The next day, Lord Ajihad walked back into the auction house. He left the auction the previous day with not too many resources left to his disposal. He had all but given up until a miracle of sorts occurred. He had been given the Black Sun Syndicate by a former associate, one who no longer wished to deal with the organization. While the syndicate had not been active in a while, their coffers were still loaded back from the good old days, as well as their armories.
Ajihad had every intention of bringing them back to their former glory, but there was something he he had to take care of first. While not hoping to drain the organization, there was something essential he still needed to get. He was rather interested in the Soul Saber, a very dark ancient artifact. It would compliment his usage of form VII nicely.
He currently had one rival, @Reverance. While he didn't know how much wealth the Wrath possesed, he was sure it was quite a lot. Taking a deep breath, he placed his bid. It was now or never.
Lot T (Soul Saber)- 15,000,000 credits, 2 Nimix-Class Heavy Cruisers, 10 Hammer Walkers, 300 advanced security protocol droids, 100 Hutt Legionnaire Droids, 50 Warbeast Droids, 1000 Unmarked 24 Karat gold bars, 1 favor.
(OOC: I will link this stuff when I get to a computer, my apologies)