Hello Mandalorians, it's-a-me, your boy, Skinny boarder.
Me in the goonz will be boarding you and trying to take you hostage, flail you, skin you alive, etc, the usual Jedi stuff.
The members of the boarding team will be:
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[member="Mariel Dawnrider"]
[member="Bushi Nadora"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] (OOC Admin for the team)
@Setter Ryburn (IC Leader)
[member="Amon Vizsla"] (IC Leader)
The goal is to capture/contain/kill/generally cause a bad time for a HVT from the UCM or it's allies. Can't wait for the invasion! PM me or any of the people on the list if you wanna throw hands.
For my TF Raider friends, Art, courtesy of Zef: