Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Clockwork Rebellion: Dromund Kaas


Professor of Alchemy
Valik pulled out his backpack and began looking around for materials. He saw his powerless EMP generator, a few experimental grenades, and then he finally found what he was looking for, a syringe. He walked over to @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] and found an exposed piece of skin, then stuck him and took a blood sample. He took the syringe away and looked at the Faleen @[member="Radon Mont"] .

"How soon can you have get me a scope and a petri dish? I need want metal and infrared scanners on him immediately."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Time? I can only imagine you're suggesting that, beyond a first, consolidating strike, Omni will have a period of quiescence." The last rocking of the ship died as they passed out of atmosphere and beyond the reach of Omni's guns. She touched the communicator at her armor's neck. "Captain, set course for Korriban. That will be our staging point, if it's not overrun. Send word to Lord Tirdarius that the Empress will be taking up residence."

Massaging the bridge of her nose between thumb and forefinger, she returned her attention to Apparatus. "There'll be a summit, and I'm certain you'll be part of it. I won't insult your intelligence or foresight by making it an order. Whatever weapons they develop, we need."

Radon Mont

Radon motioned to Ashin after she spoke. "Should be able to get what you need there." He looked away to the Empress. "I'll be leaving you once we get there. I need to go to Nam Chorios. I have one of my operational centers there. I can get to work once I'm situated. We'll need to find a way to secure a feed between our parties once we're established, though. I suspect anything over the main streams will be intercepted. A network of ships could work." He scratched his chin for a moment and then shrugged a bit as he drew silent.
"Des͢pit̸e͜ hav̀i͢n̷g ͜sup͝er͟i̢o͏r̡ ͘num͜be̷r͝ş, t͠h̸è ̛g͝al̕a̧xy is̷ s͡til̛l t͡oo ͠v͘as͝t͠ f̨or Omni ͢to̵ ̸qu̸i҉c͡k̕l͢y͠ c̨ons̕umȩ i͘t all," replied Darth Apparatus, "Even͘ a͘t ̸it͡s̵ ͢fast͡est͞, ͠it͝ w͜i͏l͘l m̢o̶st ̶ļik̢èl̛y̴ t͞ake̛ Ơm̷n͠i ̷y͝ear̶s̷,̴ p͢os͘si҉b̶lý ͏d͢e͞càd͠e̕s o̢ŗ ̢a century, b̡e̡f͢ǫr̀è ͜clài̶min̵g the̶ ͞fi͡nal̀ se͝ntįe̴nt̨.̷ ҉For͞ now͢, ̶i̛t ̛wil҉l ̢s҉i̕mpl̡y͞ ͜şt͞r͢i̢ke ̀t͝ḩe m̡os͘t i̧m̡por̡tant ̀pl̨ane̛t̴s f̀or ͢or͞ģani̷c͞s͡ a̷nd҉ ͢f̕orce t͡h͝e̢m ́int͢o c͡ha̵os̢ and disarray. S͢o͞ ļong ̴as͟ w̶e ̨a͠v͏oid̡ Omn͢i's͠ ̕f͞orc͟e̴s͡, ̸we ̀h̶a̕v̸e҉ ti̧m̷ȩ."

When Darth Apparatus heard that Korriban would be the planet that the Sith consolidate their forces, he was quick to advise, "K̷o͜rrib̴a̵n wil͟l͡ mo͝st̷ l̸ikél̷y ̕n̴ot́ be͜ safę ̸f̴o͟r lonģ.͢ ̴O̡mni k̴no͏ws e͞n̢ough͢ ͢t͝o̴ ̷see͏ the҉ p͘l͡anet͜ as͝ an͝ im̴por͢tant͢ ̨st̢a͝g͝in̵g ̴g̨ro͜u͝nd͝ f͞or ̨t͜h͘e̴ Sith͠ ́in ̕t͝h͡e e҉v̨en̶t͡ ̡th҉a̧t̛ D҉r͜o̵mun͘d͏ K̀a҉a͜s̕ ͞i̧s lo͠s̶t."

In response to the possibility of a summit and going to it for the Sith, Darth Apparatus said, "I̧ wi͏l͝l g͝o ̕to ̧t̛h̷i̡s̀ ́su͞m̕mi͞t. I a̡g҉ręe ̷t̡hat͜ th͡e̷ r͢e͠s͡o̧urces of̨ the ͝R̵epublic ͏are҉ ́n͢e҉eded̵.͟ P̨l͞u̸s͘,̕ ̧th͏e ͘J̶e̸d̛i̵ ͢may be ́t͡h͞e̴ onl̡y o͠n҉es th͡at̷ ͝kn͝ów ͝hơw t́o defe̢at̡ Om͜ni͜, as Ļor̶ḑ D͟err͠i̕p̴h͠an ͝sta͠t̛ed th̕at҉ ͡i͏t̵ ͝was͘ ̧T̀e͢feŗi ̸t͘h̸a͠t ̢defe̛ate̕d̸ the AÌ."

Turning to Radon as soon as he mentioned having facilities on Nom Chorios, Darth Apparatus said, "Us͠e̵ ̕you͜r͘ ͢f̴a̧cil̴i̧ties͡ ̀i͜f ͠y̢ou ́m̀ust͟. Kee͘p̀ Ka͟ine͡,̨ who ͏c͢a̸r̷ri̡e̵s͟ ̵se̕n̕şi̷ti͢v͟e̕ i̕n͠f̕ormatíon, ̕cl̡òse ̀t̨o͜ ̀m̵y̛şe͟lf ́o̧r th͢e͠ Emp̀ŗes̨s͝."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Yes, Korriban is suitable only for regrouping in the short term. The place has no resources and poor defenses -- its only virtue is that our shorter-range evacuation ships can get there and meet the fleet to set up longer-term dispersal.

"If you encounter difficulties with the Jedi, send word to me. Grandmaster Wraith and I have had a secret standing agreement since before either of us ascended to our current positions -- an agreement designed for situations exactly like this. Common threats, temporary alliances. He'll keep to his word, and we can use whatever his people give us. Improve on it too, most likely."
"T͏h͠eń ̕I̷'ll ͜ús̨e͡ ̛th̢a̛t̴ to e̸x̶t̵r͡act̨ ͘w̸h͟at ͠the͝y kno̶w ̡o̷f̧ Te͢fer̨i'̕s ̨vi̶c҉t͢ory,̷" replied Darth Apparatus.

"Him̧ sugges̷t͟in̨g an̴ ͜àlli̷a͡n͜ce͏ wit͟h̵ ùs ҉w͜ill̕ ҉be eno̡ugh́ t͠o̕ leg҉it͜im̵i̕z̛e ̀t̷h̵e̵ p҉o҉te̷ntial ͘of͜ ͡wo҉r͡k͜įng̀ ̡wíth̴ ̕t͝he ̛Si̕t̨h̀ in the̶ Repu҉b̶l̡ic͠'s eye̷s."

Pausing for a moment, Darth Apparatus then asked, "Is̶ ̀the̛re anyth̢i͝ng͜ el͢se ̵iǹ ͠pa̡r҉t͏ićula̴r͠ y̧ou w͝is͜h ́to͢ k͡n̶o͞w͟ a͠b̧ou̡t Ơmnį?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Not at this particular moment - and yes, leverage away. That's what our alliance is there for, after all. I'm the sort who believes in connections, the more the better. Do I want the Empire knowing that the Grandmaster owes his nemesis a favor? Probably not."

Numerous others in the cargo hold looked away.

"But they'll always think what they want to think. I proved myself against Mon Calamari, Gand, the Empire's bureaucrats and Darth Voracitos." Her eyes gleamed. If she knew that Apparatus had provided his strength to that fight, she gave no clear sign. "The time for public image and appeasing Masters is long past."
"Pr̛a͟y thes͠e̸ ̢c͏o҉n̵n̢e͡ct̛io͢ns ̧b҉ea͜r f͠ru͟it҉ f̶or͜ yǫu," warned Darth Apparatus, then he continued with a hushed voice, "A͢n̷d ͝s̴hòu͘l͟d ͝somet̴hi҉n͢g ̶drast̸i͏c o͠ccuŕ ḑu̢r͢ing ͢suc͝h̷ ́à sưmm͘it w̶i̛th̶ ͝the Ŗepub̧lic̵,̢ ͜yo͟u ͜wi̛ĺl͡ ͝fiǹd̢ ͘more̶ an͘sw̶ers on a͢ ̸p̛l̛an͡e̷t ̢c̵al̸led ̵Belsa̕vís͡.͢ I ͟t̀r͟ust ̵the ̷d̢a͜rk̡ śide ̢t̨o ͘g̵u̢ide yo҉u͟, ̢in ͟su͜c̸h an ҉event͝."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Those particular connections have already born fruit," she said, "in several ways. I suspect Wraith will respond best to your invocation of our deal if you do so in private, but I leave that to your instincts. I'm placing rather a lot of trust in you, your information and your instincts, Darth. The circumstances demand it. I'd prefer you don't abuse it."
"M͟y g̢oąl̨ ́is: ̛the͡ ̷c̸om̕p҉let̶e ͞a̸nnihi͟la̷tion ͜of ͝t͠he̛ ͞R͟epub̨li̷c͜ ҉a̷nd ̨J͟edi͞," the Darth said, "B͜ea̷r ̷th͝i̶s͏ ̕in ͟mi҉n͟d, ̸I ́wi̕ll͏ ̛aim̡ ̢t̀o hav̨e ͞t́h͟e̵ ̸R͝e͢p̷ub̢li҉c͟ ͝dęs͞t͏it̴ute ͘ćom̧pared́ to t͏hȩ Em̸pir͢e b͝y͟ ̵th̨e̛ ti͜me ͘Omn̕į i͝s͞ defe͜a͟ţed҉.͟ Da͞r͜r̛on ̶W̛r̢ait͢h w͝i͏l̕l̨ m҉os͜ţ likelý j͡oi̸n ͝Te͘fer͝i̢ i̶n d̛e̢a҉t̸h̶, ̕an̛d̷ so ͠w͟ill̴ tr̶il͘li̷ons ͜of̧ Rèp҉u҉b͘lic ̴c͝įt́i̕z҉en̶s͡ while the̕ ͏S͡it̵h̛ ͠u͜s͏e ̢theįr de͘áths ̶t̕ò ̀sta͜y a͠live. If that͝ ̷do̧es ̷n͜ot̢ ̛s̷ati͝sf̧y you,͜ th́en͢ y̡óur t̶r̕úst ̧is ͠mis͡ǵu͘id̷ȩd͠."

Desmius could have taken the Darth's own words as yet another test. Of what kind, the Darth did not express. Whether she realized it or not, Darth Apparatus was very interested in knowing exactly what Desmius's train of thought was. For what reason, again, it was not hinted in any way.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ashin's head tilted just slightly, perhaps in curiosity. "Don't mistake my connections for sentimentality, Apparatus. The Empire is my responsibility, and, if possible, I will ensure that the Republic and the Jedi take the brunt of this war. I know it's somewhat presumptuous to say this while retreating from my own capital, but when the smoke clears, when the dust settles...we will still have order, and they will have nothing. And then I'll bring order to their worlds too."
"Th͠en, ͡órd̶er͝ ͢wi͘ll w͏a̢sh o̵v̵er͞ the̶i͠r ̕worl̸ds a̸ft͏ȩr͡ the c̸h͘ao͠s͝ ̨s҉ubsid͠es," replied Darth Apparatus, "Yo͢u͢ ͘sh̴o͏ul͞d f҉i͟n̸d no͢ ̸i͢s̛su͏e ҉in ̨wha̴t I d̡o ́in th́i̛s͏ theo̶ŗet̀ic̕al̴ ͘s͘u̧mmi̵t."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Play them or kill them however you see fit. I'll ensure that whatever backup forces you require know that you act with my full authority."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya sank to the floor of the cargo hold, her mind reeling over what was happening around her, her eyes never leaving Kaine's limp form. Omni had taken him from her and that upset her. That feeling in itself made her angry, she was never meant to get attached. Attachments were a weakness easily exploited, something that was being made evident before her, she watched as Valik drover a needle into his arm a fresh wave of anger rolling from her as she rose slowly to her feet, torn between ripping the syringe from Valik's hand and driving it into his heart and simply walking from the room.

For a moment she just stood there, her emotions raging their own battle inside. She understood the need to test Kaine, to understand how and why he had become possessed in order to be able to fix it. But she did not like it, and she could not sit there and watch it. She looked to Desmius fro a moment wondering if she would do anything to stop such things but she knew in her heart that Desmius's own priority was getting back at Omni.

Anaya left the cargo hold, in search of a niche between it and the cockpit the she could hide away in. Sinking to ground again she brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them, tears welling in her eyes.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ashin rose. "If you'll excuse me, Darth Apparatus, I have a Champion to reeducate. Anaya Fen is one of the purest examples of a Sith that I've ever met, but her experience does not match her potential, nor her usefulness. Not yet."

She homed in on Anaya through guesswork, taking turns based on what seemed to promise the most solitude. At last she found the Sith Knight, who was quietly crying in a little nook.

"It's a hard lesson to learn," she said, sitting beside Anaya with a clatter of armor, "how to deal with this sort of thing. The Jedi and the Sith both preach that attachment is limitation, weakness. Some Sith preach that, anyway, but they don't fully understand the Sith Code. Anaya, to be a Sith is to be exactly what you want to be, do exactly what you want to do, and overcome every obstacle in your path. To be a Sith is to find your own objectives and do anything, anything at all, to accomplish them. That is what makes the Jedi our enemies, our obstacles. If keeping Kaine gets in the way of your long-term objectives, kill him. If keeping Kaine is what you want as a short-term objective, and if it doesn't interfere with your well-being or your long-term objectives, then it is your duty as a Sith to do whatever is in your power to accomplish that, to reclaim Kaine, to set him free, and to keep him."


Professor of Alchemy
Valik heard the words of the Empress, and that they were to meet on Korriban, the home of Valik's master. Then he heard a name, Lord Tirdarius. So that was his name. Even after using a face-searching algorithm on the Sith Database he discovered that the man had no file, which had simply driven him mad. Then he heard the Faleen advise he go to Nam Chorios due to the location of one of his Operational Centers. Valik sneered, he had a lab on Korriban, they didn't need to go anywhere. He supposed the Empress did want him to work with the Faleen, so he decided not to reveal his lab's location to the reptile. It was always best to give people you didn't trust as little information as possible.

Valik went back and conducted some scans on Kaine Zambrano, taking notes on his datapad. The man was in near perfect health, but had an uncommon amount of metal throughout his body. Still, no detectable physical port or chip attached to him. He suspected nanites or micro-droids were the means by which Omni controlled the Grand Vizier. If he could implement a signal to sentient's brains without a physical conduit, he wouldn't have needed to send droids to kill or infect other organics. Even if the sentient-controlling process was designed to kill other organics, there had to be an infection method somehow as a simple matter of self-defense. Valik stared at the Grand Vizier in the eyes, getting just a bit closer but not much. If the nanites could be contracted by touch, they could probably be transmitted by spit or sneeze as well. Valik then conducted a thermal scan, and saw that the Grand Vizier had an abnormally high temperature, but it wasn't consistent around the body. Certain areas had higher temperatures than others. That confirmed it, there had to be microdroids running around his body, providing an extra heat source around concentrated parts of the body.

Valik went back to go speak to the Faleen of his progress, then overheard something about a summit, a gathering of forces between different nations. Valik decided it would be in his best interests to be in attendance, and gather data from other scientists on the issue. It would also be an excellent opportunity to try and hack into Republic databases, gather data on their ships, weapons, Jedi. Yes, Valik had pressing issues. As he found @[member="Radon Mont"] he typed his notes on Zambrano. "The infection is nanite-based, the nanites don't seem to need to physically link to the nervous system in order to maintain control of a sentient, but I haven't found any signs of a wireless signal either, at least none I can detect with this equipment. I'll be headed to a summit of all of the galaxies governments. You can have the body, but I expect a live stream of any scans and other data gathered." Valik informed the Faleen of his knowledge in a short burst. He could analyze his blood sample, that was all he needed scientifically speaking. Being able to interrogate never hurt, but he would live without it.

After listening to the Faleen's response, Valik left the Faleen and went back to see the Empress's companion, as they should have finished their conversation by now. As he walked he saw the Empress and a twi'lek woman, the twi'lek cradled together in a state of sorrow, and kept walking, not wanting to draw attention to himself. The Champion of the Empress was a hard woman, and a strong one. Omni's attack shouldn't have affected her like. Unless Valik thought to himself then jotted a note down on his datapad. This was information he could use to blackmail later, once Valik solved the whole Omni issue.

Soon Valik arrived near the masked dark lord, his presence in the Force wrapping the room like a shroud. He approached @[member="Darth Apparatus"] and then began to speak. "My Lord, I wish to join your crew in the summit as chief science officer. I will be able to analyze any information they might have gathered on Omni, and if we have time I could also analyze the technological capabilities of the Republic and anyone else who gathers there."

Radon Mont

Nanite based. Intriguing. So, Omni was using tiny little machines to control people? But they weren't actually connecting to the nervous system? So, subtle persuasion perhaps? Controlling body movements through numbers? Lots of possibilities, and ones that he was very interested in, though dealing with the man was much too dangerous. No, he wasn't sure how they were going to be able to go about this. Of course he was dismissive towards @[member="Valik"]. In his mind the man had no purpose. Stupid human was a waste of space anyways. He'd just as soon kill him as look at him. Of course Ashin had told him not to play games, and killing him would bring both her and Apparatus to destroy him. He wasn't stupid enough to cause that.

Flipping his hand towards Valik, he waved the man off and focused back on what he was reading. He'd pulled out his datapad a little bit earlier and was perusing some of his old files on nanotechnology. Radon's own interests in the subject matter had fallen towards the biotech field. If one could make a machine of living materials, it could not be easily detected. Of course there were issues with that, as the biotech tended to degrade faster when it was absorbed by the body it was in, but that wasn't important at the moment. He was trying to think of ways to stop the nanites without killing the people they inhabited, but he needed to be at Nam Chorios so he could work in private. Nubia would be better, but he didn't want anyone knowing about that location.
Lord Derriphan.

From under the dark fringe of straight black bangs, Darth Isolda's silver white eyes narrowed in subtle suspicion. The name was more than familiar to her.

What game are you playing at, my Lord? She quietly mused to herself. He was not the only one who was more than familiar to Omni. The oracle none the less was silent for now; what will come to pass will come to pass. One way or another.

For the One's glory; for all.

The half Vahla farseer held many prophesies in her fragmented mind; some crystal clear, others mere shadows still held in the mists, waiting for a proper interpretation. Much of what was going on came to her and went, the voices whispering in her ears, reflecting in her scrying pool, drawing energy from the Goddess and feeding into her vessel.

That scarred visage took towards the viewport, catching her reflection and beyond that, the streaming stars.

Soon. Soon.
With Desmius no longer needing information, Darth Apparatus finally ceased to talk. He stood where he talked to Demius, now with Isolda being the only other Sith near him. He did not speak to his former apprentice, nor did he even glance at her.

When Valik approached Darth Apparatus, the Darth gave a quick, "You ͟maý c͏ome҉," without looking at the Sith Apprentice.

Now, the Darth just had to wait until word of this summit turned up.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya looked up as Desmius approached her unsure if she was pleased to see the woman had come to find her, or if she was affronted at her inability to notice that Anaya had sought solitude for a reason. She sat upright as the dark lord spoke, her hand moving to wipe the tears from her face. "Attachment is a weakness." she said softly "It blinds us. Prevents us from seeing what is really in front of us. An attachment give your enemy a tool to use against you. This is not the first time it has happened to me. The last man I became attached to blinded me, prevented me from seeing what I was truly capable of." She paused her eyes moving to watch Valik walk past, a fresh wave of hatred and anger coming over her as her eyes burnt holes in the back of his head till he was out of sight.

"This was a game, Ashin." she said, dropping all formalities "Nothing more. And we both knew that. This is...unexpected. It was never meant to happen. Does it hinder my objectives? I don't know, but it is hindering me." She reached out to him through the force, trying to find him, to get a gauge on the situation but it was useless. "Pain was easier to deal with when it was my hand that caused it. This...I can't..."she struggled to find the right words to express herself and closed her eyes in dismay.

What are you going to do? she asked herself. Kill him? Let him live? Let this continue? A deeper rage rose inside Anaya, driven by the desire for vengeance. Kaine was hers. Hers to keep. Hers to kill. Hers to toy with. No one else's. He was hers and someone else was messing with him. She focused on that rage, held on to it and allowed it to fill her every core pushing away the pain. when she opened her eyes again there was a fire in them that hadn't been there before. "To free him we need to deal with Omni first. Then..." she paused again thoughtful for a moment "He is to useful to kill. I will keep him, but things need to change." she could not afford for Kaine to be used against her. She could not afford another moment like this.

She needed a new toy.

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