Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall Of Darkness

Romeo it has been a long time since i have seen you. Cross said. Im here to aid you in your raiding. I would like to say a few things, One i have not forgotten the challenge you offered me 8 years ago in that bar but we will settle that on another time. Two I still like to break peoples necks. just saying. Three you once asked for an enforcer someone to handle some dirty work is that offer still on the table? And last but not least i have one more question to ask you is there a bar on this ship or is it dry because i have not seen one yet and i think that you and i and your friends here need to get a drink and catch me up on the plan of this raid. Basically who do i need to kill, and where should i be standing when i have to do it. [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="stardust"] [member="Maverick"]
ok sir it appears to be....a trade ship ...... hang on something bigger came on my sensors"she said and looked at tge sensor with a grin"[member="Romeo Sin"] theyve arrived "sge said grinning big as it was brought on screen as she looked at it"thought it would be bigger hm oh well
As Tiberius was headed out to take care of some personal business before the battle he came across one of the newer members of the Carnage Squad, [member="Keltin Gelfon"] waiting to talk to Romeo Sin. Stopping in front of the warrior "don't worry vod, you don't report to him" he said motioning towards Romeo, "since you are a member of my squad you report directly to me...and don't worry I won't hold it against you that you showed up late since you are new." he said patting the man on the shoulder. "Take five minutes to take care of any personal business you have and then meet me and the rest of the squad in the War Room for the mission briefing. Any questions?" The Mandalorian asked looking at his new squad mate.
Romeo nodded at the man named Cross towards Tiberius. "Follow him big guy, kill, or capture the men on those ship! Come people, lets move it people!" He said waving his hand in a circle in the air. "[member="Maverick"] order the gunners to disable those ships. Carnage get ready prepared to get on those ships!" He briskly walked over to his captain's chair, and sat it in like a throne. "[member="Roze Sin"], get up here, I need someone giving orders while I'm giving." He pinged on the com to his wife. He needed someone taking in intel, and making decisions while he was making others, and couldn't get to those responsibilities.
"Deactivate the stealth field, and open fire on them!" He yelled out to those who could carry out those orders.
[member="Navio"] [member="John Cross"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Keltin Gelfon"] @stardust

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes Dashes through the hallway towards the Bridge Breathing heavily, he was already Way to late he didn't want to miss anything important! as he ran down the hall way he didn't pay much notice to a stray bolt on the floor, Wes trips and slides over to the door face first And lays there frozen In embarrassment staying dead silent.
stardist noddedamd smiled as sh deactivatedthe stealth shield bringing it into site from where there was total darkness to know a ship appearing out of nowwhere" hahaha hello dead men andwell if your spated prisoners "she saidto herself vringing the ship to be able to fire"
Roze climbed up to where her husband sat. "I'm here." She said briskly. Roze yelled "activAte the sensory jammers and made the ship not seeable by the enemies." Then she ordered "do the incription network using the sensory rays to see if they send out a distress call when we attack!" "send out a decoy probe! And bring the ship to a complete stop!"
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes after his embarrassing fall slowly gets up and walks into the bridge taking in the sight of cold metal and buttons he walks forward and shouts to the three other people in the bridge [member="Roze Sin"] @stardust @Romeo Sin "Did i miss anything important?" He wipes away all the dirt and dust left on his Armor from the floor he mopped with his body before looking back to them silently.
Adan still standing looking at everyone do there thing, he put his blaster up after fiddling with for a while. He was waiting for a command from Romeo but he was alright if he didn't get one it was okay to chill for a while but if he did get one he would be on it like dirt on the bottom of his boot. He wasn't use to having this many people around him in one place. It was mainly him by himself or had one other person accompany him.
Michael had slept throught the whole breifing he didn't need to know , the particulars this was void combat and that meant he was king [member="Romeo Sin"] had ordered his ship to run harrasement on the republic vessel his ship's twin heavy laser cannons belched a torrent of bolts down range at the enemy ship "Attack under way hope you atomos are ready for some real action" Michael loved this part of his job "Target the engines I don't want them getting away " he barked in the cold vaccum of space the ships of clan Castelion ruled above all.
He nodded to his new squad mate "very well vod, I'll see you in the War Room then". Tiberius got on the ships comms to send out a message to his squad "attention Hazard Beauty, the following personnel report to the War Room to prepare to board. [member="Navio"] , [member="Wes Brin"] , [member="Keltin Gelfon"] , [member="John Cross"] , [member="Silus The Psycho"]...please report to the War Room now.That is all" the comms made a click as he got off of them. He guessed he didn't have enough time to see Breanna anymore since the timeline had been moved up, he hoped she understood. "I'll see you when I get back cyar'ika" he said more to himself than anyone else as he quickly made his way to the War Room.

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes listens to the comm carefully then walks out the door to bridge with a loud groan and walks towards the War room he plays with his blaster a bit fiddling with the random bits on it as he begins his walk. his stomach rumbles through his journey "I wish i had some food..."
Unfortunately for [member="Wes Brin"] Tiberius had heard him say "I wish I had some food" and he had turned around to see who was complaining to see that it was one of his own, not only that but they were playing with their blaster. "Hey di'kut!" Tiberius shouted at the young Mandalorian "I'll give you something to complain about...and stop playing with your weapon, it's not a toy!" He said giving the young commando a stern look. "I'll tell you what, since you are so hungry I'll give you something to take your mind off of it..." Tiberius grinned wickedly in thought. "You are gonna sprint from me to the War Room and back until I reach the War Room...and I can be a slower walker when I want to be. Understood or'dinii?" The battle hadn't even started and Tiberius was already yelling...he decided right then and there that this young boy was going to be his project and he was going to shape him into an outstanding Mandalorian warrior.
Silus Aran continued his stride, as he had began walking some time ago at the point when he was first instructed to rendezvous with Rex and the boarding party. Having said that, he was there a few minutes before anyone else and simply awaited their arrival. He meanwhile contemplated upcoming events and how he would perform his own task of forcing his opponents into submission or slaying them as a consequence of non-compliance. A sword or a saber? Either way, the inhabitants within the ship were bantha fodder compared to the psychopathic devaronian.
As each member arrived, he provided himself with a rather brief inspection. Most of them were blaster-toting mercenaries, all of which he placed himself above. It almost reminded him of his days as a slave, fighting within the ring of the gladiators. He had never come across a force sensitive then, but he recollected how many times the inherent affinity he had to the force allowed him to overcome some odds that were definitely not in his favor originally. His canines clenched upon one another as the anticipation of battle escalated. Of course, he couldn't do anything to hurry the process and so he remained still and meditated on the mission and the dark side.

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Looks to [member="Tiberius Rex"] and whimpers at his command, he spits his tongue out at him through his helmet and begins to run towards the war room mumbling something about his punishment being unfair.
Keltin was bored and getting mad he wasnt killing he eventually got so furiouse he yelled "THIS IS SHABLA" he screamed in anger he was very angry he then punched the wall in anger and heild the rest of his anger for the battle he was still mad though this behavior was normal for him as he has anger issues very bad anger issues

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