Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Demon Moon


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon couldn't recall seeing any battle out in space. Then again, he's never looked out Six-Eyes's window before. But even if there was, he surely would've heard a battle happening... Why else would a Mandalorian be here on dxun other than to hunt? Something was off about this. Something seemed wrong.

"Battle? I surely didn't hear a battle on my way to this planet." Neivon was perplexed himself. But he shouldn't let it worry him. His mission was to collect the blood samples of the most widely known fauna of this planet. Nothing more, nothing less.

[member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"]
NPC Braj'tec Qarr

"General Qarr, do you have a strategy plan for when we reach Dxun?" Jhes would curiously ask the older man.

"No. Although it doesn't appear to be difficult. There are 2 Mandos on the surface, possibly attacking Mako. And that's a possibly? They might not even touch her, find her or even befriend her. At this stage I'm going to play it by ear. We locate her or her ship once we reach Dxun, then we I'll land there with Zasalamel and a small security team and take it from there."

"Very well, sounds fine to me. We'll be at our destination in T-minus 3 hours and 29 minutes. Sounds like a lot of time, but it isn't. I suggest you prep your team General."

"Understood, lieutenant Commander." Braj'tec then left the bridge as Jhes turned to her engineer.

"You have calculated the new hyperspace exit co-ordinates from the planet right? "

"Yes ma'am. Affirmative." The young engineer replied.

"Good. I don't mean to be a nuisance or doubt your abilities, but please double check. As you know we are travelling faster than we should, as there are many star systems and planets anywhere in our exit path. If we exit hyperspace at the usual exit point, we will crash straight into the moon. We need at least an extra 200,000 kms to slow down after dropping out of hyperspace."

"Understood ma'am, rerunning simulation algorithms now."

"Good." Jhes then turned to the helmsman Ālrai Tānien. "Now is a good time to hit the simulator. Regardless of how clean and accurate our exit from hyperspace is, there are too many unknown variables. It could be a rough and dangerous one. I need you at your best".

"Got it." The helmsman firmly replied as he got up and left the bridge for the ship's holodeck.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"], [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
Mako continued to observe the two. They seemed to be getting along and slowly getting friendly towards one another, even though they still appeared not to trust each other. The one with the weapon lowered his but did not holster it, so her guess so far was accurate enough. Damn you two, why don't you just tick each other off and kill yourselves already.. Then suddenly the ship's internal power would decide to shut itself down. However the fact that the all the consoles in the ship suddenly would fall silent and off wasn't her immediate concern. No the fact that the shields had just collapsed was. The flicker would be apparent to anyone near the ship. The two Mandolorian warriors surely would've noticed, undoubtedly returning their attention to her ship. The damage to her ship was far greater than originally thought.

"Frak!" Mako said out aloud as the ship's auxiliary power kicked in. Yet that wasn't enough to bring the shields back up, it was only enough to bring back internal power. Now if, well not if, but when the two Mandorlorians would decide to try and enter her ship, the only thing stopping them from getting in was the lock on the entrance, something she knew would not hold up for long.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"]
Edward found Dxun being the best place for him to practice his Lightside rituals. The Darkside here would be too great for anyone to notice through the force of what he was doing. Sure, he heard of monstrous beings with huge capabilities, but he wasn't about to let them impede on his ambitions. Besides, he was a Sith, Edward was sure he could handle a couple of creatures as if they were uxie beasts. What concerned him was the fact of seeing a large ship, heading into the same direction. He couldn't let anyone know of his arrival there. But blast, those heat sensors would pick him up anyways if the radar did.

He didn't know if they were friend or foe, but it was blasted least likely they were friend. Hardly anyone in this galaxy was your friend. Edward decided to go for a faster maneuver toward's the planet's surface. He was a prominent pilot, he only hoped that prominence would allow the Sith to get to the planet's surface without much intrusion.

[member="Reyn Skirata"] [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Neivon"] [member="Kixi Rajki"]
Reyn was perplexed. How could he know nothing of the battle? Even weeks after, space would be littered with debris. It didn't make sense.
What is happening?

At the edge of his vision, Reyn saw the flicker of failing shields around the ship. His nodded toward the ship, still facing the stranger. The fact he would not give his name made Reyn suspicious. A true warrior had no need to conceal his identity.

"I am Reyn, chieftain of the Skirata. Is this your ship?"

Reyn was thirsty, but he did not wish to remove his helm until he was sure he did not require it's protection. He was trying very hard not to think much on the implications of the evidence he had seen and stay focused on the task at hand.

It was not going well.

[member="Neivon"] [member="Kixi Rajki"] [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Edwin Setyl"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon stared at him. He shifted his weight. The bounty hunter was wasting too much time chatting with this Mandalorian, he had a mission to get back too. Something that would obvious take him days if not weeks. Unless he somehow got every single species to come after him. But that would just be suicide.

"This ship?" Neivon was truly getting antsy. "Hell, my vessel wouldn't be so... ragged." His impatience was getting to him. "Anyways, I've wasted enough time here. I'm going back in the forest, my schedule is quite busy." Neivon didn't give [member="Reyn Skirata"] anytime to respond. The more time he wasted on this planet meant the more time he would waste instead of collecting these blasted blood samples.

[member="Edwin Setyl"] | [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"]
Mako continued to observe the two warriors. She still couldn't understand a word they were saying but could see they weren't exactly getting along. A good thing she thought to herself and something that would later come with a reward. The bounty hunter, the one that was fully covered in armour would say something to the other, then before the other could even respond, walk away and head straight back into the forest and disappear.

Now that's a relief. They haven't exactly killed each other, but at least one of them has left. I guess that still leaves the other guy. Mako thought to herself as she continued to silently stare at the remaining warrior, the Mandorlorian who would still remain where he was. At least the bounty hunter that had left, and had not been interested in her ship. That was an obvious given and a huge sigh of relief. Now she quietly awaited to see what the sole remaining bounty hunter would do next.

[member="Neivon"], [member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Edwin Setyl"]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Edwin didn't know how, but he successfully passed the larger ships that were on their way to Dxun. He was glad his craft was smaller, it provided much more potent speed and acrobatics. As the shuttle landed, Edwin went off gathering the ancient datacrons and writings he had stored in the ship. He hoped the powerful darkside energies would be strong enough to not cause any kind of alert to his presence here. From natives and immigrants. But one could only hope. He opened the shuttle doors, turning on the shield generator and sensory system. If anything dangerous came near his shuttle, he would know.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Hauling the goodies he had in a pack, he marched through the forest. He hoped he could find a reserved place on this Moon, the place was already crawling with all kinds of things. He frowned. Edwin remembered being told of how ineffective a lightsaber was against the beasts here. One of the reasons he brought a military required blaster. It’s firepower was strong, even if the rate of fire was slow for a blaster pistol.[/SIZE]

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Neivon"] [member="Reyn Skirata"] [member="Kixi Rajki"]
As the man left, Reyn holstered his gun. He needed off Dxun. He needed answers, so he took a chance.
"Hold. I am not here on a hunt. I crashed here. Have you a ship? I will earn my passage however you choose."

Reyn slid his axe back into it's place on his belt, showing his hands empty. If this man couldn't help, he would have to investigate this ship. It seemed damaged, but perhaps he could rig something. He needed to hold his wife, and hear from Kot. He needed a drink.
"It is your decision."

[member="Neivon"] [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Kixi Rajki"] [member="Edwin Setyl"]
Initially it appeared that one of the Mandolorians had been leaving, until the other who had not left holstered his weapon and called something out to the other. The other paused to listen.

"Oh now what!" Mako said out aloud to herself.

Mako was thinking 2 possible scenarios in her head. One was that the two would then go someplace else and that the one who had called out to the one leaving was wanting to go or do whatever it was he intended. A good thing Mako thought as that would not involve her. The second scenario was not all that ideal for her however. That she figured was that he had called him back to investigate her ship, in which case both would take a look. That she surmised would be bad. Although there was still the offset that the two would go by their merry ways and thus only one of them come to investigate her ship. Still not ideal of course, but one fewer was still one better in her eyes.

[member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Neivon"], [member="Edwin Setyl"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon stopped, looking over his shoulder. Seems this man named Reyn was more than eager to get off this planet. "Sorry." Neivon said. "I don't even own a ship, I use shuttles or get a ride from my employer to get around." Neivon continued to walk off.

"One more thing." He said. Pausing again. "Name's Neivon Kaisonuor. I doubt you've heard of the clan, though." The bounty hunter continued on.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Edwin Setyl"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"]
Edwin silently stalked through the forest, trying his best not to make noise. The Sith would rather not provoke anything. Even if he was prepared, he was a pilot. Not a blasted sharp shooter. Even so, it was mainly maalraas that concerned him, as they were naturally lightsaber resistant. And that concerned Edwin who went through vigorous training to use a one. Using force speed, Edwin picked up the pace, the acolyte wasn't about to let anything get him. His previous pace would've made anything easily pounce upon him, Edwin force leaped into the air, flying above the trees. He couldn't see much of any kinds of fauna, what did capture his interests, was a ship in the horizon. Perhaps it was a Mandalorian clan that was hunting here. Edwin heard how often Mandalorians would come here to hunt. As Edwin made contact with the forest floor, he zoomed off just as soon as he heard the growls in the distant. The acolyte certainly didn't want to deal with those.

Edwin thought he might've been going too fast from the spike in his adrenaline, as he came into the clearing, running into a black and silver armored being.

[member="Neivon"] | [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"]
NPC Braj'tec Qarr

Braj'tec returned to the bridge of the MXS Morihei Ueshiba, along with its helmsman Ālrai Tānien who had just finished running different scenarios in the ship's holodeck regarding hyperspace dropouts into real space. He took his place back at the helm, as the starship was only minutes away from reaching its destination. Just then the engineer would interrupt Lieutenant Commander Je'Kesik who had been speaking to Braj'tec.

"Ma'am, there has been a slight error in my calculations. I've already compensated, but it means dropping out of hyperspace in the next 30 seconds!"


"If we don't, we'll crash right into this system's sun and______"

"Then do it quickly!" Jhes exclaimed almost skipping a heart beat in alarm of the situation.

"Already compensated, dropping out of hyperspace in T-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now."

As the Defiant class Sajnen battleship dropped out of hyperspace, a distortion which momentarily ripped through the fabric of space appeared approximately 200,000 kilometres from the moon Dxun. Then the ship kept moving towards the moon at an alarming speed.

"Slow us down!" Jhes yelled out to the helmsman as the ship went into red alert."

"We're slowing down ma'am but this is what happens when you____"

"I don't need any explanations at this moment of time. Just fly the ship and slow us down!" Jhes interrupted the helmsman and looked at the engineer.

"Raise the shields, we're entering the atmosphere, we can use the shield to stop us from burning up as we use our hull as resistance to help slow us down."

"You wanna do this the primitive way in terms of entering the atmosphere?"

"We don't exactly have a choice!" Jhes retorted.

The shields were raised as the ship, although slowing down fell rapidly through the moon's upper atmosphere. The ship shook and thudding could be heard from all angles. From the surface, the ship could be seen as a huge ball of fire, the sound of the re-entry could be heard for hundreds of kilometres. Of course the ship was protected from the huge fireball that was engulfing it by its shield. Soon they would be in the lower atmosphere with the ground approaching fast.

"Okay we need to do one last thing to slow right down. Ālrai, point the nose of the ship upwards and fire up the sublight engines to full power. The reverse thrust effect against the moon's gravity will stop our plunge."

As the instructions were indeed carried out, the ship would slow down and the fall neutralised. Again the roar of the sublight engines at such low altitude could be heard for hundreds of kilometres as the ship eventually levelled flight and slowly hovered over the thick jungles of Dxun.

"Damage report?"

"Still coming in, but doesn't look bad at all ma'am."

"Okay, scan for Mako's ship, The Phantom Chaser".

"Already found it, although it's around 1000 kilometres away. Because we are not in high orbit, I can't scan for any life forms, so at this stage can't tell if Mako is there."

"Well it's a good start, Ālrai set course for the location of The Phantom Chaser. Braj'tec, ready your security team, if any sort of ground assault is required, I need you at the ready."

"Not a problem Lieutenant Commander." Braj'tec's responsed in a quick and sternly manner, as he wasted no time and left the ship's bridge.

[member="Neivon"], [member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Edwin Setyl"], [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
He was right, Reyn had never heard of that clan. He shrugged as the man walked away, and he began to examine the ship. He needed a way in, then perhaps he could begin to make some progress toward getting off this moon. His helmet pinged motion and audio and he turned in time to see a man crashing out of the trees and into the man called Neivon.

Reyn whirled around, drawing his ripper again and taking aim at the newcomer.

Quite a busy day for Dxun.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] @Neivon @Edwin Setyl [member="Kixi Rajki"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon immediately rocketed away as soon as he collided with this new adversary. Moving off into a safe distance, coming beside Reyn. "What in the name..." The bounty hunter uttered. How did he not even notice someone running towards him? There should've been more sound than just that. The only conclusion he could come to was that they either came from the sky, or were really, really fast. Still unsure, he activated his energy shield, drawing his lightsaber pike.

"Just who the blast are you, now?..." Neivon didn't want to deal with anymore interruptions, it was getting on his nerves, perhaps he could make them repay him in a way.

[member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"] | [member="Edwin Setyl"] | [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
Edwin stood wide eye as he felt a flurry of jet fuel hit him, the stuff stung his body, not injuring him too much thanks to his military pilot suit. He stared at the two Mandalorians. Now that wasn't a surprise, Mandalorians were known to come to Dxun to hunt the wildlife. The acolyte just didn't expect how easy it was to come into contact with anyone on such a large moon. The black armored one certainly felt like they had a lot more tricks up their sleeve, he saw the crimson glow of his lightsaber pike. It surprised Edwin indeed. The other one seemed much more collected of the surroundings, pointing what Edwin assumed to be some sort of blaster at him. The acolyte hadn't desire to fight anyone today, and the fact they hadn't attacked him yet showed they weren't hunting him. Relieved, Edwin got up in his cool, collected manner, waving a hand. Hoping his efforts would relieve these Mandalorians of any tense standings they might have with him. he heard the black armored one question his identity, perhaps it would be time he got everyone to know his Sith name.

"Relax," He said in a thick Imperial accent. "My objective isn't to harm you. I am called Itherael." Edwin desired to continue to practice his force healing, the only things that seemed to be in that datacron he found besides the technique of shien. He only hoped these Mandalorians would no longer feel ill intent, he didn't know how far his powers could go. The acolyte was never anyone necessarily powerful in the force to begin with after all.

[member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Neivon"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"] | [member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"]
Mako continued to watch from her cockpit window and saw the newcomer. Oh just great, now there are three of them! Although she saw that the newcomer was an odd one out. He was no Mandolorian. Initially Mako thought his sudden arrival had been a good thing, as one of the Mandorlorian warriors had decided to approach her stranded ship. However her hopes of them simply fighting each other quickly vanished as the newcomer, clearly some sort of Sith, actually appeared to try and befriend the two Mandalorians. Mako looked down at the rather large gauntlet she was wearing on her arm and hand, the Kinetic Hand. Lightsabre defences were useless against it, yet if all three of those warriors found her and decided that she should be Bantha Fodder, she knew she had little to no chance of surviving. Although they could take her prisoner at the same time, rather than kill her, the thought did cross Mako's mind, yet the idea of being sold off as a slave clearly didn't sit too well with her either.

In the far distance she suddenly heard something. Loud, almost deafening. Her ship's panel's and wall's suddenly began to vibrate as the sound from whatever was out there rocked the entire forest. Then she could see it, far out into the distance, what looked like an asteroid or a large meteor falling through the sky. Although it was hundreds of kilometres away, maybe even over a thousand, it was clearly visible. Then to her surprise it began to slow down rather than crash on the moon's surface. That's no asteroid. It's a ship. But why the erratic re-entry into this moon's atmosphere? Mako would ask herself having absolutely no idea that it was her own ship arriving many hours earlier and that her crew were looking for her. With her D5-Mantis now running on auxiliary power, all her communications were down. Her crew were not able to contact her, as she wasn't able to contact them. The sound suddenly disappeared though. She knew that whatever it was couldn't have crashed, but the deafening sound was most certainly not there anymore. [/i]Perhaps they have landed?[/i] She thought. She then sat down again watching the three warriors near her ship converse. Wondering, hoping that whatever that ship was, that they would be one friendly, and two rescue her. She had absolutely no idea that her crew had managed to arrive on Dxun many hours in advance, had already located her ship and were on their way to her. The MXS Morihei Ueshiba hovered slowly at a very low altitude over the thick jungle forest below it, en-route to the stranded D5-Mantis.

[member="Neivon"], [member="Reyn Skirata"], [member="Edwin Setyl"]


Spirit of the Shadow Guard
Neivon didn't feel anything. He knew this man must've tried to use the force on him, luckily, it was weak enough where it couldn't penetrate the Bounty Hunter. Neivon flipped into a defensive stance. "Just what're you trying to pull?" He said. Suddenly, he felt that other being inside him stir. Neivon knew they must have been delighted at the prospect of killing a force sensitive. Neivon tried to fight back, but as always, it won. Suddenly, Neivon discontinued his defensive stance, adopting something more offensive in nature.

"Hei scen mabenz." Neivon's other self was speaking Dashadi. His other self smiled at the oppertunity of consuming a force sensitive. It never mattered to him who they affiliated themself with. He just wanted their blood. Gurggling a war cry in Dashadi, Neivon charged the Sith, head on.

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] | [member="Edwin Setyl"] | [member="Reyn Skirata"] | [member="Kixi Rajki"]
Suddenly to Mako's surprise, one of the Mandolorians decided to take a shot at the newly arrived Sith. And to Mako's very own satisfaction too. Now she hoped that they would take each other out. She watched and observed as the two warriors drove each other deeper into the forest. Then she could hear the something in the air. The sound of a familiar type of starfighter. Good it be, she thought to herself. They're still hours away, but the noise undoubtedly was that of a Sajnen Starfighter R, and the noise was closing in fast. Then she could see the dots low in the sky, with a larger ship not far behind them. Oh by the name of the Force it is them. How they got here faster I do not know. She said to herself excited. Mako then realised that non of her comms were working. Knowing she needed to gain their attention she made for her ship's exit. In the process she made sure that the Kinetic Hand glove weapon she was wearing was fully charged.

Mako ran out of her ship, waving her hands in the air at the approaching starfighters. [member="Neivon"] and [member="Edwin Setyl"] were busy fighting each other to suddenly notice her. But she had forgotten about [member="Reyn Skirata"] who did notice the young woman suddenly get out of her ship and waving at something in the sky. Mako then looked over her shoulder and noticed the Mandolorian. Panicking a little she turned to face him pointing her glove weapon at him.

"Not approach me you do. Me have powerful friend." Mako nodded to the incoming ships, as she spoke in broken Basic.

"I not intend fight to you, me is of peace. Me attacked was. Ship stuck here it is. Friend coming here to help me. Please not hurt me or I hesitate not to use weapon on hand to you."

Mako's Basic was terrible, yet she was certain that the Mandolorian warrior got the hint. Whether he would leave her alone however was another matter altogether. Yet Mako at this stage was no longer concerned. Her friends had arrived to her rescue, and it was the entire battleship with all her fighters. Mako simply kept her eyes trained on the Mandolorian warrior, grinning but at the same time keeping her gloved weapon trained on him.
Reyn watched the sequence of events with a bemused eye. Neivon had thrown himself into combat with the newcomer, after snarling in a strange language he did not know. From above he heard the sound of some sort of vessel, and he looked up to see if he could spot it. A moment later his helm pinged movement and he snapped to face the newcomer, his ripper up and aimed. She seemed frightened, and she babbled at him in broken basic. Reyn's own basic was not good, but she seemed to be telling him that she didn't want to fight, and she had been gesturing at the sky.

"No need fight. Go off planet. Want home."

[member="Mako Jhasmin Zaneca"] [member="Neivon"] [member="Edwin Setyl"] [member="Kixi Rajki"]

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