Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Clockwork Rebellion Galactic Event

so much work... this event is because I have so many chars lol ok can someone tell me how to put that cool gif from the original post in a post... that I make for Bastion? and then most of my chars will now be involved in the clockwork stuff..


It is a mix and match of Every droid Keter. However on certain worlds, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Fondor, Corellia is is an exuberant amount of these
If the plague was REALLY made to thin the galaxy's numbers... then we already have problems, Omni, cause you ruined my frigging life with that plague if it was you.

Literally just realized that's in my bio XD


The Renegade
Most impressive Omni. However, they are not the War Robots of Xim, or D'harhan, so we should be just fine ;) And if Omni is using all manner of droids, from a cursory glance, how encrypted is their programming?
I may have gotten a little over zealous in my first major post back in RP'ing >.>

Omni, there is one thing that your droids forgot to calculate. The clones of the Six-Sixty-Six are used to fighting droids that don't fear death. We may not be able to beat you, but Nomad will make taking Coruscant a living hell that will make you droids process the emotion of fear.

Zev Stargo

Just remember Nomad, the senate building is invested with Zev's droids who are in the process of executing senators. And just because I love ya here's a like
Oh god more notifications.

And yeah, I'll touch on the actual senate building in my next post. Wasn't ignoring you, just putting down Nomad's presence and his goal of taking just a single hangar at the moment.

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