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Public The First Zinder Summer Fest! (Open to All)

It was finally here!

Summer and with Zinder 2.1v being released, the Summer Fest was a go! Rhys had scouted a few planets and figured that Scarif was an ideal location, while the planet had the whole shield gate thing going on, the beach locations and clear waters were too beautiful to not enjoy! It then was a simple case of renting a large beach, organising works to set up the stage and electronics for the musical acts, Rhys had contacted dozens of the largest musical acts in the galaxy, all talents who were in various genres, it was important to have a variety of acts and performances. Allowing couples and potential singles to get thrilled that anyone and everyone could be playing that night. He made sure there was a bar with plenty of Scarif's best alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages on offer.

There was also the lunch bar that was being constructed, with chefs and food being brought in, he wasn't sure how good Scarif's cuisine was in comparison to other worlds but he was certainly trusting the chefs would be bring their best skills to the table. Rhys made sure to organise the tables and setting to have a romantic, lovely beach setting that would appeal to all the hopeful matches and he built the bar section to have an area for meeting, drinking and socialising without the need for food. It was ideal for singles arriving without a match to get a chance to find someone new! He also had to organise events on the beach front, allowing people to take part in competitions if they were competitive in nature, to enjoy gentle strolls or just take in the marvellous sights that the beach had to offer. It was hot, but refreshing. There was going to be plenty to do and Rhys spent weeks ensuring he organised the event as brilliantly as he could.

This was him making it clear that he was going to ensure that Zinder was a success and something the galaxy would be obsessed with. Also, making it look the most luxury it could meant that he could charge more. Profits were very important.

Then the weekend of the Summer Fest came.


  • Beach Concert! - The biggest beach concert of galactic history is happening with big bands, techno music and even foam machines! It shall be a great time to dance, listen to thumping music and enjoy the beach during the evening and at night! Who wouldn't want to see that romantic sunset with the best tunes of the month playing on stage live! This is available to all who have a Zinder membership account! A brilliant chance to bump into someone and have a chance to truly connect. Open to those with or without matches (Drinks available from the pop up bar, costs of drinks not included in the Zinder trip!)
  • Lunch at the Pop up bar - A pop up bar that is serving the best local food and drinks is built at the beach location on Scarif! The perfect setting for adventurers who seek out new foods, drinks and company! This event is open to those who are single and those with matches! Come to the pop up event and have a chance to meet your future partner! Enjoy the food with a date, enjoy some drinks together and watch the waves crashing on the beach with a luxury beachfront location for this pop up! (Prices of food and drink are not included in the Zinder trip!)
  • Walk the beach! - Take your date on a stroll on the beach! Enjoy the great views that Scarif has to offer in the Summer! The lovely sun on your skin, wear protection and develop a great tan to showcase to all your jealous friends back home! The beach has a variety of activities during the day in terms of sandcastle contests, volleyball, swimming in the sea and the perfect sunbathing spots! Come enjoy the glorious sun and take in some amazing sights!

Do your own thing! - Beach themed, plenty to do there and if none of these take your fancy please do what your characters want to do!


Event: Concert
Outfit: Summer Suit
Tags: OPEN
As the musicians began to set up their instruments on the beach for the first song of the night, Rhys took the opportunity to jump on the stage to the crowd of Zinder users and gave a wave and smirk to the crowd as he heard an applause to his arrive. Taking centre stage, he looked at the crowd and could feel the thrill of a party starting bubbling. The pheromones from him was there to excite and get the crowd in the best mood for fun. He wanted them to dance plenty, work up a thirst and drink plenty. He was keen on making sure this was as profitable a night as possible as well as making sure that each person had a night that they would not forget so soon. Especially since people always needed to burn off steam during wartimes.

"Zinderites! Welcome to our Summer Fest concert! I'm Rhys, owner of the app and I just wanted to thank you for coming and celebrating the brilliant warm weather and fantastic, gorgeous beach location with me!" Rhys shouted out, using the mic to ensure that the whole crowd could hear him clearly. "This concert will be going on for as long as you guys are drinking and dancing, so make sure to have a blast and celebrate the night away!"

The musicians started to move into position as Rhys spoke, "right! The bar is at the back, I'll be there if anyone wishes to try their luck in sweeping me off my feet." He winked to the crowd. "I'll let this first band take over. Remember to give us the highest rating and have a great time match people!" Rhys then stepped off the stage as the singer took centre stage and greeted the crowd.

Rhys walked through the crowd with ease, moving his way through like he was a hot knife slicing through butter. He reached the bar and ordered a whisky to wet his palette. The band began their song as they gave the first performance for the night. Something upbeat, something fun and capable for people to dance to but not the most romantic song of the evening. Rhys had planned the performances to have the romantic song for couples to dance slowly to would be later.

Event: Lunch Date!
Attire: Date Outfit (wip art piece)
Tag: Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast
She had decided to give Zinder another shot, especially since she was living on Jakku and the dating pool in the enclave was minimal at best. This was definitely allowing her to get out, seeing new worlds, meeting new people and avoid thinking that her chances were limited to anchorites at the enclave. The mere suggestion had her shuddering. Instead, she took in joy that she could relax at the beach and had matched with someone called Aymeric. His profile had her intrigue... Well his profile picture had her true interest, physical attraction was the first step. She then checked his bio out and learned that he seemed pretty interesting.

It was a joy that he matched with her, meaning he felt a similar interest in her. When they talked, the lunch date seemed ideal. While the concert was sure to be a blast, Lily couldn't see the chance for conversations and talking. Instead, she suggested the lunch date and if they connected well enough, she was sure there would be a chance for them to check out the concert and dance. See how well Aymeric could move his body after probing his mind. It seemed a perfect plan.

Arriving a little early to the lunch date, she waited at the bar, ordering herself a red wine. It was her favourite beverage and she always enjoyed the idea of a nice wine while at the beach. It was certainly something that worked well together in her mind. After the bartender poured her glass, she looked around and kept an eye out for her match. Curious to what he would be wearing for the date. Hoping he had a sense of fashion.

Event: Beach Concert!
Outfit: Dress
Tag: Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast
Eira had been fooled by the advertising of the Zinder app into thinking it was some kind of app that would show her people that she could manipulate or enjoy a casual experience with. However, the app seemed filled with plenty of people seeking love or to fill a void in their hearts that Eira did not have. She had been able to match with a few people and one of those people was Astrid. A fellow Sith, so the idea of corrupting her and turning her into Eira's pawn was out the window. However, she was curious what the event would be and she was interested in what interested Astrid about her.

Arriving in her dress at the concert, she heard that the supposed man in charge of the app attempt to get the crowd excited and pumped for the music. Eira was not sure what she should expect and held back from joining the crowd in cheering. She was being cautious since high excitement could turn into bitter disappointment all too quickly.

For now, she looked around checked to see what was the mood of this crowd while also keeping an eye out for Astrid. She figured they would meet at the concert, perhaps she was at the bar rather than the crowd. Eira was unsure and decided to remain where she was to allow Astrid to just find her.


Equipment | In Bio

Location | The beach of all places

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

The sun hit her hard, this had to be some practical joke right? Some dimwitted upstart had posted her information out there and here she had figured this to be some business deal... Dressed in her black suit she stood out from the crowd for sure. Frustrated, she takes a seat at the bar.

Of all things, a hot beach was not what she planned on dealing with today. The now moody vampiress was going to kill whoever did this..

But perhaps.. Maybe, just maybe.. This was a sign that she needed to learn how to enjoy aspects of existence she had slowly been forgetting.

And so, in a defeated yet still annoyed state, she switched her black suit to a nicely fit black bikini with just a simple snap of a finger.

Ordering a sweet tea with extra ice to try and enjoy as she found a more shaded spot, the heat already causing a sweat bead to trickle down her forehead.

"Zinderites! Welcome to our Summer Fest concert! I'm Rhys, owner of the app and I just wanted to thank you for coming and celebrating the brilliant warm weather and fantastic, gorgeous beach location with me!"

A what now? Wait.. Oh no no no.. SHE KNEW THAT APP.

As the realization occurred to her that some random person was going to pester her at some point, she blinked a few times..

Ohh what a day.

Beach concert
Eira Dyn Eira Dyn
Dress and appearance

Astrid walked down the Beach in her sparkly red dress as she walked she got the app to try and find someone or people to experiment on. Or corrupt to follow her cause but instead she found eira a fellow sith sure there was an age gap but she still wanted to go do something and although she didn't trust the woman she figured eira would look out for her own interests. But incase something did happen between them Astrid swiped and they matched worst case scenario they go their separate ways and never talk to each other about it.

As she walked up to eira she looked at the woman "you look gorgeous" she said as she walked up. She looked to the stage as she stood there barefoot in her dress she could feel eyes on her and eira but she didn't care she was here for eira. Standing there listening to the music "why did you sign up to that app" she asked her hands where placed on her hips as she stood there.
Last edited:

Event: Beach Walk
Outfit: Link
Tag: Marselia Urstalis Marselia Urstalis
Alexander smiled as he felt the warm breeze wash over him. He had finally taken up on the ‘occasional’ nudging from Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek to take an actual break. Not one that saw him in his usual drinking or gambling spots, but somewhere completely unattached to his work with the Galactic Alliance.

Though he doubted Aiden would’ve guessed it would be because of a dating app of all things. Something the K’paur had decided to join on a random whim one late evening. It wasn’t his usual go-to for when he wanted to hook up with someone. But Alex figured ‘why the hell not’ and decided to have some fun with it, after all it wasn’t as if he was looking for anything serious to begin with.

Only concern on his mind was the potential to be ‘catfished’, or whatever the hell it was called. But even if it came to that, at least the K’paur had a good excuse to enjoy the gorgeous weather.

After being matched with Marselia, the K’paur hadn’t hesitated to start up a conversation, in part to figure out their game plan for the Summer Fest. Ultimately, they had decided on a mix of all three, starting with a beach walk, then a bit of lunch and then finally enjoying the latter half of the concert. There would be plenty of things to see, experience and enjoy.

For the time being, Alex was standing just off the ‘start’ of the beach, as it stretched out before him. This was their designated meeting point, it was just a matter of waiting for his date to arrive.

The K’paur was dressed for the occasion. A simple shirt, shorts, shades and sandals combo, ready to be removed for a quick dip into the waters if need be. The shirt was left open, hiding nothing of the man’s body. Alex was not one to be shy of showing off his physique, even if it was pretty scarred. From the smallest cuts, to the very apparent scarring where flesh met the metal of his cybernetic arm.
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


Objective: Playin in the Concert​
"Are you sure about this Nir?"

Nir looked out on the stage ahead of them. They hadn't played a gig since before Coruscant. Since before he got put on a temple ship, left to his own devices. They needed something, their first album was going out soon.

"What's the worst that could happen?"
He asked, looking out on the crowd. "We're getting sponsor credits, so it's gonna be worth it, yeah?"

The wookie known as Avalanche let out a roar, and the gungan drummer shrugged.

"Let'sa just have some fun, yo. We just needa vibe with the flow of the universe~"

"You're no help Wildfire."

"Vibe with me Kiltik~"

The bassist, a human girl, just rolled her eyes.

"Alright, what are we playin'?"

"...we got our single to promote."
Nir offered.

"'s a decent jam. There's always that ballad. This is a Zinder concert."

"Fiiiiiiine..." Nir groaned, before summoning his guitar. "Alright, let's rock."
The band ran onto the stage, looking to the crowd before them.

"Hello Zinder Crowd! We're H.A.W.K. and this is Rock and Roll!"
The padawan used both the speakers, and his own aerokinesis to amplify his voice, his hairspray filled mane flowing in the self-made wind. With a flick of his guitar, the boy played the first few notes, letting himself lose himself to the music.

Objective: Beach

A beach was a strange plan to meet new people at least in Shan's eyes. Having to deal with the heat and the sand. It also meant his robes would be a poor fit for the weather so a pair of brown beach shorts and a tropical shirt were on the agenda today. Though he was still feeling the heat either way as he was trying to find Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua . That's who he was paired up with to make a new friend. At least that's what he thought up until...the penny dropped for him.

Zinder...Beaches...Oh chit. This is a date.

Well. That totally wasn't any more pressure on the Mirialan. Straight out of having a break and into a new date. He'd really need to curse Braze for signing him up for this thing but he wasn't going to back out of it now. That wouldn't be fair on Adeline. Either way, the name was familiar to him so he wanted to check and see if she at least somewhat remembered him.

It took a few moments before he came across Adeline, sheltered under some shade. Smart idea if he was being honest. It was too hot to be stood in the sun and Adeline seemed pretty pale to him. He made his way on over towards her either way, putting a smile on his face. Might as well try to be friendly, right?

"Adeline, right? Think we've met before. I'm Shan. You're looking very..." What word to use? Pretty? No. That's too childish? Radiant?...Eh...No. Dark colours aren't really radiant?... "...Nice. Yeah. Your hair is looking pretty good. Do you style it yourself or?" By the Force. I'm an idiot.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Beach

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

She did indeed remember him.. Oh how funny, a person she had planned on eating back in the day. But hey, relaxing beach vibes right?

"Yes, we met. You were a Padawan back then, much younger. I would assume you don't follow strangers into dark alleys anymore yes?"

The woman says in a gentle but blank tone, leaving plenty of room to either assume it was a joke.. Or calling him an idiot back then.

"My hair? Why yes, I style it myself."

Adeline had never really gotten such comments, leaving her to fail at registering it as anything but random words.

"You must have gotten tricked by someone, or perhaps they wanted you dead. Though I must admit a Jedi going on a date with me of all creatures is rather humorous indeed. Until.. A few moments ago I had thought this was a business meeting, when I find the trickster... Anyway. I might as well try and enjoy my time here, take a seat."

She gestures to the open seat right next to her at the bar before taking a sip of her iced drink.

"Oh no. I still do that. Life gets pretty boring when you don't follow people down alleyways. Sure, I get a few bruises and scars here and there, but people like scars, right?"

Shan broke out into a grin at that. He knew it was a dumb thing to do all the time but it was his way of helping people. Not every down in dark alleys can afford to call out for help! Though now that he thought about it, he hadn't done anything exciting when it came to dark alleyways recently...

"Yeah. I did get tricked. A padawan friend of mine signed me up for this after I told him I just went through a break up. He told me it was to "make new friends." I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me dead..." Note to self. Ask Braze if he wants me dead.

With that, Shan sat himself down at the bar, ordering a simple non-alcoholic beverage. He wasn't going to risk clouding his rational judgement. Though one would be safe to assume that Shan didn't actually have that much rational thoughts in his head at the end of the day.

"Is it honestly surprising that a Jedi would end up on a date with you? The Force works in mysterious ways and everything. But if you thought it was a business venture...well, I'd love to hear about your business if that's alright with you. In return I'll talk about...anything you want to ask about, I suppose."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Location: Scarif
Wearing: Outfit
Accessories: Bracelet, The Purse
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Traveling to Scarif for the event had been a surprise. Then again she wasn't entirely sure how the whole thing would be handled she supposed. Still, it was a nice change of pace.

Adjusting the purse on her shoulder in case she needed to use the thing to make a grand escape from this cat-fish account. An unexpected turn of events on the Zinder-app that she would end up matched to the clearly fake account. Then again the galaxy was a weird place and chances were always stacked in some strange way of meeting new faces.

Passing a familiar face on the way to an empty seat with a wave to Lily before turning around to watch the waves and the concert in the distance.

Ordering a harder liquor now that she could enjoy the drink without worry.

"Guess we'll see what grand machinations the galaxy holds for me." A sip of her drink before letting it rest in both hands as she leaned against he bar and waited.



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Beach

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

"Surprising is only a mild way to put it yes, I wouldn't figure a monk to indulge in such a thing, much less with a creature such as myself. If this is the will of some magical hand, it is at least an amusing joke at best."

She says before tapping a claw against the wood.

"Contracting work, the plan was to meet a team of builders from Nar Shaddaa. I supply material and funds, they help improve infrastructure in neglected ghettos. But I suppose those builders don't exist, hence how and why I ended up here of all places. As for the specifics.. Too difficult to improve everything, so I had handpicked select places in Hutt space."

Continuing on, she says..

"My condolences, I wouldn't know anything about such things.. But from what I understand, love is highly valued by the masses. Perhaps you will be stronger in result of this loss, harden the resolve you could say."

Strengthened by loss, it was what she had learned in her years as an apprentice to the butcher king. Words of truth that held darksider undertones, but she wasn't here to debate.

"What does having a partner entail?"

Adeline asks while lazily swishing the ice in her cup around, if any words were to be believed when coming from this woman... Her saying she didn't understand love or things like partners would be one of them. The way she spoke, the way she acted.. It was getting to an emotionless degree. Almost none knew why, she never bothered to tell. Looks and glares bothered her not, yet deep down she did start to see her more eldritch aspects take hold.. She has slowly been behaving more and more like the spawn of evil itself she had devoured years ago, cold and barren of any life we could understand.

The reason she stayed was not to just simply enjoy the event, did she look like the type to enjoy the blistering sun and loud music? No no, she wanted to understand more about what was almost lost by now. The understanding of joy, love, bonds.

She was at least keen enough to know that losing herself could be the wrong choice, or was it? She had managed to become so devoid of trivial matters that it allowed her mind to ascend and be so closely tied with the stars, allowed her eyes to see the unseen as she made logic from the illogical itself... What use was there in putting yourself at risk? For if you truly loved someone.. Would it not break you to see them go?

It seemed like such an easy answer, yet beings like Carnifex and Empyrean not only had children, but one or more lovers. The strength they gave one another was grand, it is what made her notice her humanity slipping away.

But alas.. After all she had experienced in life, was it not hard to love a creature of death such as herself?

"Sorry I- Lost in thought for a moment."

Adeline smiles, gently, but it was still there.

"Huh. I might need to ask for you materials in the future then. I plan on creating an Orphanage eventually. I don't want children to have to wander through their lives without someone to be there for them. Though it's nice to see that you want to try and improve Nar Shaddaa. I've...started to give up on the place. Even if it was was my home."

Shan sipped at his drink for a moment, letting Adeline continue to talk. Resting his chin against his fist at the same time, to make it apparant that she had his attention. He was an overly caring person at the end of the day. Tilting his head as she suggested that the loss would perhaps make him stronger. It made sense. Though he wasn't sure if he would necessarily agree with that statement. Then again, having Colette didn't really make him feel any...stronger at the end of the day.

"Well. I suppose a part of having a partner means...opening yourself up to someone. Being vulnerable. That's the hard part for a lot of people. Why let your guard down when they have a chance of putting a blade in your chest. It's an...illogical feeling. But that's what makes it so valuable as well. Having someone who lets their guard down around you, whilst you do the same."

Of course, he had done that with Colette. They were both vulnerable to each other and had opened up because they had agreed with each other's beliefs on a surface level. But it had only been when they spent more time together than the pair had realised they were incompatible. They had been much better as friends than as partners. That was probably an important thing to mention as well.

"But having a partner also entails...having someone you can see in your future. Me and my ex, we didn't see each other in our futures anymore. I couldn't see her helping me around with an orphanage and she couldn't see me exploring the Galaxy with her. And there were a few things we disagreed on that I would never compromise with. So...we decided it would be best to be friends...Good thing we did, considering she's the daughter of my grandmaster."

Shan let out a chuckle at that, trying to make a joke out of it. Was he talking too much about himself and Colette? The Mirialan didn't know. Though he turned his head over towards Adeline as she apologised for being lost in thought and he broke out into a small smile at that, shaking his head at her.

"It's fine. Sometimes I talk too much for my own good. Though you should smile more. It's nice. It's like...a sign to those around you, that there's a reason to keep going on. At least that's how I see it. Life is full of hardships and pain, but seeing smiles like yours gives me a reason to smile."

Maybe it was time for him to just stop talking. Or maybe he should ask some questions himself. Wracking his brain for a moment as he thought about it before looking over towards Adeline once more.

"So...What do you like to do for fun? I need to find some more things to do to relax. This is the first break I've taken from work in a long while. Teaching, healing, studying. Put all of that on hold so I could come here."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Beach

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


Was her only response for a moment.

"You are indeed correct, it is very illogical. Baffling is how I would describe such a thing, I wouldn't wish to waste my infinity over someone abusing my trust. Perhaps I should think on it more, and perhaps I understand parts of it in a way."

She scoots closer into the shade.

"We were born on places close by, Nal Hutta is where I came from."

The gross swamp planet filled with industrial garbage? She looks like a pristine porcelain doll, that couldn't be true..

"An orphanage? I suppose we could work something out, but perhaps another time."

Seeing her smile was a good thing?

"I smile hard enough you be reminded why I hardly do it... As for fun? What qualifies? I am working on a cookbook I suppose, and at times I tend to my garden at my academy."

"Some times viewing the world from a purely logical standpoint makes it harder to enjoy the smaller things in life. Are you doing alright by the way? Is it too hot? If you want, we can try to find somewhere better shaded for you. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable from the heat or anything."

By all intents and purposes, Shan was actually enjoying the time. Talking was nice. It was easier to talk with someone like Adeline than someone he knew. Though he did tilt his head slightly as Adeline said she was from Nal Hutta. Did she mention that when they first met? She might have, but Shan probably didn't believe her at the time. Though she then mentioned her smile and Shan perked up a little bit.

"Ah. That's another part about a partner. They're meant to accept you when nearly no-one else will, but also be able to tell you when you're taking things too far. Be there to lift you up when no-one else will, but also be able to bring you back down before you fly away. Someone that helps you feel less...alone? Or less cold inside? It's hard to explain in words. It's just something you feel."

His eyebrows raised at the mentioning of a cookbook. Cooking wasn't something Shan ever did too well with. Mostly because he wasn't too comfortable working with meat. Vegetables made up a large majority of his diet and so he rarely saw a point in working with stuff he didn't plan on eating.

"Hm. I'd be interested in seeing what's in this cookbook of yours. Gardening sounds nice, though I've never had much of a green thumb myself. Been debating picking up the Flute. Learn how to play some music."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Beach

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

She audibly chuckles a bit, shaking her head.

"The recipes aren't fit for you, I don't think you would want to take a peek."

Whatever that means, perhaps best to just take her word on move on.

"You would accept me? Doesn't your dogma and power revolve around life? I am a creature of death, consumer of life. Be it people or creatures, it is simply my nature."

That was just the tip, in truth she could never use the light. She was a being of shadow, of the void.

"First you make me speak, and now you lie?"

She says, letting tension build on purpose before speaking further.

"Your thumb looks pretty green to me."

Trying her hand at a joke, but it would help if she didn't sound so deadpan.

Shan opened his mouth to say that he wouldn't mind looking...before deciding she was probably right, instead deciding to move over towards the second statement from Adeline.

"My dogma revolves around accepting all creatures and things for what they are. Like you said. It is in your nature. Is it wrong for the vornskr to hunt the ysalamiri? Or is it just simply in their nature? Of course. I knew a few people amongst my Order who would think I'm an idiot for even entertaining the idea of accepting you...but I mean, I kinda am one. But like it's in your nature to consume life, it's in my nature to care for all forms of life. That includes you. I accept you, as who you are."

Whilst some might have seen that as Shan's attempt of flirting, it wasn't. The Mirialan was being honest. Truthfully and completely. He cared for all things in the Galaxy. There was a time where he didn't, and saw any form of killing or fighting as wrong but that in time he realised was also a part of life. As much as warmth, life and love were a part of life, so was the cold, death and hatred. You could not have one without the other.

He blinked for a moments at the comment about his thumb, glancing down to it...before letting out a chuckle. It was taken as a joke. Or maybe Shan just took most things as a joke.

"Guess that's true. Oh. That reminds me of a story..."

With that, Shan went on a little tangent, talking about his first mission with his master, about how they tried to save a Sithspawn that ended up poisoning the both of them, and how Shan's "green thumb" nearly ended up becoming a metal one since he nearly amputated his hand to stop the poison from spreading.

"Even after all that thought, I forgave it. I tried to save it...but there was a Jedi who didn't agree with it. He tried to kill me, my master, Master Valery and the Sithspawn...Sorry for the long story. I just thought it'd be nice. That way you don't need to talk too much, if you don't want to."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Marselia Urstalis

you don't really want a problem, boy, nah
Strollin' in the Sand

Now: A walk on the beach
Later: Everything else~
Outfit: A flowery two-piece and a long beach cardigan
Tag: Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes
Before meeting up with Alexander, long before the Zinder Summer Fest started, Marselia had wandered out onto a then-much quieter early morning beach to watch the sunrise. There were some things she just didn't take for granted; being planetside for leisure was another one of those things, one that she made a point of fitting into her life wherever she could, however she could, though that didn't usually take her to the beach, and it was hardly ever because of a dating app.

But if there was anything she learned in the small number of years since she had struck out on her lonesome, it was that she needed to use whatever tools were at her disposal to scratch the many little metaphorical itches that came around, try as she might to stave them off because of the strong mix of her ideals and conscience. There was always something that pulled her somewhere, whether the Force, a distress call, anything. And there were a lot of those somethings these days. War tended to create those kinds of ripples.

When the Morellian moseyed on out to the ‘start’ of the beach, all that stuff was relegated to the back of her mind with a shake of her pretty lil’ head and a little smile; she was gonna damn well enjoy herself, and make the most of this intentional break… starting with not making her date wait any longer, grey eyes settling on no one part of him other than the entirety of his fine self, while she approached their meeting place.

Lia adjusted the bag on her shoulder as she walked up, dressed as appropriately as he was with her flowery two-piece, and a long, light, and airy beach sweater that only tied together at her waist, easily shucked if water became part of their day. What her momma gave her, rest her soul, wasn’t anything she felt the need to hide, either. Only real difference was her scars were invisible. So far, by some blessing, no doubt.


The warmth of her smile infected the word. Might be that she had to lift her chin to look up at his face, but that wasn't anything she was unused to, and not anything anyone ever had a problem with. Problem was far from the right word.

“Hope I haven't kept you waitin’ too long?”

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