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Populate The Death of His Imperial Majesty | EOTL Populate Thread of Gala/Gromos


Forever Grace
Moments later, the reporter, a glowy-hued Vainalorium woman with a voluminous, elegantly-bouffanted mane of blonde hair sitting atop her skull, appeared on the screen, her luminescent features marked by an unusually dour, saddened expression.

“Blessed Imperial citizens, this is an emergency state announcement. I repeat, this is an emergency announcement. A few minutes ago, Imperial military and civilian channels across multiple sectors began to transmit a rallying cry on a repeating loop—For the Emperor. We have just now received confirmation of its meaning, from High Moff Teckla Tane. It is with indescribable grief and—”

The reporter suddenly stopped, a single tear, whether forced or genuine, streamed down from one of her eyes. She did not bother to wipe it away.

“Sadness that I announce the death of Our Imperial Majesty…” Another pause. “His Excellency, Emperor for Life, Lover of all Porgs, Galactic Conqueror, and Genius with an IQ of over 1000…Imperial Emperor Velran Kilran…has passed away, while waging a defensive operation against the Tingel Arm Coalition.” With that, the image went back to the besieged Imperial Complex, displaying Imperial flags flown at half-mast as rebel invaders pushed deep into the city in the backdrop.

What was once an uncertainty is now verified as truth. The Emperor is dead.

In the days following the disastrous, costly battles of Lothal and Mon Cala, the Empire of the Lost enters a period of mourning. Flags fly at half-mast, troopers march in solemn ceremony, and businesses close their doors for the official day of mourning. On Lianna, military processions fill the streets of the capital city as TIE fighters and star destroyers fly overhead in displays of resilience and Imperial might. All the while, the Moff Council and various other powerful figures within the Empire meet to discuss the all too pressing issue of Imperial succession.

Objective I: Lying in State

The body of Emperor Velran Kilran, recovered from the wreckage of the Eggman, lies in state within the grand hall of the Lianna City Imperial Complex. Soldiers, military personnel, and other important figures within (and some without) the Empire have been granted the exclusive right to view the body of His Imperial Majesty, so that they might pay their respects.

Still, even with the right to view His Imperial Majesty limited solely to Imperials (with few exceptions otherwise), the lines to view the body are long. Thus, various businesses in Lianna City have been permitted to open their doors to accommodate mourners, albeit with the requirement that a solemn tone be maintained during their affairs. For Imperials, this is an opportunity to bond and swap stories. Even with the Empire in mourning, relationships can be reinforced amidst the collective trauma.

Objective II: Line Unbroken

Within the restricted upper levels of the Lianna City Imperial Complex, the matter of succession is paramount. Since the Empire is at war, the transfer of power must come peacefully and it must be executed smoothly, without public controversy or unrest. Still, even with these requisite conditions, the discussion of who to crown as the next Imperial Emperor or Empress is poised to be a lively debate. While there are a number of capable and attractive candidates for the Imperial Throne, only one name is set to rise above the others.

Objective 2
Line Unbroken

The Obscurer held orbit above Lianna, its scarred and broken hull still in need of much repair after the recent engagement.

Nothing in that engagement had been easy, or casually gained.

Perhaps Moff Maldor Mecetti should have returned to Voss, placed the Obscurer in drydock, and engaged immediate major repair efforts. Unfortunately, current events did not lend themselves to easy breathing or moments of relaxation. Even simple wound-licking was largely obviated. The shipyards at Voss were working at full capacity, but Maldor could not wait for them to do their work.

No... if he sat upon his metaphorical armchair on Voss and waited for everything to be in order, the Empire would either be in ruin or it would have moved on without him. Today, intentions would be declared. Loyalties sworn. Oaths given.

He hoped it would be less bloody than the previous Emperor's installation.

Maldor took a droid-piloted executive shuttle down to the surface. He got clearance to enter the airspace of the administrative center, landing on one of the elevated platforms.

He brought no guards. That would have been pointless. If the new Emperor decided to kill him, bodyguards would not save him.

He did bring his light-foil, as he always did. It was a cultural affectation of Tapani sector nobles. He was and always would be a noble of House Mecetti... regardless of misleading news stories to the contrary.

He entered the building and made his way to the meeting room. There was an intense look about him.

The scion of House Mecetti had been hardened by the rigors of war.


The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost


Objective 2: Line Unbroken

It had been a surprising missive, but one that was as enticing as it was risky. It had been an immense effort to keep the New Imperial Security Bureau in his pocket after the demise of Darth Ayra, her Fifth Wing had played an able role in securing their continued unintentional allegiance, even as Malum quickly became aware of all the different ways that the woman had plotted against him.

Plotted against the Sith.

It had been judicious that he had killed her when he had, there was little doubt if the woman had been allowed to live, a ghost that haunted the galaxy since the times of the One Sith, that... he, and everything he had planned, would be in grave danger. Again, he could not help but castigate the foolishness of his... he could not very well call it youth, despite how relatively young he was, for that point, and the fact that it had not been too long ago, but he could not help but castigate it... for all the advantages she had seemed to present, she had been a danger.

And if he had been lesser, he might have been the one to have his head cut off.

Yet, now, it had given him this advantage had it not? It was he, who would enact peace between these two Empires.

His black cloak billowed into the deserted room, taking up position along the side of the table, this was an Empire without an Emperor, an Empire in mourning, and he knew that as a dignitary from one Empire to another, he should have been paying his own respects, but beyond the fact that he had little to give towards a foe he had never met.

There was also the fact that a Sith showing himself at a funeral for the late Emperor, might cause a riot larger than the one his presence here would cause.

Certainly, he had been able to make himself this far into the Imperial Complex, without having to hide himself, having undertaken the courtesy of arriving without much or any fanfare... there was of course the very large possibility this was a trap, but, alas, if such was the case he had enough prepared countermeasures to believe in chances.

But he did not like Liana's, when he returned.

So for now, the masked Sith Lord awaited, the fact that he was to be the observer of these events was... enough for him to believe this was at least somewhat genuine. He was curious what would come of it, and he supposed... he was certainly an interested party.

Whoever rose, would certainly determine the winds of words that would bring about what he intended.

His masked red eyes trailed to the doorway.

Someone was approaching.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti


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The Butcher of Bakura
Current Outfit
SE-44 Blaster Pistol


Objective I: Lying in State​

"Velran Kilran. You were always a fool."

Zonn Geist walked through the sea of mourners who came to pay their respects to the emperor. His body was placed in a durasteel casket drawn through the streets of Lianna by a four Gualaar carriage. Curious to see those creatures in the Tion cluster when they're native to Naboo, either Velran had them captured and bought or if the rumors were true, the Gualaar were one of the many animals genetically engineered. Zonn knew Velran from the Imperial Academy all those years ago. Velran was a showoff, a buffoon, who would gladly talk your ear off on how much of a "genius" he was. He believed in no-win scenarios often butting heads with teachers about how narrow minded they were and would come up with insane tactics such as Hyperspace Ramming.

Ridiculous tactic, one that nearly got Velran kicked out, if he hadn't excelled in his classes. Zonn had a bile fascination with Velran during the academy days and was one of the few people who talked to Velran. He was definitely insane but shift through sanity there was a mark of greatness somewhere. His military mind was unmatched, and he knew how to utilize standard Imperial maneuvers though he would give his own flair to it. They were friends in a sense that they did tolerate each other but Zonn didn't think Velran consider him a friend. He doubts that he even remembers him. Zonn became a formidable Grand Admiral who was on his way to becoming Moff before the Empire collapsed. He took his ships and headed to the Unknown Regions where he carved a name for himself particularly as the Butcher of Bakura where he..... pacified some rebels who didn't like that he used their planet as a base of his operations.

He heard of Velan's exploits as a dictator, a cloner of a Clone Army comprised of the infamous Bounty Hunter: Jango Fett, and now an Emperor of one: Empire of the Lost who quickly controlled the Tion Cluster, the Adruil Sector, and the Kessel Sector. It was impressive but Velran bit off more than he can chew when rebels rose up against Velran and killed him combat. "You overestimate yourself," Zonn whispered seeing the casket being gently pulled in the middle of the street. People sobbing along the way, did these truly love their Emperor? Or were they forced to cry? Zonn didn't know but one thing for certain. He was going to finish what Velran has started and he was going to take the Empire that Velran built and transform it into the one that will be more focused.

OOC: Open to anyone!
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Objective: Lying in State
Tags: TBD

It was just like before. When Rex had been The King of The Elysium Empire, the first time, many of his days were consumed by ceremonies. From joyous weddings, to solemn burials of the fallen. In many cases, these ceremonies were a blur, as Rex made his way through the list of duties as a guest of honor. But there were times when he truly desired to be there. Times when the emotions were real. Times when the mood hit deep. One particular event he recalled was the death of one of The Knights. There had been an assassination attempt on him, and The Knight had sacrificed himself to protect Rex. The guilt was unlike any the then-young King had felt before, and when the grieving mother personally invited Rex to the funeral, the weight fell on him like a pile of rocks. He felt their pain as his own, he had shed a tear at the funeral, and many more back at the palace. He would never forget that day.

When Rex requested to make an appearance at the funeral ceremony for late Emperor Velran Kilran, he didn't expect to experience much emotion at the event at all. He did not know the man; Only that he was a beloved leader, that had gone down fighting some kind of rebellion. But again, he wasn't expecting to feel the sadness as he now did. Perhaps it was just something in the air. It was dark, and storming. The lights had a sort of bloom or haze to them, and the silhouetted fleet above cast even more shadows down on the surface. If ever a painted scene were to carry an aura of mourning, this would be what it looked like.

Rex had been out of action for so long in his self-exile, he didn't know the specifics of The Emperor's death, nor did he know a great deal about The Empire of The Lost. But he still knew opportunity when he saw it. This was a place to make allies, and learn more about the state of the galaxy, straight from the source. But The reinstated King didn't know where to start. There were so many people here, and he knew none of them. From his understanding, The Empire of The Lost had many ex-Elysium Imperials within its' ranks, but certainly none that he could see. At least not yet.

He decided to simply walk around slowly until he either found someone that he recognized, or someone approached him. Surely there would be someone here that he would recognize, or that would recognize him. Of course, it had been a long time since he had been a figure of much importance. The Elysium Empire had only just reformed, and they were far from significant, so many years after their fall...


Tags: Open

Objective I: Lying in State

As he made his journey to Lianna City, he was consumed by silence, lost in his own thoughts. Drenn had fully recuperated from his stay in the bacta tank following the battle on Dac. There were no visible scars to show for his defeat, but it did feel like one had been carved into his soul, a constant reminder of the duel against a Jedi. The news of the Emperor's passing reached him just as he regained consciousness, on the very day it had occurred.

Though he never had the honor of meeting the man face to face, tales of his strength echoed through the ranks of the Crusader’s he fought alongside with. It was enough to ignite a flame of ambition in the hearts of those who served the Empire. One thing he did know, Velran had fallen in battle, a warrior to the end.

As Drenn made his way towards the grand hall of the Imperial Complex, the structure stood tall and against the sky. The line of mourners seemed to stretch on endlessly. Walking among them, he couldn't help but feel their emotions wash over him. Through his strong connection to the Force, he could sense the deep sadness and grief in the air. It was as if the weight of loss had settled over the entire area, a presence that seemed to press down on all those who had gathered to pay their respects.

Gazing at the many soldiers in attendance, he knew that the chances of encountering a familiar face was slim. Deciding to take his time, the Crusader veered away from the line. Eventually, he too would enter the complex and partake in the ceremony. But for now, he savored a moment of tranquility. He wandered through the streets, absorbing the sights and sounds that the city had to offer.
Objective 2

Line Unbroken


Maldor Mecetti entered the chamber, canvassing the room with his gaze.

That gaze centered upon the form of Darth Malum.

This was a man who'd had dealings with his 'Master.' The extent of those dealings, and their termination, was still a matter of investigation. The Ministry of Inquiry was looking into it for him, but their reach and strength in the Empire was a mere shadow of what it had been in the GA. This, not least because Arya had operated her own sophisticated intelligence apparatus here, and he'd needed to ensure that the Ministry did not become a target of the NISB.

Regardless, Malum was on the short list of candidates who'd placed Arya on their death list.

It was something he might have thanked Malum for, if he'd known for sure. Except that Maldor had scarcely begun to learn all of Arya's secrets when she'd seemingly ceased to exist. Though... even her death was a matter of personal debate.

It wouldn't be the first time she'd 'died.'

For that matter, she wasn't alone as a subject of Maldor's cynical suspicion. The Emperor himself might pop up at any moment. He was, after all, a master of cloning. Perhaps his imprinted clone was merely hiding in the shadows, waiting to see who would declare themselves his successor, and then cutting them down for daring to rise in his wake.

Cynical. Suspicious. The Tapani Sector's politics inspired such attitudes. The Empire had made them concrete.

Maldor dipped his head in a noncommittal bow of respect as he took his seat at the table.

Did you kill her? Do you know what our relationship was?

Or am I jumping at shadows?

He said none of this. Instead, "A Dark Day for the Empire. Yet even as the sun sets on one chapter, it rises on another. The book goes on. Now we greet the next author of the Empire's story."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
There was a question. It was one that rang within Kanni Ugaiya Kilran’s mind the moment someone had shown it. It was an impossible question, in hindsight, one that earned no answer, for how could the imaginable ever be met with a response that wasn’t yielded? Lost. Forgotten. Answers weren't warranted.

That was how she felt since that moment. It was a trick that surrounded her, surely, like a jester a dancing inside her mind; a joker laughing at her at the same time as a clown telling her that everything is fine; and her mother told her it will be all right, but there was only her, the daughter of a time’s cry and night’s goodbye.

Maybe it made no sense and that was fine. The element of this nonsense which made no sense was inherent. Every statement was a fabrication of a broken mind; a lonely soul whose only goal was to exist in some semblance of reality. Never mind fantasy. Dreams were dreams. Perhaps, then, in the end, Kanni had learned this the hard way amid her dark gaze and bright eyes.

No. She told herself, holding herself in hell, trapped in a spell quite like dancing beneath the bells that rang into eternity, ringing with an infinite taunt to haunt her upbringing ever since she was just an infant in a tank. No. She might hide it but there was no denying it. She was once just a baby in a lab. All alone in the world. My baby girl. That’s what he called her, her father, but he was gone like the wind, lost ever since his ship was abandoned and he was...broken… No.

Though there was no escaping what was so. The truth haunted her, like the ghost of her ancestors, the offspring of her future, never mind Rycus, wherein the past and the present were interwoven like the fabrics of the universe, and maybe her thoughts made no sense but they did not matter in the end because she was simply…Kanni…

Not Ugaiya or Kilran…not Akiya or Orime…but just some dumb daughter who thought the universe was hers ever since she was an infant…and her ambition, as boundless as a mountain’s bosom, was proven to be fruitless…with no hope of growth…

Indescribable grief, some stupid blind announcer called it. Reporters reported. It was their job. What is mine at the fall of it all? The speaker called him His Excellency, Emperor for Life, Galactic Conqueror and others, but she was as right as wrong. Genius with an IQ of over 9000.

Kanni corrected in silence, sitting in the solace of her chamber, whether it is within a room on the planet or a ship above the surface. It is no matter at the moment and no one would know it. No, nothing else mattered but her…father…who needed no clone to live…for he existed within the very heart and mind of his beloved daughter, as destined and decided.

We’ll meet again. She breathed in. Don’t know where, don’t know when. Darkness surrounded her vision amid a viewscreen’s bright light depicting everything. But I know we’ll meet again. She promised behind her eyelids. Some sunny day. She wiped a tear away from her face. Keep smiling through. He commanded and she obeyed. Just like you always do.

Though, bold as she was, truth be told, they both smiled like they always did. Lips spread. Sometimes vicious, sometimes peaceful. Then again, wasn’t a Kilran’s peace the same as his or her war? It was…inevitable…

“Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds,” Kanni whispered aloud. “Far…away…” Smile on her face, never mind the crystals in her eyes threatening to split and spill like a fistful of crushed pie. “So will you…please…say hello…” She bit her fist, the agony suddenly too much. But what was she? A little girl like Aether of the Iron Order had called her? Or a woman grown?

“To the folks…that I know!?” She exxclaimed because, ultimately, who did she know? Who knew her, really? Velran Kilran, certainly. Akiya Orime, definitely. Hilal Vizsla knew a bit of her after a podrace, it was fair to say. Amiggie Lutih had fought beside her for more than one invasion. Kebii'kara Solus had danced and shared drinks with her outside of war for sure. Darth Rasnuhl had been there during purges and other encounters. Bella had helped her take out targets who were heartless.

What am I? “Tell them I won’t be long.” Who am I? “They’ll be happy to know.” Where do I…belong? “That as you saw me go…” Kanni sniffed, and maybe she was simply Kanni as she glimpsed and listened, or Kanni Ugaiya, or Kanni Ugaiya Kilran…but what was the difference..? “...I was singing this song…”

And the dam broke because there was no wall to hold the river anymore, and the storm came and cracked the soul, and the rain became the lake as the water took hold of the daughter, sitting in silence and privacy away from the funeral, but hooked her like a scimitar within the heart, in a fistful of anguish that might yet split her existence apart.
Objective II: Line Unbroken
The Old Imperial Reprise


It should have been a glorious day, it should have been one where the Imperial heroes of Mon Cala had returned to their people, having taken the enemy's best shot and come up standing, battered but victorious...
But was happening now wasn't any of that at all...All there was now, was just rain, the tears of civilians, broken ships, and the nagging feelings of shame, regret, and in many military circles, a cold, restrained fury against those that had taken their Emperor from them.

Orion, for his part, was more in the regret camp, as he felt at least a bit responsible for not being able to save Emperor, due to his tardiness when arriving to the battle.
Having arrived early, to get ahead of the other Moffs, Admirals, and others who would have to gain from the Death of Kilran, the young High Admiral held his tabbac pipe between his fingers as he reviewed the various topics he had to bring up during this council meeting, only then would he look up at the entering Moff Mecetti

"I would agree Moff Mecetti, though if you would allow my sudden candor, the next author of the 'Imperial Tale' cannot be chosen by slim majority. We're going to have to choose one that almost all of us agree with, and with haste, lest we forget that we are in the middle of a conflict..."

He then looked to Malum who entered right after Mecetti, nodding to the Darth out of a 'required' respect for a Force User's unique authority

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective II: Line Unbroken​

Objective: Set the Empire on a path to the future
Location: Secure meeting room, Imperial Complex, Lianna City, Lianna
Outfit: Crusader Robes
Equipment: See Bio
Tags: The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Orion_Knight Orion_Knight | OPEN
Dialogue Key: ”Galactic Basic” | <<Telepathic Communication>>


Teckla had arrived on Lianna with the body of her fallen Emperor. For all his eccentricities, Velran Kilran Velran Kilran had earned Teckla’s respect. He deserved better than what became of him in the orbit of Dac and his citizenry would do well to pay him homage. As General and High Moff of the Empire, Teckla served as the honor guard that had placed the Emperor’s body in the public viewing spot. She suspected it would be the last act she performed in an Imperial uniform. She was resigning her position as High Moff and only retaining her rank as General in the Army of the Lost by way of her position within the Imperial Crusaders. She would repurpose herself to leading that organization in a manner that would see the Emperor’s vision become reality.

Teckla found an office to remove her formal Imperial uniform and replace it with newly designed Crusader robes. The uniform felt wrong now. She needed to do something different now that the Emperor was gone. She had also met with Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss her chosen successor to be added to the Moff Council. They entered the meeting to discuss what was going to happen next together.

Those present were fewer than there should have been. And more diverse than expected. A Sith in their midst. A Sith that certainly had some part in the demise of the deceased NISB Staff Director. The fact that he was standing in this room was a glowing example on why the Crusaders needed to become much more than they were. Tion could not happen again. The ill-preparedness for the numbers at Dac and Lothal could not happen again. For the vision of Emperor Kilran to become real Teckla would not depend on Imperial assets. She would do the will of the Empire for sure, but on her own terms.

”I truly hope that we are not the last attendees to this meeting. If so it will be quite short.”

Eremia Loigos

High Admiral of the Pantora League


Lying in State

Location: Grand Hall of the Lianna City Imperial Complex, Lianna
Objective: Pay Respect to Fallen Emperor - Open negotiations
Tags: The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Drenn Drenn | OPEN

High Admiral Loigos had never actually been in the presence of the fallen Emperor. Eremia had however made herself known to the Empire of the Lost, prior to his ascension. At the time Velran Kilran Velran Kilran by reputation was a tactical genius with questionable sanity. It seemed that reputation got him high in the galaxy. As Eremia waited patiently in line to view the body of the man who had stolen a key engineer from her in the past, she wondered if he was really what people thought he was.

After her brief introduction Eremia came to the conclusion that Moda Dorn Moda Dorn was too far out of her reach and abandoned this territory to continue her work with the Pantora League’s colonization efforts. She had been at that for a painstaking amount of time and realized that self sufficiency for Pantorans was not a goal that really pushed her forward. There were no wars in her search for proper spots to set up colonies. There was no clear enemy. The Admiral needed that. And so she came back to the Empire of the Lost to find something that would make her whole again.

It was not just the Emperor that was lost in recent battles at Tion, Dac and Lothal. Many military assets were destroyed. The High Admiral had assets at her disposal and access to more. In return for lending her aid perhaps the new Emperor or Empress would give Eremia a new home and a new purpose. For all the questions she had about Kilran, Eremia did admire that he made his mark on the galaxy. Something she still aspired to do. This was the first step.

Finally she made it to the area where the Emperor’s body was displayed. She sighed looking at him with envy. ”Even if you were a crazy bastard. You did it Emperor. I hope your people will work with mine. It’s time for an Imperial Pantora.”
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

Objective: II - Line Unbroken
Secure Meeting room, Imperial Complex, Lianna City, Lianna
Outfit: White Uniform Tunic with Utility Belt, Black Pants, and Boots. (He currently is not wearing a rank insignia)
Equipment: Handheld datapad
Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Orion_Knight Orion_Knight | The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost

Karl was sitting at his desk looking over the damages caused to his Defense Complex on Mon Cala. Seeing the inadequacies caused by letting the local population work on these important generators, he'd made waves by introducing policies and rules limiting a population's influence on the three-part complex. He never wanted what happened to Dac to happen anywhere else in the Empire. Although, that was at the beginning of the invasion, now his work had a much somber tone.

After learning what happened to the Emperor he simply stopped worrying about the complexes. As a fellow father, all he could think was how Princess Kanni was. He'd been through two separate family members dying, his wife, and then his sister so he knew how grieving felt. He wanted to write a note to the Princess but felt that was too forward of him, so he threw away that thought. Until a telegram landed on his desk the same day.

The telegram was from Moff Teckla Tane Teckla Tane , she had found the Emperor's body within the wreckage and was bringing it back to Lianna once the invasion was over for the most part. She had also decided to step down as Moff while retaining her position as a General; however, that wasn't the most surprising part, she had named him to be her successor. He had never, in a million years, thought he was going to be a Moff, he was happy for a moment before reentering the present. The Emperor was dead, and someone had to replace him. Succession; always a messy thing. Just look back to when Emperor Palpatine died and the Empire split into factions ruled by dispassionate warlords fighting each other rather than rallying behind one another.

This wouldn't be like that. the Empire of the Lost was different, not only did they have an Emperor they also had the Moff Council, and of course they had the Princess. The traditional rules of succession were simple she would take the throne, but with Imperials it was never that easy. Thus Karl met with General Tane to head to the meeting to discuss the very issue. The amount of people in the room could've been the start of a bad joke, but now wasn't a time for jokes.

”I truly hope that we are not the last attendees to this meeting. If so it will be quite short.”

"I concur General. This is quite a small gathering. Familiar and unfamiliar faces." He said quietly while looking towards Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . "I know we have the Empire's best interests at heart, hopefully, everyone else will too."

He gave a slight bow to everyone in the room who arrived before him as a sign of respect. He hadn't reached a level of familiarity with those present to outwardly talk to them yet as this was his first time in the proverbial "room where it happens." Being the gentleman he is he would wait for the General to finish her greetings before pulling a chair out for her, then sitting in the next spot over.
Location: The Lucky Clover Pub, Lianna
Objective: BYOO- Unwind and Get Drunk
Tags: Open

Justice was sat in a booth in the back of a quiet pub, quietly sipping on a shot glass of bourbon before noticing it was empty and refilling it with the bottle on the table. The Bar was quiet with the most mourners still at the Imperial Complex to mourn the Emperor which was one of the reasons he was here. He didn't feel like being around people this early afternoon and yet didn't feel like staying in his living quarters at the same time. So, this was the compromise. At least here and now I can get drunk without anyone judging. And getting drunk is something he could at least decide on doing.

Having only survived the battle of Mon Cal by luck alone, Justice wasn't in the mood to do much but at least he had gotten dressed. He guessed he could call that the achievement of the day besides watering his plants and cleaning. He couldn't help but shudder as two kids ran around the block, play blaster tag with replica guns, laughing without a care in the world. If only they knew what combat really was... And what you had to do to survive in it. Sighing, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, a wave of exhaustion passing over him as he contemplated asking the bartender for another bottle.
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Objective: Mourn and bare witness
Location: Grand Hall of the Lianna City Imperial Complex, Lianna
Tags: OPEN | Eremia Loigos Eremia Loigos | Drenn Drenn | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Zonn Geist Zonn Geist


I couldn’t believe that the Emperor’s Super Star Destroyer could be taken down. It was even harder to believe a man like Velran Kilran would go down with the ship, not save himself. Even if it was in self-interest, he could claim that his survival was for the better of the Empire. He might not have been wrong in that interpretation. His death left a void. The last time a transition happened, the old guard disappeared. The Empire could not afford that right now. But who would take his place? His “daughter”? Was she even qualified? Was she ready? By rumor she was just as unstable as her father was and she lacked his training and experience. Would the other power holders be able to guide her in the right direction?

Whatever the future was going to hold it was obvious that the Empire had flourished under the rule of the deceased Emperor. The public, military and seemingly others from the galaxy had come out to attend his funeral. It had been a long while since he had been in galactic news, but I recognized Rex Valhoun of the Elysium Empire. It wasn’t exactly the type of thing that I could confirm, but I’m pretty sure that I saw the bodyguard of High Moff Teckla Tane in attendance. I also saw a woman in what I’m quite positive was a Pantoran naval officer’s dress uniform. An admiral if I was remembering my rank awards properly. I didn’t pay that much attention to the Pantorans, so I could be wrong.

Along with the King of Elysium, Crusader and Pantoran I noted the presence of someone else that had no rational reason for being present. Zonn Geist was a notorious warlord in the Unknown Regions. The average passerby would likely only notice his shiny armor, but I was not your average passerby. Heck, it was highly likely that even the highest military officers present would not know who he was. So the question that struck out in my mind is why was he here. Did Valhoun bring him? Or the Pantoran? The other way around. Geist had perpetrated atrocities that would not be frowned upon by the decision makers of the Empire. Was he here to help? I suppose time will tell.

”We’re going to need to get things in order quickly,” I muttered to myself. I knew that among the mourners that I also had a camera crew and reporter ready to go live very soon. ”The Empire Hour will be the first chance to reach out to the public and set them at ease.” I didn’t usually talk to myself, but it wasn’t like I could raise my lackeys on comm and yell at them at the moment. I hoped that I had given them enough guidance and they had collected enough information to twist the death of our guiding light into a rallying cry to save the Empire.
Objective 2
Line Unbroken

Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Orion_Knight Orion_Knight | The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr |

The Sandstorm arrived to the Capitol of Lianna with its bow damaged with crews still assessing the damage. Not the worst ship to fair in the defensive fight. The rest of the ships limped home to get repairs and retrofit, a multi front war had opened showing how much more armament his vessels needed. Darth Rasnuhl had butted heads with the late Emperor on occasion on the field, like the refusal to burn a whole city to the ground to make a point... a bad public relations point that inched them closer to the Sith Order with their penchant for genocide. But he was smart & brave, and now left a power vacuum with his death. One that had an heir apparent that seemed ill prepared for any such position of power.

As a Moff he participated in the color guard in one of his rare wearings of an actual uniform that wasn't his military garb. Upon finally arriving at the meeting chambers it was a surprise to see what the NISB dossier said was Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr standing in the room "Darth Malum, what brings you here? and how did you slip past the NISB, and the Custodians?" That was something that needed a remedy.

Glancing at the rest of the room while nodding at the rest "I see none are worse for wear minus the obvious. General Tane shall we hear what Darth Malum has to say before he's escorted out?" There was no way that Darth Rasnuhl was going to allow an enemy asset to overhear the emergency meeting. He might be Sith, but the variety that followed a genociding mad man that seemed to want a kingdom of ashes. Definitely not Darth Rasnuhls branch of Sith.

The trial of the late Director Drey had revealed much of her treachery and the connections she had within the Sith Order. One that Darth Rasnuhl had requested more information and dug into, since his territory butted up against the Sith. That also caused him to upgrade his own intelligence operations into an actual entity using the Veil Network as his new backbone on the fleet and installations to ensure his corner of the Empire is not compromised.
Maldor shrugged.

"I suppose these gatherings are prone to get smaller based on past experiences... it may be that some who stay away are concerned about being in ill favor with the successor. I think we all remember how the last Emperor's installation went."

Maldor was concerned about that, himself, but had decided he should be here in person. He'd done his duty in the recent engagements, and there was no stain on his name at the moment. The only reason to kill him would be to ensure he didn't attempt to take the place of the Emperor himself.

While his mother would probably enjoy Maldor ascending to such heights, he wasn't convinced that having a giant bullseye painted on him was a very good idea.

Being powerful enough to hold influence in the Empire without being so powerful that the other Moffs became his enemies... that was the place he hoped to hold in this regime. It certainly seemed the most survivable position in the long term.

"Perhaps fewer voices will ensure a swifter agreement on the outcome," he hoped aloud.

When Rasnuhl suggested that Darth Malum was an uninvited guest, Maldor tensed immediately. He'd assumed this was some arranged visitation. If an interloper had come among them...

Well, no one knew better than Maldor what a powerful Dark-Sider might do in a room full of enemies.

Damn it. There should be no uncertainty about this. He should know, one way or the other.

It was time to expand the influence of the Ministry of Inquiry. The Empire needed a functioning intelligence branch. If it didn't have one, he'd have to provide his own.

He watched Malum, his hand slipping by microns to a position by his waist.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Orion_Knight Orion_Knight | The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl
Objective I: Lying in State​

A solemn mood fell upon Lianna.

Though the Empire had triumphed over the Tingle Arm Coalition at the battle of Mon Cala and Lothal, it came at a great cost. Many Imperials lost their lives defending the two planets. According to the Imperial propaganda, a third of the army lost their lives, but Darth Angonous sources informed him that over half of the soldiers died to the so-called rebels. Chief among them, was the Emperor himself: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran the man who had kidnapped his apprentice..... and lover: Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate . The Empire's assessment had to be the most gross underestimation of an enemy in galactic history. They assumed they were rebels who relied on clever and bold tactics despite having inferior equipment. But these "rebels" were armed to the teeth with all sorts of ships and weaponry that cut through the Imperial armada like butter.

One thing that Angonous was taught was to never underestimate your enemy and to always assume that they're stronger than they let on. The Emperor let his guard down and it cost him his life. He wasn't the first nor the last to die because of his arrogance. With the Emperor's death though, it gave Angonous an opportunity to arrive in Empire territory to seek out Sicarius. The Emperor's paranoid meant that the capital city was on constant lockdown, with his death, it meant leadership was so focused on mourning and perhaps vying to see who will seal the potential power vacuum that security was loosened.

Angnous wore a simple black two piece suit blending in with the rest of the mourners in front of the great crypt that was quickly made for Velran. He slipped a note to Sicarius to meet him here to talk and possibly break her out. "It's time we make a move," he said to himself.
Aid to General Teckla Tane


Objective : I: Lying in State (Maybe)
Location: Hotel near the Imperial Complex, Lianna City, Lianna
Outfit: Preparing to don her Black Uniform
Tags: Geldard Deldith Geldard Deldith | Eremia Loigos Eremia Loigos | Drenn Drenn | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Zonn Geist Zonn Geist | CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"


Skyria had been quite bored since they arrived on Lianna after the battle was completed. The room that Grandmaster Tane had provided was quite nice and the hotel had a good restaurant and a first class gym. But Skyria found herself sitting in the dark and thinking more than she ever had. When she was lucky her thoughts would drift to wishes that Oola Ven Oola Ven was there to give her a good distraction with her beautiful presence. But Sky was doing her best to focus on her job, and let Oola do hers instead of dwelling on the growing infatuation that was developing, at least one-sided…Skyria really hoped it was mutual, but hadn’t found the confidence in the right time to just come out and say something. Sky had however sent Oola where she could be found while staying on Lianna, just in case.

The young blonde woman knew that at some point she was going to have to make an appearance at the ceremonial visage for the fallen Emperor. Skyria was honestly a bit thrown off with how her mentor was so dedicated to Kilran. Sure Skyria was pretty reckless and she didn’t do things in a conventional manner, but Teckla did. Was seeing order in chaos Teckla Tane’s true power? Skyria wasn’t sure about Teckla, but she knew that the Emperor gave her the willies.

The Emperor was gone now, and even as much as Skyria might have gotten bad vibes from him, he was good for the Empire. He sacrificed himself and that needed to be honored. And it wasn’t like he was going to spring up from his resting place and go crazy…right? The other thing that troubled Skyria about going to the funeral was what Teckla had said before leaving on her own business. ”This will be the last time you wear that or any military uniform…”

What would an abandoning of the uniform mean? What was Sky going to do with all the custom uniforms she had made to fit her style? What would be expected of Skyria now? She stared at her black dress uniform hanging in front of her. Putting it on for the “last time” was what had her procrastinating. What was going to be next for Skyria?
Sicarius was both bored and a little… sad. Which surprised her Sicarius didn't get sad, especially when it came to Velran. She got frustrated, angry, enraged and occasionally a little scared not of him or of death or punishment. She was Sith and Nightsister both. More of his mercurial, chaotic, unpredictable nature. He had once offered her up as a human sacrifice as a distraction. It had been never knowing what was coming next that had created the uncertainty.

Now that he was gone she was having mixed feelings. Whatever else he had been he had been unique and never boring. Now he was gone. She wondered what that would mean for her now that she was no longer the mad emperor's pet. Would an Imperial Moff just dispose of her? or would she be relegated to some underground lab somewhere never to be seen or heard from again?

Sicarius also felt some relief. That she wouldn't have to deal with his hazardous mind and shifting actions any longer. The one hope however was a note from her master. Her Master in more ways than one. Sicarius could only hope they were finally getting out of here. Took him long enough.

The funeral was an excellent cover. Even Shov her ever present minder couldn't deny her the right to pay her respects. Sicarius made her way to the prearranged meeting point and admired her master in his suit. He looked good in a suit she decided. She was also thinking of all the ways she'd like to take it off him.

"Master." Sicarius paused. "Took you long enough."

Sicarius couldn't help but be a little petulant that she had been left here in Velrans menagerie for so long. From a slimelord Hutt to a Mad Emperor. Although she supposed the Emperor status had more gravitas to it.

"When do we make our move?" Sicarius asked urgently "I'm sick of this place."

Darth Angonous Darth Angonous

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