Michael Steelfang
Active Member
Michael' s vessel turned it's pair of turbolasers on the enemy's engines finally punching through the shielding and another volley struck the ship's engines destroying one and heavily damaging the other his own shields were holding up for now against the eneimes' petty attempts at defiance "Have my droids meet me in the docking bays shortly we will board them soon enough" Michael shifted in his seat before standing up making his way through the corridors of his vessel to the docking bay his carde of droids were on stand by (10 Bulwark battle droids, 10 EMBU battle droids,10 C1 battle droids, 5 TA1 battle droids, 2 HBD 300 mk3 and 10 Z-4 Heavy Infantry Automatons) all ready to tear apart the enemy crew "[member="Tiberius Rex"] eta on your team I am ready to begin boarding actions currently"