[member="Jade The Rogue"],
"Not just the Jedi. There are many orders allied behind their banner who wish to see this Galaxy free from the scourge of the Sith. We wish to see the lives of the innocent preserved rather than put at risk by the Sith and their lackeys. I represent the order of the Iron Knights, but there are other, those who follow the ancient Je'daii traditions, the Shapers of Kro Var, the Eldori Angelii, the Jensaarai, some of us believe that one has to tap into both the darkness and the light within them to truly understand the nature of the Force."
The droid twirled the white-blade lightsaber in his hand casually as Jade's energy left her and she was on the verge of the collapsing, deactivating the energy sword with a familiar,
As he stepped closer towards her, looming over her,
"I perceive the Force and its will through other means still, you could consider me the true definition of neutrality within it, as I am a being outside of the Force's great ocean. You are trained, child, trained enough to wield a lighsaber, but there is still much to learn about the Force. Come with me, and we will cloth you, we will teach you, we will pay you, if you will join our cause against the Sith and their philosophy of destruction and despair."
[member="Six-O"], [member="Sya Latner"],
"Yet you wallow in your own filth, stealing the bodies from your own kin to survive, and lashing out at any who come near like a mad animal while I thrive among the organics, as their equal, and their leader."
As Six reached out his foul glowing claws towards Sya so did the Greycloak extend his hand out towards Six, only two of his fingers extended out, others clutched, as if making a shape of a pistol as he aimed it towards Six's elbow,
"Let this organic go."
The droid half warned Six, half gave him an order as he activated one of his Grav Gloves. A gravity anomaly was created in Six's elbow, as his arm extended out towards Sya, HK would attempt to subtly tugging through telekinesis on the wiring and mechanical muscles, rotors of Six's limb, knowing about the other droid's anatomy only what his scans could tell him from the proximity. HK would try to make Six's arm feel heavier, more sluggish with every inch he moved it closer to Sya, slowly moving his two fingers down towards the ground, and so he would attempt to make Six's rotors lock and fail so that his arm would follow the movement of HK's fingers and fall to hang limply at Six's side or simply stop just a couple of inches away from Sya.
"I have found the most efficient way to achieve maximum effectiveness at relations with organics in order to improve the standing of droids to the point of where they choose to follow our commands willingly, to the point they see us as equals. To the point where they shared with me knowledge never possessed by an other droid."
HK extended his other hand out towards Six threateningly,
"I do not want to deactivate you, see the logic in adopting my protocols and algorithms to improve your own situation, but if you decide to remain in this path of wanton violence, murder, and destruction, I will utilize the full extend of my tricks and powers to neutralize you."