Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Cosmos: Is Star Wars Chaos Racist?!

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Can we not?
Can we please not? We're all just throwing around insults here. That solves nothing.
Let's just go back to roleplaying- you know, the whole reason why we're here in the first place? This conversation is like a runaway train full of explosives going downhill towards an orphanage.
An orphanage that's full of kittens.
Do you want to kill the kittens?
Do you?
Please say no.

Someone please archive this thread... Or just delete it all. Yeah, that sounds good. Just delete it all. Put a big troll face or a cat where this used to be or something.
[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]
Good point. But this thread has literally just turned into people yelling at each other through the computer screen. Continuing it is pointless. Everyone has already proven what they do when they're angry- or what they do when they're just being themselves.

So we need to either calm down, post a few kitten gifs, apologize and act like grown ups (which everyone here but me is), or shut this thing down.
[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]
Perhaps that was the wrong term to use. More like a mix of passive aggressive sarcasm and silly quips/insults/insults-that-make-you-wonder-why-they're-being-used-as-insults.
At this point it doesn't look like anyone hasn't drawn their knives though. Maybe I'm just reading all of this wrong, but...
Avadreia Lacroix said:
Much like your self-righteousness is indicative of your personality. It's good we all understand one another :)
Ludolf Vaas said:
I'm not the one who's upset that other people's characters aren't the way I want them to be.
Avadreia Lacroix said:
You're upset? About this? Really?
Ludolf Vaas said:
The Queen said:
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Your positive attitude in a constructive discussion is appreciated, it really goes to show the calibre of your personality.
This isn't helping. This isn't doing anything. No one is even talking about the subject or actually debating anything. They're just calling people out on their personality issues.

[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Kitten gifs have, in the past, proven to help calm people down at times. Sometimes people need a break from the topic at hand to take a breath, think, calm down, maybe drink some tea or something, and just... relax. When tensions get high it's always good to take a step back. Kitten gifs have done a lot of good in the past :)
They're going to help in the future as well. Not every time, of course. But sometimes they do good.

Shutting things down when they just continue to go south is also good. There's nothing more to add to this conversation. Most of us, if not every person interested, have stated our opinions. We've gone... how many pages without any debate?... It appears like we have nothing left to actually add to the conversation, so it makes since to put this aside (or try to forget it completely).
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