Azreth Vandic
Dead Man's Captain

- Intent: To give the Dead Man's Legion armor
- Image Source:
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Republic Remnant
- Model: DmA-01
- Affiliation: Republic Remnant
- Modularity: n/a
Production: Minor
- Material: Armor Plates: Duraplast Bodysuit: Mesh Underly
- Classification: Multipurpose
- Weight: Average
- Resistances
-Lightsaber: Average
-Concussion: High
-Kinetic: High
-Enviromental: low
-Ion: None
-Sonic: None
Standard HUD, Heating System, Water Recycling Unit (makes drinkable water from sweat, and urine), Trauma Pads under armor plates (helps with falling from heights) Air Filtrations (only for poisons)
- Lightsaber protection - Few licks from a lightsaber is all this can take as far as the armor plates are concerned.
- Blaster protection - The best you can find, the most damage one can take is few bruises.
- Medium Slug protection - These slugs can break against the armor plates, but the rest of it can be pierced.
- Light Laser Cannon protection - You'll get knocked back and you'll be heavily bruised, but you'll be alive.
- Light Grenade protection - Ever stood a feet away from a frag/concussion grenade? Now you can, and survive!
- Impact from heights protection - Falling from fourth and lower stories will cause some sore bones, and bruises, but nothing broken.
- Poisoned Air Protection - The helmet can filter the air around the wearer, no need to worry poison gas in the air anymore!
- Elbow exposed
- Inner Thighs and Hips exposed
- Wrist Exposed
- No Vacuum Protection
- EMPs effect all electronics
- Submerged in Water effects electronics
- Takes a lot of time to repair it (Must wait two threads for it to be full repaired if not manually doing it, otherwise a whole thread must be done on it's repairs)
- Once Repaired, looses it's Lightsaber Protection, Light Laser Cannon Protection, and Medium Slug Protection (retains light slug protection) Verpine Shatter Gun Protection.
The Dead Man's Legion is usually sent on suicide missions, and are not expected to return home afterwards. They're criminals, this is their community service. But the Republic needs them to at least be able to finish the mission, and because they are high risk missions with major victories, the Dead Man's Legion needs the right equipment to do the job. This armor is kept locked up tight, and only used when in the battlefield. It will never be seen while in Republic space, other than field training to get rookies used to the weight of the armor. Those who have no training in the armor, or armor in general usually can not preform well in it. Most of it's major protection is a one time use, and once repaired loses all of those major protections. Should a Dead Man fall of a third or fourth story, the trauma padding is expected to minimize the damage to bruises instead of broken bones.