Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Demon Moon

Mako remained frozen for a moment as she analysed [member="Reyn Skirata"]. His Basic wasn’t much better than her own, but she understood what he had been trying to say. He appeared to have no intention to harm her or want to fight. The other two appeared busy fighting and didn’t appeared distracted from her ship’s arrival. This one that had spoken to her appeared stranded on this moon planet just like her. By now four of the Saynen Starfighter R fighters were circling her , with the MXS Morihei Ueshiba Battleship looming straight ahead. Then Mako’s comm unit beeped. Finally communication. She spoke into in a language totally unfamiliar to the bystander. Züncålidiom, it wasn’t Mako’s mother tongue either, however it was the first language of most of her crew, the crew of the large ship hovering in the close vicinity above them, and a tongue she was fluent at. The battleship itself and the circling starfighters were all as alien as the speech coming out of Mako’s mouth to the observing Mandolorian, Reyn .

Mako reached out with her unarmed hand towards Reyn, and lowed the other arm and hand that wielded the Kinetic Hand.

“With me come you. Now come. Before come others bad men. Back to ship mine.”

Mako then pointed back to her stranded Mantis-D5 and slowly began walking, gesturing for Reyn to follow her.

“My ship in Sky, tractor beam activate. Bring us into them they will.” Mako pointed again to the sky as she got to the boarding ramp of her stranded ship.

“If come with me you want and off this world you want, come now. Not much time have you. Tractor beam about to activate. Up to big ship I about to go. Come, come.”

Mako then set foot back on her ship and waited at the door of the boarding ramp. She would wait for Reyn. However he had to hurry as she would have to shut the door in around the next 10 seconds as her hovering battle ship above them was about to activate its tractor beam and hurl Mako and her Mantis-D5 directly into its hangar bay.

[member="Neivon"], [member="Edwin Setyl"]
Edwin guarded another blow that Neivon through at him. It surprised him that this Bounty Hunter knew Dashadi. It was a rare language Kuul'Ket'Tur told the acolyte about among other things. Edwin didn't understand it himself, but knew they were after his force energies. The style this Mandalorian wielded was certainly one of brutish nature, but at the same time it wasn't random, every single attack seemed concise and Edwin exclusive knowledge in Shien form was the only thing that was keeping him from receiving a blow from the lightsaber. Before Edwin realized it, they had backed out back into the forest grounds around, there noise would have certainly have caught the attention of the fauna. But what surprised Edwin the most was how his adversary was affected by his force push and other force oriented attacks and defensives. Again, Edwin's knowledge in the force was laughable, but he still knew a number of force abilities. His attacker had to be a Dashade. They knew the language and had the force resistance to put it with. So why did this man seem to small in comparison to Dashade Edwin seen in those ancient holovids?

It came to Edwin's surprised as his adversary was slowing down their blows, something was happening to them. An idea came to Edwin's mind, exerting his force on this black armored being's mind, trying as much as possible to calm them down.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon was finding his senses returning to him, seeing how we was fighting this Sith. No... it wasn't him fighting this Sith. He grunted in Annoyance, again, his bloodthirst showed itself, taking over his mind. It was becoming a Nuisance. He stared at the Sith before him, they were panting furiously as if they dealt a tax-ful blow.

"Did you... do something?" Neivon said in Basic. He wasn't sure what this Sith did but was pretty sure what might've happened with his bloodthirst ended too quickly.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"]
"You can speak Dashadi," Edwin said. He walked up towards the Bounty hunter in front of him, they were slightly taller than him, but height never fazed an imperial. "Where exactly did you learn it?" Edwin knew the language was dead. There should've been no way this man who was just shouting in another language and just so happened to be able to speak perfect Basic at the same to. It kind of excited him to, someone knew a dead language, and a bounty hunter at that. It surprised him that this man might've had such a strange hobby.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"]
Reyn looked up to see the ships, and made out the words the woman was speaking helped along by her extending her unarmed hand and lowering the armed one. Reyn likewise holstered his ripper and followed her. She was the best chance he had of figuring out what had happened and returning to the clans. He got onto the boarding ramp with her as the tractor beam began to lift them from the surface of the moon. Beneath them Neivon and the other man had stopped fighting as swiftly as they began, but he was no longer concerned with them. He needed information, food, and water. He looked at the woman, still wearing his helmet, and pointed to himself.

"Reyn Skirata."

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Neivon"] [member="Edwin Setyl"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
"Listen, if we are to talk, I think doing it here wouldn't be much of a wise idea," Neivon motioned his head towards the ascending ship, watching as Edwin nodded heading deep in the forest. Neivon looked back towards the Mandalorian and the now rising ship. Perhaps it would be just another face, lost in to him. Neivon's memory was that good to start with. Shrugging it off, he headed deep in the forest lands, following close to this Sith.

Edwin felt the presence of this bounty hunter following him. He had much to question this man on. And the fact that they followed him regardless told the acolyte that they had a probably and assumed Edwin could help get rid of it. Edwin had his own problems though, finding a place to meditate in peace. Perhaps this man could help provide him the requirements. Edwin might be far from his objectives but he was far from the process of getting there. Kuul'Ket'Tur told him to meditate here to begin with, and Edwin obeyed. Now, he just needed to find the right location. And with this man's aid he was sure he wouldn't be far from any results.


[member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
[member="Reyn Skirata"] didn't hesitate. He got the hint and didn't let the opportunity slide. He ran for the boarding ramp and got onto the Phantom Chaser. Mako then slammed the door shut and within several seconds, a small thud could be heard and felt as the Ueshiba's tractor beam began lifting them up, and pulling them in towards its hangar bay. The four starfighters outside would continue to circle the area until they were safely onboard the looming battleship.

Mako put her hand on her chest as she told Reyn her name, just after he had introduced himself to her.

"Mako." She paused a moment.

"Måko prünen, amālken sim, uhh Mako is, name my." She accidentally said in Züncålidiom, then realising that and repeating it back word for word in extremely bad basic.

"Me please to meet you Reyn. With me come now you. Me follow." Mako began walking upstairs and gestured for Reyn to follow. As they got upstairs, Mako would lead him to her sleeping quarters.

"Think here put I. Wait minute please you." Mako then searched one of her wall cabinets and found what she was looking for. A headset universal translator. She handed it over to Reyn.

Touching her own head with her hand she gestured for Reyn to take off his helmet. "Off helmet take. Device I give you, understand better us it will make. Put on head yours."

By now the Phantom Chaser had entered the Ueshiba's hangar bay and was slowly being lowered in a parking position. Mako waited for Reyn to fit the universal translator to his head so they could then communicate properly. She wondered too what his face would look like.
Reyn listened to her and took the headset. He was briefly unsure, but decided to trust her. A mandalorian's armor was key to his identity, Placing the headset down next to him, he solemnly removed his helmet, revealing his grey skin, black hair, green eyes and fierce Taung features. He carefully placed his helm beside him, and took the headset working it onto his head as best he could, then speaking in his own tongue.

"Do you understand me? Where are we going?"

Reyn hoped it would work correctly, it was tiresome to speak so poorly to each other.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
Mako observed the facial features of the Mandolorian as he removed his helmet. She could see he was reluctant to do so, but nonetheless she hadn't forced him to do so. She wouldn't force him nor anyone to do anything they didn't want for that matter.

"Yes I can now understand you perfectly well." Mako replied in one of her own tongues.

"I hope you now can understand me. As to where we are going, I am about to resume command of this ship. I am its first officer as the captain, a Jedi Knight is typically away on her Jedi business."

Mako smiled giving [member="Reyn Skirata"] an unsure look. She didn't know much about Mandorlorians being an outsider to the Galaxy, and unlike her Jedi counterpart, she nor her crew hadn't experienced too much contact with others outside of the Republic. Just then the door of her ship's boarding ramp was opened. There stoold Jhes Je'Kesik accompanied by Braj'tec and several other security officers. Mako assured them that Reyn was of no threat, despite Braj'tec's doubts which clearly showed in his facial tone. At this point Jhes handed command of the ship back to Mako. Both Mako and Reyn walked out of the D5-Mantis, as Braj'tec didn't take his eyes off either Mako or Reyn. The entire ship probably looked alien to the Mandorlorian, however Mako did not want to overwhelm him. Smiling she asked.

"So where would you like to go? I can take you there. However I know nothing about you, please tell me? Oh and don't get intimidated by Braj'tec's presence. It is after all his job to protect me."
Reyn carried his helm under his arm as he walked alongside [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]. This was a very strange ship indeed, but Reyn recognized the fact he had not seen everything so perhaps it was not so strange as all that. A human flanked them, whom her words seemed to identify as Braj'tec, and she asked him about himself. As she was being so kind, he felt it was only honorable to return her kindness with honesty. He spoke, the translator turning his mando'a into basic for her benefit.

"I am the chieftain of my clan. I was fighting in the service of Mandalore the Ultimate. I wish to return Mandalore and from there to the crusade. Have you knowledge of whether we won the battle over Dxun?"

Reyn was suddenly aware of how thirsty he was, and he turned his head to her again.
"Might I trouble you for water, my lady?"
"Mandalore?" Mako raised an eyebrow as she said the word. Of course she had figured Reyn had to be from there as she had identified him as Mandalorian when she had initially spotted him nosing around her downed D5-Mantis.

"I have no knowledge of any battle Reyn. I am sorry. I crashed my D5-Mantis on Dxun. I had been attacked by pirates elsewhere and Dxun was the closest place I could find to land safely at at the time. My crew on this ship rushed to rescue me after I sent out a distress call. They came out of hyperspace at tremendous speed almost crashing into the moon as a result. They saw no battle, however reports are coming in of evidence that a battle high above the moon's atmosphere did occur."

Mako was getting this feed sent to her headset as the MXS Morihei Ueshiba slowly made its way back into space and debris of ship wrecks could be seen in orbit around the moon.

"We are walking towards the ship's bridge by the way. Don't be overwhelmed when we get there as it may look a little alien to you. It's really okay, as after all I'm alien too and so far have managed to be hospitable enough for you. I hope I have been anyway." Mako smiled at the Mandolorian as they finally entered the bridge and entered. Everyone paused to acknowledge Mako's presence before Mako introduced Reyn to her primary crew and gestured for Reyn to take a seat to the left of the captain's seat in which Mako then sat in. Braj'tec who had been following then shut the door to the bridge and took up his usual position.

"Now Reyn, if you wish to go to Mandalore just so the word and we'll be on our way. If not, then name the destination. I'm very much in charge of this vessel. Captain and Jedi Knight Kixi Rajki won't be around nor coming anytime soon. Oh and I almost forgot, your water."

Mako called over to Braj'tec to use the small replicator on the bridge to replicate a glass of chilled water in which he did. He then handed it over to Reyn. Mako politely smiled at Reyn as she awaited confirmation of their next destination coordinates.

[member="Reyn Skirata"]
Reyn was puzzled by her not knowing of a battle. How could she not? Her crew having seen signs of a battle was slightly encouraging, but still he was puzzled.
How long was I down there?
Reyn followed her to the bridge and accepted the cup of water. His thirst was robust, and he quietly surveyed all he could see. He drained the cup swiftly, and he spoke replied, bowing his head for a moment from gratitude and respect.
"You have been most kind to me, Lady Mako. I just find I am very confused. With respect I ask that you take me to Mandalore. I shall repay you in whatever way you require."

Reyn tapped his fist to his chest in a gesture of giving his oath. He took such matters very seriously.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
Mako in turn tapped her own fist on her chest in acknowledgement to at [member="Reyn Skirata"]'s gesture.

"We have similar salutes and gestures where we come from as to you it would appear Reyn," Mako would state as she signalled her helmsman Ālrai to engage the hyperdrive after the course to Mandalore had been set.

"You don't owe us anything for this Reyn. In fact we would be happy to assist you in anyway with whatever troubles you may have. Perhaps we could get to know each other a little more and forge an alliance between our two peoples?"

Mako then left her proposal or suggestion open to Reyn as she took her seat back in the Captain's chair. Finally she could relax a little as she was back in the comfort zone and safety of her own ship and crew.
Reyn sat, making himself comfortable. She wished to talk about alliance? He had no such power, and in fact he still felt a nagging concern. He smiled weakly, and nodded.

"My lady, I must tell you that I while I am happy to get to know you better, I have no power to broker alliance during crusade. Only Mandalore himself has that power."

Reyn smiled gravely, wishing he could give her more hope. He needed to get home, and to ascertain where things stood.
"But I will say this, have you need of a boon from me, if it is within my power to grant, you shall have it."

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
Mako quietly nodded at [member="Reyn Skirata"] as he explained the situation and that he had no power.

"Reyn, we are all but one ship, we do not have much power either. Nothing beyond the firepower of this ship. What is one ship alone? Power is not just one's ability to posses powerful ships and wield weapons of power, its the power to form alliances, influence those around them, be feared and at the same time respected."

Mako then turned around to face the ship's front viewpoint and put her hand gently over her mouth and then slowly moved it down towards her chin as she thought.

"Mandalore has the power. When you speak of Mandalore I assume you mean the government and leaders of your people? Or is Mandalore but one person?"

Mako then turned her head slowly in Reyn's direction.

"Will Mandalore take lightly or offensively to the fact that the captain of this ship, although not present is a Jedi Knight, and that as a result, we her original crew from our far away homeland hold loyalties somewhat to the Republic? Oh and I wish no boon from you my friend. If ever in need, I trust that you will repay me the favour whenever if ever the time were to come."

A very relaxed Mako said smiling at Reyn as she slowly turned her head back to the front viewpoint.

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