Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Demon Moon

The Darksome Heart of the Jungles of Dxun

A gasp sounded, echoing through the surrounding darkness, as Reyn Skirata opened his eyes. He was alone, of that he was sure, and he pulled his helm off his head. It was dark, a darkness that weighed upon the soul, and he produced a small light from one of the satchels on his belt, thumbing it on.

He wasn't sure where he was. He assumed on Dxun, but it was not impossible that he was on Onderon, what little he remembered of the battle placed him on the planetward side, and in the confusion he may have crashed there instead. The light clearly showed him a stone floor, and he increased the output to reveal more of the area. Sweeping the light around he found the remains of basilisk, curiously overgrown, and the point of his entry, covered over with foliage.
Do plants truly grow so fast here? I'd heard tales, but never imagined such a thing was possible.

He felt increasingly uneasy about his surroundings, and pulled his ripper the holster, checking it he saw that it seemed to be in order and he holstered it again. Sweeping the light back over the ruin of his basilisk, he located the weapons compartment and drew his large kal from it's sheath on his chest. He hacked at the vines overgrowing it, his apprehension growing. the panel had partly fused shut, but enough was clear that he worked the large blade under the panel and cracked it open, revealing it's contents. He thanked the gods to find his axe and beskad within, unharmed.

Ratiin shekemi gar kad dayn be'yaim

He placed both weapons in their places on his belt. He was monstrously hungry, and eager to find food. Luckily, rubble on the floor from his crash allowed him to approach the hole, and he drew his ripper again, putting two shots through the foliage. The sudden sun hurt his eyes, and he shaded them with his gunhand, giving himself a moment to adjust. He holstered his gun and drew his kal, cutting into the mass of vegetation so he could free himself and get an idea of the land. In a short time he succeeded, and pulled himself up and out into the light of the jungle.

As he stood, tired from the exertion, he was met by the sight of a large boma, likely drawn to investigate by the sound of his gun.

Shabla haran...
Alarm bells rang, red lights flashed on and off everywhere. Whatever it was that had attacked her ship, The Phantom Chaser, a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft had been quick and swift. Pirates undoubtedly. However Mako's ship had had extra armouring on it. Her ship held and she did have enough firepower to scare them off. However the damage was done. Her hyperdrive was damaged in the surprise attack. She was alone, however the First Officer of the MXS Morihei Ueshiba didn't have her ship and her crew all that far away. Well not that far in theory anyway. They were still at least half a day away when they received Mako's distress signal. In the meantime Mako had to land as she would then realise that the hyperdrive was not all that had been damaged. Searching her star charts she located the nearest habitable planet. Dxum came up on the display. A thick jungle world, reachable by sublight drives in a mere 2 hours, Mako immediately would set cause for the planet.

Upon reaching the planet, she scanned for life. Mostly indigenous, and not very technologically advanced. Not ideal, however she had to land and make some basic repairs. The Ueshiba was only half a day away. She should be okay if she stayed in the ship or near it she assumed. Any natural predators or beasts would probably be scared away by her ship. The ship entered Dxum's upper atmosphere and as it passed through to the lower levels, given the speed the D5-Mantis was coming in at, the sound of it could be heard for hundreds of kilometres on the ground. Finally she did land safely. On a small low opening between some thick jungle trees. She guessed it was a perfect spot for a ship to land in such a harsh environment. At least things seemed to have been improving from that point on. At least that's what Mako thought, as apart from the unintelligent indigenous life forms that surrounded her, she thought she was alone and safe.

[member="Reyn Skirata"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
These odd jobs were becoming stranger by the day. Obtain dna samples of the beasts of Dxun? What was he? A snarking biologist? He was a bounty hunter for Pete's sake. He heard rumors of this place back when he was a Mandalorian-In-Honor. There laid horrible beasts that cause his 'people', for lack of a better word, would be wary of. On Six-Eyes's ship. He found himself fiddling with the equipment the Nautolan gave him. It was a tranquilizing gun. Six-Eyes wouldn't tell him where the darts came from and how powerful it was. He simply called it 'enough', which did concern Neivon a bit. Neivon decided to try and flip the gun into an arc, it slipped from his fingers and he had to dive for it before it dropped, feeling the sharp pain of metal pound his body.

"Hey," Six-Eyes heard the commotion. He sat at the cockpit, his Z-58 series droid helping alongside him. "We're nearing Dxun by now, and quit playing with that gun, I went through a lot of trouble to get that for you." Six-Eyes was dialing things into the starship as it began to descend into the planet. The ship began to rock violently, Neivon looked to where he left his armor. He sighed a sound of relief. It seemed his armor wasn't falling from where it was this time. He'd assume the rack he bought back on Taris wouldn't have held it well, seemed he was wrong. As the worst part of entering a rock's atmosphere subsided, his employer stabilized the ship. "You better start putting your armor, I know the creatures here and they will act violently towards the ship. And make sure to pack away the vials and syringes, I can't have you breaking those."

Neivon sighed. Was nagging the only thing this Nautolan knew how to do? He shrugged, accepting his role in this entire play the Nautolan wanted to do. He was being offered a bonus for all of this when he'd join the Bounty Hunter's Guild. He only hoped this 'bonus' was worth all this hassle these past months. Neivon checked to make sure he had everything. Pike, holocams, hovercams, holocom, macrobinoculars, medpac, blaster, armed gauntlets, rockets, jetpack, tranquilizing gun, potent darts, vials, syringes, all check. Neivon waited for this ship to land, but it never happened. He turned to Six-Eyes, confusion in his eyes.

Six-Eyes stared at him dumbfounded, realizing he forgot to tell him. "Oh ya, I won't be landing the ship, I'm not risking getting a scratch on my girl from these escapades. You'll just need to jump out and use your jetpack for a safe landing." So it seemed even the 'great' Six-Eyes-skee feared the creatures in this jungle.

"Fine, whatever Six-Eyes," Neivon opened the hatch, jumping out before Six-Eyes could continue with anything else. He sure was talkative. He needed to get over this mission as soon as possible. He felt a lump of fear form in his throat. All he needed to do was get dna samples right? From dangerously active predators that even his clan fear. A clan that killed ancient Sith Spawn for sport. Neivon took a deep breath as he used his rockets to land on the forest floor. Well here goes noth-. Neivon did't even had time to finish his thought as he heard a gurgling roar, a good distance from his location. Guess it was time to do this job anyways. Seemed like Neivon would no longer need the trouble of a beast to sample.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"]
Reyn's hand flew to his ripper as the Boma charged. He was able to snap off one shot before diving to the side, the beast's tusk scraping his greaves as he did.

Reyn grimaced, he wasn't as fast as he used to be. The shot he fired had glanced across it's shoulder, but the beast didn't seem too fussed. Reyn leapt up as soon as his roll finished, drawing his axe and bellowing at the beast, his barbaric taung blood screaming through his veins.

"Redalu ti'ni kyr'am, ni tsikala."

The boma rounded and Reyn fired two more shots, with much more satisfying results as they slammed into the side of the large beast. The beast charged and Reyn fired again, a grazing shot across his cheek and into the meat of his shoulder. His gun now empty, Reyn tossed it aside and grasped his axe with both hands. Timing his strike exactly, Reyn roared and swung the axe down and up in a crescent arc, the keen beskar blade catching the beast on it's chin. The force of the blow and reflexive rearing back threw the creature onto it's own back. At the top of the arc, Reyn brought the axe back down with full force, burying the blade into it's torso. Reyn left the axe and stepped forward, drawing his kal, and fell to a knee to drive the long beskar blade up into the creature's brain from the bottom of the jaw, he twisted the blade and a final jerk went through the corpse of the beast.

Reyn cleaned the blades of his weapons, and retrieved his gun. He quickly reloaded and holsted it. It was fortunate the boma was here, saved him the trouble of hunting. It was then he looked up as he heard a sound, a strange ship of a kind he had never seen before was coming in to land. That made little sense, no such ship existed in the battle fleets of Mandalore nor the Republic.
How long had he been unconscious?

He quickly cut himself a slab of meat. He had no time as yet for a fire, and so merely began to eat his meat raw. He replaced his helm and set off through the jungle in the direction of the ship's descent.

He needed answers.
Mako was glad the ship was still in one piece. Well mostly. The hyperdrive had indeed been damaged, but that wasn't obviously why she had been forced to make an emergency landing. No the reason was because of a small breach in the ship's hull, and thus it had been leaking atmosphere. The ship's shields had been regenerated quite quickly and could have been used to breach the hole, in fact they were while the ship had made its way to Dxum, but it wasn't ideal for it to stay like that stranded in space for almost a day while she waited for the Ueshiba, thus the decision to land.

Mako quickly set up a perimeter around her ship. It had sensors that would alert her of any intruders while she worked on patching the breach. Mako was good at making ship repairs on the go, therefore doing the repairs was easy enough. It did however take a few hours, but that passed by quite quickly and before she knew it she was done. Of course she still had no functional hyperdrive, so she decided that rather than wait in another 15 or so hours in space for the Ueshiba to arrive and unnecessarily deplete her resources such as air, that logically speaking it would be best to wait where she was and remain put. It did seem safe enough though, the jungles of Dxum that was, as long as she stayed inside the confines of her ship. She decided to leave the sensors and perimeter as is, to alert her just in case, as she boarded her ship and closed the lowering ramp locking herself inside where she would patiently wait, board not knowing what to do with herself, and totally unaware that she had long been spotted by an intelligent being, maybe even more than one, who were headed straight into her direction, and by now, not far from her and closing in fast. Whether Mako would be in danger however, was yet to be known.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
(OOC: Reyn, you should really mention people in your posts so they're notified.)

Neivon grappled through the canopy towards the sound. Perhaps he'll get lucky and come across a tekkar out here. Perferably dead. Those things could massacre an entire village of armed soldiers if they had the chance. He continue to pass through the trees, leaves smacked at his sides, he nearly was hit by a branch. Neivon slowed down as to be more careful, this was a jungle, after all. Tons of trees. It would be advantageous for a hunter like him. If, he needed to silently stalk something. Coming to that realization, he slowed down even more. He couldn't afford to scare of this creature. Then again, what creature on this planet could even be scared by a human? The thought was always a foreboding one. Neivon never had been to this planet before. Sure he'd been on many hunts, but there were still some his old Mandalorian associates didn't allow him on. Could it be that they didn't seem him worthy enough to go after the best of prey? He hunted monsters before, that was for sure. Ancient behemoths on Dromund Kaas were probably his most memorable escapades.

A smell of rotting flesh was becoming more apparent, much more potent. Once it got to it's strongest, Neivon left the canopy and the annoying insects behind. He still made sure to stick to the trees. Looking foward, he gazed upon the ruined body of a boma. Something killed it. A chunk of flesh was missing from it. He only questioned if something was strong enough to kill it. Why did they take such a small portion of the creature. Neivon decided not to think on it too much. Activating his energy shield, he hoped down to the forest floor next to the boma. He would have to be quick before any scavengers came, they would ruin the chance he could get.

Neivon rumaged through his pack, taking out a syringe, poking it into the beast as he took out a good amount of blood. He poured it into a vial, sealing it. 1 down, He thought. A whole bunch more to do. He was going to need to make this so much quicker, relying just on sound wouldn't be helpful. As he grappled back up into the canopy, he took out a holocam. Whatever might come to take whatever was left of the boma would be caught by his holocam. He started grappling again through the canopy. Putting holocams throughout the jungle. It was time for him to bring his surveying abilities to use again.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"]
Mako sat quietly in her ship, bored no doubt, she could hear the noises of nature roam freely through the jungle that surrounded her. Yet she didn't dare leave her ship. However on the other hand she was curious to what was out there. Her starship and her crew were still hours away. She took a glance at the ship's instrument panels again. Being bored but at the same time a little worried she decided to check everything again. After all she believed she could take off again at anytime if she had to, as it was only her hyperdrive that was damaged. Well until she saw something on one of her instrument's reading.

Fuel? What the? How in hell did it get so low? Oh no! She suddenly worryingly though to herself. Now a real sense of panic began to set into her. She quickly made her way to bottom of her ship to inspect the fuel tanks and realised what she had feared. A small rupture on both. Fuel had leaked out slowly and despite all the alarm bells that had been flashing during the attack, she had not realised. Now she realised the dire situation she was in. She had no fuel. She couldn't get off the ground. Not until help which which was hours away arrived. She would then just stand there quietly thinking and listening. The sounds of the jungle creatures around her seemed a little louder now. Like there was something else out there that seemed like it was closing into her location.

[member="Neivon"], [member="Reyn Skirata"]
Reyn picked his way through the jungle, utilizing his woodcraft to the fullest. He followed the scent of ship fuel, which he had noticed leaving a trail. The ship was clearly damaged, which did not bode well for leaving this moon, but at least they may have information, more food, and water.

The smell grew progressively stronger, and soon enough he saw the ship sitting in a clearing, perhaps a hundred yards away. He dropped closer to the ground, keeping low to avoid being seen. He drew his ripper and his axe again, pushing forward very carefully as he examined the area. The ship was definitely strange to him, and he saw no sign of anyone around it, but still approached cautiously.

As he closed to about fifteen yards from the edge of the clearing, he stopped again. He would wait a short while, watching for any sign. He kept his ears and eyes open for any indication of danger or interest.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Neivon"]
Okay, don't panic, don't panic. I've been through worse than this before. Mako would keep telling herself. Until now no one had come to bother her, and she only had to hang in there for a few hours. Well it was a lot of hours, but it was less than half a day and at least help was on its way. Calming herself down she went back upstairs and returned to the ship's cockpit. She starred outside, but saw nothing but the jungle trees before her. Quietly she would sit in the pilot's seat and slowly close her eyes. Slowly she would drift in and out of sleep. She in fact had almost fallen asleep until an alarm woke her up and made her jump from her seat. The sensor on the perimeter. Something or someone had crossed it. She put her hand on her mouth. Oh no! Something or someone is out there close.

She quickly turned all lights off inside the ship, except those in her sleeping quarters. She opened her cupboard and decided now would be a good time to gear up for a fight, just in case someone had the idea to attack her. Mako hated fighting, she of course would do whatever she could to avoid one at all cost. If whatever was approaching was intelligent and found her, first she would try to speak to it and befriend it. Violence was not her thing and would be an absolute last resort. Mako grabbed her personal body force field shield and attached the device to her chest and kept it turned off for now. She then took a couple of blaster pistols and holstered one to her belt, and concealed the other between and under her breast. In addition she also hid a small knife under the the behind part of one of her long black boots. Finally she place a stun gauntlet on her left hand. This was a rare weapon produced by a company called Palandrix Personal Protection Gear, and designed to deliver kinetic energy or an electric shock to an attacker, capable of dealing damage. Mako then turned the lights off in her quarters and waited, silently, and due to her anxiousness, her heart raced faster than normal.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
As Neivon continue to pass through the Jungle, suddenly hearing the blaring noise of alarms. So he wasn't the only planet's visitor. He inferred that was why the boma had a small chunk of it gone. Even so, whoever they were, it would be better to investigate. He couldn't continue his mission with the prospect of someone having an advantage over him. Especially after his last incursion, he would've likely had people who would want a bounty on his head. Without a second though, he began to climb higher into the trees, he was going to need as much cover as possible. But not expose himself from above, the only way to get on this planet was through the use of starships. Shuttles wouldn't visit this place. It was too dangerous to set up a civilization here.

He continued to pass through the canopy. Damn the fact that he would be experiencing little rest. He dreamed of the prospect of having a speeder, it would make transportation so much less of a hassle. But even so, you couldn't move unheard and unseen with a speeder now can't you? Unless you got a freaking cloaking device to at least help with the unseen part.

The forest was becoming less and less shrouded. He must've been uproaching a clearing. He skidded to a halt to see a starship, it's sirens were blaring to the point that the entire planet could've heard it. It would be best for Neivon to wait to see if anyone was around. His angle wasn't one to be desirable, he could hardly see much of anything from this point. Even so, it wouldn't be wise to move. Who knows what kinds of things this person might have? Or group of people. He hoped it wasn't a group.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"]
Mako quietly checked her surroundings using her ship's sensors. In the dark of course as if anyone happened to be looking straight at the ship's cockpit window, anyone looking and with a good eye sight would probably detect movement inside. Her sensor readings appeared to show two beings closing in on the ship but then stop. One had actually triggered the alarm on the perimeter and then stop. This indicated that whatever or whoever they were, they were intelligent. Although she had no way of knowing yet if the two were together. At this stage she had to assume that they were. Mako then looked down at her chronometer. 14:23 is what it read. What that meant was that ETA of the arrival of her starship. It was still a long, more than 14 hours away. Frak!

Mako had a partial sensory to the Force, but really had no idea how to call upon it. She sat down. In the darkness and shut her eyes. Concentrating she tried to call out and make a connection to another. The person most closest to her heart that would give her life for her if she had to. Yet even if she made the connection, that person was not currently onboard her starship, despite her being the ship's real captain. Mako opened her eyes. The noises around her grew louder. Someone or someones was definitely out there.

[member="Neivon"], [member="Reyn Skirata"]
Reyn heard klaxons blare, and ducked down even lower. Some sort of perimeter alarm had been tripped, and he cursed. He didn't think he was responsible, but he could have been. He raised his head back up, he saw no one. Deciding there was little point to further subterfuge, he stood to his full height, throwing back his powerful shoulders. His armor, crafted from beskar by his own hands, was handsomely decorated and he walked out into the sunlight proudly. His weapons were in his hands, but not held in a threatening stance, and he strode forward.

If there be battle between us, I give my oath that it shall not be I who begins it.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Neivon"]
Mako slowly walked over to her ship's cockpit. There, she could see one of them now. He was a man. Tall and dressed in armour and armed. A warrior no doubt. He didn't look like he was from this world, very much like Mako wasn't. She put her hand back over her mouth in panic. Oh no! What if he is stranded too and then demands I help him. I'm stranded too. What if he decides to hurt me. Mako kept looking at the warrior through the cockpit window. He, she assumed could not see her since it was dark inside and bright outside. Then he began moving towards the ship. Mako gulped as she further would become frightened, but continued to watch the warrior's moves.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon noticed a body began moving towards the ship, taking out his macrobinoculars out he was able to make out the shape more. Mandalorian by the looks of it. Their armor gave it away, then again, they could be an Ex-Mandalorian. He was one himself. At least he confirmed he wasn't alone on this planet. But why would a Mandalorian have that kind of ship? Either way, he needed to consult them. Why else would a Mandalorian be here except for a hunt? Packing away his macrobinoculars, he jumped down from the canopy, activating his rockets at the last second to prevent bone fracture. He was on the other side of the ship, he didn't want to scare them for coming out of no where, but he didn't have a flare gun, they were rarely of use to him. Activating his energy shield, he approached the ship, the sirens still blared as loadly as ever. It would be bad luck if a Zakkeg came to attack the ship. Ironically, Neivon hoped such a thing would happen, Zakkeg were hard to find and he needed to sample their blood.

Neivon continued his way towards the ship, he was getting close to it. Just when he got in range of the opposite person to shout their name, he felt the ferocious push as a Maalraas appeared out of thin air, pouncing onto him only to find itself beaten back by his energy shield. Why did everything wanted to kill you on this planet? Neivon thought. With a sigh, he pulled out his blaster.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"]
NPC Braj'tec Qarr

Braj'tec entered the bridge of the MXS Morihei Ueshiba, en-route to the moon Dxum.

"Lieutenant Commander Je'Kesik, we've just received another transmission from the downed D5-Mantis. Commander Mako has reported two male warriors, human by her description, closing in to her ship. She has locked herself inside of it. At this stage there is no way to know if they are hostile or not. Yet by her description, one is Mandolorian, both are heavily armed."

Jhess Je'Kesik who was facing the large warrior, Braj'tec, would remain silent for almost a minute before responding.

"Braj'tec we are moving as fast as we safety can, ETA is 13 hours."

"With all due respect Lieutenant Commander, but Mako could be in serious trouble___"

"I'm aware of that and we're moving___"

"We can go faster. It's not safe to do so in this area of space, but given the predicament, the call is called for."

"You mean use the XHS? You can't be serious Braj'tec? It will create rip___".

"It's bean done before when it was necessary, and now is a good time as ever."

Jhess took in a deep breath to think about it.

"I must consult the captain."

"The captain is not here and may not be contactable. Also the captain will approve since this is Mako's life at stake. You know that as actual fact Lieutenant Commander. And it is you that is currently in command of this vessel"

Another briefly pause would occur, as everyone on the bridge would remain silent.

"Very well. Drop us out of hyperspace. Then re-engage using the hyperdrive's XHS, but only at minimum. I'm not taking any risks beyond that, as the safety of this crew must come first. It should shorten our trip to Dxum down to 4 hours."

Within 30 minutes the crew of the Ueshiba had done exactly as was discussed by the third in command and the ship's head of security. Yet it would still be 4 hours until they would reach their destination Dxum. It was way too long for Mako who's life could be in serious peril. Hopefully for Mako's sake, the two warrior men closing in on her were either not violent in nature, or Mako could hold out on her own until help arrived.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"]
Mako kept observing silently through her cockpit's viewpoint.

"Great the other guy is a fully armed Mandorlorian. Just great. My day has just been made."

Mako would say out aloud to herself sarcastically, as she spotted the other warrior approach her stranded ship as a Maalraas appeared out of nowhere trying to attack him.

By the looks of things, it's possible these two warriors are not together. Perhaps they are rivals. Would make my life easier if they just kill each other. Mako thought to herself. Yet she was still uncertain. Actually she was uncertain about a great many things. But soon she would find out as the two got closer and closer to her ship. They would either fight each other and one would try and get into her locked ship, or they would not fight each other and then try and enter the ship. Either way the ship's lock down wasn't going to hold up forever, that much Mako was certain about.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"]
Reyn heard the maalraas snarl and whipped around to see the beast bounce off the armored form of another man. Reyn lunged to the side and fired a round from his ripper into the animal, the energized slug tearing through the shoulder joint of the creature. The other man had drawn a gun as well, and Reyn switched his aim to the unknown warrior, roaring out a warning.

"Your name and people, friend or foe?"

[member="Neivon"] [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon heard the gunshot, seeing the maalraas's shoulder torn apart. Seems he wasn't the only badshot, luckily he had time to aim, shooting two blaster bolts into the creature's head until it stopped moving. His ex-brothers and sisters were right. These things were all too simple to take down. His only question was why did they thought he wouldn't be capable of taking anything on this planet down? He didn't have time to think as he heard the all familiar language of Mando'a iterated from the mouth of the Mandalorian. Neivon sighed. So much for being first.

"Sorry, can't tell you my name, business reasons. As for a clan? I no longer belong to one." Neivon walked over to the dead Maalraas, sticking a syringe into it, collecting it's blood as he put it in a vial. "And right now? Friend, I guess." He began to walk up to the Mandalorian, his gun was still aimed at Neivon. The Bounty Hunter didn't care. "You're on a hunt, I presume?"

[member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"]
Mako continued to observe the two warriors. It was now clear that the two were not friends. The two appeared to be on some sort of hunt. She could faintly hear them both speak. In their own native tongue. They were obviously too far for her translator to translate what they were talking about. Infact she didn't even have that on her and at that very moment didn't care about trying to locate where she had placed it. Given she had already identified one as Mandolorian, and the two were speaking to each other in what she assumed was the Mandorlorian tongue, then she confidently assumed that both were Mandolorian.

For the moment the two remained put, talking, watching each other carefully, not exactly trusting one another. Mako assumed they could speak Basic, even though her own Basic wasn't the best since it also wasn't her native tongue. Observing as she saw one inject something into the dead Maalraas to take a blood sample, she thought to herself. Well they could be rivals on some sort of hunt. Maybe if one ticks off the other first, they might kill each other in the process. Or maybe they'll decide to be curious fraks and decide to investigate my ship first. Clearly the latter wasn't her desired option, not by a long shot, but unfortunately by what she had been observing, the most probable outcome.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"]
Reyn heard the man say he was in no clan, but he clearly spoke mando'a, though his seemed different than his own. Reyn found this odd, and the question of him being on a hunt was strange. Why would he be hunting here, when there was war?

"The battle above? Who won?"

Reyn lowered his ripper but did not holster it. It was well he wore his helmet, for his face would surely have betrayed his confusion. He needed answers, and the strange feeling in the back of his mind from all he had seen since he woke up only grew.

[member="Kixi Rajki"] [member="Neivon"] [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]

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