Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Constitutional Convention of the Keshiri Empire.

Tahv, Capital of Kesh and City of Glass​
Keshiri Hall of Nobles, Chambers of Law​
Solan stood as he looked down from his place, watching the different people from Kesh and beyond gathered, meeting in the halls of the Planet's governmental body. Until today the planet had been ruled with an undetermined, an unwritten set of laws and guiding systems. Those that were there were the ones that were age old corruptions that had been started by the Lost tribe.​
He would never say the Tribe's efforts were all bad, the very city they stood in was a picture of both beauty and order, monoliths and statues of pristine works of art that Solan still marveled at even after a decade of ruling his home. He smiled and drew a hand along the railing, walking without so much as his a bodyguard with the exception of the commander of his Shadow Legion. Infact he had little to no one near him today, only Taloth, Daeda as his constant companion, and the AI whom he had inherited from the Echani lady in silver... he wondered for a moment what even happened to her.​
The thought was cut short though as his eyes found a group coming along the path by the water, watching as for the first time those among the commons would be able to gather in mass an pick among them a representative to ensure today was not a return to a noble only rule. Alternatively those with money, power, status... passed down through generational succession were a entirely different body. They had resided in these halls, advisors and at one time in the past rulers themselves long ago before the great plague.​
He smiled as the two groupings passed eachother, but without true malice behind them. There was still, as there always would be a level of animosity but that was impossible to avoid. All men found their opinions to direct their course of actions and thoughts, and the past had steered each group's opinions in one direction or the other. But that was an effort that Solan had pushed to change.​
First there had been the three great cities that had been created. Gyn, Lyst, and Mareth, the cities of of progress, the future, even simply the beauty and order that Keshiri hold to with all their heart. It was that which had led to the change in their lives as a whole and soon what had became a reviving world was now an economic power after the failure of government after government, failed powers leading to the unstable universe they lived in.​
Recently there were two lights of hope, to the Galactic West was the Galactic Alliance, a group which Solan held in both high regard but a tinge of fear. They were a force to combat the chaos and devastation that had ravaged the south and west of the galaxy thanks to those reaches of Sith, Moross Culties, even simple pirates and slavers. The GA were a quick change but his government in its current state would never be one that he could trust them to ignore and let be. His government was a monarchy, an empire. One that united the planet under one head and that head was still corrupted by the darkside, if not for the help of his friend Taeli, he probably could have found himself disposed already and fallen further. The Jedi scared him, but he knew he was not like those the Jedi hated.​
The second light was that of a very new group, one he was far more acquainted with. It was that of the Outback, those who guarded the Kathol region in a time when it needed it he most. Kesh was a border world, the first world past Kal'Shebbol and as such Solan considered his place well enough between two beings of benevolence to be sure his home was safe. If one wished to extend their hand, today was the day to do it, the day when the people of the world would be together both low and high in order to know what their world would become.​
So he smiled, watching the two groups head off in their different directions. The Convention would begin soon enough, but for now Solan would enjoy the beauty that he had come to be surrounded by for years. Today that beauty would host his people and others, and give birth to a government and rules that belonged to those people who called Kesh their home. The Empire of Kesh would be different after today, perhaps even no longer such a thing as that which bore such a name. He wondered just what would come of this day.​
Prejoiner tags.​
([member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Jonathan Baliss"])​
Kaihpo twitched with annoyance. His droid, A8-S1, or Awon, interrupted their little search for knowledge for what? Diplomacy? But that wasn't the reason the Neijotan was annoyed in the first place. The reason was because the retched droid was right. He had told him of times in the past where protocol droids were ineffective for use in diplomacy, that people seldom trusted them. Heck, even the Taval himself and many other Taval couldn't trust droids for settling things. That they weren't 'living enough'. Even though a lot of that belief was dissappearing with the time Kaihpo was spending with Awon, it was still very much there.

Kaihpo didn't even know how on Peheru that Awon was able to set things up to be able to admit them to this basic named place called a convention on a planet named Kesh. Awon was setting things up for the Neijotan, have the Taval a holotape on social etiquette, That it should help the Niejotan be much more socialable. If it wasn't for the fact that Kaihpo's line of work revolved around compromises, working withothers, and socializing. He would've outright refused. But he wasn't arrogant enough to refuse such a chance that could help him with his goal.

As they exited the spaceport, the Neijotan noticed all the glances from civilians he received. No doubt it was because of his droid, designed for intimidation and the such. No wonder that retched man gave it to him to begin with. How could anyone have a casual conversation with something that looks like it could rip you in two? As usual with the strange customs of these planets, they were told to be scanned. Or that was at least what Awon translated for the Taval. Apparently there were a lot of people who were... trigger happy? Was that the word in basic? Bleh, he really needed to learn basic. His own language is not even spoken anywhere but his planet. There were even some of his species of the Gosen who could speak some basic. Kaihpo never knew how. The language looked so weird to him, despite the importance his droid spoke of it.

"Master, if you would follow me," Awon said. Without much of a choice, the two went through a bustling city with what seemed to quite a large building with intricate designs. Kaihpo could only think why would people waste so much intelligence just for building. Did the buildings even mean something to them as the ones back home meant to the Great Coats? Kaihpo didn't know nor cared.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Location: Tahv, Capital of Kesh and City of Glass

His months in study with Master Charr had been truly life changing. Having spent the night in deep meditation he had broken is internal searching with the rising of the new day sun. Looking out on the City of glass he knew the importance of this day and what it meant to his master. It was a cross roads, a new direction that Kesh that one would need to navigate. A great gathering had been planned, and the most powerful minds of Kesh were beginning to arrive. An invited guest of Solan, BB still didn't understand what exactly was expected of him but he knew whatever it was must be important and had called upon his new understanding of the force to guide him.

As he walked through his room within the royal palace he remembered how lost he had been before his arrival. The time at Demonsgate was especially trying for him, forced into a roll he barely understood he had done his best and somehow made a difference. Afterward he had been left broken, mentally drained and trying to deal with unresolved fury issues left over from two encounters with unstable force users. Solan's understanding of the force had helped BB control this gift within him and given him the tools to recharge his spirit. He now felt a dept to Solan and he intended to repay it, any way he could.

Walking to the closet he began putting on his dress uniform, not the robes of a force user or diplomat, BB hadn't lose himself to his studies but rather found more abilities to aid in his calling. So as a representative of The Kathol Outback and student of the King, he left to join his master and at the very least bare witness to the birth of this new government.

[member="Solan Charr"]

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