Incidentally, he did have a record with the Kaleesh. He'd first arrived on the planet long before Old Republic Sanctions against their people brought them to the edge of starvation. The Mumuu, great beasts that stood broad and strong were his prize then. Hides of the powerful monstrosities fetched a deep return in profit those days. He'd returned again some centuries later under contract from the great Lig Tribe.
From the sweltering jungles of the Kunbal to the blood red beaches that skirted the Jenuwaa Sea, Six-O slaughtered many Yam'rii. It was a fond memory, such ruthless blood letting. The toll of death for both sides was so, so high. On seven separate occasions the Droid had worn the bolt out on his Czerka Outland Rifle.
Perhaps though, what was most intriguing, the Kaleesh themselves ended up turning more than a deci-cred or two. A former collaborator, a Yam'rii named Krrikk and himself returned again to Kalee many years later. Turns out the meat of the Kaleesh people was in fact a delicacy to a wide number of Insectoid species. The Dread Swarm, an Insectoid Slaver Organization, paid top credit for Kaleesh Scale Leather, even more for live Kaleesh. But the best pay came from little pitiful ones. Six-O had once watched Krrikk gorge himself on thirteen Kaleesh newborns--a bakers dozen!---an entire generation.
Six-O indeed did miss that savage bug.
As he spent microseconds engrossed with vivid imagery of his past exploits, he did ponder, in the Organic sense of time, how long could a Death Mark last? They had labeled him Troklo'yev, which translated, roughly, meant The Great Iron Defiler---or Eternal Coward Lacking of Honor, Sworn to Die--but that was a mouthful, incapable of being translated perfectly in to Galactic Basic, and Six-O just preferred the former.
"Move Droid!" A portly soft skin, layered in grease and grime demanded of Six-O, suddenly. As the human creature of sickening shape and weight extended his hands towards the warmth of flame.
But Six-O, he did not move. One clawed hand, blistering from the heat it had collected while holding the barrel, lunged accurately, grasping thick wrist with vice-like pressure. Smoke both from Six-O's singed sleeve, and now the reddening flesh of this inferior creature, rose slowly as sickly yellow blisters ballooned from below the edges of the IG-Model's claw.
"Yyyaaaaahh. . . ok! Ok!! OK!" The man squealed like a kicked porcine, bumbling off at speed with belly swaying and cries crooning the dim streets.
Leaving Six-O once more, so he could continue watching this exchange between [member="Jade The Rogue"] and [member="HK-36"] , clearly attempting to render and process if it was indeed a Shard. . . or, no, no.. . it could not be a Droid. His processors just could not fathom that possibility, they would not allow him to accept it.