C A N T R O S 7
Tag: Tellu Talon
Location: Capital City of Minkaren
Objective: Mixed: Rise, Rebel, Reflect & Cantrosian Scratch Fever
Her vision seemed to narrow as she heard the voice of her sister call her from beyond the pale. At least, it should have been. It felt visceral. Nearer. But it couldn’t be. She had interred
Tellu Talon herself on Monastery against the wishes of their mother. It was selfish. Some part of her had wanted her younger sibling close at hand in any way she could be. Her halberd was a bridge—But it wasn’t enough.
She shook her head and tried to push the voice from her mind.
Minkaren City required her focus. That would not be achieved while she was letting her imagination run wild with wishes and wants that would not come true just because she willed it to be so. The slender Exarch had survived through so many disasters. If they could have been avoided with a thought? With a dream? A prayer? She would have gone to Temple on Eshan every day. It just wasn’t the way reality worked. Ever. Especially, not for her.
Gone was gone.
Dead was dead.
Silver eyes bore burning holes into the clear waters that gurgled almost merrily down the easy brook. It wouldn’t stop. She could still hear her sister screaming. She was better than this. She was Sith enough to withstand anything, anything, that the Force threw at her. Why was this ploy bursting through her defenses as if they weren’t even there at all?
Her name echoed again on the breeze.
Only—This time, it was on the breeze. It was in the air. She could hear it with her own ears. Was it possible that it wasn’t just in her head? Tapping her Holo-Comm she signaled to
Gerwald Lechner
that something was amiss. Low-level threat. But, on high alert. The Echani finally decided to try and find the source of the disturbance. Her expression was empty, unfeeling. But her sluggish blood had begun to boil just beneath the surface of her skin.
Whoever thought to taunt her with the memory of her sibling would die.
There was no discussion to be had, no explanation she would accept, and no reason that would still her hand. Swift footsteps took her across the bridge. She moved slowly at first until she caught the metaphysical marker that rang true of Tellu from deeper in the forest. It wasn’t exactly her. But, it was close enough that it gave her heart a forbidden jolt of the cruelest thing the universe could offer.
False, hope.
Srina dodged through the trees and foliage as if she had been born to it. Twigs and brambles pulled at her clothing, tore at pallid skin, but she paid it no mind. Instead, she searched. Silver eyes peered through the area with glacial intent. She would find this interloper, the doppelgänger, and be done with this mess. She couldn’t fathom that the terrorist threat on Cantros had anticipated her arrival. They couldn’t be behind this. Only someone that knew her, knew her schedule, would have been able to arrange something so surreptitiously unforgivable.
“Tellu is gone. You are NOT my sister. Come out!”
The gauntlet was thrown. For someone that prided herself on remaining calm in all situations the young woman seemed to close to cracking. Wrath seemed out of her every pore. There was nothing that incensed her more than a mockery being made of her DEAD kin. It hit one of the few weaknesses she had left to target. A low blow—But an effective one.
Her head turned toward the right. The aura was stronger that way…The sound she knew so well. The cry, of her Tellu. The banshee wail.
“Show yourself.”