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Faction The Curse of Hamunaptra

Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ


Location: Quarantine Center, Outside New Laveau.
Wearing: Hazmat suit.
Equipment: N-1 Bioscanner; Medical Supplies.
Armament: SE-14r repeating pistol.
Tagging: Resurgent Narrative (Commander Marasigan)


Life had a way of tempting people with hope before kicking them down again. And for the brief moments before the recently ignited flame of hope was snuffed out, a small smile was plastered onto the doctor's face as her thoughts swiftly rushed through the options and potential processes, not unlike a computer. Fevris believed they could work with the information gathered, it was just a matter of beginning their efforts, and the things they'd need where right here with them. A machine or two more would have been ideal, but she was more than used to working in non-ideal scenarios. This one would be no exception.

Her head turned towards the decontamination chambers for a moment as she heard the first round of noise, but much like the Commander she initially shook it off even if it had left a feeling of strangeness in her, her brow slightly frowned in focus. Her eyes fell on Dr. Marasigan when she mentiones using the more recent samples. "I believe they were being gathered, a large group of Brevirostrii came in earlier today. They are in one of the west sectors." Her voice was calm, after all the only thing they needed to do was comm someone and tell them to bring the samples to the lab.

But the events that followed would make sure that this didn't happen.

As the ground shook and the hisses and snarls could begin to be heard in the distance, realization dawned on Fevris as her eyes widened and her expression turned into one of stone-hard resolve. Then the radio came to life, confirming that dreaded feeling that had began to set as an icy mantle over her shoulders. They were falling.

There were no options or time for double-guessing, they had to move and they had to move fast. All of them knew this was a risk when coming here, but that did not lessen the fear or shock of it becoming a reality. Fevris had been a soldier before she took a different path, and while not immune to these feelings either, it did make her react to them with a cold head. She turned around and walked towards one of the tables, reaching below it to pull out a duffel bag. She had made sure to ask for it in case something like this happened, and now she was beyond glad that she had.

There weren't enough blasters for everyone in the lab, but it was still better than nothing. Placing the bag on top of the table, her eyes set on Marasigan once more, "We do as you say, Commander." She was their superior officer, and therefore the next step was her call. The most important thing right now were not their individual lives but getting the gathered information and the samples to a safe place. Another one of the scientists present had already been preparing the coolers and containers. They couldn't afford to carry anything else.

However, there was still the matter of the Brevirostrii samples. Fevris pondered on the thought just for a second, before speaking up. "We still need the Brevirostrii samples," There was no knowing at this moment in time how bad the situation was outside the isolated laboratory, but maybe all the work here would be for nothing if they couldn't secure those samples in time. If the Commander agreed with the opinion that they needed to be retrieved, Fevris would volunteer to attempt to get to the west sector. Some of them would need to get out right now, taking the work here with them and securing it, but some could stay behind and try to get what could possibly be the last piece to the puzzle.


Le Maïs
Frenier Delta

Deputy Robichau seemed to have taken stock of the situation well in hand, so I decided to take the lull in the action to mediate. I hadn't been able to sense the fallen until they were literally on top of us. By time I did, I panicked, and my men had paid for it.

Never again.

I opened myself up to the Force, and I was struck by how the Dark Side had so thoroughly seeped into the Delta. For the first time since I came planet-side, I was doubtful of the ability of FO personnel to cleanse the planet of the Blackwing Virus. The contagion was not naturally occurring; maybe it would take an act of the Force to get rid of something Force-made.

Pushing my doubts aside, I sunk deeper into the Force. I could feel the Brevirostrii preparing themselves around me. As I extended myself, I could feel the dead-men that were chasing me and the Sheriff almost...circling the town. Tightening the circle with every revolution around the town. I can sense something in the waters circling as well, and my heart sunk as I realized that it could only be fallen Brevirostrii.

Sighing, I got up to tell the Deputy of what I had sensed. He and the Sheriff-wherever he was- needed to know what we were going to be up against.

Resurgent Narrative | DG-4582

Audrey Saint George

Audrey hesitated at the base of the fallen obelisk, covering her mouth with a gloved hand. She felt uneasy about all this. What if the language on the obelisk, so tantalizingly familiar and yet so frustratingly out of reach, was a warning about what lay beneath these sands? It wasn't unheard of for cultures to try to cover their errors and hide them from the world. Audrey had a string of ex-boyfriends from college that she refused to acknowledge knowing, let alone dating, as testament to the impulse of civilized people to cover their tracks.

Still, as Ciara Lockley was so eager to get inside, Audrey felt her hand was rather forced — not that Audrey herself wasn't dying to get inside, mind. "Won't be a moment," she called after Lockley, and drew her datapad. She scanned the obelisk and then sent the data package to Elisea Korrado. She clicked her comm and said, "Ms. Korrado, I'm sending you a scan of our findings. Can you please request a translation from the home office when you have a moment? Use my priority code, aurek three three eight cresh. I'm attaching my coordinates as I may be underground for a while."

She tucked her comlink back into her belt and then followed after the pixie-like figure of Ciara. She picked up a respirator and a clip-on torch, which she tucked into her pocket. Audrey half-turned back to Firenne Van-Derveld Firenne Van-Derveld , shielding her gaze from the sun and offering a wide, toothy grin. "Are you coming?" She turned and went to the doors; there was a gap between them, almost as if it was designed as a hand-hold. She slipped her fingers between them, took a breath, and pulled. The door shifted by a few degrees, pushing some more sand out of the way.

"Sucker weighs a gosh-darn tonne," Audrey spat over her shoulder. "I mean, err, rather weighty, this." She heaved a little more, pulling the doorway open about half a foot. She was already pouring sweat. "Give me a hand here," she called. "We've almost got it."

Elisea Apollodor

Elisea and Nylea's travel into the city was uneventful. The dunes of the Sahel desert rolled past them with ease, the hot winds of the desert blew by all the same. The clouds were clear and the sun shined like nothing happened, even as they approached where prefabricated buildings could be seen. The emblem of the First Imperial Medical Services easily seen at a distance. Rapid response teams, first responders formed lines into and out of the city where construction vehicles were carefully rolled in. It was obvious now just how devastating the earthquake had been to Sundiata. The two women parked their respective speeder onto a nearby pad.

"Force be with them..." Elisea managed to say as she stood on the pad looking down into the valley where the city laid, sundered and broken. She switched her focus to the task at hand, "so, the Historical Society is this way..." Her voice trailed off and she turned to grab her things off the speeder and headed on foot toward the city proper. They were stopped at the entrance by the Army. Where Elisea was quick to show their identification badges, "here on behalf of Dr. Saint George, supposed to meet with a-"
"Go on in, just watch your step and stay clear of the vests and helmets."
Elisea replied with a smile, "got it."
Moments after getting into the city, she could see what the guard at the front meant. White vests and helmets dug through the rubble, dogs were ushered to and from the debris sites. Sites where people had been trapped, buildings toppled onto one another like a deck of pazaak cards. In addition to FIMS, and FIFR (First Imperial First Responders), the First Order Division of Applied Sciences were out in force testing everything. Water, soil, and anything else that had been reported to have been contaminated.
Central to the city was a sandstone fortress that was cracked into several sections. The bloops from Elisea's locator shook her out of her trance, "right, this way." She gestured haphazardly toward the Northeast. Just as she received a communications blip from Audrey Saint George.
:: Ms. Korrado, I'm sending you a scan of our findings. Can you please request a translation from the home office when you have a moment? Use my priority code, aurek three three eight cresh. I'm attaching my coordinates as I may be underground for a while. ::
Elisea fumbled initially with her personal comlink before finally getting a response out to the Director. "Yes ma'am, I will get that done right now." She grabbed a tablet from her satchel as it hung across her chest and headed toward a nearby surface. What had been a vendor's area now half in ruins. She set her tablet down and flipped up a connection antenna and began to receive the findings, and relay the scans to the home office.
When the task was complete, the Avalonian packed up her gear, "sorry about that now um, the Historical Society..." She got out the locator again and took a deep breath. She tried to not look too long at any of the devastations around her. "This way," and once more they were off in a Northeastern direction. Eventually, they would come to a small building with what had been a library fallen down on top of it with books spilled across the streets and windows shattered.

"Force be with them," Nylea repeated. It looked much worse than she had feared.

The sight of the ruined city didn't merely fill the echani with sadness, though. A small tug in the back of her mind, born in the Force, acted as a warning. Something felt off, though what is was or where it came from she couldn't tell. The feeling was entirely unfamiliar, and that was worrying. It was a reminder of how important solving this mystery was.

After being given entrance into the city, Nylea wordlessly smiled and nodded at the trooper before along into the city proper. While Elisea looked around, Nylea picked up a small piece of debris that laid at her feet. "You would think you would eventually become numb to it," the echani silently mused, her heart heavy. This piece was supposed to be part of one of the buildings, now there wasn't much of it left.

Elisea's comlink went off and the Avalonian was requested something, slightly delaying their walk to the Historical Society. Nylea took that time to center herself, closing her eyes and instead watching through the web of the Force. However, what she tried to peer into was shrouded in darkness. With a shake of her head she opened her eyes again and walked back up towards Elisea who had just finished packing up her gear again. "Alright," the echani said as she followed the Avalonian.

"I tried finding clues through the Force," Nylea mentioned as they made their way to the Historical Society, "but I could not see anything, like there was a thick fog. I think there may be something wrong, something dark at play here." It was always difficult to explain the workings of the Force to someone who did not have a strong connection to it, but she tried her best to make it as easy to understand as possible.

Once they arrived at their destination, the two found themselves at more ruined buildings, much like the rest of the city. "That looks bad. Is it safe to go inside?"


Otzdrava Velexia

Dust and fire, mud and screams. Knightess Velexia watched on as a detained group of infected stragglers were set aflame - like rats they were, scurrying about within the bog's filth and haze trying to flee what was an inevitable closure to their miserable lives. They crumpled, folded into themselves as their forms were scorched from existence. Silence hung in the air for a brief moment before Otzdrava caught notice of a lone Stormtrooper displaying odd behavior, his movements sluggish yet erratic, almost as if in a trance.

"Halt." Growled the silver-plated Imperial Knight, her idle calmness interrupted as she approached the soldier, her right gauntlet retrieving a slugthrower strapped beneath her armorweave cape. "You appear to be experiencing a malfunction, corporal. Would you like some assistance?" Otzdrava's sarcasm was met with slurred, unintelligible grumbling while other personnel looked on with an unspoken acknowledgement that their comrade had been infected in some manner prior to rounding up victims. With limbs twisting and breathing devolving into inhumane grunts and snarls, Knightess Velexia raised her weapon and fired upon the corporal twice, both rounds impacting directly into his skull.

His body went limp as he fell firmly into the soft mud, the white of his armor tarnished and disgraced by both his failure to report and by endangering the mission at hand. Otzdrava leveled her handheld with the fallen soldier's head once more and expended a final round. Her helmeted gaze turned slowly to the remaining members of the unit. "Do not dare sabotage this operation with personal feelings; or the very same fate will befall you, I do not have time nor the patience to foster disservice."

Moving away from the corpse, Knightess Velexia continued onward with the outfit she was assigned to without uttering a word.

Resurgent Narrative | DG-4582 | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | Ryker Atreides | Bellam Malhan Bellam Malhan
The shot went out, and he knew when the generator whined like the howl of a TIE engine as it funneled more energy back towards the now expended capacitor. Waiting for the proverbial smoke to clear, he realized now they were sticking their feet in the muck. Sweat ran along his brow, and into his eye, but he had to blink away the diversion because he didn't dare remove his helmet in combat.

"Good shot, kid." His booted foot nudged the back of Cee's seat again.

"Swing her in, Caz. I've got the corner of the data center in view." It was a grey, ragged edge of a bunker-esque building. Standard Imperial build, really. The adherence to militarily functional design would work in their favor, gigantic crocodile people be damned.

His viewport spotted one coming at them, but big as they were, he wasn't overly concerned. "Vaporize it." If Cee Dee missed, the other tanks had spread out already, providing overlapping fields of fire. More undead were starting to pour out like ants from a flooded mound, but whatever bowel clenching terror he felt was hidden behind outward professionalism.

"Believe we have friendlies pushing this way too, so don't get trigger happy."

Swapping to his command circuit, he began ordering the other transport tanks to fan out further. They didn't need to get dragged down by a swarm of rotting flesh.

Resurgent Narrative


The Commander looked at the Doctor and then back toward the monstrous noise just beyond the flimsy plastic wall. The last time she had to tango with something like this was during the Fall. "You, you, and you go, fall back with Major Caceres and his team, let's hope the old base is as good as it once was." She tossed a set of keys toward the other doctors, "take what you can but leave that here." She gestured specifically to what she and the doctor had been working on. "Go, now!" While the Doctor had brought her own protection, the Commander felt under the table and took out a blaster pistol.

"Nothing like a good ol' DC-17, I'm with you Doc." Marasigan replied as she squeezed off two shots toward the towering Brevirostrii. Derzelas was right they still needed the samples, "let's grab the samples and go, there's another speeder parked out by the west sector." Her only regret would be the lack of time, time to suit up, and time to properly think their puzzle through. Unfortunately, it just wasn't a luxury they would be afforded. "We need the samples, and we need to go, you'll have to do everything else on the go, we'll be falling back to an old base outside the Bayou. The city should be on lockdown."

The roar of the Brevirostrii followed by a too-close-for-comfort swipe that just narrowly missed the commander as she ducked beneath the swipe. "Time to go!" She squeezed off another round or two and would do her best to keep up with the Doctor. They had to figure out the final piece of the puzzle, and then figure out how to get their antidote out to the masses before this got beyond control. Right now? They had a handle on it, with their back-up plan being to bring in the flamethrowers, but that would be a last resort.



Le Maïs was a siths' pit of ugly that was for sure and Deputy Robichau wasn't gonna hide around it. He chewed along on what had been the bone of a fish, womper-catfish as he'd explain pitiful critters that grew and swam around the mire - good eatin' he'd say. He caught a whiff of the air, "sumthin' on da way, buddy." Robichau was a foreboding figure on his own and the rest of the Brevirostrii were just as well. It was then that he caught sight of the ol' Sherriff. "Boy what did you do?" Robichau questioned as he hustled up toward Laurier with a gruff of someone who'd been crossed.

"Did what was necessary, town wasn't gonna get any better, but all it gonna take is a spark."

"Yew, crazy scaler-faux-paus-purse-skin!" Robichau shoved Laurier who looked like he'd been swimmin' in the garbage.

A translation from one of the younger Brevirostrii and the Knight would be told that the Sherriff loosened up the ol' oil pipes and that is exactly what he was covered in and why he looked so gruff. A cough from the Sherriff would be all the Deputy needed, then there was a look in his eye. "Yew womper-crack, when?"

"Don't matter just do it and get it over with!"

Robichau didn't hesitate, he whipped out his scatter-slug and pumped two shots, four twenty gauges right into the Sheriff's chest, and watched him get turned into a walking flame, just as the body began to turn. The Deputy hung his head low and took a deep breath, he exhaled and walked over toward the flaming corpse of the Sheriff and took the badge off'im. Robichau walked back toward the Knight and looked at the badge, he examined it, and then there was a line along his face, the thin grasp of a grin.

"Yew big'ol bag ol'scales," Robichau muttered and tapped the backside of it. The badge pushed out something around them, and the Knight would sense it to be the Force, and just maybe a fighting chance. "Dis'ere badge is more den just the star of the law, it's made to protect us from the bad juju."

Robichau walked over and handed it to the knight. "I gots mine, right here, best git dis on yew."

True to his word, he tapped the back of his, and once more the effect was in place. An area of effect that would work to keep the area within the Deputy and now the Knight's range 'clean' of the 'bad juju'. "Dese dings don't werk if yer caught wit da bad juju." He'd clarify just as he took up position, "alrighty fellers, GIT READY!"



Cee Dee felt the booted foot of his Sergeant on the back of his seat. He could also feel the tank as it swiveled and swung in as to lay its gristly eyes on the data center proper. Once that tank swung around, the gunner was at it, Shaky laid in on the scalebag and let loose a shot that whistled a promise of death as it sailed through the air. The Brevirostrii didn't stand a chance and Cee Dee watched his numbers making sure the gun didn't overheat as he shifted his weight in his chair.

Sweat ran down his back and down his front, but his hands remained steady on his controls. His helmet concealed his features which for Cee Dee was great, that meant none of them could see just how nervous he was. His hands wouldn't show it and kid's brain went straight to his training. He counted out once more loud and strong, called out the shot, and there it went. Like a gunslinger down the ol' dirt road hand on the trigger with a quick-draw and a killer aim.

He got a look out the visor and saw the friendlies inbound, "ten-four Sarge, I see friendlies."


Vernon Hectis


The caravan approached the crossroads and began setting up a checkpoint. The construction was rather swift thanks to the ingenuity of the First Order and their engineering prowess. In just under an hour, barricades were set up, turrets were operational, and troopers were on patrol routes.

DG-4582 stood watch at the center of the crossroads, rifle in hand. Things were quiet, for now. The radio was alive with chatter from across the AO. DG-4582 was content with this post after the grueling campaign against the Ssi-ruuvi. He saw many tragedies in those times. Lost a lot of friends. So, a nice and quiet posting to keep quarantined persons in check is an easy reprieve.

"Eyes up, troopers. These sick will do whatever it takes to escape. See them as rodents. Disease carrying rodents that wish to kill everyone you love and hold dear. And they will if each of us do not stand a proper watch. Ensure to burn the bodies of the seek and report anything unusual. We'll be back home before you know it."
His movements within the long abandoned temple were slow and calculated, allowing the sensors to map slightly ahead of his position hoping to avoid the pitfall of last time he had gone into a Sith ruin alone. He was pretty sure that it was Dromund Kaas, or was it Korriban? Wait no, Korriban was the visions and all that insanity. Dromund Kaas was the fall with hairline fractures to the ribs and the dislocated shoulder. Man, that had not been a fun adventure. Sure it hadn't been the worst injuries and there had been little to no fighting that he could recall on that particular mission.

His train of remembrance was cut short as the aural sensors lit up with a warning. Northeast. Another ping from the southeast. Equipment must be malfunctioning right? There had been nothing around when he entered the ruins. Turning towards the source of the first ping he widened the search area of the infrared and bioscanners. Nothing came up. "Okay, easy...just the ruins settling. Makes sense, besides there were no bodies around and that is a good thing right?" Cursing himself for getting worked up over the sounds of ruins settling, Kurayami continued onward. No corpses meant Blackwing hadn't affected this particular camp, though they had to evacuate quite fast as everything seemed to have been left where it was. Yea, no zombies to deal with here. Nope.

So were his thoughts until he turned the corner, ahead was a hallway and the amount of bodies told a very different narrative. Still no thermal readings or bioscanner activity. All was good for the moment, how long that would last was up for debate. Using the zoom function he targeted the nearest body and made sure there was no motion. It was at this point the old spec-ops training kicked in and hit both the body and head with three rounds. Now was not the time to take chances.


Le Maïs
Frenier Delta

Sometimes, years from now, younger, anxious Knights asked me what I learned over the years. Strangely, I didn't think of the my tours of duty with the CEDF, or fighting a guerilla war against the Hegemony and the lizards. My mind always went back to Mephout, when I got my first taste of the Dark Side of the Force.

And then how everything went to hell on Mephout. But that's another story.

All these thoughts would go through my head, and I'd just attempt some nonchalance, clap the Knight on their shoulder, and say, "Things happen slowly, then suddenly."

Because that's how it felt. One moment, I'm sensing the dead-men circling the town. Then, I feel one of them break off and to my dismay it's the Sheriff that pops out the water. Amazingly, he still has his mind- the sentient victim of Blackwing. I didn't follow all of the conversation with Robichau and the Sheriff; he did something, something that Robichau said was crazy. Then, without any hesitation, Robichau killed the Sheriff and burned the body on the spot.

As Robichau handed me Sheriff's old badge (which apparently had properties that negated Blackwing to some effect- that "bad juju" as he said) I wanted to ask him what on earth the Sheriff did before he died, and if we can mass-produce whatever's in these badges. But before I could voice my thoughts, Robichau bellowed, "Alrighty fellers, GIT READY!"

In retrospect, it seemed almost prescient. Like clockwork, Brevirostrii began clambering out of the water, their roars shaking the buildings. The larger ones lumbered forward, some brandishing weapons. The smaller, leaner Brevirostrii scampered up to the town from all directions.

The roar of the living answered the dead, and the Brevirostrii returned fire. I charged forward, screaming alongside them despite myself, swinging my lightsaber around like a madman.

I don't know if was exhaustion, rage at losing so many good beings that day, or insanity that drove me. But I knew one thing- here is where we made our stand. Here is where we made these creatures pay for every inch they took.

Things happen slowly, then suddenly.

Resurgent Narrative
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Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ


Location: Quarantine Center, Outside New Laveau.
Wearing: Hazmat suit.
Equipment: N-1 Bioscanner; Medical Supplies.
Armament: SE-14r repeating pistol.
Tagging: Resurgent Narrative (Commander Marasigan)


The other three doctors nodded as they immediately set themselves into motion to follow the Commander’s orders and leave the base. Fevris, on the other hand, stood at the ready to follow Marasigan on the opposite direction: right towards the infected. It would be no easy task, and just like the Commander, it had been some time since she had seen action.

Fevris made sure to gather what they would need, only the necessities for they couldn’t afford to be slowed down by anything else, and as soon as everything was safely stored within a backpack, she made sure to strap it securely across her upper abdomen and chest, careful not to damage the suit. That was another thing going against them, just a well-placed scratch on the hazmat suit and that alone could be enough to end their story right there. If they became infected, it was game over.

As the Commander ducked, Fevris shot twice downing the Brevirostrii before beginning to move towards the only exit that would lead where they needed to go: the decontamination chambers. The doors there had offered a barrier against the undead, and therefore it was easy enough to aim at and shoot down the two brevirostrii that had slipped through before they became a problem.

“Go on ahead, I’ll cover!” The Doctor stayed close to the Commander but still made sure to put two or three meters between them, enough to give them time and space to react in case of any unexpected threat. Fevris kept her focus on aiming at the infected that neared them. In their current situation, it was better to avoid close combat as much as they could.

Just as she had once been trained to do, Fevris drowned the background noise, her mind dead set on the task at hand. Maybe in another scenario she would have measured in her options to try to help straggler colleagues or patients, but with the virus there was no way of knowing if the few people that were trying to get out of the quarantine center were infected or not, and no time to check. They needed the samples, then to get out. That alone was the best they could do for the people of Mephout and the First Order now.

When they finally reached the west wing, Fevris’ blue eyes met the Commander’s and she nodded once, she’d watch her back as Marasigan retrieved the samples. Meanwhile, she positioned herself and made sure to fire her at any infected that tried to approach. More and more seemed to creep their way into the center with every second that passed increasing the difficulty of her task, and they had little time until their escape window closed.

For that same reason, Fevris already began searching for the best route to leave the center and focused her fire on that area to clear it of as many infected as her aim allowed. They could make a run for it. They had to.

As soon as they were on the speeder and heading back to base, their work would resume.


Elisea Apollodor

"I don't think you ever really do, and if so- then I think perhaps it would be time to step out of the field," Elisea remarked indicating that once someone had become, 'numb' to the feeling that devastation brought. Then that would be the time to step away, even so, she looked over her shoulder at Nylea. "Don't see much of a choice."
The implication of the building's shape was more than enough. "Just uh, stay frosty as the Stormies like to say." Quietly the two entered the Historical Society's building and almost immediately there was a cold feeling to the place. "Hello?" She called out and began to survey her surroundings the place looked as if it had been ransacked. The blood however was more than alarming, Elisea stopped in her tracks. She drew in a breath and exhaled, "right there's probably going to be more of that."
"They did mention in the reports of a sarcophagus."
"So let's see if we can't find that - do you sense anyone here?"

Caz Ozzel

Driving was the easy part. Or at least, the easiest part. Driving well.. that was a different matter. Caz managed to keep them clear of any major trees, their mossy stumps rising out of the murky water, acting as impromptu barriers and clogging up his egress routes - something he wasn't entirely happy about but the Private made due. The command had been 'Front forward' and so he'd stayed oriented to the front, or at least where the enemy was supposed to be. That E-web though was going to be a problem, he had to ensure their line of sight was obstructed. At least from here it would be but as they progressed and continued their assault things could easily get lost in the static.

A quick glance at the readouts on the panel beside him confirmed a growing fear - something had gummed up their air intake. It was a subtle thing to notice but when you'd spent as much time around engines and these tanks as Caz had in training you knew when your baby was running smooth. Incidentally, you also knew when it wasn't. It was a quiet sputter at first, small variations in the tones coming out of the engine compartment but now he could clearly hear the engine sucking for air. "We've got something in the intake!" his muffle voice barely pierced the faceplate of his helmet before he remembered to key up. This time keying comms he spoke a touch calmer. :: We've got something gumming the intake Sarge - the autoclear isn't fixing it. ::

The autoclear was a mechanical device, little more than a redirect, a way of forcing out whatever had become clogged in the intake out another route but that had failed. They weren't inoperable by any means, they still had power, weapons, and all essential systems but too much longer and they risked seriously damaging the core engine systems. :: We might have to clear it manually. :: he gulped. The prospect of an engine failure here of all places was a bleak one. The idea of getting out of the tank to clear what in all likelihood was swamp muck or weeds was even worse considering the undead were about them. That and the alligators. he mused.

Ryker Atreides

His trek through the muck of the swamp had been a perilous one, blaster weapon slung and fast feet carrying him as quietly as possible towards the embedded E-Web emplacement. Nearby he could already hear the sounds of cannons, blaster fire, and what sounded like a symphony of destruction erupting. He needed to take care of this emplacement. Now. A sharp sneer cut across his obscured features as he took cover behind the large fallen trunk of a tree. He was within thermal detonator range now. A quick peek over the edge of the log confirmed his fear however. The duracrete was too thick on the emplacement - a detonator wasn't going to cut it. He needed to use the explosives in his pack and he had to be inside.

:: Viper One to allied armor. Give me two minutes and your route will be clear. Standby for confirmation of det. ::

"Karking hell." he uttered to no one. With a dissatisfied grunt he unslung his blaster and pushed himself up from the muck he'd been seated in. Time to move. Moving slowly but smoothly he covered the ground in short time, eyes constantly scanning for any hint of movement from within and without the emplacement bunker. Nothing. It was unnerving. Ryker had yet to see the emplacement open fire but there weren't exactly targets for it to fire at. Best case, he'd merely stumbled upon an empty relic of the Order and it wasn't even serviceable. Worst case, whomever was inside was smart. A moment more and he found himself snug against the outside wall of the bunker, weapon clutched close to his chest. This is it. It was time to breach. A sharp intake of breath predicated the explosive movement as he lowered the barrel of his weapon to chest height and spun around into the small corridor which led inside to the bunker. Finger a hair away from squeezing the trigger he was greeted by... nothing.

The dark corridor stretched forward into a circular area, just the barrel of the embedded E-Web visible around the small corner. To the right is where anyone crewing or servicing the weapon would no doubt be. In a low combat crouch Ryker pressed forward, heartbeats thumping away in his ears, adrenaline flooding his veins. Each step taken felt another to the doorstep of death - an irony thought the commando. For I am already dead. As he approached the circular room he could see more of the emplacement. By all appearances a serviceable E-Web blaster stood on its tripod. Barrel aimed out of the narrow slit towards the armor's approach vector. It was equipped with a thermal sight and what looked to be a modified power pack. Another step forward. That meant someone knew what they were hunting - someone knew they'd be gunning down armor.

Before another thought could cross the Sergeant's mind several things happened simultaneously. A guttural intake of breath whispered in the silence of the bunker. A flicker of movement caught Ryker's eye. A massive melee weapon found itself deflecting off the man's helmet. Had his reaction to duck been any slower he would have been little more than a splatter on the wall beside where he stood. Even so, he had been rattled, his vision temporarily fading to black as he bounced unceremoniously off the floor, weapon clattering back into the corridor. A sudden wave of nausea swept over him, legs scrambling to create some distance between the commando and his assailant. His assailant, an enormous Brevirostrii. Splinters of wood showered down on Ryker, the toothed weapon splintering slightly as the first swipe contacted the wall. Rolling to his left, the commando swiftly drew his backup blaster, the barrel screeching hot as he fired two blasts at the reptilian figure towering above him. A wheezing grunt was the only response before again the wooden melee weapon of his enemy came rocketing down. Throwing up his hands in a quick last ditch defense he heard a snap as the club came down on his forearms. A moment later, shooting pain sending a new wave a nausea over him.

And then the creature was on top of him. The pressure was crushing, all several hundred pounds threatening to crack him open like an egg. It started out as a cry of pain as he felt a rib pop, then anger as he began to come to terms with the reality that he was about to be squished to death by an already once dead alligator. In an instant things had gone from routine to Ryker getting a glimpse at the light at the end of the tunnel - or in this case, the totality of the void. No. He refused to submit, he refused to give up. Already the Brevirostrii was attempting to find purchase with his teeth, the hot breath of the creature fogging up Ryker's visor. His one good hand fumbling he found what he was looking for - a blade. The long combat knife drew smoothly as he wriggled to his side, able to free up his arm for one good stab. Aiming for where he approximated the creature's eye to be he thrust the knife deep. Withdrew it. Stabbed again. One. Two. Three. Ten times he thrust the knife deep into the soft fleshy part of the beast's eye socket, several times the blade catching bone and slashing into flesh.

For a moment Ryker's vision faded near to black, his lungs on fire as he fought to breathe with the weight of the creature still pressing him into the floor. Struggle. Struggle. Struggle. Then... relief. Fueled solely on adrenaline and anger the Sergeant shoved hard, managing to slide free of the creature as it took his place on the floor. Dead. Ryker coughed violently. Ah kark. He wasn't in good shape, and if he had to make a guess he didn't have long before he passed out. Crawling to a knee, he quickly grabbed his blaster rifle from the floor where it had lain since being knocked free. He wasn't going down that easy. Using the barrel to help himself back to his feet he shuffled over to where the E-Web had been set up.

:: Viper One to.. Cough.. Allied armor. Bunker cleared. Standby for det. Thirty seconds on my mark. ::

He paused, slipping his pack from his shoulder and hastily opening the flap. Retrieving a prepared charge, he looked about the room for a second before deciding where to place it for maximum effect. With a grunt he dragged the E-Web tripod closer to the charge. This was going to be a big one. He was going to need something a little extra to make it out of here, especially in his condition. Blood had begun to soak through his bodysuit and onto the floor. That's not good. Reaching back into the pack he pulled out two small autoinjectors. This was going to suck. Biting the inside of his cheek the held the injector tightly in his fist and lined it up over his thigh. Mama didn't raise no... WHOOSH.

The chemical cocktail hit his system like a Star Destroyer being ripped out of hyperspace. His eyes dilated then focused into near pinpoints, his body shuddering under the power of the various chemicals as they began to override his natural response systems. :: Mark. :: he stated decidedly into the comm. Thirty seconds and this bunker was going to be nothing but a smoking crater. Another pile of rubble. An amalgamation of flesh, mud, water, and blood. And if he didn't get out of here he was going to be a part of that masterpiece of art. A sharp inhalation of breath brought clarity to the ravaged soldier, his legs moving sensation-less as he pumped his way down the corridor and back out into the swampy jungle. If anyone saw him now they wouldn't have time to react, especially at the speed at which he ran. In an instant he found himself coming up on a small rise in the ground, perfect protection from the coming boom. Just in time he leapt over the small embankment and flattened himself as low as he could.

Two seconds later an explosion rocked the ground, trees toppling, water and mud flying into the air - duracrete chunks joining the debris as it rained back down from the sky. After the shockwave passed Ryker hazarded a peek over the embankment, a brief pang of joy warming his cold heart. The bunker had been annihilated, the surrounding structures nearly wiped out completely. They wouldn't find any resistance on their way past here, that was certain. :: Viper one to Allied Armor. Target confirmed eliminated. Cough. Path is..cough.. clear. ::

Ciara Lockley


"Oh! Of course!" She exclaimed, a flush of color filling her cheeks as she jumped in to help. "On three?" She counted down, adding her effort to the attempt. "You're right, this is quite a heavy basta... door. It's quite a heavy door." she winked. It took them some trying, at the end of which Ciara had regretted the protective clothing she'd worn and mused that she'd happily trade it for some of the lightweight fabric garb the natives seemed to favor. "It sure is a scorcher out here - at least in there we'll be in the shade." she remarked, engaging her torch and stepping forward into the opening. Carefully now. The voice in the back of her head spoke. There could be booby traps here, it certainly wouldn't be the first time a site like this had been protected by its designers. Upon an initial inspection she couldn't see anything obviously out of place. "The air is quite stale in here, and the dust.." she was interrupted by an involuntary sneeze. "Excuse me. The dust is absolutely everywhere."

Wiping away a tear at the edge of her eye she stepped further in, the corridor leading to the top of a staircase just ahead. "Ooh, stairs. I suppose this leads deeper into the structure." She paused a moment, holding up her holo-imaging device to quickly capture the interior of the structure.
Nylea took another look at the building, then nodded. "I suppose. Hopefully we can make it a quick trip in and out," she responded, taking a deep breath to steel herself. The woman honed in on her senses as they approached, a few more words of caution spoken by Elisea before they entered. "I will keep an eye out," she reassured her. If something was amiss, and she had this nagging feeling that most definitely was the case, it was of the utmost importance to be careful above all else. Especially considering the fact they were entering a building that was on the brink of collapsing.

Nylea remained right behind Elisea, using her gift to keep an eye on things through the Force- or at least she attempted to do so. The drop in temperature was alarming, but the fact the Force was near-impossible to read was much more concerning to her. The dark shroud she struggled to peer into before was even stronger here. The blood was a more visual cue to be alarmed.

"I do not sense anything at all," the echani replied, a level of alarm present in her voice. "That fog I mentioned earlier, it is much stronger in here. We have to be extremely careful." She couldn't sense anything beyond just a few meters away from her- three footsteps at most.

Instead of the Force then, Nylea used her eyes to look around, hoping to find the sarcophagus Elisea mentioned, or any pointer that could lead them towards it. "Maybe that room over there," she said as she pointed towards a doorway. The door itself lied on the floor, granting them easy access. "It looks like the place where they stored newly arrived artifacts."


Otzdrava Velexia


Humidity flooded the inside of Velexia's armor, her plating marked by scratches and bodily fluids not from herself. Several rounds were expended from her sidearm before an audible click confirmed a sudden rise of panic within her core; she had failed to defend the grunts around her as she watched them become overwhelmed by shambling cadavers, wrestled down into the muck while screaming and begging for help. Even if she had used the Force, there was nothing she could do about the infection already present in their bloodstream.

Twitching limbs and fingers erupted from the loose soil beneath the Knightess as she struggled to tear herself away from the swelling numbers of undead, anger boiling as she lost her footing and stumbled, falling on her back while the hordes of rot encroached with gnashing rows of broken discolored teeth. Could this be how she met her end? Defiled and torn apart by mere husks? No, she couldn't allow such a time to come so soon, such a lowly fate was beneath her.

Reaching for the hilt of her lightsaber, Velexia managed to ignite the pure silver of her blade, cutting herself free from the wretched vices protesting against her defiance with broken nails and soft, ripened flesh; hurrying to her feet, the Knightess eyed the oncoming threat with a mixture of disgust and malice - just as she was preparing to go on the offensive, a deep rumble caused the immediate surroundings to quiver and shift as a plume of black smoke reached skyward, nearby wildlife becoming distressed and adding to the chaos of the current predicament. But it mattered not.

Charging forward, Velexia ignited the adjacent end of her lightsaber and began her frenzy, skillfully weaving through the masses in a blur of heavenly streaks; none of the shambling bags of festering pus could put an end to her ire and dedication, no matter their unwavering hunger or resistance to pain, the Knightess would make doubly certain to vanquish them - destroy them until they were nothing more than charred skin and bone that would forever be imprisoned within the muck.

Alone, tired, unyielding, Velexia kept fighting as only more of the infected began to appear from seemingly nowhere; bodies piling upon one another, limbs flung far yet still writhing to claim a victim, wails and groans pervading through the thick air as a choir of the damned.

Velexia understood now that she couldn't do this by her lonesome, and thus proceeded to retreat from the area back towards inner Frenier Delta; between gasps for air and trudging through mud, she linked to an emergency channel from her comms: "This is Imperial Knight Velexia, requesting assistance! Our unit was overwhelmed, come in Control!"

Ryker Atreides | Caz Ozzel | Bellam Malhan Bellam Malhan | DG-4582 | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | Resurgent Narrative

Resurgent Narrative

Dr. Derzelas called out cover and Marasigan turned the corner to put two more shots down into the same Brevirostrii the Doc had. Hell let loose in the filmsy halls of the quarantine center. Keeping that two-three meters distance was just enough as the pair managed their way through to the west section. Another three shots were squeezed off as she put a few beleaguered and at least one infected person down. They didn't have the luxury of telling who and who wasn't and in a place like this? Those risks could not be taken, the lights flickered off and on just like some terrible cliched holoflix of horror.
Once they had reached the west section the two women exchanged a single look. Marasigan got to the samples and began to collect what she could while Derzelas covered her position. Her heart was pounding so fast and adrenaline was already in her veins. She was nervous, anxious and jumpy at best as she collected what they needed. Marasigan spoke of what they needed, verbalized it so she herself could get some control over her hands. It didn't help that she could hear the undead as they moaned and wailed through the halls.
Samples collected and stored properly, data downloaded the Commander spared the doctor but a glance, "got it, let's go!"
Their goal now was to get through to the speeder. Commander Marasigan would follow Doctor Derzelas out of the quarantine center. The DC-17 sidearm blasted away at any who came near them. By happenstance they ran past a small weapons locker by the security office, there the Commander made sure to grab a few slugthrowers, and at least a scattergun or two just before the pair exited the building. It wasn't hard to find what they needed either once outside, "there!"
A vehicle on loan to them by the New Laveau Bayou Authorities.
Above them, the all too-familiar sound of TIES screamed across the Bayou Skies.

Robichau fired without hesitation and a piss-end town like Le Maïs would become a stand out against the undead. It's unique geography lent itself to defensive positions. Part of the town under water, and another part over the hill tops gave them room to breathe, and as requested. Robichau launched a shot toward the water. Oil struck up a flame and blitzed through this portion of the bayou, setting any and everything that came up on fire. The big ol' Brevirostrii hooped and hollared as his slugthrower found purchase into every single member of the undead. Indeed, the keen eye of the lawmen there at the town was unmatched.
However unmatched they might have been more and more seemed to be on the way. Still, the rumbles and sounds of First Order military were also heard in the distance. DG-4582 and their unit were closer to the town than perhaps they initially thought. The badges from the law began to activate in a 'push' against the undead which meant so long as the law stood beside each other there was a barrier beyond the physical to keep them safe.
Above them the sound of TIES screamed across the Bayou Sky.

Everything seemed to be goin' okay in as far as Cee Dee was concerned. At least until Caz said there was somethin' in the intake, "w-w-wha?" He asked seemingly distracted as he too could now hear and feel whatever it was that was making their tank sound the way it did. The quarantine center ahead of them was being worked on as planned and so his gun for the moment stopped firing and began its cool down. Trigger happy he would not be as the other tanks pulled to fire on the undead whilst the quarantine center was cleaned out.
Before the kid could say anymore, the sight and sound of TIES above drew his attention, "w-why are they h-here?"
If the Starfighter Corps had arrived it meant something had gone terrible wrong elsewhere in the Bayou. They were the clean-up crew and so he pondered and wondered just what exactly had happened to draw a squadron of TIEs toward the southern end of the Bayou. Head on a swivel CD turned his attention back to the gun to call out another shot, a Bevirostrii towered closer than what was wanted. He hoped that the intake would clear on its own and that none of them would have to get out the tank.
Major Caceres and what remained of the First Order Stormtroopers were being pushed back toward an older base at the edge of the Frenier Delta. A thunder could be felt as the convoy rolled through the fragile lands of the Bayou, whether it swamp or undead the sound of the Stormtroopers pushing through compounded by the sound of blaster bolts and slugthrowers echoed throughout the region. Plumes of smoke, dirt, mud, and blood followed in their wake. Major Caceres had made the call to secure the Bayou, a call put into the Starfighter Corps. Bombers and fighters screamed across the skies at that moment.
They would lay down the smoke and outline the area of fire. An area that would be concealed within a dome until they could get a proper handle on the situation. As the convoy rolled through Caceres looked forward and heard a sound crackle on the radio. He heard the sounds of help and gritted his teeth. Good men were gone and the Knight was alive. His armored hand slammed into the dashboard of the vehicle. "Get a location on that knight." He ordered his radioman.
:: Knight Velexia this is Den HQ. We'll divert to pick you up, hang tight ::
Divert wasn't necessarily true by the looks of the location tracker. Still, they would reroute to pick up the Knight and get a report on what exactly happened, an entire unit gone? Caceres sighed, he hated this planet he really did.
Tanileu was part of the detachment sent to help Viper One. Viper Two wasn't too far from her, Viper Four just beside her as they pushed through the bayou on their speeder bikes. Thus far most of the First Order's military objectives had been complete but by the Force was the price already too high. Tanileu got on the comlink to radio up to Viper One, the Den had already fallen as had various checkpoints and make-shift forward bases. The Starfighter Corps were now working to lock the bayou down, which meant the next level of quarantine would be enacted here.
:: Viper One, this is Viper Three - hang tight, we're heading your way ::
She pushed forward on the bike following her teammates across the swampy terrain. The heat and humidity were fierce nothing like the humidity on Gilaria, here it was just thick - a god awful type. Her armor and bodyglove stuck worse than usual and she just hoped that through it all Viper One would be able to hang on.
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Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ


Location: Falling back to base, Outside New Laveau.
Wearing: Hazmat suit.
Equipment: N-1 Bioscanner; Medical Supplies.
Armament: SE-14r repeating pistol.
Tagging: Resurgent Narrative (Commander Marasigan)


Once the Commander was ready, Fevris started paving their way outside of the center with as much haste as was possible. It seemed as though with each step more and more infected were showing up, every shot taken from a shorted distance and adrenaline increasing with every passing second. There was no doubt in Fevris' mind that if they had taken a moment too long to collect the samples, they would have been cut off from their escape route and Mephout would become their end, either at the sickly, grabby hands of the Blackwing's victims or Imperial TIEs or soldiers, once they came in to clear the place.

It was a possible destiny they had both accepted when signing up for this, and one that the Doctor considered a worthy risk if it meant a shot at aiding the people of the empire.

But it seemed as though luck had decided to smile on them again, and just when the situation was beginning to look too grim they managed to get out. Fevris took some of the weapons from Marasigan so that the Commander wouldn't have to carry everything on her own, she was currently carrying the samples and information and having her put at more risk because she was slowed down was not an option. Fevris then proceeded to shoot her way through again, until she reached the vehicle.

Sliding into the driver's seat, she continued shooting down infected or stragglers that got near, covering Marasigan's back until she could safely get in. Once that had happened, not a second was lost until both of them were ready to go and guarded within the safety of the military speeder's walls. Bringing the engine to life, the Doctor pushed the vehicle into a fast retreat, feeling as though she was running a race against the incoming TIE's. Getting caught in the fire was the last thing they wanted.

It was only after she was done swerving around obstacles and groups of infected, when the route looked clearer and the aggresive thumping in her chest lessened that her blue eyes swerved briefly from the way ahead to look at Marasigan. "Are you good, Commander?" She asked, checking in to make sure no injuries she wasn't aware of had occurred.

The drive back to the base was not very long, partly because of Fevris insistence on keeping up a high speed. They had not a moment to lose, if the FIMS corps didn't manage to nip this at the bud Mephout would be lost. Firepower went a long way to keep people safe, but not from an enemy that couldn't be shot down. The only true answer to this would be a vaccine.

And they had to get it.

Upon arriving at the base, the speeder was soon surrounded by soldiers pointing their carbines at them, asking for identifications and perusing both of them for signs of potential infection. Fevris complied, wanting to get over this so that they could get back to work.


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