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Public The First Zinder Summer Fest! (Open to All)

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Scarif
Objective: Enjoy the day and the company!
Wearing: Just a nice mint green polo (with gold trim) and dark board shorts with flip-flops; carrying a backpack full of goodies for a picnic (minus a few gemstones)

"Please, it's no concern." He gave her a warm smile, then put the rest of the rocks into the backpack for later. "We can find somewhere sunny if you want, or if you'd prefer a bit more shade to sit down and eat, we can do that too. No need to just scarf it down right here, right now," he chuckled, slipping the backpack back on and getting to his feet. "Where would you like to go from here? And yes, I am making you choose," he grinned.

Was it her presence? Was it due to her warmth of the Force that she was practically glowing? He liked it. He really genuinely liked it. He wanted to know why and how, but... perhaps she didn't know herself? Was that something she was wanting to learn? Maybe... maybe she would want some assistance with that?

Phobos Phobos
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Outfit: Wedding Ring

This felt weird.

Valery looked around at all the single people mingling and felt relieved she had skipped this phase of dating. They were meeting total strangers ans hoped to find a click that could lead to something genuinely romantic. Did it work? She paused to ponder for a moment, then shook her head and moved on again. She wasn't here to learn about the world of dating and she definitely wasn't here to mingle with random people herself.

She was on the hunt.

Once more, someone had signed her up with a catfish account. This year, she was determined to catch whoever did it.

It had to be someone close to her, but who?

Valery sighed and looked around, hoping she could find a lead somehow. But instead, she saw a familiar face sitting at the bar. She hadn't seen Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus since they met up on the beach, and without any ideas to find her target, she decided to make her approach.

"I'll take the same she has." Valery smiled at the bartender, then turned to Lossa with a grin.

"Seems you're my date tonight, hm?"


Event: Beach Walk
Outfit: Link
Tag: Marselia Urstalis Marselia Urstalis
The smallest of smirks etched across Alex’s face, catching Lia’s grin. “I’m not too dissimilar, actually.” He paused for a few moments, debating how much detail to provide. “I travel a lot too, primarily for work. Barely get a few days in my own bed before I’m offworld again.

At the start it had been any and every mission against the Brotherhood of the Maw. Then it just seamlessly rolled into his general duties as part of the GADF.

A close friend; practically a brother, had been nudging me recently about taking some time off. And not ‘going to my usual haunts’ as he put it.” Alex chuckled. “But an actual vacation, wholly disconnected from everything.

‘Course, I had no idea where to even begin.” The K’paur let out a small laugh. “Until one bored evening, I stumbled across the ad for Zinder’s Summer Fest. And I figured, why the hell not?

He had gambled with his life enough times, that throwing some dice towards a dating app was nothing.

If things didn’t work out, I'd have a perfect venue for a little vacation. Though I did hold out some hope of having some enjoyable company.” He looked down at Lia, a grin on his face. “Just so happened I got lucky, and this gorgeous redhead swiped right.

Tags: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow


"Where would you like to go from here? And yes, I am making you choose,"

"Uhhhh, the shade is probably fine," Phobos decided.

Not that it really mattered to her anyways. She was all but immune to the effects of the sun after all. Still, it did at the very least seem pleasant. There was no sense in standing around when shaded seating was right therein reach. All of this was kind of... messy, however. Phobos felt as though she should bring up something else to talk about, yet her brain seemed to be all but failing her. Of course it wouldn't be that simple.

Ice breakers. That's what she needed to remember.

"So... what is it that you do?" she asked as they began to move towards the shaded area. "Th-the day to day, I mean."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Scarif
Objective: Enjoy the day and the company!
Wearing: Just a nice mint green polo (with gold trim) and dark board shorts with flip-flops; carrying a backpack full of goodies for a picnic (minus a few gemstones)

The walk was pleasant; the salty breeze felt invigorating, the warm dunes were soothing underfoot, and Jack was really starting to relax now. "Well, my day to day changes all the time. Some days I'm in my workshop, seeing what newfangled creations I can conjure, or perhaps attempting to crossbreed some plants to make new life. Other days I'm on the ass-end of the galaxy, trying to help a Grand Master infiltrate a temple. Honestly it changes; I don't feel really obligated to sit down anywhere in particular - which is odd for a plant, I know."

The canopy was close, and Jack slowed down a bit, making sure not to outrun Phobos. "I guess the best way to say it is I feel kind of transient at the moment; it's very unlike plants that are rooted in place and never move for their entire life, and yet it's very akin to nature itself, that always changes and folds in on itself..." He eyed her fiery hair, letting a slight smile twitch on his face. "I guess you kind of understand that?"

Phobos Phobos


Location: Scarif
Wearing: Outfit
Accessories: Bracelet, The Purse
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

She was nursing her second drink already, watching the goings on and simply enjoying the ambience. Attention far and away when a familiar voice knocked her from her stupor. Her first glance up to the woman ending with a nod as her eyes swept back over the ocean. Taking a sip like it was just any other day where she would run into-

The cogs started to turn as she choked on her drink.

Slowly turning back to Valery, mouth agape.

"The fet-" Trying to connect non-existent dots to make sense of this. "Big booty hutts?"



Outfit: Wedding Ring

"Not so loud!" Valery exclaimed, much louder than Lossa had been. She squinted at the Zeltron, looked around and let out a sigh of relief when nobody seemed to be turning her way. As expected, people were busy with their own dates or looking around to find one.

She was in the clear.

"The profile isn't mine," Valery finally clarified. "Some time ago, a fake profile was made of me to catfish people. It's not too unexpected that someone would do this, but I have this feeling that it's someone I know." She sat down beside Lossa and sighed.

"I'm hoping to finally catch them." She paused again and looked at Lossa.

"You look nice, by the way. I'm not interrupting a date of yours, am I?"


Marselia Urstalis

you don't really want a problem, boy, nah

Strollin' in the Sand

Now: A walk on the beach
Later: Everything else~
Outfit: A flowery two-piece and a long beach cardigan
Tag: Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes

Luck favours us both,” she laughed, her tone shifting into a tease as she looked at him over the top of her sunglasses, sliding them down her nose a little just to do so, “I hope this ‘gorgeous redhead’ keeps bein’ enjoyable, today.

One slim finger pushed them back into place on the bridge of her nose and she kept moseying on, feeling lightened by this still-short exchange. This was so refreshing, carrying on with no set expectations, and just seeing where the day went.

An’ sounds like you got a good friend there,” she gave a little nod, approving, a little smirk on her lips, “he has my thanks.

Truly. Though she could have been content to soak up her time in this place on her lonesome, good company was nothin’ to shake a stick at. And it was real good, so far, visually and socially. Lia glanced around at the other pairs and individual hopefuls and others just here for a good time, knowing they all had different reasons, and wondering, however briefly, how this would pan out for them.

And of more curiosity, how many of them were driven by their succinct mortality. She didn’t know whether to feel sad for the shortened time they would have, or sad that she could never really know how that felt, to make decisions based on that pittance of a timeline. She was already a little acquainted with what the narrower lifespans of others meant for her. To her.

This might be a strange question to ya,” she prefaced, a corner of her mouth rising as her eyes drew back to Alex, “fun exercise maybe? But if you could live somethin’ on the scale of, oh, forever thereabouts,” Lia cast an arm wide to indicate the Festival around them, her gaze following, “how d’ya think you’d see somethin’ like this?

She’d asked different versions of this same question of her late master, on some different subjects. Lia always felt curious about whether people would see life differently, or whether they believed they’d remain the same, in her shoes. She hadn’t grown alongside people with the same… oh, she wasn’t quite certain she’d call it a problem, when it was somethin’ that couldn’t be helped.

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Event: Beach Walk
Outfit: Link
Tag: Marselia Urstalis Marselia Urstalis
Alex smiled at hearing Lia laugh, immediately making a note to hear it more before the day was done. “Oh, I’ve no doubt you will be.” The grin on the K’paur’s face seemed impossible to move when it came to his date.

The general mood of their surroundings also helped. Here he was, a soldier of the Galactic Alliance without any obligations or missions hovering over his head. Though he supposed he did have one obligation, to ensure they both had the best of time.

At least this ‘mission’ had much more pleasurable company.

The K’paur smiled as Lia talked about Aiden. He owed the man a few drinks when he saw him next, as thanks for inadvertently sending him here.

He caught Lia’s occasional glances, looking around at those they passed or were in viewable distance. If Alex didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn there was a question on the redhead’s mind. Something that was brewing until she finally turned to ask him.

Alex let out a chuckle in response. “Not as strange of a question as you might think.” He looked around at the other people attending the festival, especially those that were with a date. Watching the smiles and all around happiness on display.

If I were of a long-living species, I’d find myself envious of those that aren’t. While it would be shorter in comparison, they’re likely to have a fulfilling life with those they love. To grow old with, to create and raise a kid or two. Then to finally be able to pass on surrounded by family.” There was an almost melancholic tone to Alex’s voice. Of a man who had yet to experience it, but knew it was what awaited him. “The people and places will come and go, but the memories will always remain.

Only for it to be broken a moment later as the K’paur casually shrugged. “Then again, I honestly doubt I’ll live past a typical human lifespan.” Especially not at the way he was whenever he was in a battle. He was a gambler after all, one day his luck would run out.

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