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Faction The Curse of Hamunaptra


Le Maïs

Sheer, sheer pandemonium, is how best I could describe the scene in that dingy, dilapidated swamp town.

The dead-men were rushing the living with reckless, frantic abandon- clambering over their downed fellows in certain cases. It's as if they heard the march of the First Order, and they knew their end was near. The Brevirostrii lawmen, unflappable, picked off the charging beasts with their slug-throwers, and other armaments.

I dealt with the stragglers. I was in constant movement, my lightsaber a blur as I cut down the undead that managed to get too close to the Brevirostrii. Then, my foot caught on a branch. I stumbled, but it's all that an undead needed, tackling me to the ground. My lightsaber clattered to the ground, just out of reach.

I was scrambling desperately- this was a larger Brevirostrii- as it held me in place. I tried to reach out with the Force- it barely trembled. The beast, I swear, grinned as it pinned me in place. Having given up in getting the saber, I tried to get the blaster behind my back.

It opened it's gaping maw. Nothing but rotten, dirty teeth. Drooling.

Almost there.

It lunged toward me.

Got it.

I was breathing heavily, my blaster in it's mouth. The undead monster's face was frozen in surprise. Carefully, I extracted my arm from it's mouth, then worked on pushing the heavy corpse off me. No use going through all that, only get bitten in half.

Sighing, I plucked the lightsaber out of the muck.

What a day.

DG-4582 | Resurgent Narrative

Elisea Apollodor

"You might be right," Elisea replied as she headed toward the entry. The Avalonian stepped on the door that laid flat against the ground, she looked around and noticed a desk to her left. A sign above it in aurebesh marked the place as the storage room and as she got in a little further there were signs directing them, one led straight ahead to the next storage room, while the left told them to move to archival and right went into the examination room. "This way," she gestured with her hand toward the right and looked at the lights, or rather the lack thereof. "We need to find a light."
It was eerily dark, unnaturally so and it was soon easy to discern that there was something there with them.
Elisea took a step back and looked around until she found a switch, when she tried it - it didn't seem to do anything. "Blast, maybe there's a backup generator somewhere." Then she felt something cold across her shoulders, "Nylea was that you just now?" She inquired and felt a sudden chill up her spine. The Avalonian pushed away and looked but there was nothing, she could see the Echani. "Nylea stay close."
The fog of the Force was thick for a reason, someone had gotten loose from the sarcophagus, someone who shouldn't have. He whispered in ancient Halm words and phrases that neither could truly understand. The Avalonia moved closer to her girlfriend and reached out for her hand. In an instant, the entity was gone, and the lights flickered on. Elisea took Nylea as best she could toward the examination room where she saw firsthand the hollowed husks of the team that had dared to open the sarcophagus. "There!" She pointed toward the jars, "oh no..."
Quickly on her personal comlink.
:: Dr. Saint George, I'm here in the historical society, th-there was-s there was something in the sarcophagus, and from these readings. It is an ancient Sith Lord from Halm, but he's from Mephout. ::
Elisea having pushed her fear down rushed toward the open journals of the researchers. She looked back over at the broken coffin and directed Nylea to make a photograph of the scene. :: He was banished from Mephout, and doomed to a fate worse than death - Doctor, if you can hear me, you need to get out of that tomb now! ::
"We've got to get to the tomb, there's a way to defeat him if these-" She moved to the left and the right grabbing books, and journals, -"if these notes are worth anything, grab those books there, we've got to go." When asked how she knew how to read any of it Elisea would tell Nylea that she spent time on Halm when the First Order had dominion over it. "Truly a wonderful planet, however; we can discuss that later."

Resurgent Narrative


The Mummy, or rather Sith Lord that escaped his confines has yet to be found. He has grown stronger and has seemingly disappeared from Mephout or so that is the thought of those that had gone to Hamunaptra. Research Chief Elisea Korrado left what she had with the Imperial Knights and the Historical Recovery Division. The city of Sundiata continues to recover from the earthquake as the First Order's various emergency response and medical services move into the city proper. The First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers are also en route to help assess how much work will need to be done to get the city back on its feet.
Meanwhile, in the Frenier Delta, New Laveau was spared the harshness of the Blackwing thanks in part to the First Order's quick actions. The First Imperial Medical Services were able to create a vaccine for the Mephout strain, thanks to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf 's initial Blackwing vaccination. It will take some time to synthesize a more permanent solution for all who live on Mephout. A new Center for Infectious Diseases research laboratory has been build in New Laveau to help with this matter. The bayou is for now, still under strict lockdown with the military has set up new outposts and patrol routes including air patrols to ensure nothing escapes what is now called 'the Dome.'
The First Order was able to collect data from their old quarantine centers are now processing the information in hopes of preventing any future outbreaks. Additionally, the nation is working with the Brevirostrii to help relocate those affected by the new restrictions within the Frenier Delta to other environments similar to the ol' Bayou.
- Fin -
[OOC: This is just to wrap up the story, you're more than welcomed to keep posting!]

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