Where you going for Christmas?
When my winter-finals are over, I'm going home to my parents.
What are you doing with family or friends?
1. Get drunk with college friends post-finals and lament our mediocre grades.
2. Visit old school buddies.
3. Celebrate late birthday with family.
4. Escape family to regain sanity.
5. Celebrate Christmas with family.
6. Eat dinner with Mother's side.
7. Eat dinner with Father's side.
8. Escape the drama.
9. Find somewhere to celebrate New Year's Eve.
10. SWRP.
What are you stuffing your face with?
Currently: Gingerbread dough.
When I come home: Probably moose-meat and pork-chops.
On the 24th: Traditional Norwegian Christmas food (Ribbe +++)
On the 25th: See above.
On the 26th: See above.
Any SWRP Christmas themed stories you're going to do?
Not on this one, but I may do something with my nicer alts.
What are you wanting from Santa?
Good grades.
More beard for the writer.
What music are you listening to?
And assorted music on Spotify.
What shows are you going to watch?
See above link.
I will probably do some sort of Marathon of a non-christmassy film too.
How badly have you decorated the house and your pet?
I... I have a Christmas calendar?
This was fun