I profoundly disagree with the further modifications of invasions.
We've already expanded and made them stronger to compensate for the ease in which dominions are being done, and they've barely been out for long. I don't think it's necessary, or needed to create a system that allows maximum destruction of map territory, with the continued justification being dominions are too easy, and the same justification i've been listening to for seven years when it comes to anything map game modification. "If you don't wanna play, gtfo". When you are on the map you are by definition apart of the map game. But everyone gets too focused on the game of hexes and the "cred" that I keep hearing about attributed to a faction. Hexes aren't a draw for people when it comes to joining a community. It's the presentation of their product, what image they put out to the community and a quality aesthetic to draw them in, secondly representation who is apart of their faction and how they carry themselves often determines how the faction is seen. Third is climate and how comfortable people feel within a community. As a vet of this site I can tell you how big your map cloud is doesn't mean anything, people can choose to ignore your story, the narrative and what people choose to adhere to is all their choice. Now this doesn't mean we throw the whole book out the window because "why not, it doesn't matter".
As a community we get transfixed on the idea of winning the map game and what our ideas of winning are be it destroying our intended enemy, reclaiming lost territory, or what have you. I've seen it happen many times. A faction makes it big starts a fight with another pushes their territory and lore out, and "wins", only to die because their entire narrative was being unknowingly driven upon that purpose. In the end their winning didn't matter beyond the people who stayed here over the years to remind new members who won't really care about your prior bragging accomplishments. Communication and Collaboration between writers is far more important than the modification of barely implemented rules to force parties to a table, or threaten factions.
Let the rules stay as they are. We don't need maximum damage for minimal effort within invasions. You can already hit three, possibly four hexes at once. Any further modifications I personally believe would only serve to massively unbalance the map game further, and in my opinion would require the modification of dominions to counter balance it. My reasoning is this. A lot of talk I've seen has been around the big clouds of influence on the map surrounding making invasions more powerful, that's what it boils down to. When you unbalance a system it's mandated for everyone. Beyond a new faction grace period there's nothing that stops you in this system from stomping 5-6 hex faction into oblivion in just a few short months. It might allow the easy destruction of big factions but that's all greater consequences are good for, and these won't always be used for "purely story reasons" either, speaking as someone who has been around the block to see countless wars here, and has heard all the stories.
All in all your first drive should be on the story first and how all involved can have the most fun. I've always said when you have proper communication and collaboration thats what separates Endgame caliber content, from the alternative. New members will respect the history you put out if your seen as a reasonable, relaxed writer or group who is flexible and easy to work with and good to be around. That's what makes you a winner on the map. We don't need more powerful invasions for that, just kindness and compromise.