Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Clockwork Rebellion Galactic Event

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
Nomad said:
You could never hate me though, right @[member="Tahira Solo"] ?

*innocent look*
Bleep you and that mini-sig-thing you have!

*accidentally steps on @MSE-007*

*looks at the bottom of her shoe*

Gaaaaaawsh, can't anyone pick up after their droids anymore?!

Azza Mirim Xarax

aka Null Ghost Bug, Glitch Override, 6-R

*begins doing things with computers that seem to defy the laws of computer programming, while music plays.....*

update upgrade cross-grade infiltrate
update upgrade cross-grade eliminate
update upgrade cross-grade infiltrate
update upgrade - Glitch Override

update upgrade cross-grade infiltrate
update upgrade cross-grade eliminate
update upgrade cross-grade infiltrate
update upgrade - Null Ghost Bug

update upgrade cross-grade infiltrate
update upgrade cross-grade eliminate
update upgrade cross-grade infiltrate
update upgrade - Lord Hash Prime
Apologies for not posting over the weekend. Saturday-Monday are tough on me, especially with preparing to transfer over to my summer job.

Darren Onyx

So when does the Clockwork Rebellion end? It seems as though the summit was the begging of the end. If we are nearing the end, we need one giant battle to finish it.

Darren Onyx


So when are we/are we doing the finale? Or is the threat just going to end?

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
This has been going on longer than I thought it would.

Looking back, I thought it was funny when Clockwork first struck out; the EMP tech submissions almost swamped the Factory!

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