Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Picking up the food, Enyo followed her older sister to the table. "Hey, we'll be fine. As long as we two stick together, we'll get through anything, and you know I'll always have your back," she said sweetly, firmly. She stopped poking at her food and reached out with her hand to gently caress Phaedra's cheek. Was she as confident about matters as her words implied? No, not at all, but she wanted to try and be strong for Phae's sake.
The little redhead nodded, a bit of a sad expression held on her lips. Clearly still concerned, and well, Phae wasn't good at hiding her feelings just yet. "I know, I know. We'll be okay." At least that was what she tried to convince herself.

With a sigh she leaned into Enyo's hand, feeling some comfort from her sister in such an action. "I'm just, antsy... worried. Something about this doesn't settle well with me and I've not been able to put my finger on it just yet." She then gave a shrug, "Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I just ... worry... That's all."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

"Look, I'm worried, too. It's all new and scary...and you're the only person I really feel like absolutely trusting," Enyo was rambling a bit, but she could not help it. "But I know you've got my back and I've got yours. I won't let anyone hurt you."

That was the crux of the matter. She had Phaedra and Phaedra had her. Even if going to this unknown planet, which filled her with a profound sense of foreboding, scared her more than she would like to admit. The clone gently caressed her sister's cheek. "Now eat up. Don't want your dinner getting cold."

((Time skip?))
Phaedra nodded, feeling at little better with Enyo's words. The redhead didn't have much to really say and gently leaned into the brunette's hand, grateful for the comfort she offered. And finally feeling at least a small bit better, Phae actually managed to eat her dinner, instead of picking at it, pretending to eat.

And now the next two days would fly by, as the two clones prepared for their first steps into the great big galaxy outside of Archangel's sterile walls, and strict watch. Soon enough the pair would be ushered onto a waiting ship and head off for the world of Gehenna, where an Eldorai woman would be waiting for them to train them in the talents the droids could not.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Two days had passed, and now Phaedra and Enyo were on the course towards destiny. Well, things were less melodramatic than that, but in any case the Archangel ship broke hyperspace and emerged in the orbit of Gehenna.

Beneath it lay the venomous, yellow orb that was Gehenna. The orbit was littered with the wreckage of ships from a great battle that had been fought here years ago. Gehenna was less hellish after Firemane had terraformed it. For one, it had a breathable atmosphere for the time ever and the temperature was less unbearably oppressive.

In other words, you would not be fried if you walked the earth without a protective suit, though it was still advised. However, an aura of evil still engulfed the planet's war-torn, scarred surface. Here they would meet Talsir Vanaeth, their Eldorai trainer, for Archangel had requisitioned the subtterranean Firemane base after the latter closed shop.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

When the clone duo landed and stepped out into the hanger a single figure was waiting for them. Talsir wore a long grey robe and hood which was pulled over her face. Similar coloured gloves were tucked into the opposite sleeves as she waited for them to approach.

“So…this is who the machines have given me, is it? Two humans, young and eager. You both have much to learn, and I will not coddle you. The way of a Sciian is hard, but in the end the power is your reward. I will train you, but I will not tolerate dissent, argument or idleness. You will call me Lady Vanaeth or Mistress. Do you have any questions?” she asked.

Her tone was not unkind, just chilly, stern.
Phaedra had to resist the urge to hide behind her sister as they came into the hangar, finally catching sight of who would train them both. The little woman found this new woman to be both strange and intimidating. And partly, her emotions, her own fear bled out so easily here and now leaving Phaedra feeling naked and exposed in a manner she'd never felt before. Toss in the Eldorai's surface emotions, on top of Enyo's and well the small redhead was left wanting to flee back to the safety of the ship and the quiet machines within.

Empathy, natural empathy without the blanket of the Force for protection left the clone vulnerable, and was quite a queen to handle. Still for Enyo's sake she was trying, not wanting her bonded sister to feel what she was feeling, and more importantly not wanting this stranger to feel it too. It made her feel weak, and that was not a feeling she liked. Moreover that, it made her mind physically ache with strain, and that was more than a little concerning to her. Phae finally managed to shake her head to the question asked, her answer simply no. And instead waited for Enyo to make the first move here.

[member="Illyria"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"], [member="Illyria"]

So here they were now, facing the Grey Lady. Perhaps picking up on Phaedra's inner torment, Enyo gripped her hand tightly. Partly to keep the redhead from running away, partly to reassure her that she was there for her.

Even if there was only so much the brunette could do. "I don't want to be coddled, Lady. I only want to learn to control my powers to protect myself and my sister. I expect hardship and struggle and I am fine with that," she said firmly. Somehow, she was reacting well to the stern, cold words of the Eldorai.

There were many questions she would like to ask, but she narrowed them down. "Do you know how to control empathy? My sister is afflicted with it. It causes her great pain." Questions about training, about this hellish looking planet that seemed so familiar to her, about their teacher could wait. She figured a Sciian was the Eldorai's word for Force-user.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"] [member="Enyo Typhos"]

“Good. We understand each other,” she said to Enyo’s first words.

“I know how to control empathic abilities. I have some myself…though not as great as your sister, I deem. It is vital you control them, so I will teach you to do so.”

“Come with me, both of you,” she ordered.

Leading them in she took them to a pair of Spartan rooms with bed, table, refresher and window looking out at the far wastes.

“Settle yourselves in. We will begin in ten minutes.”
Phaedra squeezed Enyo's hand in return and stepped a little closer to her sister. Somehow that just simply felt safer to her. The question asked, the tiny redhead was grateful for, even if she didn't quite like the way it had been worded. "It's not a disease, just hurts when I'm around sentients is all." She muttered softly.

She gave a nod to the Eldorai woman and soon followed after her, with her bag in hand. Stepping into the room, she sighed softly and laid her belongs on the bed. "Ten minutes, okay." Then turned to Enyo, "Least maybe I can get a rein on this Empathy stuff soon. Really don't like how it feels around new people."

[member="Illyria"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"], [member="Illyria"]

Enyo looked a little bit contrite when she saw her sister wasn't happy with her less than delicate phrasing. "Sorry," she said quietly. Then she followed Talsir and Phadra to their Spartan rooms.

Unlike her counterpart, Enyo had never known luxury. The Archangel space station had been utilitarian and functional as opposed to particularly comfortable. They had not lacked in essentials, but while their new accommodations were an adjustment, it was nothing she would have cause to complain about. She gave the Eldorai woman a nod and put her belonging down on the bed. Looking outside of the window, she saw an uninviting wasteland.

The subterranean tunnels of Gehenna were vast and full of dangers. Looking back at Phaedra, she gave the redhead a smile. "I'm glad she can help you. Things don't look that bad, do they?" she asked rhetorically, giving Phae a pat on the shoulder. "Come on, let's get going."


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"] [member="Enyo Typhos"]

Lady Talsir was waiting impassively for them. To Phaedra at least she seemed mostly shut off from exploration with empathy. She had clearly developed her mental barriers as a priority.

“We will begin. What of your Sciia can you control now? What abilities do you know?”

The hood was still over her face, gloves still on, nothing showing of her but the robe.
"It's okay." Phae replied quickly.

"And I suppose, they don't. Just a bit uncertain on how this is going to be." She gave Enyo a smile before following her sister to meet Lady Talsir.

She glanced between Enyo and the Eldorai woman. "Truthfully nothing. We both really only learned we have it by accident, getting angry with one another. I threw her across the room. She zapped me." That about summed it up in the redhead's eyes.

[member="Illyria"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Illyria"], [member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

It was just a bit disconcerting to look upon the completely shrouded woman, whose very features were obscured from their eyes. "Yeah, that sums it up. It happened while we were training," Enyo added after Phaedra had spoken. "That was two days ago, Lady." Enyo was unaware that Phaedra had actually accidentally killed a man with telekinesis, so she did not mention it.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

“You both have a very great distance to come,” Talsir commented softly. “In time you will master your abilities, master and use your fear. Turn it into a weapon. For now, Phaedra, you will look at me,” she commanded.

Though she still had her hood up they would be able to tell she was staring out, the light reflected from her eyes.
For Phaedra, suddenly the wall holding back Talsir’s emotions would evaporate.
“Look at me,” she ordered the redhead. “Focus. Tell me what you see. Tell me everything.”

Phaedra would see Talsir’s deep seated anger and resentment, would see her pride and her fear, her hatred of persons unknown. She might also see deeper emotions though; patience, honour and even…love…at someone again unknown to the redhead.

Her gaze never strayed from Phaedra, hidden though it was by the hood. Enyo would know though that it would be her turn soon for her own initiation.
Phaedra looked up when ordered to, feeling incredibly unsure of the woman and what would happen next. It was then that the woman's walls evaporated and the tiny redhead felt a flood of emotions slam hard against her mind, forcing their way in with little way to hold them back. Quickly they filled her mind, flooding her, making her feel like she was drowning.

She took a quick step back, grimacing painfully. "It hurts!" She cried out as both hands clasped tightly against her head as she tried to calm herself, trying to ease the confusion and pain she felt. Talsir's voice cut through, and Phae slowly lifted her head to look again at the woman, not wanting to disobey.

With a few quick breaths, she had somewhat adjusted, but still clearly in pain and a bit overwhelmed. "I see .... I feel ... anger. So much anger. Fear." Tears were welling up in her eyes, not sure she could handle feeling all of this for much longer. Taking in a slow breath Phae tried to calm herself, to relax a little, to stop fighting against what she felt. "There's resentment too. Hate, of someone .. I don't know."

More calming breaths were needed as she slowly ran her hands through her own hair. "Patience, honor.... Love of someone .. some person. The person feels so special." Love, that emotion the redhead latched onto. It was soothing, easier to deal with than the others. A life raft in an ocean of emotions, one that she desperately clung to. Finally her breathing had slowed, and her pained expression eased. "They were special to you. So important." It was then that Phae became aware that maybe this was too personal. Too private. She attempted to pull back to try and escape.

[member="Illyria"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"], [member="Illyria"]

Since her writer had not been given anything relevant to do, Enyo stood there and watched. That was very interesting. Concern crossed her features when she saw Phaedra was in evident pain and saw tears well up on her eyes. Anger bubbled up inside against the elf when she saw this was hurting Phaedra.

"Phae, you ok?" At a loss of what to do, she placed a steady hand on the redhead's tiny shoulders, but then to her relief the woman seemed to relax.


The Pale Death of the Eldorai
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"] [member="Enyo Typhos"]

“Look at me, human!” Talsir commanded. “You are trying to run from your power, you are being a coward. Only by facing what you are will you ever be anything more than a victim.”

Phaedra would see a young male Eldorai in her mind. He was being beaten by uniformed goons whilst Talsir watched helpless. In slow motion the leader of the uniformed women drew a staser and shot him through the head.

“Focus on it, take the other person’s emotions and let them power them. Become strong or you will be lost.”

For a moment the hood shifted to Enyo. She seemed to sense that her distressing of Phaedra was making the clone angry.

“Is she special to you? Defend her! Use your anger, feed her power with yours, and she will feed yours with hers. Or do you too lack the courage to be anything but a victim?”
"No.. I'm not..." She managed to get out between short breaths, to reply to her sister's words. The touch, simple on her shoulder, a small comfort.

"No more, please ...." The redhead begged. Phaedra looked down trying to escape it, trembling now as she saw the poor Eldorai male being beaten. "I don't want to see this!" She cried out, growing visibly upset. "Stop! Please, stop! I don't want to see this!" The young clone was panting, truly starting to hurt. Her voice growing louder, more strained by the moment. On top of that, she could feel Enyo's anger as her own, hard to distinguish between the two. "Enyo, help me ..." She whispered to her sister. "Please help me...."

Then she saw it. Seeing the weapon draw, the shot taken, and Phaedra screamed as he fell dead in her mind. "Enough! Stop!" She shouted, so angry, hurting so much. "Stop!" For a brief moment rage boiled over along with so much pain. No doubt all of that emotion and pain would bleed over to Enyo. Finally her mind had reached the limit of what she could handle. Phae couldn't take much more. Dizziness was creeping in, as well as darkness at the corners of her vision. She was getting so close to passing out. Turning she grabbed for Enyo, trying to stay on her feet. "I can't ... take anymore...."

[member="Illyria"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"], [member="Illyria"]

And so Enyo was overcome by a wave of pure, unadulterated emoness. Err...Dark Side Empowerment. Yes, that sounded a lot better. This one doesn't like her much. Well, she didn't have much of a personality. Perhaps a Reaver could mutilate her.

Anyhow, on with the plot. "I am not a victim!" Enyo hissed angrily at the elf who was seemingly causing Phaedra such pain. Sparks of electricity crackled across her hand, causing a stinging burn but she did not care. Stray bolts of lightning danced across the ground before she gained some control over her very unrefined power. As a matter of fact, she felt like smiting the Eldorai, though that would go extremely poorly for the clone. Regardless, Phaedra was hurting and this caused Enyo to feel tremendously pissed off. Her rage became a palpable force, a great flood.

Perhaps she was tasting just a bit of the power her counterpart wielded. "You can do this, Phae. I'm here for you." Her brown eyes were now wells of nothingness, like twin obsidian orbs that would glisten like black mirrors. She grabbed Phaedra's smaller, more delicate hand, holding on to it firmly. The firm grip was more than just a physical one, it was a connection on the metaphysical level. Strength and determination would abruptly waterfall from Enyo's hand into Phaedra's being, flooding her. It was like a dam had suddenly been broken. All the negative emotions Phaedra was feeling, all her rage, fear and anger had bled over into Enyo.

They were strong enough to cause the clone physical pain. A terrible headache abused her, her nose was bleeding. Dizziness was creeping in, but she tried to stay strong. The dark emotions were like a massive fountain, and she tried to consume them like a vampire, then feed the energy back to Phaedra. One could consider it a kind of reverse Force Drain. Her command of the Force was unrefined, primal and instinctive, but she tried to fuel Phaedra with all the energy she could muster, serving as a conduit.

Probably more than was healthy because Enyo was getting very wobbly in her legs, but she didn't care about herself at this point. It was like a mental wall in her mind had been broken down as she willingly drew upon the Force for the first time. She was afraid, filled with rage and...despite all of this she felt powerful. Enyo stared into the abyss and the abyss stared back into her. "Stop hurting her," she all but yelled at the elf.

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