Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall of Hion the Herglic (Jedi Order)

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Jedi Temple, Medical Bay:

The Mon Calamarian projection gave a humble nod to the blonde Jedi. "Thank you, Master. I will need it. Donatos out." Donatos moved forward and knelt down a bit, the transmission fizzled out before leaving the collection of Jedi in the med bay to discuss further a plan for action.

Ambassadorial Sector, Commoner's Space Port:

The mini projection of the Jedi medical bay was projected from a communications terminal, in size comparison the Jedi Master speaking to Donatos was about the size of a child's doll. Donatos did not laugh at the silly thought, he awaited to see what his instructions would be. He was a bit surprised he was granted permission to fast...the situation must have been that dire. On the projection of the Jedi, aurabesh letters and numeral began to scroll. Donatos' credentials were uploaded with temporary clearance level of a Jedi Knight. Giving him access to Republic Military vessels and no flight restrictions. After Donatos gave his thanks, he movedfoward and knelt down to end the transmission.

His serious composure quickly broke as he turned around and rejoiced that he was now a Jedi Knight!...even if it was only temporary. His outward expression of joy had startled an family of Aleenas and their protocol droid. "My goodness!" The droid exclaimed when the Mon Cal had suddenly turned around with fists high over his head. The small reptilian family gargled and ran away with their droid scuttling behind. Donatos cleared his throat with one his lowered fists covering his mouth, trying to cover is awkward moment with some subtly. Giving in to a sigh, his shoulders slumped and then rose as he postured himself upright with a smile and took off into a fast sprint.

Commoners at the Space Port had their heads turning, watching the Mon Cal run down to the Republic Docking Bay. He was still in his tech uniform and they most suspcted their was an malfunction or maybe a plasma leak somewhere. Gradually the spectators began to hurry away from the docking bays in the opposite direction of Donatos. The Mon Cal noticed that, but resumed is smirk and day dreams of being a Jedi Knight.

Once he made to the docking bay, he gave his I.D. and was granted access to a single pilot fighter by the solider in command. His fighter was also commissioned with an astromech droid. Donatos was in awe at the sleek, somewhat new fighter. In his home fleet, his people could only dream of acquiring a ship this good in condition. He brought his web hand on the hull of the vessel and gently slides it along until reaching the step ladder to the cockpit. The astromech gave a curious whistle at the Mon Calamarian. The whistling of the droid, snapped Donatos out of his day dreams and he quickly boarded the ship. Though his generational fleet had not had a decent ship in a long time, they still had some simulators on board their capital home ship as well schematics and hole-visuals of many up to date ships.

Republic Fighter's were rudimentary simple, their only real obstacle to non solider pilot were restriction codes, but these were removed with Donatos' new status of Jedi Knight...temporary status. The droid had brought up the information from the hijacked ship that was recorded by the command tower and Coruscant satellites. Most likely the Republic would send out a transmission searching for the stolen ships I.D. along with a description of the hijacker who really had no way of blending into a crowd. Donatos sat in the cockpit, the canopy slowly drew over him done so by the droid who seemed to be in more of a hurry than the recently deputized Knight. Donatos began to do a quick prep check before lifting off, every thing seemed to be in order. Donatos brought the nose of the fighter up gradually as his fighter ascended over the space port and quickly took off in a straight line.

Space, above Coruscant:

Donatos had opened his frequency channel to the Temple and the masters who were said to follow him. The droid presented estimations of where Darth Orcus may have gone based on his jump to hyperspace right before passing one of the Republic stations. "A whale." Donatos said to the droid, who only returned a soft whistle as if to comply as sign of agreement. "A whale in space." again the droid whistled. "A crazy evil whale in space." The droid chirped an annoyed tone. "If you were one....where would you go?" The droid began to communicate by text, translating its processing thoughts onto the hud for Donatos to read. Water? to regain composure and rest.

"And also to avoid the risk of being identified, so we're most likely looking for a desolate oceanic world, or even something as close to a bog or swamp. I was listening to some of the holo-reports, apparently a Padawan got into a fight with this Hion and was killed out of a bezerker like rage. If hes still on an adrenaline high then he may be reacting on instinct, so a water like world may be our best chance at locating him. Good work droid, I like you." The droid beeped cheerfully and began showing a shorter list of systems and planets Darth Orcus may have traveled to.
Dar’rak seemed to be a bit disappointed that his request seemed to have been ignored in favor of a squid creature that popped up on a holo-devise. This feeling quickly vanished as it had come as he watched the message play and the two discuss possible action. This individual was in a much better position to follow the fallen Jedi than he was. Also he was not yet endowed with access to flight training at his age. The only thing his has piloted thus far has been his speeder bike.

Still Dar’rak wanted to feel of use. If he could not follow then he would provide support here for his fellow Padawan. Walking past the two Jedi, Dar’rak pulled up a seat at @[member="Sochi Ru"]’s bedside and meditated. There he would sit for as long as it took or he was allowed until she awoke.
Sith Space - Mon Calamari
Several Days Later
Wildwater City

Far away from the Jedi Order, Darth Orcus thought he was safe from their prying eyes and intervening fingers. He should have known better. Mon Calamari had long been a bastion of the Republic. It was only a recently acquired Sith territory and their short occupation could not erase hundreds of years of democratic tendencies and the deep pain all the citizens felt over the Genocide of Dac, leading to a far rooted hatred of the Sith. All across the planet there were grumblings. As an oceanic being, Orcus mostly escaped attention. Save for his size.

Mon Cals and Quarrens moved out of his way as he squeezed through the entrance to the open air restaurant. All around the floating city, the ocean waves created a rhythmic sound. But here, in the open air, Orcus could smell the sea. He hauumed and sat down in a too small chair. He grunted and ripped off the arms, tossing them aside. The nervous waiter looked too afraid to say anything.

"Hauum, I will have the fried qutouma fish."

"C-coming right up."

"Mmmm," Orcus leaned back and the chair creaked ominously. He licked his wide lips. Food.
Orbiting Coruscant:

Donatos had been off the planet surface for nearly an hour now, his droid and himself were calculating possible routes the Sith could have taken to a watery world that seemed the most likely for him to retreat to. The droid brought up the list on the hud for Donatos to read, the list was also being displayed back at the Jedi Temple, for the Masters and Knights of the order to inspect and over see the mission, which at the moment was strictly scouting. The list proceeded to compile with the following worlds, only moments ago the list contained hundreds of aquatic planets.
New Alderaan,
Mon Calamari,
Gle Anslem.

Donatos pondered a bit, sitted, more like stuck in the cock pit with no clear path to leave just yet. "Most of these worlds are in secured faction zones, remove all core and mid rim planets associated with known factions." The droid acknowledged with a few beeps and the list on the hud and no doubt being displayed back to the Temple began to shrink.
Mon Calamari.
Donatos was aware his ancestral home world appeared on the list, part of him hoped Orcus would choose any other world but Mon Calamari. And deep down...his most hesitant thoughts were that he hoped the monstrous Force user was there. Even though Mon Calamari was already occupied for the Sith for only a few centuries, those Sith have presided there unprovoked by either the Republic, Empire or Jedi. Deep down Donatos felt a child like nostalgia come back to him, his anger that the Jedi and Republic had simply abandon so many of their allied worlds. Worlds that helped found the Republic and the Order ten times over!

The droid continued to assess the list as Donatos privately strolled down a darkly lit path of adolescent anger, that had seeped down into almost every refugee of Mon Cala, those refugees were his people, his family. Those who were left behind on Mon Cala were most likely enslaved or brought down to the lowest of depths by their dark masters.

Kashyyk: Removed...The Wookiees have close ties with outlying Republic worlds and would report such an aggressive unique being.
Trandosha: Removed...Too close to Kashyyk.
Maanan: Removed...Republic has intelligence outposts surveying the system for Imperial threats.

The young Jedi pilot, clutched the steering controls tightly as he allowed and somewhat enjoyed this passionate moment of pride and temptation. The Order and Republic had left Mon Calamari and other worlds behind in the wake of ancient wars, perhaps a new war was needed to bring them back. Yes...Donatos thought, a personal war with this Fallen Hion and the Jedi he scorned and embarrassed could ignite a war if handled carefully. Donatos served as an intern at the Senate, studying politics was akin to him as piloting and soon swimming.

Mon Calamari: Selected as most likely destination. Proceed?

Without even looking at the list, Donatos gripped the controls and through the ways of the Force enabled the coordinates into the navigation system. "Proceed..." Donatos said with narrowed eyes and the fighter took off into hyperspace. He didnt even inform the Temple he was leaving orbit. The fighter was gone.

Orcus licked his lips as the food was served. Mmm, fish. Raw. He picked up one whole one and dropped it into his mouth, chewing vigorously. Salty. He hummed, pleased.

He continued to eat, blissfully unaware of the Mon Cal Jedi closing in on his position.

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