Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion "The Domino Effect"

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
This is a no from me, because it's just focusing effort on the wrong parts. Focus first on what keeps the big juggernauts insulated, and this will look a lot more appealing in that future.

The only means of forcing factions to not be insulated on the board right now is invasions. If there was another means to do so, I'd be down, but I don't like the idea of policing who people can or can't write with. It's a hobby. If CIS, TSE, and SJC want to just write among their writers 90% of the time, and the other 10% of the time for them is when they willfully reach out to do invasions? That's not great for most of the board.

I see what you're saying, but what is a reasonable means of deciding how to keep these factions from being insular? Cause as I said, the board has a mechanic for it right now and it is one of the greatest ways to increase activity for all factions involved as well.
The map reset doesn't solve the problem because it doesn't change the system. This doesn't solve the problem because it doesn't change the system, either.

The map game is more of an invasion game for you. And that's fine. I read several of the NIO invasions (and thoroughly) while judging some of them, and I can tell that some people put their heart and soul into the invasion game. I love that Chaos has a place for that.

I just think that place has reached its limit within the map game as a whole. Further buffing the invasions won't tackle the map game issues. And ignoring the map game issues is what perpetuates a lot of the salt and drama on the site.

This is a no from me, because it's just focusing effort on the wrong parts. Focus first on what keeps the big juggernauts insulated, and this will look a lot more appealing in that future.

I get ur point now but I think what you're referring to is not a systemic problem but a cultural (community) one.
The only means of forcing factions to not be insulated on the board right now is invasions. If there was another means to do so, I'd be down, but I don't like the idea of policing who people can or can't write with. It's a hobby. If CIS, TSE, and SJC want to just write among their writers 90% of the time, and the other 10% of the time for them is when they willfully reach out to do invasions? That's not great for most of the board.

I see what you're saying, but what is a reasonable means of deciding how to keep these factions from being insular? Cause as I said, the board has a mechanic for it right now and it is one of the greatest ways to increase activity for all factions involved as well.

I know what you mean but two points:

1) invasions are not mandatory to participate in so no forcing. However in practice a lot of writers feel compelled they are. For some reason.

2) if factions wanna write within their own faction only that's fine - i'd always held the belief that if a faction solely wants to write with their own faction they probably shouldn't be on the map because the only thing differentiating a minor from a major is the latter's liability to an invasion - a thread that puts a faction in direct interaction with another faction. And that liability should be a big one, hence big boom invasions and 'penalty' to holding territory which Jordan brought up earlier.
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giant factions who are good at indoctrinating new members of the community just ballooned again.

Then it may be rewarding to learn how to connect with individuals the way TSE/CIS/SJC does, perhaps a different basis than "the game" if that's how you present Chaos to new roleplayers. How is it that the bigger groups are able to attract more people? Is it the culture surrounding the faction? The type of people who are there? Those member's attitude toward people both old and new? Everyone will eventually find their mother faction on Chaos. So try to figure out what makes them stick. Go to those faction chats and see what goes on there (Spoiler for TSE: Simping for Amazons. That's it. That's our indoctrination tactic.)

But aye, this just sounds more like a culture thing trying to be fixed with a map mandate.
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Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Then it may be rewarding to learn how to connect with individuals the way TSE/CIS/SJC does, perhaps a different basis than "the game" if that's how you present Chaos to new roleplayers. How is it that the bigger groups are able to attract more people? Is it the culture surrounding the faction? The type of people who are there? Those member's attitude toward people both old and new? Everyone will eventually find their mother faction on Chaos. So try to figure out what makes them stick. Go to those faction chats and see what goes on there (Spoiler for TSE: Simping for Amazons. That's it. That's our indoctrination tactic.)

I think a lot of things factor into this. The biggest ones being the size of the map and the names used for these factions. When you see Sith, Jedi, or Confederacy of Independent Systems on the map, you're gonna be drawn to what you're familiar with. To see the faction also controls a swathe of the territory is a great look. The same can be said for groups like Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order who clearly define their faction identity with canon/legends references.

I don't think there is anything specific most of these groups do to keep members around other than exist and talk to them in discord. No one is really doing anything that special.

I digress, it doesn't have any bearing on the actual suggestion as a whole, only the concept of the culture surrounding the board. Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze already put it the best, I think. You don't need to be a major to write insular stories among your friends. If that's the goal, make a minor, list the planets you're active on, and do the same thing the majors do, just without the map.

If the idea of being involved in the map and working through ideas/mechanics to make it better is an issue for anyone, they just shouldn't involve themselves in the map at all. The board permits that.
I know what you mean but two points:

1) invasions are not mandatory to participate in so no forcing. However in practice a lot of writers feel compelled they are. For some reason.

Over time I have felt that in some places, not pointing fingers, you either join what they want and dance along the music that is playing or they simply cut you out of the faction, little by little.
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Disney's Princess
Been a lot of rules updates lately. I'm content to see how they play out before I go endorsing anything new-new just yet.

That said, I don't mind a slow pace to war. A slow pace is fine. A slow pace is manageable. However. I do mind, monopoly-sized factions that can't be beaten of the map in less than 5 invasions. It's not the slow pace of attrition that kills me. It's the shear size and quantity of it that our map produces. There are just so many matches you have to play before you get to the Super Bowl. Ryv's idea cuts down on matches played. I kinda like that.

This idea has merit and I think that Staff will consider it a good addition to the mandates. Eventually. :)
The only means of forcing factions to not be insulated on the board right now is invasions. If there was another means to do so, I'd be down, but I don't like the idea of policing who people can or can't write with. It's a hobby. If CIS, TSE, and SJC want to just write among their writers 90% of the time, and the other 10% of the time for them is when they willfully reach out to do invasions? That's not great for most of the board.

I see what you're saying, but what is a reasonable means of deciding how to keep these factions from being insular? Cause as I said, the board has a mechanic for it right now and it is one of the greatest ways to increase activity for all factions involved as well.

Forgot that I wanted to respond to this. Thing is, if what you truly want is more faction interaction then offer those factions more than an invasion. You have a host of other mechanics other than invasions, invasions which are at their core aggressive and "if you don't play with us you automatically lose." It's not jolly cooperation on the defender's end, it's forced interaction that leads to people becoming even more insular.

Plan dominions. "Hey, we are having a dominion can you guys come over and do a, b, c?" "What do y'all think if x, y, and z were at this spot during your dominion?"

Plan junctions. Skirmishes. Rebellions. Diplos.

Above all just talk. TSE has had invasions with pre-determined outcomes with other factions before. We lost, we won, we had amazing stories with those we wrote with. Heck, private multi-faction threads can be done.

Invasions aren't the be-all and end-all of the map, and there's way more interesting options to use.
Forgot that I wanted to respond to this. Thing is, if what you truly want is more faction interaction then offer those factions more than an invasion. You have a host of other mechanics other than invasions, invasions which are at their core aggressive and "if you don't play with us you automatically lose." It's not jolly cooperation on the defender's end, it's forced interaction that leads to people becoming even more insular.

Plan dominions. "Hey, we are having a dominion can you guys come over and do a, b, c?" "What do y'all think if x, y, and z were at this spot during your dominion?"

Plan junctions. Skirmishes. Rebellions. Diplos.

Above all just talk. TSE has had invasions with pre-determined outcomes with other factions before. We lost, we won, we had amazing stories with those we wrote with. Heck, private multi-faction threads can be done.

Invasions aren't the be-all and end-all of the map, and there's way more interesting options to use.

it’s not forced interaction though, no one is mandated to write in an invasion thread if they don’t feel like it/dislike it.
it’s not forced interaction though, no one is mandated to write in an invasion thread if they don’t feel like it/dislike it.

It doesn't matter if one does not like it, if not enough individuals interact the invasion is forfeited hence "if you don't play with us you automatically lose." Generally no one favors things taken without getting a say in it or a chance to fight for it, and people will look to help their faction even if they may not desire to write in that scenario. At least that's how I view it, and I know others who also push themselves for the faction even if they are already bogged down with irl or more interesting threads.

And speaking of other threads this will be my last post to here. Take care and have an easy evening (or afternoon, or morning!)
It doesn't matter if one does not like it, if not enough individuals interact the invasion is forfeited hence "if you don't play with us you automatically lose." Generally no one favors things taken without getting a say in it or a chance to fight for it, and people will look to help their faction even if they may not desire to write in that scenario. At least that's how I view it, and I know others who also push themselves for the faction even if they are already bogged down with irl or more interesting threads.

And speaking of other threads this will be my last post to here. Take care and have an easy evening (or afternoon, or morning!)

not disputing that some or even most writers in a faction will jump in an invasion forfeiting other threads in favor it.

but thats the writer’s own choice - no one is being forced.

A Lizehrd

100% Not a Lizard
We're seeing that happen now as a bunch of smaller Sith groups are popping up to replace TSE if they lose to NIO.
Huh. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve only seen really two groups pop up... and looking through it, both of those two groups have a notable amount of writers who seem to also have characters in NIO. Maybe I’m mistaken on that matter, it’s quite possible I am. There very well could also be groups that just haven’t gone as public yet or that I haven’t seen.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Huh. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve only seen really two groups pop up... and looking through it, both of those two groups have a notable amount of writers who seem to also have characters in NIO. Maybe I’m mistaken on that matter, it’s quite possible I am. There very well could also be groups that just haven’t gone as public yet or that I haven’t seen.

Delsin Shaw Delsin Shaw Kascalion Giedfield Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Each of these individuals is at the head of their own group. Only one of them is an NIO writer.

It's difficult to pay attention to the entire board. However, if you're gonna zero in on something that isn't the suggestion, I'll help correct the issue for you.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Like, if you wanna tell me my idea sucks and you don't like it, I'm down. If you like it and wanna tell me so, cool.

I put it up for critique on the idea, not to discuss the site's culture or why people who don't want to play the map shouldn't be a major. Let's stay on topic.

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