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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Bambi shrugged and thought for a few moments, "If you'd like to take a crack at it, kid, go for it. But I'm unsure we've got the tools to do it." She turns to Laphisto, "Aye, Captain, I'd like to keep my ship for a while longer. My Firespray is a token of my previous life... So maybe it's better if I do leave it behind and move on."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"sounds like a plan to me lass" grabbing an empty data chit from his satchel he pushed it into his vambrace, downloading the coordinates to the Kalinda system, tho most importantly the location of Aurora Station.
Jacen smiles as he watches the two of them and lightly brushes his right hand across his Blastersaber as his left hand grabs the red crystal in his pocket. His mind pounded suddenly and could feel Sith Holocron calling out to him from inside the ship.
Bambi takes the data chip from Laphisto after the download is complete. "There are enemies all across the galaxy." She smiles beneath her helmet and nods her head slowly, "Whether we've met them already or they're out there waiting to run into us, there are always enemies to oppose people like us." She pauses and thinks of her past. The years of abuse she had endured with both her family and the slavers that she had been sold to.. A spark of hope igniting within her when she was taken in as a Foundling. And even with the few dark years between her mentor's death and meeting her new friends, she still had hope for the future. She looks around at her new troupe of 'family' and nods her head. "I'll upload the data onto my ship and then I'll be ready for liftoff whenever you are, Captain."
Jacen looks from Bambi to Laph and smiles slightly. "Man, I hope we have better luck in the Kalinda System. All we found her was that crazy guy and that talking spider." He sighs, "Though we found usable parts and all that, so not a total failure."
Bambi takes a few steps toward her ship and looks over her shoulder at Jacen, "Hey, kid, if we have the time before liftoff would you care to train with me?" Holding her duffel bag in her left hand she pats her lightsaber with her right. "I could use a quick spar."
Bambi chuckles too. "Yeah, I learned the basics years ago. But it's been a while since I've trained with it." She looks over at Jacen as they walk, "Go easy on me, yeah?"
She laughs and walks up the ramp and inside her ship. She sets her duffel bag down and walks back outside as she unclips the lightsaber from her belt. She moves a few meters away from her Firespray and turns to face Jacen.
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