Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The First Steps | Alliance/Republic/SJO


Ced took in the various signs and chants of the group before him. Jedi jurisdiction would no doubt become a highly debated topic in the next phases of the Core’s re-establishment under the rule of the three powers assembled here today.

“Y’know, I think something can be done about that. Play along, Moda Barnetto, substitute senior secretary of Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems, we’re getting you into that senate hearing.” the duros said with a wink.

Getting past security was no issue for him. He carried no weapons or other gadgets on him and was entered on the list of important speakers, meaning he was waved through fairly quickly. When it came to his assistant, should he wish to follow, the duros would explain as to why the duros secretary right underneath him on the list had suddenly turned into a human with a lengthy and elaborately constructed half-truth that could be summarized with "cold feet". So long as the spacer didn’t carry any dangerous equipment, the Vanseim name would get him in without any immediate issues.

“Please be polite and respectful when the turn to speak reaches us.” he’d offer if the spacer had followed.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity
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Hoid Hallafax

Chancellor C'rel smiled from behind his snout, his yellow eyes sparkling with hope. His gaze fell to the Silver Jedi delegation, or at least what he thought was the Silver Jedi delegation. Jedi of the Silver variety tended to dress more on the side of opulence.

"Master Jedi," he said cheerfully indicating the group as a whole, "Will there be a representative for the constituents of your Trade Union?" The question was one of genuine curiosity, his ears falling slightly in the hope to make himself appear less threatening.

Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity Riamah Riamah WelshPsych WelshPsych Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Elise Kei Amadis Kei Amadis Droxine Rand Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Ced Vanseim Ryv Ryv


Elise sat there in her plain jedi garb, surrounded by colleagues that had dressed the same. The simple cotton was nothing if not understated and bland. Perhaps he was thinking of Romi Jade Romi Jade and her form fitting body suits. Of course, Romi was the exception to them all, wasn't she? Hardly fair to compare a whole order to the style preference of an intergalactic beauty.

She met the smile of Chancellor C'rel with one of her own, answering softly. "Yes, That will be Master Ra." She gave a subtle gesture to the female with red hair sitting besides her. "She handles most of our trading concerns and will be speaking on our Trading Union's behalf today." A fact which she appreciated. Kei Amadis Kei Amadis 's presence could be felt falling in by her side, warm and steady in an otherwise stuffy state of affairs.

It was a solace.

Republic Muse
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Emmen bows his head at the Silver Jedi Master's introduction of Master Ra. It had seemed everyone was settling in, and their introductions were concluding. The Chief's eyes break off from those infront of him to the room at large, meeting eyes with a few of the politicians, nobles and commonfolk who were gathered within the large office chamber.

Clasping his hands together, the Tepasi begins his formal address.

"Citizens of the Core Federation of Free Alliances, High Republic and Silver Jedi Order; I graciously welcome you to today's special proceedings. I have called this meeting to discuss the future of the Core Worlds, and of our like-minded nations. I consider it an accomplishment in and of itself to finally have the great powers of democracy together and willing to speak. It has been far too long."

"Each of us in this room are aware of the many threats that permeate through the Galaxy. They grow more aggressive - more confident - with each passing day. But the Galaxy is not theirs yet, no," he motions with an open palm toward Elise "Let the Silver Order, who have stood for decades in the face of the Sith Empire, be a testament to the Galaxy's will to remain free of tyranny. Today, here, I would like to acknowledge our similarities; our shared ambitions, and work to resolve our differences rather than let them break us. We are stronger together, regardless of what limited capacity that may be in to start. Even if it is only a spark, it may yet bring the fire that lights this Galaxy from darkness."

The older man draws himself back into his seat, eyeing the reactions of those sat infront of him.

"Chancellor C'rel, with respect, our nations are still quite young. Small, at least in comparison to some," his eyes shift briefly to the Silver Jedi, "But we both share a great burden. The Core and Colonies have suffered over the centuries, and we've taken on the responsibility of fixing what others have failed to. We have had our disagreements, but I would like to think those times have passed. Our resources should no longer be wasted defending the Neutral Zone; they should be shared, so that our citizens may prosper in our mutual success."

Emmen rests a hand on his desk as he delivers his proposition, as if to subconsciously imply the offer being put on the table, "For our nations, Chancellor, I would like to propose a military alliance, open borders, and a free trade agreement. Our borders are larger and stronger if we fight as one, and our economies richer if we open our trade along the Corellian Run and Hydian Way. Our forces will benefit from joint exercises, and freeing unneeded military assets along the Neutral Zone can further bolster our national defense.

"In addition, this may open up opportunities for further cooperation. With our borders open to eachother, our Sector Rangers and Intelligence Agencies could cooperate in the pursuit and apprehension of criminals and suspects, and avoid the complications of extradition. We already have shared enemies, and of course a mutual desire for justice for what took place on Kuat and Alderaan. Let this be a step forward for us, Chancellor, and for the strength of the Core Worlds."

Concluding his offer to the High Republic, he then turns his attention to the two - or, three it now seemed, Silver Jedi. Emmen offers Kei Amadis Kei Amadis a simple smile, respecting the grizzled bodyguard's dedication to the Lady's protection. "Master Elise, Master Ra. My proposition for our people is not so invested. Not yet, at least. I understand that the Silver Order has held it's own against mounting conflict for many years. I am not filled with enough pride to pretend to stand at the same height as your nation, Masters. However, I would hope you see the opportunity for cooperation as one with mutual benefits. I would like to extend a non-aggression pact so that we may relinquish concerns of conflict on our borders. This would allow you to divert your attention to more pressing locations on your Eastern borders, where the Sith Empire has already demonstrated it's aggression. We would also like to open an official trade agreement, and see the Perlimian utilized as a reliable and express trade route between us."

Straightening himself, Emmen finishes with a final addendum; "and, of course, as time passes we'd be happy to re-evaluate the extent of our relationship."

It was a lot to digest, but it was to be the beginning of something greater. But the Chief knew that, with a crowd of this size, these talking points would not be the only things discussed here today.

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Elise took this all in, her expression neutral and composed as the Representative spoke. When he came to an end Elise felt all eyes shift towards her-- dozens of hundreds all hanging on for her response.

Her shoulders rose and fell with a deep breath.

"The Silver Jedi have and always will be at the front of sith affairs. You do not need my word on paper for that. SJO is open to all trade discussions," she gestured to Ra. "And our military is ever willing to assist those around us. That is what we do," she answered, her voice level but precise as she laid her intentions out clear. "Borders are just lines drawn on paper, Chief Emmen-- They are the language of politicians, not jedi."

And make no mistake, every Silver standing before him was a jedi.

"In those matters, you have our attention."

Was that a yes? That was a vague yes. SJO was open to cooperation, if not a touch wary of how political others may try to make it.
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When the Chancellor addressed the Jedi, Ra also paid attention. Even though she didn't consider herself Jedi in terms of her alignment, she worked with them and her partner was a Jedi Master. Giving him a slight nod when Elise directed his attention to her, she allowed him to speak to the others first.

Sitting back in her chair, she looked again at the droid. Her focus shifted back to the conversation at hand. Keeping silent when Alderaan and Kuat were mentioned, those two worlds felt like a stab directly at her. Many times they had been invaded, crushed, rebuilt and only to become ruins again. Letting out a silent sigh, she remained quiet.

While the conversation of politics wasn't what she was here for, when the mention of trade was brought up, she sat forward. Taking a moment to get her thoughts into words that made sense, there wasn't a need for her to speak until Elise was finished.

Very soon it was her turn and she looked to Emmen.

"In terms of trade, I feel in times of war, there should be free trade. Humanitarian aid shouldn't have to pay to cross borders that have been drawn on paper. This is all part of trade, supplies, and aid as needed. Speaking of items crossing borders, then a 10% profit should be in place. When the Silver Jedi purchase something from your government, then you get 90% of those profits and the other way around for us when you purchase from us."

This was her moment to shine, so to speak. The red looked professional, did not give any hint to what she was thinking of feeling and remained calm the entire time. Under unprofessional and social settings, she would be a nervous wreck. Talking business was her strong suit and she displayed this well.

Now any bargaining could be done, but her terms were quite reasonable. Offering both governments a profit of sorts even when buying from the other. Discounts and gains were usually keys to winning a bargain.
Supply and demand. Profit and loss. These were things Kaito understood. He was starting to feel that the Jedi, on the other hand, did not.

"Master Jedi, military relief aid never has tax costs applied to them, and while I'm sure many of our pockets would love a free trade zone, don't you think incentivizing free trade in wartime is a little ambiguous? Not to mention the very real prospect of over-active war profiteering." He shook his head, reading the transcript of her proposal on his datapad. "I'm going to have to assume when you say profits you mean from the tax revenue and the like. The way you speak of it makes it sound more like we are paying you tribute for the privilege of your aid in the future, and the way Master," he rubbed his fingers together as if in deep thought despite the panel at his seat telling him exactly who sat in what seat. The way Master Elise speaks of the Silver Jedi Order makes it sound less like a peacekeeping force beholden to any people and more like a barely veiled threat to the liberty and security of free peoples all across the galaxy."

A cautionary hand from the Republic chancellor signaled him to reel this back in and away from his well-known distrust of the Jedi Led government. Once again he thought that in the interests of the people, Jedi should have no place in politics of the people, but it did make drumming up anti-Jedi sentiment easier when they acted like warlords more than believers in a democratic society.

"I'm sorry for the tangent." He cleared his throat. "Every world has its own customs, needs, and what is considered luxury varies from system to system. Not to mention the distance between worlds. It would be ludicrous to tax 10% on a repulsorlift coil in war-torn Kintan where prices for such parts have skyrocketed upwards of six thousand credits per unit and levy the same tax on Duro where the same part may cost is less than nineteen. Though I'm sure the people of Duro would gladly pay their fair share." He made a sidelong glance up at the Duro philanthropist and ship designer Ced Vanseim.

"I think it is safe to say that for now, percentages aside, as others have said that promoting trade in some way between us would benefit all. I would just like to caution or Jedi guests on deciding specific numbers and declaring sweeping legislation for worlds they were not elected to rule. As long as we are together, and the likes of the Sith and Remnant Warlords know we stand together, our enemies will shutter and Democracy will stand strong."

Riamah Riamah Elise Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Ced Vanseim Droxine Rand Kei Amadis Kei Amadis Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt

Hoid Hallafax

The Caamasi's fur rippled as the Corellian Senator took the floor. As usual, the fiery young man spat his version of the truth with fangs and claw drawn. Despite Corellia's relationship with their own Green Jedi, it was evident in younger generations that trust for the Jedi over the last thirty years had waned. The Dark Days of the Gulag Plague had ended and ever since then the Galaxy had been embroiled in one war or the other, with every single one of them having the age-old conflict of the Jedi and Sith at their core. He couldn't blame the young man for his distrust, he just wished he displayed it more tactfully than he probably thought he was doing now. He looked towards Elise pleadingly, realized she was more likely a fighter, a Guardian as the Jedi texts called them, and instead looked to Riamah, whom he hoped would step in. Or maybe one of the Jedi Mediators would. He saw Kaito start to raise his finger in retort to the blonde Jedi but stepped in before he could dig his hole any deeper.

"The Republic," he stammered, trying to recover from the younger man's tirade and the young Master's edged remarks, "Concurs with Chief Tagge. As the Hydian Way and Corellian Run travels through several sectors of Republic, Silver Jedi, and Alliance space, I propose rather than a free trade zone, a reduced tax in particular sectors and systems along those routes to promote travel and trade between all three nations. While we can't be so presumptuous to ask you all to follow in our footsteps, we hope that the freeing of military assets along the neutral territories will allow you all to aid us in keeping these lanes safe as I predict they will become lifelines to all three of our nations." He smiled behind his snout for a cam before continuing.

"I must echo our young Corellian Senator's sentiments though," he said in a slightly less cheery, almost sad tone. "Respectfully, Though the Silver Jedi have fought valiantly against the Sith and kept their ilk from encroaching deeper towards Democratic Space, I am worried about the lack of true representation in the Silver Jedi. Triumvirates serve their purpose and a strong hand can pave the way forward for Democracy, as the Alliance has shown the Galaxy." He offered a hand to Chief Tagge, "I think I speak for many when I say that the Republic would feel more at ease working with the Silver Jedi Order if rightfully elected representatives spoke with the interest of the people in mind more than the Order itself. If Jedi are elected in your space then so be it, but it is strange, speaking to a triumvirate of Jedi Warriors rather than the people we will actually be trading with and fighting alongside in the Dark Days to come."

Elise Riamah Riamah Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Ced Vanseim Droxine Rand Kei Amadis Kei Amadis Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga


Elise resisted the urge to rub her temples. Always leave it to a politician to take genuine words and regurgitate them as something wicked.

She gave Kaito a very tired look.

"I'll remind you that we were not the ones that asked for this meeting. It was the Chief that just spent minutes appealing to our conscious to help. He was the one that spoke of borders and he's the one that appealed to reasons for why we should care enough to cross them. I merely agreed to his request. Do not twist our intentions, Chancellor. It does no good here."

At the Republic Senator's words she grew silent. Her gaze turned to him, slow and disappointed.

"Are we here to discuss trade, or your opinions on my order's ways?" The question, while soft spoken, carried weight that cut through the air.
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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"Hey, you're getting me in, least I can do is do it your way."

'Moda Barnetto, substitute senior secretary of Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems,' followed Ced Vanseim dutifully. Not long thereafter, he found himself watching and listening like any other suit - like the suit he'd been. If Ced looked him up, he'd find that Jerec had been a shipwright with Gallofree Transports for several years before a falling out. It felt gorram strange to be back in the land of respectability. Jerec was just glad he'd worn a clean shirt to the protest.

Elise got laser focus as she stated that borders were the language of politicians, not Jedi - a killer soundbite and a total validation of what had brought Jerec here today. Despite everything, though, EVERYTHING, in context it sounded like she was talking more about willingness to offer help regardless of territorialism. And since many of the Silvers had spent years cultivating an insular, self-interested reputation, that statement was big.

Besides, she and her delegation were wearing actual Jedi robes - another newish thing for Silvers. No more hundred-thousand-credit jewel-armor kimonos dripping with crystal battle trinkets - and in fairness, that kind of crap had always been more the exception than the rule, ad Jerec understood it.

Despite the seed of rage and grief and contempt that Quekko's murder had planted in him, Jerec found himself giving this Jedi, and maybe the whole Silver order, the benefit of the doubt. He didn't want to, at all, but intellectual honesty demanded it.
The Jedi Master was much older than for the last republic negotiation, which was why he could sit through this with a certain grin on his face still. The republic lecturing others how to be, posturing, was always the way it had been, and why every negotiation had always failed. Their judgmental attitude was a constant thorn.

Simply put the people ran their territories, “the SJO and rangers protect our space, help where we can, nothing more or less.” Kei added looking at the republican politicians nonchalantly, "your judgments don't do you credit," leaving the majority of it to the others to deal with, just as their planetary governments did with their own affairs. Quite frankly Kei was fed up to the back teeth with posturing and subtle holier than thou jabs over the decades. He just said it plain and would have said more in his youth, but he was older and more relaxed, perhaps a good thing.

Breathing deep in the force and relaxing further. If the republic wanted this to work, some humility and less posturing would go a long way, part of him doubted they did with the way they were approaching the negotiation. Emmen though had the way of a mediator and so he just listened as the others discussed cooperation. His place from the start, was to spot the obvious ploys and trips in playing politics, because he'd lived through it all before.

Tag: Republic Muse | Maou Maou | Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity | Elise | Riamah Riamah | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Ced Vanseim
The sharp clack of boots filled the hall of the federal building as Lanik found himself escorted through the halls by the Alliance guards. It was often said to run late was unbecoming of a Jedi, but in all honesty, when dealing with Lanik it was something almost expected. The Jedi Knight was one constantly busying themselves with other aspects of space. He believed in truly offering aid wherever the Jedi could.

The Jedi Knight’s armored robes still bore the scorch marks from blaster bolts and only the force knew what else. The cloth sporting holes that had been freshly made and where splotches of the Jedi’s own blood leaked through. Already running extraordinarily late the man could spare no time to straightening his appearance.

Stopping before the executive office doors, Lanik breathed in centering himself fighting down the anxiousness that sat deep in his chest. To enter a room filled with some of the most influential beings in the galaxy and be about to take a stance on the matters presented was a daunting task. It was something that the Jedi had never dreamed of experiencing in his entire life. A far call from the humble padawan that had once simply wished to aid others.

With a final exhalation of air Lanik could hear bits of conversation coming from inside of the chamber as the door hissed open. The tension was so thick that if Lanik drew his saber he could cut through it. Finding his mouth suddenly dry, and the uneasiness in his gut once more.

‘By the force, politics. Why did it have to be politics.’ It was at this point the Jedi decided he’d rather be dealing with the Gammorreans again.

“I do not believe Senator Kiyoshi and Chancellor C’rel mean offense in their words. It is simply the way of politics. With the already high tensions between those unable to feel the force and The Jedi it would be more comforting for it to not seem as if the Jedi are making the decisions for the worlds as a whole. For that is not our duty, as you said yourself you offer nothing but protection and aid where you can.”

Almost as if an afterthought Lanik turned to Chief of State Tagge offering a bow of respect before doing the same to the others of the room. “I hope I do not press above my station but I was summoned by Chancellor C’rel to participate as a Jedi mediator and soldier of the Republic. Forgive my lateness and appearance, I was on Hosnian Prime dealing with Gammorean raiders.” Moving to take his spot behind the Republic delegation Lanik gave a nod to those of recognition. He knew those of the Silver Jedi well, in fact he’d even been captured in aiding them on Kintan.

Kei Amadis Kei Amadis | Elise | Maou Maou | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Riamah Riamah | Ced Vanseim | Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity | Republic Muse
Chief Tagge's lips draw into a thin line as the tensions in the room start to rise. A tired expression washes over him, listening to the conversation bounce between representatives with an escalating, albeit well-reserved, unease. The feeling of disappointment culminates when a Jedi Mediator is finally forced to step in - something he had hoped to avoid altogether.

These were the same political squabbles that plagued the a nations before them.

When it came to the Alliance and Republic, things were much the same. Their differences were minor and easy to overlook in most cases. With the three nations sitting face-to-face, it was quite obvious which one stuck out the most. Admittedly, Chief Tagge had never quite understood the exact government structure of the Silver's, nor the full extent their Jedi Order played in it all. The mysticism of the Jedi was difficult to follow for those not gifted in their inexplicable ways.

He knew he had his own concerns. Doubts, even. But this meeting was not about those. There would be a time and a place, should their relationship blossom, for the three powers to discuss their differences and attempt to understand one-another better.

That time was not now.

"Chancellor C'rel. Master Elise," his eyes continue wordlessly, looking to Ra, Kaito, Kei, and finally the mediator Lanik, whom he offers a gentle smile and nod for his efforts. Allowing a pause to ensure any final words are spoken, he leans forward to add his two-cents to the matters presented.

"I would like to once more ask for today to be about acknowledging our similarities. All the men and women in this room know we have our differences. It's no secret. They are what's kept us and our predecessors here, in this state, afterall. This meeting is about overcoming these things for a greater purpose. The kinks can be worked out as we earn eachother's trust and respect." He glances down to his own datapad, re-evaluating the trade points that had been recorded through an auto-stenographer.

"Trade," he says flatly, looking up from the device to shift his attention between Ra and Kaito. "I agree that times of war should call for a more lenient flow of resources and goods. The Alliance would be willing to action significant tax exemptions and market cost reductions during such times; even provide government relief, if things become dire. I think the issue here is based on a misunderstanding."

Emmen looks to Ra directly, "I don't fancy myself to be a professional trader, Master Ra, but before my time in politics I certainly played my chances in the exchange a few times. Please, correct me if I'm wrong when I say that the two of you are, more or less, discussing the same concept with different words. That is to say; we adjust the taxes and customs fees on imported and exported goods traveling across our borders to allow for higher profits for sellers compared to, say, shipping the same goods into Confederate space. It's not a premium - the cost of the good remains the same, but profit margins increase."

The old Chief rests his hands together, breathing out softly. He knew the position would offer far more headaches than his previous role as Tepasi's High Lord, but the stakes of his words and actions were truly hitting him in this moment. It was no longer about a planet or singular group of people. Suddenly, it was the Galaxy watching; people from many millions of worlds, all hanging on the agreements and disagreements here in this room.

"Forgive us, Master Elise. Our customs, traditions and ways of speaking may not be the same as yours. Just the same as we, or," he looks to the Republic representatives, "at the very least, I, can sometimes find it difficult to understand or relate to the ideologies and sentiments of your various Orders. I ask for the attempts at understanding be mutual as we work to mitigate these differences and find common ground. I give no judgement," he looks up from the Jedi Master, meeting the eyes of the rugged guardian behind her "only evidence that I am not all-knowing. That I do not and may never fully understand your ways."

Finally, he arrives at the same point the Jedi Mediator had made "The Mediator is right: there is no intent for offense, it is simply the way of politics. Whether we like it or not, I'm afraid it is an undeniable necessity for the function and security of society in the modern Galaxy." He rests his hands on his desk, setting the datapad aside "We may very well not agree on that either, but again; I hope today can be about overlooking these sharp distinctions between us and focusing on what we can agree on and provide eachother in the face of mounting dangers."

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Taking a seat next to the Jedi he recognised, Yuroic was wearing his standard Jedi robes. Armour was for battle, not for decoration, that was what he was told by the SJO when he was growing up in the Order. It was clear from the attitude of others that they thought different of what a Silver Jedi would dress like. It always frustrated Yuroic that people held SJO under the scrutiny of previous actions, but no one would do the same for these other factions at were here with the SJO right now and they were just as different to factions of the same name as the SJO was currently to what it was years ago. He nodded to Elise as she talked and then smiled to Riamah Riamah as she gave her part to the conversation on trade. While he knew this was important conversation to have but Yuroic also knew this was the most boring part of running a faction.

His temper flared when he heard the others talk so down to them, like the Jedi being here was a problem or that it was wrong that the Jedi were the ones here at this meeting, but they knew what their people needed. Jedi had very open dialogue with their own, to ensure peace was maintained, especially when life was hard for everyone. Yuroic had tried helping worlds on the edge of Sith space not long after the invasion but he had to move back home to be with his still growing family. Leaning over to Elise, he whispered in her ear, "and how do we know that they represent their people effectively?" Yuroic then leaned back and kept his eyes focused, not saying a word since he was not the most effective person for this discussion.

Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Republic Muse Maou Maou Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Ced Vanseim Droxine Rand Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Karra Tor Karra Tor

Fable Solborne

Fable sat carefully, listening. Things were icy beyond even what they had seen earlier in the formation of the Republic. She had expected that, but this was more than anything that she had anticipated. Kaito Kyoshi was doing his thing again. Causing trouble with quick words. Very characteristic of Corellians. It was why she had been quiet so far, assessing the situation. Things were prickly, again between Jedi and non-Jedi. She cleared her throat briefly.

"Friends, what we see here is a difference in perspective." She leaned forward and rested her hands on the table. "We all want the same thing. Peace, security, and well-being for our people. Not political dickering." Perhaps Kyoshi's attitude was rubbing off on her, which she wasn't thrilled about. But they needed to clear the air of whatever was beginning to happen here. Politics and Jedi were difficult.

She looked around the room to meet all their gazes. "Pardon me, Chancellor, but I feel like I should speak. I'm from Kalist. We're a tiny Deep Core world. No riches, no resources. We can't thrive on our own. We're stronger together. The same goes for the governments that we are here to represent. So, instead of asking insinuating questions, let us refocus. What can our three organizations do to make life better for the people we work for?"

She looked around the room again and set her datapad on the table. "And I must disagree with you, Master Elise. Borders and politics are more than the language of politicians. Borders and groups form identities that matter to people. People don't want to lose their identity. And any decision affecting other people will be inherently political. Engaging or disengaging, on whatever topic, will all have ramifications. Trade, taxes, alliances."

Fable opened her hands to include them all. "These have consequences and ramifications for other people. The question facing us is not profit or taxes. The question is simple. What can we do to make the lives of the sentients who rely on us better? Perhaps it is free trade zones and close governmental cooperation. Perhaps there are other means and options as well. Master Elise, Master Ra, Master Amadis, the Silver Jedi have been crucial in holding the Sith at bay for many years. Your willingness to help worlds outside your sphere of influence has been remarkable. It is something we can all learn from and sets a standard for us to look up to in the future. As for governments buying and selling," she shrugged. "It is less of our concern than our policies. Companies and individuals are doing the bulk of the buying and selling. How can we create an environment conducive to cooperation between not only our governments but our citizens?"

Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity Republic Muse Maou Maou Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar WelshPsych WelshPsych


Elise raised a hand, her eyes closing for a moment as she waited for the responses to Kaito's words to settle. It took every ounce of her control not to smirk at Yuroic's comment. She was representing them right now. She had to lead by example. The moment had just slipped out from under her so quickly. Why did offering help always have to be made so complicated?

Of all the words said, she looked to the last ones spoken. "I only meant we help without discrimination," she told Fable Solborne amicably. Elise had listened patiently, hearing all sides. There was more to this meeting than trade deals-- something to be said about every person that came forward. In this political climate, Elise would be foolish to not listen.

Understanding bred empathy.

She looked to Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity , pity tightening in her gaze. He had called them here for a reason. He had a dream, and he had delivered it so eloquently. She turned the conversation back to his well poised point. She agreed.

"Unity requires cooperation, not unanimity," Elise leveled firmly. "SJO respects the good will of all its nations. You will find very little unanimity amongst our nations, and still there is harmony. We respect those who are different. If this works for whole nations, it can surely work inside one room." A promise, at least from her. She wasn't going to let sharp words run her off so quickly.

And then she looked to the more pressing question that many seemed to have- but what about the will of the people?

"We have a trading union. Master Ra is here speaking for them-- carrying a drafted proposition she made with them. Cooperating with her is cooperating with our people. If you would like to assure that more of their voices can be heard between our three nations, then perhaps a bigger trading union can be called for. Headed by the people, not politicians."

Her gaze flickered to Kaito for the briefest moment.

It was fairly simple to her. A pressure built in her temples, the Master braced for it to be made complicated faster than she could recite the jedi code.
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Hoid Hallafax

If you would like to assure that more of their voices can be heard between our three nations, then perhaps a bigger trading union can be called for. Headed by the people, not politicians."

With these words, the young senator from Corellia looked like he was going to speak, but again the Chancellor raised a hand and gave him a sharp glance before speaking. The Corellian was indeed living up to his planet's stereotypes...'Rocket Fuel For Blood' thought the Caamasi and shook his head internally. Luckily Knight Dawnstar of the Peace Station enclave had finally arrived. While plenty of Jedi were present, Dawnstar was one that he had put a great deal of trust into and waves of relief radiated from the Chancellor in the Force. He even seemed to physically relax more, his ears no longer in the droopy submissive state they had been while under the pressure of dealing with the Jedi Masters of the SIlver Order along with the inflammatory nature of Kiyoshi's earlier comments.

"Master Jedi, the minute you begin to gather representatives, have those chosen and elected discuss the intricacies of trade and pricing, and drafting policy they become politicians...This is politics, this is Democracy. He offered her a sympathetic smile. "But maybe I have been too harsh. Forgive me then Master Jedi, but from the other side of the SIlver Curtain, it has appeared for over a decade that the Silver Jedi have simply made these decisions for the people. I should simply be happy that this could be evidence of a true blooming Democracy behind the Silver Curtain." He offered her a sympathetic smile.

"I understand this sort of battle is not one you may be used to and I'm sure the Sith aren't so chatty, and we mean you no harm or disrespect." he said softly, "But I believe as our young senator from Kalist has said we are in agreement in the most basic sense of the word. Now," he said with passion but still in the soft tones of Caamasi accented basic, gripping his hand into a fist, "Now, we forge the path forward in cooperation and in some cases disagreement. This is coexistence and politics." He turned to Chief Tagge and smiled before nodding.

"The Jedi have always been our mysterious and benevolent protectors, despite their mysterious ways. Understanding and working with the SIlver Order of Jedi will be no different. The Republic," he paused, looking pointedly at Senator Kiyoshi, "will be agreeable to trade and military agreements between the Republic, Alliance, and the Silver Jedi Order, the details of which will no doubt be handled beyond the view of cams." he joked, waving a hand to the small audience they had present.

Elise Fable Solborne Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Spirit of Unity Spirit of Unity Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Karra Tor Karra Tor Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Ced Vanseim Kei Amadis Kei Amadis
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Emmen's eyes follow Yuroic as he takes a seat. He hadn't been advised a third representative of the Silver Order would be joining them at his desk. Regardless, he chooses to remain silent, listening to the other politicians and Silver Jedi trade their opinions among eachother. More often than not, the political 'game' felt like a series of slippery slopes and eggshells. Things had not exactly gone smooth thus far, but the Chief was satisfied that progress was being made despite it. It was no easy task to have three nations in agreement on any given subject.

"Chancellor, I echo your opinion on the complications that come with democracy. This path we choose is not always an easy one. Unity, cooperation, understanding; these are idyllic concepts, but not always a natural outcome. That is why our perseverance, resolve, and willingness to sacrifice our pride in order to overcome issues is so important. For the men and women in our positions across the Galaxy, it's far easier to be the villain. It takes no skill or passion to be a ruthless Emperor - only power and fear," he shakes his head.

"What we do takes courage and it takes effort. It is not easy to stand before the people and swear that you will represent their hopes and desires," he raises his hand to give a sweeping gesture to the five officials seated across from him "or to publicly gather with your peers and be prepared to face criticism or compromise in the name of a greater good. What we do is hard, but when we do it well - like today - it is a victory for far more than just ourselves."

Returning to the specifics at hand, the Tepasi turns his head to the red-head "I would be happy to pass this trade proposition to our Ministry of Commerce and personally endorse it, Master Ra," his dark eyes move from her to Elise "and I would gladly sign a neutrality treaty on behalf of the Alliance. Free our borders of unnecessary defensive patrols and focus on the real threats that surround us. If not the steps to unity, Master Elise, then let this serve as the start of our cooperation at the least." He offers her a smile, hoping the two had reached an agreement on their exchange.

Taking a short pause, he glances back to his datapad, reflecting on the information. "Chancellor C'rel, if we are also in agreement of establishing protected trade routes and non-aggression pacts, are we then in agreement that talks of a military alliance should begin at a later date?
If we are all satisfied, I would be willing move forward to the next part of this meeting and take questions and concerns from the public."

Falling silent after speaking, Ra listened to the words of Kaito and gave him a few dirty looks. While she was here with the Silvers, she would not consider herself a Jedi. They called her Master, but there were times, like now, when that wasn't needed. She wasn't here as a Jedi Master, but as the leader of their trading. This was a position she had held with several governments and the Silvers were just another one of them.

Not correcting them, she just listened. It seemed her words had been misunderstood but the theme was understood. Numbers were never something hard and set in stone, everything could be negotiated. The senator Kaito was allowed to speak his mind and opinion though and she didn't interrupt him. He agreed in promoting trade and that was what she was after. Speaking with sincerity and passion, she admired the man. Giving him a nod when he finished, others spoke up after him.

Lifting an eyebrow at the next person, she didn't feel the Silvers would ever elect somebody to speak for them. At least, not in terms of anything related to government. As they took more worlds under their sphere, they allowed whoever was ruling to remain in charge. Establishing contact, agreements for things and then moving on. That appeared to be the case with most governments and the Silvers were just another kind.

If she could have moved to reassure Elise of things she would have. Right now that would be too obvious so she just looked at the Master as she spoke. Attempting to give her some sort of sign, she saw the look given to Kaito and could tell she felt the same way as she did. So far, things were going pretty well and she had the courage to stand up to Senator.

Kei gave voice to his thoughts and they were exactly the same as what she had been thinking. Letting out a bit of breath through her nose, she just nodded and kept quiet. Turning her head when a rather beaten person appeared, she lifted an eyebrow again but didn't question what he said. She hadn't actually taken any personal offense at what had been said, but it was nice to hear they hadn't intended their words to be that.

After this, a comment was directed at her and she listened with all of her attention. Nobody could say her focus was on anybody else as Chief Tagge spoke. He hit every point she had been trying to make and put them into a slightly different wording. Hopefully words the others would be able to understand better than those she had picked. Shaking her head to indicate he was correct, she wasn't sure if she should speak or not. The chance passed quickly and it was probably better she remained silent. Each government worked differently and it was clear he understood this. Making a point of addressing that, he also clarified the words of the others weren't meant to be offensive.

The last of the Jedi delegation whispered in the ear of Elise and asked how they could know if they represented their people well. Giving more of a mental shrug, she didn't feel the need to answer that. These people were elected by the people of their respective worlds and that was something they should accept.

Another woman spoke up and asked them what they each could do to make the lives of their people better. She suggested a few options and acknowledged the Silvers had played an important role to the worlds outside of their own sphere. Ra had done her own share of helping, but it generally wasn't in her nature to do this just because. The woman was a businesswoman and merchant, after that, it was a Force User. She didn't rely on her Force skills to accomplish things, but her abilities with words and if needed more physical means. They weren't here for fighting though so Ra wasn't worried it would come to blows.

Elise addressed Fable and indicated she should speak to Ra about any trade questions. Greatly appreciating the vote of confidence, she looked to the other woman and waited to see if she would say anything else about trade. There wasn't at the moment and the meeting moved on. It not only moved on but appeared to coming to a close. Any fine details would be worked out behind the scenes, but the groundwork had been laid out here and now.

Even though she had once considered herself Sith, Ra had always had a difficult time being mean and evil. That just wasn't in her nature and so she had left them, their code and washed her hands of that Empire. In her time with them though, many doors had opened for her. One of them had brought her here in a very roundabout manner. Finally able to sit back in her chair again, the floor was opened for questions from the public.

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