue light ignited before her and had the girl take a small step back. But when Rel handed her the saber her eyes widened and she loudly protested at first until she held it with both hands, staring in awe. Then the green light lit up too and Kayins attention flickered back and forth. "Amazing" She smiled and dared, with both hands, testing the flow and handle of the saber for a moment then hinting desperately that she wanted him to take it back now. "Okay okay, I'm done, please take it before i accidentally decapitate myself"
Kayin rised an curious eyebrow at Laphisto and smirked. "Contacts from prison, huh? You make it sound like this is quite the crew of criminals. Not that i mind, i mean... i know how some of those prisons look like from the inside."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
he would shake his head to Kayin chuckling gently with a light frown rolling over his face, he himself was the only prisoner on board ad it was his duty to report to the Jedi council a light visible wince would appear when rel handed her his lightsaber causing a firm stern look to be shot at the male before speaking " no no I am a prisoner, I have been used by the Jedi as a weapon against the sith for thousands of years lass," when the lightsaber was handed back he would give a soft sigh of relief " it would be best not to hand a lightsaber over to miss Kayin rel shes very much untrained with such a thing"

Kayin Verd

Gently taking Laphistos saber to study the unusual design as well as how differently it handled,æ compared to Rel's sword, Kayin listened to Laphisto as he explained himself. Her expression serious and perhaps with a slighy concern but it was hard to tell. Carefully handing the sword back, Kayin puffed a bit, like she had been talked about like she was a child. But she didn't disagree, she was inexperienced and had no idea what to do with a saber. "I understand. Well, I'm sorry to hear that captain. Even if I don't like..siths. they scare me, and for a good reason too."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"While they may be true they were not so lethal, not like the one you wield now " shaking his head he would chuckle gently before turning into the bridge, he would tap on his holo pad on his wrist before speaking over the intercom" this is your captain speaking, make sure all personal effects are stored and everything you need is on board. we will be taking off in ten minutes "

turning back to Kayin he would think for a moment looking at her and chuckling " well this new age Jedi seem to only train children nowadays, but back in my time anyone of any age was taught to use the force. if your willing myself or rel could assist you in building a lightsaber and using the force as well "

Kayin Verd

The otherwise quite talkactive girl fell silent, staring from Laphisto to Rel and back for a moment. "What?" She started and had to take a minute to think it through. She heard Rel speak again of testing her midi-chlorian, which was an expression she had only heard a long time ago. "Oh.. no need for that." She held her hand out and a flame quickly appeared, dancing around her hand and vanishing again. "I'm a force user, alright. I just never got any formal training, only my brother teaching me a few tricks." She explained. "I'd love to have more training, really. I'm just a little scared about...well... those swords." She paused "surely it couldn't hurt to learn a few new tricks, right?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a firm nod to teh girl he would chuckle briefly " aye the more you learn the better you can protect yourself and those around you, as for the lightsabers its not to hard to learn once you get the basics"
I agree
I was once proclaimed the best dualist in the galaxy..
The basics is easy and all you really need to know
It’s the tricks that are harder to learn
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
flicking his lone ear he would move to the captain's seat clicking at the comlink and sending another ship-wide message " all hands brace for take-off" looking over at rel and Kayin he would chuckle a bit. " well hope you are ready to make leave for commence. after that, I'm sure we can drop you off at coruscant if that's where you still want to go by then kayin." turning back to the front viewport he would lean back in his seat giving a nod to the Morganian at the pilots seat. and within a short matter of moments the Agenda would power up and leave the landing bay

Kayin Verd

Kayin moved towards the door as Laphisto spoke to the crew from the captains chair, getting ready to leave so that she could brace herself in her quarters for the take off and later go to talk with the mechanics.
"I appreciate that you two would be willing to teach me, it means a lot actually." She paused in the door. "As for Coruscant, we'll just have to see, won't we? Maybe i really like it here." She smiled wide, tapping her fingers at the doorframe. "See you later, i have to get familiar with my new temporary home" Kayin mused and turned around to leave the cockpit.

Kayin Verd

With confident steps, Kayin walks down the hallway she assume will take her back to the private quarters only to slow down and have a second look around. Was this the right way? Once she started to walk again, she spotted Jacen ahead which could be an indication that she was on the right path. "Morning...Jacen, was it not?" Kayin stopped "really? I'll try one of those showers tomorrow then!" She suddenly frowned. Wait, was he hinting? Did she smell? Kayin subtly sniffed herself and cursed slightly. "Or right away..."

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