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Approved NPC The Fleetwood Crew

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Fiolette Fortan


  • Intent: To flesh out [SIZE=10pt]Fiolette’s[/SIZE] personal crew and her assistants

  • Image Credit: The Hollowed Artists, Tumblr (unless otherwise noted).
    Caity Lotz (x)
  • Maisie Richardson-Sellers (x)
  • Saqib Saleem, Rediff (x)
  • Freema Agyeman (x)
  • Dominic Purcell (x)
  • Lucas Till (x)
  • Christine Adams (x)
  • Jessica Henwick (x)
  • Frankie Adams, Syfy (x)
  • Cas Anvar, Syfy (x)
  • Adafruit, Blog (x)
  • Ship Image, Reddit (x)
  • [member="Runi Verin"], Primo Victoria Logo (x)

Links: Primo Victoria (x), The Fleetwood (x)


  • Ship Name: The Fleetwood

  • Model: PVFH LR92 (x)

  • Appearance: A long black ship with the Primo Victoria logo (where Star Citizen's Origin would be), a slender/low profile.

  • Crew Size: 11

  • Loyalties: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] (x), Primo Victoria (x)
CREW MEMBER 1: Caity Lotz

  • Name: [SIZE=10pt]Kataryn ‘Kit’ Galeway[/SIZE]

  • Age: 31

  • Species: Human

  • Role: First Officer/Security

  • Description: Sometimes goes by Ryn Galloway, but on most days she goes by Kit. Kit had a long standing career with the First Order Navy but when her mentor and senior officer Fiolette Yvarro left the young officer was encouraged to say. Kit, however; had other ideas and decided instead to follow her mentor and was one of the last to join the crew before they were joined by Raol. Kit, for the most part, is by the books and is evenly tempered, keeps a level head when under pressure and gets along with most everyone, even Sven. Rae is her girlfriend and the two have only just started their relationship but were colleagues in the Navy before going civilian.
CREW MEMBER 2: Maisie Richardson-Sellers

  • Name: Raleigh ‘Rae’ Montague

  • Age: 30

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Second Officer/Comms

  • Description: Rae was first spotted by Fiolette in the Navy, Rae, in fact, was the big source of what would be the Imperial Mark II project for the First Order. Fiolette called it the Montague Refit Programme, and when she left - Rae eventually followed suit even if both Fio and Kit insisted that she stay. Rae was never any good at listening and decided to stick it out with the other two. She only really butt heads with Ao, but the two do their best to work out their differences the two sassmasters are very competitive and mostly with each other.
CREW MEMBER 3: Saqib Saleem

  • Name: Nasir Farrah

  • Age: 24

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Flight Ops, Nav, and Logistics

  • Description: Farrah is never far from Forward Ops and most on the boat think he lives there. Farrah generally keeps to himself and was only an ensign when he made the choice to ditch the First Order in favor of the small family he felt that he forged with Fio, Kit, and Rae. A wicked fast learner Farrah enjoys a challenge and is often seen trying to get Ao to teach him new things. His favorite person is probably Shed but Shed generally doesn't pay him any mind not that it stops Farrah from hanging around him.
CREW MEMBER 4: Freema Agyeman

  • Name: [SIZE=10pt]Aovia[/SIZE] Holloway

  • Age: 32

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Bartender, Counselor, Diplomat, and First Responder

  • Description: Aovia or Ao as she's often called, is a no-nonsense type and is pretty straight to the point. Ao never minces words and generally means what she says, she grew up on Nar Shaddaa and figured out self-defense pretty quick. She also learned first aid and how to be a medic (not the best, but it works) she and Rae often butt heads. If only because they have a different way of explaining things and going about certain tasks that the other just happens to see as wrong. Ao is close to Shed and scuttlebutt is the two are quite close. Ao is the first to shoot this rumor down - but it still flows around now and again.
CREW MEMBER 5: Dominic Purcell

  • Name: Shed Donnager

  • Age: 44

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Chef/Cook, Fire Control, [SIZE=10pt]and[/SIZE] Scientist

  • Description: Shed generally regards most on the boat as children and with good reason, most of their squabbles are childish. He used to be a sergeant back in the Republic days but when that was done he decided on cooking. He keeps the ship's organic crew fed and even tends to Dansen here and now, quiet and doesn't say a whole lot but when he does speak it's normally not a good reason. Often he'll keep in conversation with Ao who he knew from before the Fleetwood and outside of that doesn't engage with others and keeps to himself. Unless Farrah's around or Petrovsky and then he's hoping for a bullet between the eyes.
CREW MEMBER 6: Adafruit Protocol Droid Image

  • Name: Dansen vom Autieg

  • Age: 12

  • Species: Protocol Droid

  • Role: Personal Assistant, Yeoman, and General Aid

  • Description: Dansen does a lot of little tasks around the ship and always keeps busy. Typically he's either with Fiolette or Dr. Rashad as her assistant, and when he's not there he's up on the Forward Operations and doing a quick analysis. Dansen was activated about twelve years ago some of them suspect he came from either the One Sith or the empire before it. His memory banks are wiped beyond this leaving some on the ship to suspect that he's been around the galaxy a lot longer than he's let on. A rather calm personality, Dansen is often the one to mitigate disagreements and now with Raol aboard he has someone who can understand his needs... Well, as much as an organic can understand a non-organic's needs.
CREW MEMBER 7: Lucas Till

  • Name: Sven Petrovsky

  • Age: 22

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Personal Assistant, Research, and Development

  • Description: Sven or simply; PETROVSKY! His name is yelled throughout the Fleetwood and often by Fiolette, he was hired on as her personal assistant. He manages her schedule, appointments, dietary needs and helps arrange just about everything. His perfectionist type-A personality combined with his overly cheerful demeanor (and his literal way of thinking) has made him the butt of many jokes aboard the ship. Often regarded as the Pet, Petrovsky is determined to help Fiolette be her very best even if it costs him his reputation with those aboard the Fleetwood. (He is the Gary to her Selina Meyer.)
CREW MEMBER 8: Christine Adams

  • Name: Tala Rashad

  • Age: 48

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Medical, Science, [SIZE=10pt]and[/SIZE] Bioengineering

  • Description: A former First Order physician, Dr. Rashad was one of the first to leave the First Order after Fiolette resigned. Tala helps to maintain everyone's health and dietary needs (this means giving Shed everyone's do's and don'ts for meal time) in addition Fio has asked Tala to help with something else. Cybernetic enhancements, from ocular implants to bone weave, whatever it is Fiolette desires Tala then researches, develops and then ultimately installs them for Fio. As far as ship relations, most do their best not to argue with her. Tala doesn't need to raise her voice, no, she simply raises a brow and you know exactly what you're in for. She is often the one who pulls Petrovsky aside and works with him, helping him as much as possible to integrate with the crew as he often misses most normal social cues.

CREW MEMBER 9: Jessica Henwick

  • Name: Vie Thijssen

  • Age: 28

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Engineer, Auxiliary Controls

  • Description: Vie grew up in the Core with Kaffers (Kaffaryn) the two Corellians managed their own repair shop for awhile and then it all went to the Netherworld. And ever since they'd been looking for steady work and it was thanks to Shed that they got to work aboard the Fleetwood. Vie for her part works with subsystems and auxiliary controls she and Kaffers often regard each other as sisters from another mister. Inseparable and often seen together, the two talk over beers, about boys and ships.

CREW MEMBER 10: Frankie Adams

  • Name: Kaffaryn Anadyr

  • Age: 26

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Engineer, Damage Control

  • Description: Kaffers is the typical nickname and one given to her by Vie. The two girls worked in Coronet before the big Cataclysm, Kaffers is the louder of the two girls and has been to none to shoot from the hip. Both verbally and physically with her trusty pistol, Sparky. She and Vie refuse to leave each other's sides, best friends till the end the two have been heard saying. Kaffers and Vie get on with just about everyone on the ship, except Farrah and Petrovsky or Rah-Rah and Pet-Pet as the girls call them. This is regarded as typical sibling behavior by both Dr. Tala and Fiolette herself.

CREW MEMBER 11: Cas Anvar

  • Name: Raol Btedan

  • Age: 36

  • Species: Human

  • Role: Flight Control, Droid Technician, and Slicer

  • Description: Raol is a recent addition but one that was sorely needed, first they needed a pilot and second they needed someone to help care for Dansen. And they found it in Raol who is also a slicer. The man was a former Republic soldier who recalled Shed and Ao from back in the day and when he was finally out of a job (thanks to the Silver Jedi moving) he called his old pals up. The two got him connected with Fio who hired him on immediately thus far everyone seems nice and get along fine but then they all just started working together a little over six maybe eight months ago. Raol and Tala don't see eye to eye on a few issues, but it seems to be quite often that former First Order members and the former Galactic Republic members have disagreements with one another.
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]

Nice looking crew!

Loyalties: Fiolette Yvarro, Primo Victoria (x)
Please include a link to the character here as well.

One clarification- you have two droids as crew- are these a particular model of protocol droid? And do you intend for them to function in anything other than standard for that general class of droid? If the answer to both is no, that is 100% fine and I can stamp this. If the answer is yes, then I just need that linked.

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Irajah Ven"]

Oops, meant for one of those to be human, so update; 1 Protocol Droid. And no, he's a standard Protocol Droid no bells or whistles!

Also updated to include a link to the character/character biography.
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