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Populate The Death of His Imperial Majesty | EOTL Populate Thread of Gala/Gromos

What was it? The mustache of the man. The curved lips of the woman. Velran Kilran. Akiya Orime. Father. Mother. Someone. Something. One person or thing or the other. In the end, the result was Kanni Ugaiya, from spirit to skeleton, young or old, only the spawn became a daughter and the daughter became beloved as Kanni Ugaiya Kilran.

What is it? That was the burning question that turned her veins. That was the query that twisted her arteries. Who am I? Another question, and either was bereft of answer. It didn’t matter how far she had ventured, whether she went onward in this direction or that one, because she was never given a satisfying answer to her question to begin with, and there was more than one in a number.

Why? That was a question she hated to ask. Why, Father, did you leave me? He never answered her. Emperor Velran Kilran. Only she first met him as General Velran Kilran. When she had woken up in a medical chamber, some kind of infirmary, only he had given her a weapon to practice with her enemy, had dubbed her a Weapon. Hers was a shuriken. My baby.

That was fine. That was why she was conceived and created to begin with. Then she passed her tests and impressed the man and she became his adopted daughter as Kanni Ugaiya Kilran. She was his assassin, his snake in the grass, his Viper, and her bite was quite like that of a blaster.

General Velran Kilran? No. The great man became Emperor Velran Kilran, leader of the Empire of the Lost, and his would be a name that would not be lost for the ages but live on in memory and, if it didn’t, it would live in the pages. His descendants would make sure of it, one way or the other. Oh, it echoed.

There he was. In a glass cage. It was the first thing Kanni Ugaiya Kilran glimpsed as she entered the chamber in her outfit, never minding what kind of person might line either side of her emergence, or whether her appearance would satisfy them. In the end, they mattered little and less in comparison to the deathbed of her very own father, Velran Kilran.

“Such woes you spoke,” his daughter whispered under her breath. She didn’t care what the meeting was, who had come, what they had spoken, whether ally or enemy. At this moment, all the girl saw in all the world was her father, with that mustache so brilliant, emphasized under a bald head in the form of a man formed for conquest, bright and true, with eyes that did not dilute even in death.

“Such woes I know,” Kanni whispered again, fingers all but stroking that bald head, feeling memories in between from the moment he had awoken her from her chamber and had given her breakfast from eggs to donuts, given her tests, given her missions, sent her to assassinate his enemies and eliminate his opponents.

“That’s all I ever was.” She spoke above a whisper, never caring who might hear her. “An assassin. A weapon. The Weapon. The Viper.” She didn’t mind it, however. Kanni Ugaiya Kilran was a woman who tried to live up to her purpose, striving to survive in her existence and deliver pride to her father when and where permitted.

They called her a young girl, someone who didn’t understand the ways of war, but she understood the way of the blade and that was enough for her. Until this moment. Her lips may kiss the glass, and maybe Velran Kilran would feel the touch of his dear daughter from his skin to his mustache, but he was dead and gone, yet his daughter lived on.

“You were lost…” Kanni sniffed with quivering lips. “...But I found you…” She stood, erect on two feet, turning between the various members of her audience gathered here together, whether the body and the ceremony were in one place and the meeting in another, time no longer mattered to her.

“The Lost.” No, she didn’t know the words that were spoken prior to her entrance, despite recognizing faces familiar. Darth Rasnuhl. Maldor Mercetti. Teckla Tane. Others were less familiar yet presented all the same, including Zonn Geist and his weapon from what a weapon could surmise, Aculia Voland.

Only Voland did not seem to take a stance against Kilran, yes, that descendant of Emperor Velran, and let his name never be in vain, for what mattered beyond words were actions, and Kanni Kilran knew in truth that she was simply an assassin.

“I did not want this,” she first admitted. “Yet here it is.” Her expression was serious amid her countenance beneath her hood. “Palpatine, that was my father’s figurine in his dreams, and who was Palpatine?” Rhetorical question.

“Darth Sidious. Sith. Like others in our midst.” She spied them with her eyes but looked away. Their message was less important at the end of the day. “Empire of the Lost, we call this, but are you not found?” Kanni pointed toward this person, that person.

“I ask you, truly, what does the Empire mean to you?” She pointed at him, her, her, him, this person, that person, this Sith, that Imperial, that politician, this militant. “Let it not mean infighting. Please… Let my father’s memory not be stained by quarreling over positions in competition…”

Kanni visibly grimaced. “Or you can deal with me…and I am never afraid to wield my blade…” Kanni. Assassin. Viper. That’s what they called her. A weapon. An instrument. If that is the Princess’ position then so be it.

“The Empire of the Lost, we call ourselves,” she announced. I am born in the dark pit. In darkness. In the well. Yet, bereft of my father’s and master’s hold, I am free to navigate between the planes of heaven and hell. I am the core of existence. “How about the Empire of the Found?” She broadcasted with no qualms over capitalization.

“Help me forge my father’s empire a new future, where Velran Kilran’s death and defeat will not be seen as weakness but a cliff to reach success and reap vengeance,” she said, ever aware of her own madness, such as it was.

For I love you, Father, and if I do not avenge your memory then I will burn in your grave, share the same fate, as your daughter, and may they forget my name if only they remember your destiny.

“I will give Emperor Velran Kilran his vision even after his death, from lost to found, or I will die trying in the attempt.” She looked right, looked left, might have stomped her feet but that was the old Kanni so she didn’t. “His legacy is not in vain but in our veins, ladies and gentlemen, and we may honor it today by moving forward together in strength, not weakness of personal ambition, or we can collapse.”

Oh, Kanni was no Force-sensitive, but she could sense sedition and opportunistic beings in her midst. “Of which I will take the heads with my shuriken as I did before and you traitors will be no more.” She promised. Shouldn’t have? Perhaps. But that’s why Velran left Kanni with comrades in her midst to keep her head in check. Heh.
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"She is not the Regent. If one is needed the Moff Council will decide.What is your name What do you bring to the table?"
Objective II
Line Unbroken​
Bastion realised he had made an error. He had been so used to being accepted at Moff Council meetings that he had forgotten the simple fact that no one knew who he was. In some ways that was an advantage. He had yet to form any enemies or entrenched himself in old rivalries he was a fresh player. On the other hand he had forgotten the basic courtesy of establishing himself and his credentials. Not too mention it was just rude not to introduce oneself to your colleagues.

"Forgive me I should have introduced myself. Moff Bastion. Independent Moff but I bring with me a small fleet of Praefect-class Star Destroyer, Pellaeon III-Class Star Destroyer, Tartar Class Interdictor, New Imperial I Class Star Destroyer, Valiant Class Star Destroyer, Corvus Class Commando Destroyer, Tacitus Class Planetary Invasion Carrier, Aresus-class Heavy Cruiser Carrier. Outfitted with TIE Phantoms and Tie Infiltrators."

"It was all I could salvage during the fall of the NIO. I have only recently returned to the galaxy after carbon freezing. It is a modest fleet but the Emperor has allowed me to return to the fold of Imperial way of life and granted me my status of Moff before his death."

Bastion was aware that many would not be happy with a rogue Moff so abruptly being added to their ranks but a fleet even a modest one wasn't a resource an Empire could turn away lightly. Particularly when it could be used by their enemies either in the Galactic Alliance or more likely the Dark Empire. Fact was Bastion was better with them then independent, or rogue or worse case scenario against them.

Still Bastion was a new player and his position while relatively secure was raw. As such he did not want to make waves too early. The safest play would have been to stay silent but the issue had been an important one and nothing ventured was nothing gained. Besides he had merely asked a question of Tane's intentions. Better to lay such intentions openly then allow them to be hidden behind vague agendas.

Additionally, in my older age, I think it is wise not to create more enemies for oneself, especially in dire straights such as these... Moff Bastion. Unity is something we need now more than ever."
"No insult was intended. As a new member of this council I was merely trying to get the lay of the land as it were. I am sure I still have much to learn of the traditions of this Empire of which I am now apart, but please be assured my intention is to serve as ably as I am able. The Empire is the only source of stability and order in an increasingly chaotic galaxy. Whatever I can do to ensure it's security I will."

"I apologise if my question was received as impertinence. It was not my intention in the least. I have no wish to create new enemies for myself or for the Empire of the Lost. Frankly I don't think I have the support, strength or position to make such an enemy for myself so it would be foolish for me to do so."

Bastion reluctantly admitted the last, but it had the benefit of being true. He was new to the game and making enemies at this point was foolish to the point of being suicidal. Best case he would be cast out. Whether or not he'd be allowed to take his fleet with him was another matter.

"I know I am new and perhaps should not have overstepped my limited authority in such a manner but I believed if having a regent was being discussed then it should be discussed openly. Atleast here in this council if not quite publicly."

”Ah, Moff Bastion. It’s about time we met. The Empress is a grown woman. We do not want to put doubt over her rule by installing an official regent. No, we need to be sure that she has the support of wise beings to guide her. The Moff Council is a good start. Though I will not officially be a member, the Empress is always free to lean on me. We just need to be sure that she is ready before she is let off any leash.”
"I am however relieved to here this won't be the case."

"If you felt insulted or offended Grandmaster please allow me to extend my apologies."

Bastion privately thought the Grandmaster had tactfully confirmed although she wouldn't have official regency powers she still intended on being very influential with the young Empress. Bastion could grow to like the Grandmaster and truly hoped he hadn't made an enemy of her. If he had well that would be too bad, but there was a fine line between appearing gracious and being a lickspittle.

"I believe however we have come close to a consensus on the need for the Moff Council to be an advisory bored for the young empress. I believe this to be a wise decision for whatever my opinion is worth and such a council would have my full support. And that of my fleets. As of course would the Empress."

“A small sum prepared by Velran and I for such an eventuality, to help get it established and running. It should help to stabilize things. And, of course, I would not mind taking up the duty of instructing Princess Kanni in how to manage her estates. After all, I was the former Moff of Lianna proper, I know a few things to teach her about administration. Of course, whatever else she might need to me to do I can as well, I have a wide variety of talents.”
Bastion was surprised when the independent Moff introduced a new player to the game. A new player to him at any rate. Bastion didn't know the history of Aculia Voland Aculia Voland but from context he gathered that Voland was a hero of some sort believed to be dead and apparently miraculously returned to life. Much like Bastions own resurrection. Although apparently Bastion did not quite have the same esteem to which this Voland was once held. She seemed to assume her reinstated position rather rapidly and had the means to do it. Means being the operative word as she demonstrated a hoard of wealth.

It was only fair. Bastion had his fleet she had her wealth. Each brought resources to an Empire at a vulnerable time in exchange for a position and certain degree of power. Bastion approved of the tactic and made a mental note to keep an eye on her until she proved to be either friend or foe. Still after perhaps his tactical error with the Grandmaster Bastion decided to employ the wiser course and stay silent. For a moment. Then he shrugged to himself. One didn't play the game by staying out of it.

"Those resources I'm sure will be a boon to the Empire. I'm afraid I don't have enough knowledge of the Empresses estates but it seems to me that that would be one of the oversights of the Moff Council and that it should have a representative who is familiar with the funds she would be using."

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Malum of House Marr Orion_Knight Karl Von Strauss Zonn Geist Rex Valhoun Darth Rasnuhl Teckla Tane
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Location: Lianna City - Lianna
Objective: I - Lying in State
Attire: Black Bodysuit
Tag: Drenn Drenn Zandrad Kilran Zandrad Kilran

He then turned his head slightly in her direction. “I think there are many things around your true thoughts that you won’t tell me,” he said. His voice was low. A faint smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “My talents lie in the art of combat, not in unraveling mysteries of the mind..or hidden agendas.”

“I…know.” Evelina paused then, her lips pulled down in a regretful frown as she did. “I wish I could tell you more, but thank you for listening regardless.” She added. With that, the Butterfly found herself walking alongside the man, her gaze drawing in on his pastel green eyes as he spoke.

There was a brief pause as he refocused upon the path before them. A soft sigh escaped from him. "I'm Drenn," he said simply. "And now I can’t help but wonder, what are your services or connections to the Empire?"

“It’s lovely to meet you, Drenn.” Evelina offered a soft smile. “I am Evelina.” The Butterfly said, introducing herself in turn. “I serve the Empire as part of a special unit. It’s classified, unfortunately, but like you…my talents lie in the art of combat, as well.” She leaned towards the man then, feeling a special kinship in the fact that they had something in common.

“I hope that when this is over, we can go out and get revenge for the Emperor’s slaying.” She continued, an almost feral, hungry glint lighting up her gaze as she spoke.

It was only then that Evelina’s ears perked up upon registering balladic rhythms nearby, accompanied by a feminine voice that carried through the air in melodic overture. Turning around, the assassin found herself facing a holoprojection of a female singer. The projection was situated on a stage surrounded by a small crowd of mourners, a few who appeared to be singing the lyrics to the song.

A shadow falls, the stars grow dim,
Our Emperor lost, the deepest Sin.
The galaxy weeps, his throne stands bare,
But we remain, in cold despair.

Betrayed by those who claimed the stars,
They scattered hope, left bitter scars.
But his empire lives, within our hearts,
We'll see his justice as vengeance starts.

Even without knowing the lyrics, it was all Evelina could do to resist the urge to join in song with the gather crowd.


Objective II - Line Unbroken

The twists and turns came hot and fast.

The dead, returned to life.

Then the Lady herself on the scene.

A poetic speech. A declaration as she assumed her position. A promise to pursue her father's vision. A promise to deliver blood to any who stood in her way.

It was an impressive transformation of her character. She was more serious, now. The trauma of losing her father had impacted her. Matured her.

It was disappointing, as well. The promise of blood spoke of her youth. Or the rashness of her father living on in her. Such a blunt threat was an instrument for a blunt mind. Not the keen genius and wisdom required to lead an Empire.

None of that mattered, of course.

Only one thing mattered, now.

Maldor got on his knees. He bowed his head.

"I pledge myself to the Empress, and serve at her pleasure."

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Darth Malum of House Marr Orion_Knight Karl Von Strauss Zonn Geist Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Rex Valhoun Darth Rasnuhl Teckla Tane Aculia Voland Aculia Voland Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran


Objective I: Lying in State

Tags : B/U-800 "Evelina" B/U-800 "Evelina" Zandrad Kilran Zandrad Kilran

As they walked side by side, his eyes were intent solely on the path ahead. Drenn’s mind remained calm amidst the somber that seemed to cling to every single corner around him. When her voice broke the silence, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, as the words held little of use; but after introducing himself, there was a small glimmer of potential that flickered.

Her role within the Empire intrigued him, and brought forth a flurry of questions in his mind, ones that he was certain wouldn't receive an answer. The woman's smile was met with a small nod of the head, but his demeanor didn’t soften; the walls built around himself were as firm as those protecting Lyana City. “It’s an honor to meet you, Evelina,” he said simply. He refrained from commenting on her desire for revenge, even if he felt like he understood the reasoning behind it. It was a familiar concept to him, one he had witnessed before in his home world. Grudges ran deep in Nar Shaddaa. “I’ve always found a sense of peace with the blade. In that dance is where we can find freedom, and our strength.” he added.

When Evelina slowly came to a stop, he would as well, and followed her gaze to holoprojection. But before he could allow himself to grasp the lyrics, his hidden arrogance slowly began to bubble and threaten to break free. “I’m a firm believer that words are just that..words. Being part of a special unit is not enough to tell me of your prowess,” he said in a calm tone. Drenn's head then slowly turned to her once more. “I’d have to test your skills myself to truly gauge your worth in combat."
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Objective: I - Lying in State
Location: Lianna City, Lianna
Tags: OPEN
Outfit: Black hooded cloak


It was strange for Sasi to be here. She had always stayed away from Lianna. It never felt like home. Even though her benefactor had become the leader of the government that was run from this planet, Sasi never felt like she was a part of it. Luckily it seemed like the Empire of the Lost was doing well without her. And Sasi was able to focus her energy on her observed career. In truth, her first love was singing, so not feeling useful to the one who saved her from forgotten horrors ended up being a bit of a blessing. Now however Velran Kilran Velran Kilran was gone. Sasi felt the need to be here to celebrate his sacrifice.

Lending her voice to the ballad that was written in her former guardian’s honor was an easy decision. Even now as she tried to hide her presence from anyone who might recognize her she heard its beautiful melody playing in the distance. It wasn’t the style that the public had come to expect from Sasi Winter, but it was fitting of Velran and she had the voice to pull it off. She would sing it live for the official ceremony, something that made the usually confident young woman shake with nerves.

Maybe this was the start of her usefulness to the Empire. She had made sure to make stops in the Empire on her tour. She was a bit of a celebrity, but she could do so much more. If this was the event that was required for her to make a difference it was a shame, but she couldn’t turn her back on Velran now. She would honor his life however she could. She would give him a legacy to be proud of.

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