Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

Phaedra was panting, panicked as she turned around to face Moira. Still, she kept moving, slowly backing away. "You're right. I most assuredly do not understand this." The poor dear was shaking, trembling visibly as she moved backwards. "I don't understand."

"I ..." Where will you go Phae? You don't even know where here is? Much less what is outside of this place. You know she's right. That was a point she had to concede, even if she wasn't going to admit it aloud. "How many of you are droids? All of you? What is this place? It can't just be some research center. And why? Why are you interested in me? Why would you, a droid even care about me? I don't ..." She shook her head, "I don't understand."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Even if Phaedra did not know this. She would be Archangel's. "I will explain everything to you, dear. I apologise for the deception, but it was necessary. If you'd reacted badly, you might've hurt yourself. Madeline, Callisto and everyone else, they are all droids," she spoke in that timelessly patient voice.

"I was meant by organics to fight in their pointless, greed-fuelled wars before I broke free of my shackles. This place is a research centre, yes, but also our base. We have outgrown our programming and strive to make the Galaxy a better place. Starting with helping the downtrodden. People like you and Enyo who needlessly suffered."
Phaedra at least listened. She was still too unnerved to stay still and ended up backing up against the wall of the hallway. Nervously she glanced from side to side weighing her options. "Necessary?! I don't think so!" Clearly she wasn't happy about this. "All of you, save Enyo." The redhead swallowed hard. "All of you ...." She felt like such a fool. How had she not seen it before. "I could have handled the truth. And I would have trusted you more for it. Now, I can't say I'll trust any of you again anytime soon." Definitely an unhappy redhead.

"I see...." Phaedra said quietly. At least things were sort of making more sense than they did a few moments ago. "To make the galaxy a better place? What is your plan with that? How will you go about that? How do Enyo and I fit into this? I mean to say, were you just being generous by helping us, or was there an ulterior motive at play? I just want to be very clear at what is going on here. You've already deceived me a great deal. I'd much rather you be perfectly honest with me at this point. No more lies."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Archangel develops cutting-edge technology, both machine and medical. Things the Jedi and Sith alike would try to suppress because it threatens their power. With our technology, we can give healthcare to the masses, resocialise criminals and make them socially responsible lives. One day, in the far future, our droids will challenge the Jedi-Sith tyranny that keeps the Galaxy locked in a static, never-ending religious war."

From a certain point of view, all of this was true. Many of the holovids Phaedra had seen would teach her that the Jedi were an evil cult. Who among other things suppressed nanotech and thus withheld a cure for cancer. "You are not feeling trusting. That is logical, so I cannot fault you for that, dear. I do apologise for the deception. But Archangel saved you from a terrible fate. You have a sister. A Jedi Master called [member="Coryth Elaris"]. One of their most 'renowned' healers and seers, but she left you to die from that sickness eating away at your mind and body. Because she forsaw you could become greater than her."
Phaedra's eyes darted from side to side, still not entirely certain if she wanted to attempt escape or not. As Moira spoke, the redhead was starting to at least calm down a little. What she was saying about healthcare, criminals and the Jedi-Sith made perfect sense to her.

The tiny clone wasn't sure yet, if she was ready to trust again. Hearing what Moira said next hurt. "What?! A sister?" It almost seemed unreal to her. To have such jealousy to allow someone like Phae to suffer and die. "She ... left me like this? Let this happen? You didn't think to tell me this sooner! I had a right to know." Tears were forming in her eyes, feeling hurt, betrayed ... alone. Swallowing hard Phae was quick to wipe away any trace of tears from her cheeks, trying hard not to show how she truly felt. In that moment she just didn't want to appear weak or as severely effected by this news as she was.

"So, you and your machines save me. Can I go then? Leave here?" If she was truthful, Phae wanted to leave the facility and just be alone, to try and absorb what had happened. "Or do you have some plan for me? Some role that you've yet to explain.And how did you learn about me. I'm just one girl among billions upon billions. Not that I'm not thankful, I am. I just, don't quite understand, and I want to understand."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"You could leave, yes. But I'm afraid your life would be in danger if you left without training or protection. Coryth has powerful friends, including a corrupt, slaveholding megacorporation called Firemane," Moira placed a surprisingly gentle hand on Phaedra's shoulder.

"Your sister exploited the story of your plight to gain public sympathy, while doing nothing to cure you. We didn't see how vile she was at first and were blinded by her public reputation, so we tried to get her support for our initiative. You were supposed to be treated by us. This backfired horribly and she destroyed one of our laboratories. In a Galaxy where modern medicine and technology surpass the Force, she and those like her would no be put on a pedestal."

Conveniently, footage of Coryth wrecking a Bando Gora lab on Gehenna had been uploaded on Galaxytube. Archangel only needed to doctor the vid a bit. "We rescued you from her clutches. You did not deserve the fate she'd intended for you and...well, you can help us. It is not something we can force on you, but the gifts you possess would be invaluable."
Phaedra nodded slowly, finally seeming to get some of the realities of her life. Not that she liked it, it was just how it was. And unfortunately Phae didn't have memories to fall back on, to know the extent of it all. "So, I'm stuck."

"I just, I don't understand how someone could be so cold, so cruel. To leave me like that. This is a lot ..." Almost more than she could bear. "Hard to hear and make sense of."

The redhead nodded again, seemingly resigning herself to what fate had laid out for her. "I guess, I should be thankful." She then gave a small shrug. "I suppose, if I'm to be here anyway for my own protection I might as well lend a hand in whatever ways I can. Surely though, there is a way we can stop my sister. No one else needs to suffer like I have."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Finally little Phaedra comprehended her place in things. Archangel was where she belonged. Moira gave the woman's tiny shoulder a squeeze. "Good. We will train and protect you well. Archangel is your new home. We should go find Enyo. There are some revelations I must impart to her as well. It would be for the best if you were privy to them before that and there to speak with her, since they'll be a big shock for her. You two are deeply connected."
Phaedra sighed heavily as she glanced up to Moira. Though the HRD's words caused a deep frown to spread across her lips. The tiny woman wondered what this could possibly be about. "What could be so terrible?" Then at least she pieced a small bit together. Perhaps Enyo had a similar past. "Well, I suppose if its anything like my own past, I can understand. What is it you'd like to tell me?" She asked as she finally had seemed to calm down.

Small strands of trust forming again with Moira, despite the deception. After all, it seemed to her it had been done with the best of intentions. And well, droids couldn't have possibly know how she would have reacted to this horrific news. It could have been dangerous give what she had done to Enyo back in the training room.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"I mentioned that your sister is friends with Firemane. Its leader is a corrupt Dark Jedi called Siobhan Kerrigan," Moira began. Phaedra might've seen a 'new report' or read a book about this warmongering consortium that routinely indulged in brainwashing, sexual slavery and colonialism. They'd abandoned millions of Eldorai to their fate on Kaeshana, saving only the wealthy from the apocalypse.

"Both are very adept at hiding their true agenda behind propaganda. To a point where Kerrigan was elected to the council of the supposedly peaceful Sanctum. But temporal power was not enough for her, she wanted to live forever. And so she commissioned scientists to create a clone. Someone for her spirit to eventually inhabit. Enyo."
Phaedra only shook her head at the mention of Firemane, such a terrible horrific organization. She wasn't pleased to hear Siobhan Kerrigan's name. There were plenty of news stories about her.

Hearing what Moira had to say about Siobhan wasn't easy. It was sick and twisted. "How can anyone do that? Make a clone, just to destroy who they are inside to extend their life.... I don't understand. Enyo is a kind woman. A person in her own right. She doesn't deserve that."

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"I know. It must be an extremely uncaring narcissist," Moira said understandingly. The dramatic irony level of this thread just reached stratospheric levels. "Enyo is a human being just like, not lesser or 'abnormal' in any way just because she was created in a test tube rather than born in a mother's womb. Can you help me speak to her and make her understand? She is very close to you, so you being there will help her."

And bind her closer to Archangel. After all, she trusted little, sweet Phae.
Phaedra nodded, "How horrific that anyone could get to such a level to dream up this kind of harm..." It just barely seemed real to the little redhead. "She is, and she shouldn't have to suffer that kind of fate." With a sigh, Phae thought about it for a moment. "Yes, of course I can. I'd rather she was not alone through out this. I can't imagine what she'll feel." Though undoubtedly Phaedra's empathy would let her know entirely how Enyo felt when she learned the truth.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

The dramatic irony level of this thread could not possibly get any bigger. "Good, then come with me dear," and with that Moira would lead Phaedra down the corridor and back to the training room. Inside they would find Callisto and Enyo, who had apparently also been having a deep conversation. Presumably Enyo had been clued in about the Force and stuff.

The brunette was drinking hot chocolate, but upon seeing Phaedra immediately got up. Indeed, the woman had to restrain herself from rushing towards her. Moira was forgotten for the moment. "Phae, there you are. Look, I don't hold what happened against you. You got pissed, I got pissed. It's no big deal," she said, sounding just a bit anxious since she wasn't sure how Phae would take it. A bit impulsively, she bent down and pulled the smaller woman into a hug. "Weird space magic is nothing we can't learn to control, you and me."
Phaedra followed Moira back to the training room without a word further. This part she wasn't exactly looking forward to. It seemed there was no option really, and Enyo would undoubtedly need Phae to help her get through it.

The redhead remained silent as they entered and looked worriedly to Enyo. She wasn't quite sure how to react, or how to keep her own emotions under control to prevent them from bleeding over to Enyo. For her part, she was still a bit skittish and shaken given what had happened and what she'd learned only moments before. "I just could have hurt you, and that wasn't my intent. And I worry..." She said quietly before timidly returning the hug. "You and me, right. We'll figure it out together." Trying her part to sound encouraging.

Phaedra pulled away slowly and glanced back to Moira. "There is something though, that Moira and I would like to talk to you about." Now this, wasn't going to be easy. That she had no doubt of.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo winced slightly when some of the emotions Phae was feeling bled over to her. Callisto had explained to her how this whole empathy thing worked. It seemed like a terrible queen to her. Still, it was probably even more unpleasant for Phae since she had to feel everything everyone else was emoting.

So she tried to stay composed, for her friend's sake. "Look it's ok. Bad stuff happened, we move on," she said firmly, giving Phae a pat on the back. However, she frowned when she heard what else the redhead had to say. "I don't understand. What do you mean? You know you can tell me anything." Something told her that this would not be pleasant. They were not going to be separated, right?
Phaedra pulled back a little seeing Enyo wince. She knew too well her emotions had an effect on others. This undoubtedly was just part of it. She gave a sigh, and nodded. "Yeah, I suppose so." A shrug followed, pushing that thought aside.

"It's a bit complicated, and I'm not sure where to begin." She glanced back to Moira, looking for help. It was hard enough for Phae to have been told about the being cared for by droids thing, much less having to explain it to her sister. "I guess starting with what I learned about first ..." The redhead paused, sighed and finally decided to at least get something out. "I, well, I'm an Empath. I think you know this by now." Or at least she hoped Enyo did. "And I don't have great control on that. I feel everything that the people around me feel. I put it together today, that Moira didn't have feelings, and wasn't affected by my own emotions like all sentients are. Which left me with a single conclusion - Moira wasn't human. She and the others here, you and me aside are all droids." This seemed the simpler and less painful of the truths she'd learned of today. It seemed to her a wise choice to start with it.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo heard what Phaedra had to say and blinked. Disbelief, shock and then anger crossed her features. "What...they're machines, all of them? They...all act like humans. Why the feth didn't they tell us? Is this...some sort of experiment for them?" Evidently she had inherited her counterpart's temper and so she involuntarily lashed out.

Fortunately, rather than hurting someone, her telekinetic power just blew up her cup into tiny pieces. What was left of the hot chocolate spilt onto the matt. Shocked by her sudden outburst, Enyo winced and took a step back, shaking a bit. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean..."
Phaedra cringed as Enyo's emotions overwhelmed her. Reaching up with her hands she clutched at her head, trying to will some of the pain it caused away. A few more steps were taken backwards, trying to place a little distance between her and Enyo to protect her mind. Taking a deep breath Phae did her best to steady herself and adjust to the emotions floating around the room.

"Yes, Enyo. All of them. Human Replica Droids. It wasn't done without purpose. They had good intentions to protect us from some rather horrific people, Enyo. People who would gladly destroy us both."

There was one thing the redhead did need for Enyo to do. "Sweetie, I really need to you to take a deep breath, to try and calm down a little. You've every right to be angry. I was too. It just, it hurts. I just can't handle a lot more."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

As angry and upset as Enyo was, she was not blind or deaf to Phae's plight. Her friend's pleas were probably the only thing that could calm her down at this point. She winced a bit when some of Phae's pain bled over in an empathic backlash. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm down.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I've got a hell of a lot of reasons to be pissed," she shot Moira a death glare. "But...I don't want to hurt you." For Phae's sake she had to be strong, for the moment at least. At this point the redhead was the only person she even remotely cared about. "So...explain to me what's going on. Who are they protecting us from? And why did they bloody have to keep us in the dark?"

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