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Public The First Zinder Summer Fest! (Open to All)

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

Location: Scarif
Objective: Enjoy the day!
Wearing: Just a nice mint green polo (with gold trim) and dark board shorts with flip-flops; carrying a backpack full of goodies for a picnic

Jack took a moment at the top of a sand dune; the party was a few hundred meters up the beach, but Phobos Phobos had asked for something a bit further away from the water, which was fine with him. He loved the sun, loved the sea, but swapping from fresh water to salt water took most of the day for him, so staying inland was alright for now.

He had downloaded the app on a whim, but he was genuinely looking forward to meeting Phobos; it was an odd pairing, him a plant creature, her a sentient walking flame. Or... something? He really was hoping to find out, she intrigued him. Plus, it was a good way to learn more about the changing galaxy at large. There was always something new around the next corner, and he wanted to see what it was.

He tapped on the app again, debating sending her another text. Wasn't that the unspoken rule, that three texts in a row without a response was too much? Meh, couldn't hurt. He typed away, giving a photo of the location to let her know where he was.



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Beach

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

"And you didn't kill the spawn that tried to poison you? Interesting.."

Then again, if he was the type to seek revenge.. This would be a very different day.

"It is actions that truly speak, I see no reason for you to accept a creature of the void. But I do suppose I am more inclined to trust those words, I have heard tales of some brainwashing zealots that use the light as a facade to hide the evil they really are. I can alter minds just the same, so what is so different? Nothing really, and I am surprised that your order doesn't get rid of these heretics."

If he knew not who or what she spoke of, it didn't matter.

"Speaking of your order, I am curious. Is it not your mission to seek peaceful ends to matters? And if that fails, take the route that shines the brightest? As in.. Always seek a non lethal solution if you can?"

Her questions were just as she said, curiosity. It wasn't like she could just read from their holocrons or attend a class.

"They were scared. It was as simple as that. I'm not going to try and kill something that's scared."

Shan said, rather simply. He wanted to help people. Not kill them, and in his eyes, Sithspawn were still people. They had still been living creatures. Though he tilted his head as Adeline spoke, resting his chin atop his fist once again.

"Does the fact I'm still not here, speak as an action? I'm injured as well. So it's not like I'm here to fight you or anything. You'd definitely win at the end of the day."

At the mentioning of his injury, Shan just rested a hand against his side. Maybe he should have stayed and let it heal instead of coming to the Zinder fest, but he didn't see it as something he had to worry about. Tilting his head once more at her question, Shan actually took a few moments to think about an answer to that question. It seemed like an obvious enough question. A yes or no answer but it wasn't as simple as Shan wished it was.

"I would like to say that is the case but it isn't always...Take me for example. I'm...eccentric compared to most in the Order. There are some members of the Order, who are more quick to strike or less willing to give someone a chance. There are plenty in the Order who wouldn't even think of discussing things with a Sith, or a Dark Side user. Perhaps they are right in the path they take. Perhaps they're wrong. It doesn't matter to me. I follow my own path, my own code. There might not always be a non-lethal solution, but I won't ever stop trying."

There had been plenty of times where Shan could have solved a situation by killing someone. Plenty of times he would have justified for it as well, but it wasn't something he'd ever go ahead with. He had yet to come to a solution where he'd have to make a choice that involved him having to kill and part of him dreaded that thought.

"I'd offer to show you the Temple but I don't think that would go down well. Plus it needs rebuilding, he-...Ow. Need to remember not to laugh at my own jokes."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Event: Beach Walk
Outfit: Link
Tag: Marselia Urstalis Marselia Urstalis
The K’paur turned when he heard his name being called, snapping him out wherever his thoughts had taken him. Despite wearing his shades, there was no missing the raise of his eyebrows as he finally laid eyes on his date in the flesh.

Well Hayes, you hit a damn jackpot.

Marselia.” His lips quirked into a bright smile, taking a moment to prop his sunglasses up atop of his head. Blue eyes meeting grey as he looked down at the redhead. “Nope, haven’t been waiting too long.

Not that the K’paur would’ve mind, the wait would have definitely been worth it.

His eyes practically drank her up, from the vibrant red hair to the green flowery two-piece. The Morellian knew just what to wear to grab everyone’s attention. And she damn well had every part of Alex’s.

I must say, the pictures do not do you justice.” The K’paur had more words at the tip of his tongue, but he stopped himself from speaking them. Realising at the last moment just how corny it would sound.

Had to make a good first impression after all.

Although, it did make Alex think about how his younger self would’ve reacted to this. That awkward teenager who stumbled over his words when faced with a pretty girl. It seemed going through military boot camp, and experiencing one or two near death encounters did wonders to one's confidence.
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Marselia Urstalis

you don't really want a problem, boy, nah

Strollin' in the Sand

Now: A walk on the beach
Later: Everything else~
Outfit: A flowery two-piece and a long beach cardigan
Tag: Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes
There was somethin’ to be said for not seeing the whole package up front; a picture was worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. She knew how to dress, and she knew what it did, but she wasn’t no peacock; if she was, she’d have bared skin on her profile. By the same token, neither had he, and it’d turned out there was more than his face that was damn easy to look at, scars and all. He invested time in his body. One corner of her lips curled.

And ‘A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed',” she poked her tongue out, “Jedi humour? No?” It wasn’t really in the usual contexts, more of a guiding precept, but it could take on other meanings; she then began making tracks, backward at first, kind of beckoning, “C’mon, the way a body moves puts it all to shame.

Hers and his. Lia turned around, then, and started moseying down the beach, that long sweater swaying behind her. She didn’t have to wonder if he’d follow… whether it was right away or not.

An’ please, you can call me Lia,” she threw a glance over her shoulder, “if you like.

She wasn’t fussed either way, but preferences painted a bit of the picture.
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Tags: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow


Phobos was quite bad with technology. She was unsure of why. Nothing seemed to indicate that her confusing inception had kept her seperate from such things. Nobody had to explain to her what a holocommunicator or a data pad were, she sort of just... knew. That, of course, didn't stop her from being terrible at using the things anyways. When she managed to navigate her way back to Zinder, all she had recieved was... a picture?

Oh, that was where she was supposed to be. It was a bit further from the water than the main event, but she figured that was likely for the better. She'd just be tempted to go in the ocean and lose her connection to the Force. Phobos figured she'd much rather avoid that.

It wasn't long before she did find the fellow she was supposed to be meeting, a green man with a plant like quality about him. It certainly may have seemed concerning to most that a flame and a plant be matched, but the flames that made up Phobos's hair weren't really flames at all. It simply appeared to be fire, instead indicative of her life force. The substance actually seemed to have healing properties, which Phobos had used to help rejuvenate Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti whilst stuck in the rain. Phobos rather awkwardly made her way up to the man, giving an apologetic bow.

"Sorry for the delay," Phobos greeted. "I'm quite terrible with technology. Phobos. You... are Jack, correct?"

He certainly looked like what the app had shown him.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Scarif
Objective: Enjoy the day!
Wearing: Just a nice mint green polo (with gold trim) and dark board shorts with flip-flops; carrying a backpack full of goodies for a picnic

"Ah... yeah! Nice to meet you, Phobos Phobos ," he grinned, eyes sparkling as he took her hand gently in his. "Yes, I'm Jack. You mentioned not wanting to go into the water, but I hope you don't mind spending time along the shoreline?" He was trying not to stare, but he had thought the disconnected neck was a clever photo manipulation. But no, that was what she looked like!

"How are you feeling?" Oh boy, small talk! "Er... I mean, are you wanting to spend time close to the water? We can head inland a bit, if you would prefer; I think the event organizer mentioned that the boundaries here are present but fairly loose, so..." He nodded his head towards the trees and more overgrown area behind them. "I'm good to go wherever you'd like, I want to be mindful of the..." He gestured to her a little. "You... you had said something about avoiding the water, so. I don't want to assume..."


Event: Beach Walk
Outfit: Link
Tag: Marselia Urstalis Marselia Urstalis
Hmm, can’t say I’ve heard that one before,” he chuckled. Not that Jedi humour was something he heard a lot of the time. Alex’s interactions with Jedi had been either those he worked with, or those that had kicked his arse during a bit of friendly sparring.

Marselia’s line about one’s body brought a small smirk to the K’paur’s face. “Oh, I bet it does.

Alex’s eyes lingered as he watched her begin to walk away. Not an ounce of shame in the K’paur, but all the interest. And as tempting as the view was, it would make for an awful date if he constantly lagged behind.

With a few quick strides Alex was at her side. “Lia it is then,” he replied with a smile. The K’paur said nothing for several moments, just simply enjoying the scenery around them.

The crashing of the waves, the chatter of other people, the first musical act kicking off the concert. And of course, the alluring smell of freshly cooked food.

So Lia, I'm curious, what got you to make a profile on Zinder?

Tags: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow


"Oh, no this is just fine," Phobos insisted with a bit of an awkward laugh. "I'm not too worried about water, honestly. It's just... well, the... the flame...-Yeah, we'll call it that- The flame on my head is my teather to the Force. I'm... rather lost without it. Losing it won't harm me any further, and it isn’t a fire hazard should you be curious about that."

She'd much rather not lose that connection if she could avoid doing so. It had been a rather terrifying experience the first time it had occured. Phobos didn't even entirely know what had made her jump in the water to begin with. Perhaps it was some sort of primal instinct... It hurt so much to be drawn to something that made her so weak.

Alas, there was little that she could do about the issue.

"I'm flexible in any case," she told her companion for the day. "I have no present draw towards a particular location, so I'll leave the decision to your judgement."

Phobos was hardly any good at being decisive anyways.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Scarif
Objective: Enjoy the day!
Wearing: Just a nice mint green polo (with gold trim) and dark board shorts with flip-flops; carrying a backpack full of goodies for a picnic

"Well, I'm good to just walk along the beach for now! If it's getting oppressively hot, or if you're wanting a change of scenery, we could go inland a bit." He didn't spend enough time in the sand... it was nice. "Why don't we just sort of... meander in this direction?" he gestured down the beach, away from the immediate crowds. "And then sort of meander back?"

Shifting his backpack a bit, he gave her a warm smile and started a slow but comfortable pace along the dunes, the sand crunching softly beneath his flip flops and the water crashing quietly a few hundred meters to their left. The cries of birds and animals added to that soundscape and lent it an air of not-quite-true-wilderness, but that was fine with him. This was the sweet spot he enjoyed most of all.

It was warm today, and pleasantly so, and for the first few minutes he just found himself enjoying the great outdoors. The salty breeze wafted past, and he looked towards Phobos Phobos again. "So, I guess I can start. My name's Jack Sandrow; I'm a Vinithi - or rather, a version of one - and I am very connected to nature as a result." He produced a small blossom in his palm, holding it there for a moment, before letting the petals and stem sink back into his skin and melt away. "I... sometimes forget about the passage of time, and can end up losing a few years without realizing it. And my favorite food is steak." There; name, fun fact, and favorite dish. That was a good ice breaker, yes?

"How about you? I know your first name is Phobos, but... is that your whole name? Sort of like a Tefka or a Vader?"



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Beach

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

"It is indeed an action, and no worries about a fight.. Can't say I am hungry anyway."

An interesting fellow to be sure...

"As much as it would kill time and give at least myself plenty to discuss, perhaps today isn't a correct one to speak on our differences and orders. What I am curious about is that injury, and why you would come to this over staying at home and healing? I suppose places like this are healing in a mental way to some people, but maybe it is just me who prefers a cozy and dark corner?"

Perhaps this whole socializing thing wasn't too annoying?

"Ah, speaking of cozy corners... Did you know that I sleep like a bat?"

The woman lets out a half hearted giggle, starting to show a warmer side to an otherwise cold creature.


Tags: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow


Phobos gave a nod to the notion of walking. She ultimately didn't mind. It's not like she had muscles to atrophy, as strange as it was to her. The Ashspawn could walk and not have to worry about taking a break. It gave her more time to talk anyways. And almost immediately the topic was something she didn't really have an answer for. A soft sigh escaped her as she pondered on a possible response.

"Well... I'm not entirely certain," Phobos admitted. "As far as I'm aware I'm just a 'Phobos.' If I do have any familial ties, they allude me."

Phobos gave a bit of an awkward laugh.

"If whatever I am can be concieved of by a family," she added. "I am aware that I'm admittedly rather odd."

She took note of how Jack seemed to grow forth a flower from his bare hand, no doubt a result of his floral biology. Losing time was, if anything, relatable, though Phobos didn't know if she experienced exactly what he was stating. It was more so that one day she seemed to just... wake up. Who knew what lie before that day. The Ashspawn crouched down, examining a withered flower in the sand.

Phobos grabbed some of the green flames from her head, bringing it down to the plant. In an instant it seemed to rejuvenate, releasing seed pods as the wind picked up.

"I wonder why it grew so far from the good soil inland," Phobos pondered as she stood up, turning back to Sandrow. "Oh, uh, I think I forgot one of the icebreaker suggestions. It was..."

Favorite food. That was definitely out of the question. Her cheeks, already a dark grey, seemed to become even darker.


"We can always talk about our differences on another day, that's true."

Did that mean they'd spend time together again? Who knows. Maybe he was thinking far too into it but that wasn't important for now as he sipped at his drink, before taking a moment to answer.

"It's nothing major. Just went up against a bounty hunter. Trying to save bacta for the people who need it because of the war and everything. If I didn't come out here, I'd probably still be working on treating others. Running myself ragged and tired. In a way, I guess you could say this is...self care for me. I will say though, a dark and cozy corner is always a nice place to read in."

Shan broke out into a grin at that, before blinking at Adeline's bat comment, breaking out into a chuckle before letting out a small hiss of pain as he pressed his hand against his side.

"Hey! You made me laugh on purpose...Though I'm not sure if you're being serious. Maybe if I...hang around you, I'll find out."

Okay. His humour wasn't great. But Shan was just trying to play along with the jokes. He enjoyed it at the end of the day. A chance to relax.

"Plus if we meet up again, we can plan for it to be a place we'll both enjoy being at. The beach is great and all but the heat isn't fun. Plus I can't enjoy the water right now."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Scarif
Objective: Enjoy the day!
Wearing: Just a nice mint green polo (with gold trim) and dark board shorts with flip-flops; carrying a backpack full of goodies for a picnic

Jack quirked a smile at her admission. "Well... I suppose that makes us misfits two of a kind, then." He paused as she leant down to revive a flower, and his eyes widened a bit in surprise and genuine admiration at Phobos Phobos ' gentle act. He let out a low appreciative whistle as the seed pods took to the air, renewed for their purpose by her life force - or perhaps, just her version of the Force at that.

"Well... plants love to grow, to seek new life... This one must have been a bit unlucky." He dug his flip-flop into the sand a bit, kicking some sand away. "Actually, the dunes need plant life for stability; it keeps them from eroding too quickly. If they all died, the sand would just wash away into the water, and then we wouldn't have this microecosystem right here between the shore and the forest."

His brows rose as she dismissed the last icebreaker question, and he gave her a slight grin. "What? Your favorite food?" He was about to gently pester a bit, but he caught himself. "Here, I'll make you a deal - you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but then you do have to enjoy what I've packed for a picnic," he teased.



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Beach

Tag | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

"It's true, that is how I sleep... When I do sleep that is. I don't need to rest very often, but when I do I tend to be picky."

A run in with a bounty hunter, reminded her of the past a little.

"Knowing how things work, that hunter was just the paid hand of some cooperation that didn't enjoy you messing with their bacta profits."

Reality was such a disgusting thing..

"Hm? I can't say I was trying to force a laugh out of you, just sharing some 'tid bits' of information."

It would seem that she didn't get the joke he made either.

"I am unsure you would want to meet me again, I tend to get into interesting situations to put it lightly."

"Huh. I don't sleep much either. Though that's because I'm constantly working. The whole "I can sleep when I'm dead" kind of mindset. Healing people, teaching my Padawan, studying myself still. So probably different reasons for the pair of us."

Though Shan shook his head when Adeline said that the hunter was after him because of something to do with Bacta, a small chuckle coming out of his mouth at that.

"No. No. It's because the Dark Empire has put a bounty on Jedi. And I was the "lucky" one to have been targeted by him. Was not a fun situation if I do say so myself."

He took a moment to debate whether or not that Adeline had a point. He definitely did want a more peaceful life right now...but at the same time, he had to speak with his actions instead of his words if he wanted to prove that he accepted her, right?

"I also get into interesting situations sometimes Adeline. And I obviously can't speak for you, but I'm...enjoying our time together. I'd like more of it at the very least."

Was this his way of asking for a second date? Well who knows. All Shan knew that he was enjoying the discussions between the pair.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Marselia Urstalis

you don't really want a problem, boy, nah

Strollin' in the Sand

Now: A walk on the beach
Later: Everything else~
Outfit: A flowery two-piece and a long beach cardigan
Tag: Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes
When Alex strode to catch up, her eyes followed him as he came up beside her. Lia simply smiled, and returned her eyes ahead. A brief silence ensued.

She didn’t feel an unnecessary need to talk or any nervous compulsion to fill the silence; as they meandered along the beach, she enjoyed the warmth of the location, the smell of the ocean and the sound of it lapping at the beach, the scent of fresh grub, the din of activity, conversation from other attendees to the festival, and still more that were arriving.

Good. She liked an active locale. Ending up somewhere bleak and deafeningly silent was always the hardest, for a few reasons. At least on her ship she had the hum of its systems, the company of her droid - who had stayed behind to keep an eye on said ship - and a reasonable mix of entertainment and self-improvement to keep her mind fulfilled and sharp.

So Lia, I'm curious, what got you to make a profile on Zinder?

Lia skirted a glance up at him, “Well…” she drawled out, “...I travel a lot.” Her head turned forward again. “Doesn’t have me spending long swaths of time planetside, usually, an’ gives me little opportunity to get to know people for much more than a lil’ fun.” She shrugged, shoulders rising and falling slow. “Least this way, I figure I can improve my chances at finding more enjoyable company that I might want to keep on my radar a bit longer… or at least do the groundwork in advance.

Lia looked a mite smug for a brief moment, then looked up at him again, sporting the start of a grin; she might have downloaded Zinder on a whim, but she’d had time to think over the benefits, since.

Turnabout is fair play - what put you on Zinder for me to swipe, Alex?

Tags: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow


"Here, I'll make you a deal - you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but then you do have to enjoy what I've packed for a picnic,"

"Well I..." Phobos began, turning her head away slightly. "Th-that was a very considerate thing for you to bring, but I... I don't believe I'll actually be capable of eating what you brought."

This was getting worse by the moment. It probably didn't help that Phobos really didn't know how to handle teasing. Regardless of such things, if any kind of food that the standard organic lifeform used to obtain energy lie in that basket she was more than likely going to be incapable of consuming it, let alone tasting and enjoying it. These were simply the woes of being... whatever she was. Ashspawn, of course, but the young woman was completely unaware of her status as such a thing, let alone what it meant.

She at least knew what she could eat.

"So, uh..."

It couldn't be going worse.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Scarif
Objective: Enjoy the day!
Wearing: Just a nice mint green polo (with gold trim) and dark board shorts with flip-flops; carrying a backpack full of goodies for a picnic

"Well... let's check real quick, hey?" he smiled, getting to a knee and shucking his pack in a smooth motion. He carefully poked through the bottles of water, some assorted meat & veggie sandwiches, and got to the bottom, where his hand gently curled around a few small egg-sized objects.

"Your Zinder bio did say something about enjoying rocks, correct? Now, I will be honest, I was going to do this for a nice joke and callback, but... on the off chance that you were serious, I decided to pack a few extra items."
Gingerly, he pulled out a few precious stones, each one no larger than his thumb, but enough to fill his hand. "I figure that rocks just 'from the ground' are sort of gross, in much the same way that people don't eat grass, they eat vegetables. Other people, anyway." He held out the handful to her, letting her take in the glittering emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. They weren't particularly well-cut gems, but they were certainly precious stones even in uncut form. "Are these more to your liking?"

Phobos Phobos

Tags: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow



Phobos couldn't help but put her hands up to cover her mouth as an unflattering sound escaped it. She certainly hadn't expected that, especially with her having mentioned within her bio that the note about rocks should be deleted. Clearly her understanding of technology was far worse than she anticipated. She gently picked up one of the uncut gems, examining it...

And only seemed to become more embarrassed. It seemed wrong to need to feed on gemstones. That wasn't natural. Yet even so, she gave a flustered dip of her head as a sign of appreciation.

"Th-thank you for the consideration," she finally managed to say. "It is a... strange condition to be bound to for energy, e-even for myself. Something about the matter certainly seems... wrong. I appreciate that you did take the note seriously regardless."

It perhaps even brought her mood up a little.


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