The Parliament
It had been a merry time cutting apart the riff raff. The Parliament had made a game of it, comically chasing screaming Moffs who wouldn't bow to
Velran Kilran
and snap their neck like four times. But eventually things cooled down and there were no more Moffs to kill, but almost all of them were scared of her now. They knew they wouldn't get a clean death.
When Velran mentioned territory, The Parliament, who had cast a spell that contorted the corpses of her victims into a twisted throne for her to sit on and glance at herself in a vanity mirror for a little bit blinked when he mentioned territory.
"Planets? I...I thought we were just gonna kill people..." she noted in surprise. "I...I'll take a planet...I...I mean...if you're passing them out..."
One of the Moffs stole a glance at her throne of contorted corpses and face palmed.
"Oh, yeah, sure, give her a planet. What could go wrong?" he muttered as he face palmed.
When Velran mentioned territory, The Parliament, who had cast a spell that contorted the corpses of her victims into a twisted throne for her to sit on and glance at herself in a vanity mirror for a little bit blinked when he mentioned territory.
"Planets? I...I thought we were just gonna kill people..." she noted in surprise. "I...I'll take a planet...I...I mean...if you're passing them out..."
One of the Moffs stole a glance at her throne of contorted corpses and face palmed.
"Oh, yeah, sure, give her a planet. What could go wrong?" he muttered as he face palmed.