Tags: [member="Elafuh Thaal"] [member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]
Beskar Warriors (x50) ;
Beskar Elite (x20);
Devastator Cannons (x7; on the Beskar Elite);
Conscensis Clypeus (x27)
Troops: Mors Classemque(Death Fleet); 20 Beskar Elite; 65 Beskar Warriors, 1,000 Mandalorian soldiers
Post: 1
Ord Cantrell, a planet that had changed hands multiple times, the most famous of which was with the Vong. They had taken the planet over, and according to this plea from the planet. Now, the plea wasn't to anyone specific, but Adenn wished to face the Vong once more and had decided to answer their plea for help. He went to Ord Cantrell with his fleet,
Mors Classemque(in BIO at bottom), intent on killing some Vong.
Mors Classemque came out of hyperspace in battle formation, but saw that they were rather far from the planet. Too close to not be detected, but far enough away that they couldn't do anything, nor could their enemy. Adenn stood aboard the bridge of the
Aegis Eternum(also in BIO), his personal ship and the unofficial flagship of the
Mors Classemque. Gazing out at the view before him, Adenn took note of the world ship landing on the planet, the Vong fleet and the allied fleet of Mando'ade from [member="Mig Gred"] and [member="Livia Maddox"]. Then he noticed that there were also some Mandalorians on the planet([member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]). Chuckling, Adenn turned his gaze towards the Wold Ship once more, coming up with a plan. Laughing to himself, Adenn turned to his second, Gunner, and the captain of the ship and gave them the plan.
Several minutes later, the entire fleet was ready for the maneuvers to begin, alongside the soldiers in each of these ships. Grinning from within his pod abord the Aegis Eternum, Adenn looked around at those gathered with him. These were the elites of Clan Mortui, the Beskad Elite and Beskad Warriors. Of course there weren't many of them, only 7 Beskad Elites and 20 Beskad Warriors, but more than enough to help protect the forces behind them. In other pods were regular Mandalorians, as regular as one could get with Clan Mortui at least. These warriors were outfitted with regular beskar'gam and blaster pistols, rifles, and heavy weapons.
Before he did anything though, Adenn sent a simply communique to their allies.
We are Clan Mortui and we have come to kill the di'kutla Vong. Oya vode, for Mandalore!"
Then a message was sent to the Vong, one on each level of communication.
We have come for you Vong, today you shall learn to fear us and fear us forever more! You shall die futilely and in vain, nothing you have done will amount to anything, for here and now, you die." Then the communication was cut and final checks were prepared.
With all hands ready, the entire fleet gave full burn towards the planet, or more specifically, near the planet. They were going to rush by the enemy, delivering a broadside on the way, before dropping their cargo of troops down to the planet. That cargo of troops was an assembly of the elite unlike never seen before, the Beskar Elite had been gathered together in numbers not seen since their creation and shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, the Beskar Warriors were also ready for war, they had also been assembled in numbers not seen for some time, the same for the regular Mandalorians. However, Adenn knew how dangerous these Vong were, and was prepared to murder as many of them as he could, and then take that World Ship as his own.
Laughing once more, Adenn opened a channel to all of his men and began the pre-battle chant that had existed since the dawn of Clan Mortui.
Mortui!" He shouted, and a clang of beskar clad fists against chests was echoed back. "
What are we?!"
Mandalorians!" Came the shouted response, followed by another clang of beskar.
What do we do?!"
Kill!" two clangs this time
Who do we kill?"
Our enemies!" three clangs resounded from each Mandalorian.
Grinning, Adenn let out an "Oya!", one followed by his men. That done, the plan of the Clan Mortui fleet played out. They knew of the anti-air defenses of the world ship, and thus they sent 2 sacrificial waves of pods down to the world ship and the area around it. If they hit the ship, they'd explode, if they didn't, they'd still explode to the anti-air, thus covering Adenns troops advance. The sacrificial pods were sent out as the Mortui fleet came into optimal range. Many of these pods were destroyed, but some got through, but their affects weren't visible yet as Adenn was shot out from his pod towards the World Ship. At the same time, dozens upon dozens of other pods were sent out by each ship in the Mortui fleet, however, 4 went to different locations. These pods had some regular Mandalorians within and had a very different mission from those with Adenn, they were to assist Stardust and Wasp.
Gazing out of his own pod, Adenn shook with each explosion that happened near his pod, but he didn't pay attention to that, instead focusing on the other pods. As he watched, the pod across from him was hit directly, it exploded violently, spinning off and hitting another pod, causing it to spin out of control as well. But those were only 2 pods, there were dozens more, but several were still hit, simply because of the pure amount of firepower aimed towards them. The 2 pods sent to Star and Wasp had it easier, they weren't targeted as much because they were headed away from the ship. At the same time, the
Mors Classemque(Death Fleet) boosted away once more, sending down another volley of pods as it left. Then they were gone from view, at least for Adenn. No doubt they were under fire as well, but they'd be tanking the hits, ignoring damage as they made their break.
The pods headed to Star and Wasp hit at about the same time, and disgorged their troops immediately. Two squads for each of them, except, only one had reached Star. They ignored the losses for the moment though, instead spreading out and opening fire on the enemy. At the same time, Adenns pod hit the World Ship near one of the fins on the outside, but still on the inside of the ship. 5 other pods hit near him, while other pods hit as well around the world ship. They were all focused on one side of the World Ship though, and would be headed to meet up with one another, all the while slaughtering any Vong they passed.
Stepping out of his pod, Adenn immediately noticed how the ship was alive, but also how there were other beings in the area as well. Turning at once, he lifted his Westar Carbine(in BIO) and blasted the Vong 10 times, causing it to fall back, a smoking hole in its skull. His Beskar Elites had also opened fire with their Devastator Canons, intent on slaughtering those within the room. A few moments later, they were all dead, the only living people being Mandalorian. Snarling behind his helmet, Adenn looked around once more, he quickly noticed he was in some sort of extra storage bay. Opening his comms, he received reports from his men, most of them had landed successfully, however around 2 dozen pods hadn't made it, at least. Snarling in anger this time, Adenn vowed they'd be avenged and this ship would be Clan Mortuis. He then gave one simple order to his men, one snarled out in anger and rage, but controlled beneath hatred for the Vong.
Kill every Vong you come across, give no quarter. For Clan Mortui, for Mandalore! Oya vode, oya!" The last cries were repeated by all over the comms. They knew that many of them wouldn't come back, knew that they faced impossible odds, but that's what the Mando'ade had been forged to do, beat the impossible. Clan Mortui moreso than others, they had survived where others would've fallen, and they would survive and triumph here and now.
Then he began to move, a squad of Beskar Elite acting as his personal guard, while the others inside the bay spread out and moved towards other doors. The conflict would not doubt take a long time to finish, but Adenn vowed that the World Ship would be theirs. Thus he began to make his way in the general direction of the bridge. As he walked, he kept track of every turn, every path, and recorded everything, as did the rest of his men. They would succeed in something impossible, capturing a Vong World Ship. Snarling once more, Adenn began his march through the ship, taunting as he went, demanding the enemy's leader show themselves.