[Before] Space Port:
The large commoner's space port served not only for the ongoing landing and leaving star vessels, but was also a commercial hub for various vendors and storage facilities. 500 Republica's maintenance crew had purchased a small warehouse attached to the space port and it was there that a young Mon Calamari tech was making a drop off of extra supplies. Donatos had originally arrived on Coruscant a few months ago, enrolling in the Senate's internship program that neglected to mention the internship was unpaid. In order to support himself the Mon Cal took on a trades job that came naturally to him, improving and maintaining machinery. It was only less then a month ago that Donatos was interviewed by a group of Jedi who were escorting the Vice Chancellor back to the Senate, did they explain to him he had a connection to the Force. Because of curiosity and eager to gain prestige among his supervisors in the Senate he accepted the training of becoming a Jedi initate, despite the fact he was probably as old as some young Knights were in the Order.
His schedule mainly consisted of interning in the morning to mid evenings, then beginning his tech job until night and on his days off he would attend classes at the Temple....with younglings. It was a bit embarrassing, but certain masters were aware of Donatos being an unusual case of someone in early adulthood, having Force potential abilities, but no formal training whats so ever. Thus unless a suitable Master could be found for him who would have the patience to train an initiate despite his age up to the rank of Knight was a very short list....at this point, no Master has put in a request for Donatos. Leaving the Mon Cal stuck in his secluded studies or class training with children.
The Mon Calamari wore his uniform, a bland light grey jacket, pants and scuffed work boots. On the back of his jacket was the logo for 500 Republica's maintenance work force, the design was an outlined shape of the Senate Building along with iconic building silhouettes in the 500 district. Donatos sighed, at his monotonous lifestyle, despite being accepted for Jedi training, he still had to work as a regular civilian to pay for rent, food and bills. The Temple only boarded full members or children, Donatos was somewhere in the middle. A living loophole he told himself, but he sighed again as he unloaded his supplies into the storage facility inside the space port.
Just as he was pushing his hover sled past the main hangar bays, did he see and 'sense' a swirling amount of rage and negative energy. His eyes were wide open when a large amphibious being bolted through the space port and knocked a pilot to the ground, the man was nearly unconscious. Donatos released the hover sled and brought his hand to his tool belt, his instinct told him to activate his training saber given to him by the Master's of the young ling class, but he doubted a training saber could do anything useful to that monstrosity of rage and muscle. The whale like creature had boarded the pilot's ship and took off. No alarms went off, because they probably didnt detect how fast the whale creature came into the port. Donatos ran over to the pilot who was slowly starting to black out by the hit he took. Donatos helped the man rest his head gently on the cool metal floor before standing up and looking for a communications terminal.
He was still new to the Order, he had no rank or prestige to make any demands to investigations so he did what he could, he contacted the Jedi Temple. He didnt know too many terminal codes in the temple except for the class room's which he doubted anyone would be in and the medical bay, which was an emergency contact list told to all younglings and...Donatos. The Mon Calamari put in his limited credentials and was given access to communicate with the medical bay inside the Jedi Temple.
[Now] Jedi Temple, Medical Bay:
From one of the communication terminals attached to the wall, a circular ring began to light up and then projected a fizzled blue image that increased in quality. Revealing the head and upper torso of Donatos. His clearance id should have came across on his project as well so whomever was there could verify he was part of the Order...even if it was a youngling's level of access.....
The holographic Mon Cal looked around the Medical Bay, he spotted a few wounded Jedi on med beds and at least one Master @
Joshua DragonsFlame standing by a masked Jedi @Meta.
He was human and male that was all Donatos could tell about the Jedi, but he quickly delivered his message to the Jedi, his name and credentials scrolled beneath his half projected body.
"Master Jedi, there has been an unusual incident here at the Space Port near 500 Republica, an immense being of origin I do not recognize save for being aquatic looking has trampled through the port and incapacitated one civilian also hijacking his ship. The being has left Coruscant, I sensed the Force within him, but there was something not right with him either. I am sorry Master Jedi, I am not adept enough to give anything more...." The Mon Cal's projection paused for a moment, before his eyes brightened up.
"The pilot will most likely be taken to a near by hospital for treatment, but his flight records and ship identification could still be logged in here at the space port."
Again the holo Mon Cal paused, this time his projected eyes studying the wounded Jedi in the background, realizing they were there for something much more greater than a common ailment he inquired,
"Is this related to the Force hijacker?" The Mon Cal indicated with his holographic hand to the wounded Jedi.