Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Full Reach of Law (GA Dominion of Atrisia Hex)

I am a son of the Mountain.
Malakai's master had finally pulled himself from the abyss of the dark side, returning to them to issue commands once more. When he spoke to his apprentices Malakai simply nodded, turning back to his control panel as he activated the ground map. He immediately opened the comm channel the Sith had been given before the battle began.

Before he could speak into it, [member="Dravis Rosilla"] approached the group, causing the Sith to close out his comm channel. He spoke to the Bith while looking over the world map once more. "Where are your counterparts? The other apprentices to your lord, you need to contact them, tell them to return to the palace. "
Allies: [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
Enemies: [member="Jagger Fuga"] | [member="Maizono"] | [member="Suravi Teigra"]

Sable Squadron launched from the hangar of one of [member="Zaren Bouqi"]'s vessels and made a beeline for the newly designated hostiles. The Stealth X-wings flew like wraiths, invisible to scanners and all but ghosts to the naked eye.

Ryan Korr sat in the cockpit of Sable Lead and struggled to control his mounting wroth.

The squadron flew silent, no comms to give away positioning. The orders were quite clear. Target the Republic flagship and end it.

R9, Ryan's astromech, obtained a firing solution on the bridge of the Anaxes and fed it to Korr's HUD. His thumb hovered over the trigger.

They refused even our hails. No words to speak save the rasp of the knife as it plunged into our back. Once Zaren and I served with these men and women and called them friend.

He squeezed. Two shadowbombs dropped from the bomb bay, each capable of ripping a corvette in half. He guided them through the force straight for the Anaxes' bridge.

War makes monsters of us all.

Eleven more Stealth Xs followed suit.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder

[member="Darth Mephirium"]

Lightning strikes our shuttle and we flame out toward the ground.

I hear a sound like a maglev train, then the shuttle impacts. I'm thrown forward against the crashing webbing and snap back. The back of my head smacks into the bulkhead, but my helmet saves me from a skull fracture. Slightly dazed, but better off than most, I notice we are no longer moving. A smack of my palm undoes the crash webbing and I get to my feet.

The others are slowly coming around. About fifty Space Ops Marines when we started. Maybe a few less now. Some of the Team aren't moving. I check the unit vitals in my armor's HUD. Two are offline. The pilots. The others are just dazed; the disadvantage of not donating your shattered body to military science.

"Dallows, what happened?"

My LT turns around and we stare into each others' red visors. He puts a hand on my shoulder and I notice he is using my weight to steady himself.

"Crashed, Thule. Crashed into the Palace itself. They'll be waiting. Time to get out and do what we came for."

His calm is deceptive. We didn't actually come here to do anything except survive. We assumed we stood a better chance against anything on the ground than that nightmare in space.

The back hatch opens and we clamber out of the battered Orbalisk shuttle. The skies are choked black with ash fall and I can see a titanic being standing in the distance, glowing orange. It must be kilometers away, but I swear I can feel its footsteps shake the ground. A roar reverberates through the afflicted clouds, curdling my blood.

We assumed wrong.
Cuvacia System
Allies: [member="Jagger Fuga"], [member="Maizono"], [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Foes: [member="Zaren Bouqi"], [member="Ryan Korr"]
Post: [02/20]

Having long since dealt with the boarding issue back on the Chimaera, Marcus and the rest of his tiny contingent of men had been transferred from the now crippled vessel and back into the second task force. It was an extremely fast process, with the mercenaries and their accompanying elite troops managing to slip onto the other vessel in seconds thanks to the technology of the force cylinder. Magnificent, it was. But anyways, back to the matters at hand.

"Feth." Jonas groaned as he clasped his leg. "This is the last time I am helping you with your starship crap. I'm going home to Bekka after this and drowning myself in some Corellian brew." The man grunted. Beneath his hand sat a bloodied field dressing that barely covered a fist-sized blaster scorch mark. The flesh had been charred and it stunk to high heavens, yet the man insisted on coming on this next mission. Marcus hoped he would even be able to stand.

"Can you even walk?" Marcus inquired, lofting a brow from behind his visor.

"Frak yeah I can, even if I don't have steel bones like you do."

"Alright. Just don't drag us down."

"Marcus, got orders from the top. Go ahead and make your approach." Miranda reported. "I'm assuming you'll want a nice and breezy ride in? If so, then you're out of luck."

"Chit. Just tell those flyboys to get us there safely and there'll be a fat stack waiting for them when they get home."

And with that, their little strike force jettisoned past the Dominion's fleet, arcing out in a wide angle to give the fleets enough room to duke it out while they approached from another vector. It was just Marcus, Miranda, and their mercenaries against the galaxy, it seemed.

Strike Force:
3 x Katarn-class Boarding shuttles | Orders: Board Republic flagship.
24 x Callan-class Fighters | Orders: Keep everyone else alive.
10 x GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats | Orders: Keep the boarding ships alive; nuke things.
Post 9

Mandalorians hit the ground in droves. The Drahr could have carried forty thousand if it had its full complement alone, not even including the forces and ground support its Troopships could have loaded. However, it was not fully loaded with its complement. Somethings had been passed over in haste, the need for rapid deployment had resulted in many more Basilisks and not near as many tanks. Those lost in the fall numbered in the hundreds, but they were still coming. Such was the nature of war.

The old starfighters sent by Tarok were up against a swarm of Basilisk War Droids, Rekali-class Space Superiority Fighters, and Shaadlar-type Troopships. Rekali's were notably fitted with Retribution Shields, known for their feedback array that lashed out at those that assaulted them and beskar armor. They were fast, agile, and tough, and being used to provide close air support to the Mandalorian forces, running protection for the Shaadlar-type troopships using their Turbolasers and point defense weapons to provide heavy weapons support to the Basilisk droids and Mandalorian jump infantry.

"Clan Vereen responding Taryc." Draco muttered over the unit comlink. He could hear Mandalorians beginning to engage in groups already, and he could hear and see explosions. The ground rumbled and roiled beneath Gar'calyr, the Basilisk he straddled. He whistled to a handful of warriors and nudged the beast in the direction of the young-blood on the ground. "Volgrim, rally up and burn them all. Unleash the Cult and make sure they get their time to do their thing." Draco was tired and angry, he had lost friends already on this planet and the Sith had unleashed all nine hells onto their own world. It was time to just end this battle.

The massive warrior's face was covered and in Trakar'gam he had no presence in the Force Draco could detect, but the warlord could see the surprise in his body language. It wasn't like Draco to make such a declaration so early in a battle. Normally he tried to restrain the Eaters of the Dead, keep them in check. Instead, he was unleashing their full fury from planet-fall. "As you wish Shukalar." The Jarl's voice was full of uneasiness, full of disappointment.

Sklor on the other hand roared at the top of his lungs, channeling the Force into an eerie green aura around himself and two dozen shamans of species akin to Wookiees, Rishii, Yuzzem, Barabels, cut their wrists, bleeding into the Firrerro's mouth, dripping viscus fluid over the massive beast of a man. Ancient Runes formed from the blood on his body, and the shamans marked themselves with Sith runes of power. And so it began. Slowly, but it began. With all the death and suffering, the Eaters of the Dead weren't weakened or distracted, but eager to add their own unique brand of killing into the mix. The Dark Shamans chanted in a chorus at Sklor's direction, echoing the chant and spells he roared in a low whisper, growing in volume and speed, building towards a crescendo.

Draco dictated a message over the comlink and groaned. She was upset, and she was having herself a tantrum over text. He wasn't helping exactly, but he had more important things to think about than some Fething socks on the floor. They lived in a damn palace and had dozens of servant droids that existed solely to make sure their wasn't a mess. Why the hell would he worry about a single pair of socks when he was rushing to go fight?

//To: [member="Faith Organa"]
I'll hire a gamorrean if I have to. Hell, a Zeltron might make the place smell nice.

Don't you step foot on this planet. I swear to the Force I will strangle Lindsey if he lets you on this planet.

[member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] [member="Darth Mephirium"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Tarok"]
As the whole of Atrisia went into the Abyss, Ria knew it was time to go. "Feth," she muttered when no reply was given from [member="Ajira Cardei"]. The young slicer managed her way across Nuyen City's rooftops looking to locate the nearest spaceport. Locking onto the comlink ping she rerouted an audio sensor to a little ear piece she had managed off some corporate spook a few nights ago. "C'mon, c'mon," she muttered to herself as she knelt down behind a rooftop access door. Taking out her tablet she secured the link, "hey anyone out there? Lady Cardei? It's Ria with the Outback," the signal was choppy, fuzzy at best, "where are you? You on the same boat you had on Hoth? By the way tell your lady friend I'm sorry, I couldn't resist the pillow, also-" chit.

Signal cut out, and Ria worked to tap back into another tower. Things were going down fast and she knew now she had to find transportation off world somehow. The nearest speeder tram to spaceport was still quite the ways away. Managing her way back down, "must go down to go up," she said to herself, still trying to keep a lock on the signal. Seeing an array of police droids she tucked back into another direction when she noticed more droids. "Kark..."
As the channel opened and Admiral [member="Sieb Tevv"] made himself known to the God-King, Prazutis crossed his hands over his lap and spoke aloud his voice deep and commanding "Admiral Tevv. What unfolded on Atrisia was entirely unexpected but I can openly confirm the permanent deaths of at least three Sith Lords, if you can reach a monitor i'll display them." Prazutis said punching a number of keys to transmit surveillance images of Mythos, Nulgath, and Praetorias respectively. "These three were part of the group at that meeting all of which are deceased. There were some other late additions to the party, but we've got information on all of them." Prazutis added. The Zambranos always kept meticulous records especially with their pull from the falling One Sith as dark councilors, they'd exported all of the server drives not to mention having their own private files. The gathering of Sith Lords who joined this "brotherhood" were all threats, potential rivals.

Three of them at least were scythed down but it didn't mean he wasn't going to drag their names through the mud along with getting the Galactic Alliance hot on the trails of those who lived. "As for our agreement, Rancor Station was destroyed in the storms, but not every Sith Lord who participated in that ritual fell. I've decided that I'm going to give you the files promised Admiral Tevv. But let me ask you, Admiral Tevv, are you ready to review these files? You may not like what you find in the crimes of these Sith Lords."

Sieb Tevv

[member="Darth Prazutis"]

"No one likes to stand and stare into the face of evil, Darth, but someone has to. I regret that you were unable to retrieve the station, but appreciate your cooperation."

One small step in the right direction, but not an atonement by any measure.

"Please, relay the files." He turned to an aide. "Send copies to Commodores [member="Zark"] and [member="Vilin"] as well. They'll need to know who we are dealing with."

The transport appeared at the perfect moment. The droid at the helm was someone she instantly recognized and smiled. This meant that they were in good hands. She helped the other woman into the shuttle, but as they loaded, Spencer felt the force ripping apart above them. A Force storm brewed violently and uncontrolled, if they took off it would be already hard to get through the storm and any barricades that would be up from the planet and the military forces. Spencer contemplated her choices, she could remain on the transport with Ajira and break the storm enough for them to pass. The question remained about the others that were left on the planet, what would happen to them? Once Ajira was in the transport Spencer paused as she had a foot in. Looking up towards the sky she sighed and cursed her morals. Hazel eyes fell on Ajira as a half smirk spread across her face.

“You know I can’t pass this up…” Pausing she shrugged her shoulders, “It's been awhile since I played in a storm...and my master would be so disappointed with me if I let this.” The blonde leaned inside the transport far enough to give Ajira that cheshire Spencer grin while a single finger, tapped softly on the tip of Ajira’s nose. “Boop” Spencer leaned back out of the transport and jumped off. “Ah you stay safe Ms. Cardei - I’ll have to reschedule our dinner plans.” Looking towards the HK unit she remembered fondly from her youth, “Fly straight through the center - I’ll give you an opening. Don’t stray, stay down the middle and get the feth off this planet” Patting the machine, Spencer turned her back, but looked over her shoulder once more as she fought the urge to show her affections towards the woman who in this lifetime and in every which way was her soul mate. A wink and the door shut, separating them once more.

A voice echoed on the comm Spencer had picked up from Ajira. “Ria, get your mud covered bottom to the shelters. I’ll be there to pick you up.” Silence came after for the street rat as Spencer needed it to focus on the task at hand. Her nose twitched as she counted the small rifts that were created from the storms uncontrolled fury. “Not good.” Taking a deep breath she focused her mind while the winds picked up around her, the force flowed freely through her body, she was created by it and now she utilized it. Focusing on the storm and watching as the force tendrils that made it up whipped, reaching out through the force, she grasped it and with every ounce of strength in her she began to force it to separate.

The winds shifted gears, blowing against each other as if they were two magnates wanting to get away. Down the middle of the force storm another brewed, but unlike the one previous - this one had control and was being bent and twisted to beat against the other. The new storm pressed two the two ends as the original storm split like the sea. Spencer could feel her body straining under the effort it was taking. She wouldn’t be able to hold her own against the powerful storm for too long, but it would be enough for some ships if they were careful to make their way through the storm.

To get to safety.

[member="Ria Misrani"] [member="Ajira Cardei"] [member="HK-36"]

There's a break in the storm down the center for those shuttles etc trying to escape, its very narrow so fly safe!
"As you wish Admiral." Prazutis said and with the push of a button sent the files of every Sith Lord House Zambrano knew through who Prazutis saw there, and whose presence he felt on Atrisia in one big file. There were various intelligence reports on the numerous atrocities committed by the gathered group as well as speculative targets in the sector. if the One Sith had files on the gathered Sith they surely were brought when its intelligence sphere left before its collapse, so these files were combed and picked through to carefully craft the reports sought by the Admiral. There was also a mention of the AI [member="Ultimatum"] and [member="Darth Erebos"] in the files but it mentioned their positions as Lord of Mustafar, King of Shawken, and a potential bargain struck to work with the now dead King of Atrisia.

There was a highly detailed file included however of a manuscript of the meeting where Mythos detailed his plans to oppress and evict the government of Bendali, to drain the planet dry of resources and the construction of a massive military base.

[member="Sieb Tevv"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="HK-36"] [member="Ria Misrani"] [member="Spencer Varanin"]
These moments required her to say something, anything. Tell Misrani she'd be all right, that Spencer was coming for her. Tell Spencer she loved her. Tell HK thank-you, or tell him she was Ashin Varanin and that he'd called himself her family once upon a time. Tell the distant Sith that she could still break them from here. Tell the galaxy that she wasn't obsolete, wasn't dead.

"I'll stay on the line with you until the Queen gets to you, Misrani," she said into the comm. She wedged the link between her shoulder and cheek as she did up the straps on one of the seats. HK's stealth ship was a familiar model, extremely rare: Velok had flown one. Ashin Varanin would have used it to wreck or interrupt some of the violence around them. Ajira Cardei, beneath the unforgetting eyes of droids and cameras, would take the first plane to safety and not look back. She'd faced conflict between her two identities before, but never this badly. Her old, vicious grudge against the Sith demanded that she get out there, secret identity be damned, and kill these people permanently. Her life, her future, demanded that she sit in the chair and fly to safety through the route Spencer had just created.

Sieb Tevv

"Thank you, Darth." With that the line went dead.

Hmm, thought Sieb. "Wait," he called to an aide, "declassify the highlights and send a copy to HNN. We'll see how well their 'Alliance aggressor' stories will play out with those on the table."

[member="Otto Shule"]
Ria stared at her communications link, "and that is so the last time I ever go down for you two." She groaned and looked left, and right. "Alright Johnny, what's behind door num-" and more droids, "fellas." She says with a wink, "fellas, hey listen, why don't we forget that time two weeks ago where I totally shanked your buddy for a biscuit or two, right? Girl's gotta eat." And then she heard the comment about mud covered bottoms, "[member="Spencer Varanin"], excuse you but I happen to have a glorious mud covered bottom." Clearing her throat she flashes a grin, and starts to shake her stun baton down from her back, "guys, really, love to stay and chat but I have space moms on the line and they're telling me to hit the deck, so."

She hit the ground and managed to dodge the first wave of blaster shots, rolling out she grabbed her stun baton and struck into one droid and then felt a blaster bolt graze into her shoulder, "SON OF A HUTT!" The blonde kicked back into one droid and used the stun baton. Grabbing one droid arm she stun baton him in the chest, dodging another blaster bolt and using his blaster arm to fire on his comrades. Another got a shot on her tail bone, "right on the fluff guy, right on it." Leaning back she missed another hit, above them the sky was looking mighty nasty. She had to get down somehow, her blaster vest was only going to hold up for so long and already those two bolts were burning. She threw one droid into another and took off running down an alley way.

"Thanks, so wait, Spencer's a Queen? I thought that was just pillow talk between you two," Ria asked as she ducked and dodged another blaster bolt, "and remind me to lift an ion pistol off someone, drekkin' droids!" She ran through the now empty streets looking for a nearby entry into the metro underground lines. She couldn't find one and instead found a manhole, "great this means I have to take another bath, gross." When she couldn't move the manhole cover she opted to keep running, "c'mon Ashira, work with me here, work with me." She called upon the space elf Goddess, "white wolf? Force? Someone for lekku sake!"

Ria found the water front approaching, "kark..."

"So on a scale of one to zombie, how karked am I if I stay out here?" She asked to [member="Ajira Cardei"], "ah ha! Eat it!"

Busting through a random metro station, she slid down and looked up to see the droids still following her, "kark, kark, kark."
Lady Kay said:
You see, Atrisia is home to many talented artists and sculptors. This attack on them and their system is entirely uncalled for."
Journalism. Mythos would have smiled from the dead. Hard to hide the fact that there was horrid aggression from the alliance and it looked to already be unfolding. With the dying down of the force storm very slightly Atrisian royal assets were now able to somewhat have a reading on what was unfolding in orbit. With that, they were able to tap into the systems in the ships of orbit, it would not be long before the ties between the Zambrano and the Galactic Alliance was made public... yet Adas was not smart enough yet to get this information to [member="Lady Kay"]... but perhaps he would be in coming days. Either way, it would end up in the holonews one way or another along with the Mandalorian fleet and the roue assets of the incursion.

Adas was not experienced or savvy enough for these endeavors however his advisers would not be so ignorant.

As Adas stepped down the Palace massive stair steps the insignia of the Jar'Kai waved high and proud above them all. Their direction was [member="Soeht"] who was a few miles away.. they were engaged. Before the Kay could do anything they were struck with Force Slow, Adas was not but an image basically materialized from the nothingness. [member="Darth Lykos"] had come...

The Sith Assassins... He had heard of them as a child, his father told him Legends of a bald woman with a mentality for success or death who he called 'master'. A man who could master both fire and sword, shadows who could materialize into the world from once nothingness. Lykos was massive next to the small teenager, his presence in the force although masked was nothing but chilling to the very bone. Who was this Sith? A friend of his father? His words seemed to confirm that. even if their tone and voice would make even the hardest veteran feel a very real chill crawl down their spine

"Greetings... glad to have you... My name is Adas James Malgus... and I am the King"
[member="Darth Lykos"]

I am a son of the Mountain.
Malakai remained in front of the main console, partially distracted by the condition of his Master. After a clearing shake of his head the man returned his attention to the monitors. Only to be disrupted by the sound of a loud crash echoing over the area. He gripped the console for stability before activating the terminal's comm link. "Captain, report. Are we taking fire?" His voice reached the commander of the companies stationed at the palace. A brief pause was given before the voice of the commander rang through out the terminal. "No sir, an enemy ship crashed into the palace. They hit the east wing, I've lost contact to the guards in that area."

Immediately Malakai brought up the schematic of the console, many of the sensors were deactivated by the Force Storm so he had no way of knowing where the enemies number stood. After a moment of consideration the Sith activated the comm device once again. "Captain, rendezvous with me in the main hall."

"Yes sir." Malakai deactivated the comm link before turning towards @Alecandria. "I'm going to go take care of this." Without another word the Sith turned from the room, making his way to the main hall.

It was not long until he met up with the troopers of the 501st in the main hall of the palace. At least sixty men had gathered behind the Captain, clad in their ghost like armor, obviously combat ready. Malakai's gaze fell on the Captain, speaking so he was clearly heard. "Captain, we are moving to engage the enemy." The troopers needed no more brief than what was given, they were ripe for combat and the Sith could sense how eager they were.

The Captain sharply gestured down an adjacent hall. One squad of the troopers immediately darted towards the doorway, moving to clear the entrance. After verifying it was clear of explosives the soldiers began to trek down the hall, preparing to engage the intruding enemy. Darth Malakai drew the hilt of his lightsaber, focusing himself on the force and drawing from it for the battle to come.

[member="Raph Thule"]
Outside the walls of Jar'kai
Nearby: ​[member="Darth Mephirium"] [member="Alecandria"]


She had little enough time to think, to respond to anything beyond the hungry smoke. It didn't smile, didn't growl- simply moved with swift and deadly intent. It wasn't personal. But it was very, very final in it's intentions. The translucent arms came swinging in, faster than she had expected. Could it really hurt her? She wasn't going to stand still to find out.

​The petite Jedi Master dodged back, dark hair flying about her. The heat from it's passing was enough to almost scorch her skin.

​Oh yes, it could hurt her very much indeed.

​She had no tools, no lightsaber on her belt. Indeed, the Jedi Master had yet to rebuild it after a five hundred year rest. But she had a far greater ally in the Force than any gadget she could grasp in her hands.

​It wasn't, by Bethany's usual standards, technically alive. She'd never seen anything quite like it. Animate smoke and ash- cinders with a purpose. It moved with implacable resolve, and she didn't doubt that while she did not see the spark of true life here, it had every intention of trying to take hers.
​Springing backwards in to a flip, she put more distance between herself and the lumbering elemental. Emerald eyes flashed into a deeper verdancy as her palms pressed momentarily against the scorched earth.

Though all signs of plant life had been scoured from this place, she could feel the intricate play of deep roots- they were waiting for the fires to recede, for the clouds to pass, for the rains to come, and then they would shoot up life again. There was the silent Atrisia, waiting to call out life again to the stars. If the planet had been healthy, Bethany might have drawn on those roots then. But she would not risk the future of this planet for the expediency of this current battle.

That wasn't her way.

But feeling the rush of quiet, withdrawn life, was good. It meant that there was hope still.

Bethany smiled.

Wrapping herself in the Force she turned to the charging cinder-

Maybe it was that the entire planet reeked of the dark side. Maybe she had been momentarily blinded by that slice of light and life beneath her feet. Maybe she had been too focused on just what to do about the soot monster. Whatever it was, she didn't sense the impending darkness until it opened it's door only meters from her.

The beast of smoke and ash drew back, a shuffling pacing gait- an animal caged by the motion of the Sith stepping onto the plain.

Keeping her eyes on the elemental, she turned slowly toward the figure.


"Come with me," spoke the towering figure, "Into the sphere. It is safe within...... I want to speak with you."

There was darkness. But no menace. The petite Jedi Master watched him for a long moment, cinders floating around her in a pattern contrary to the hot winds. The Force was coiled around the woman tightly, though what she had been about to do with it was unclear. Slowly, she opened her palms, the sensation of tension and potential energy easing.

​Trust? No. Absolutely not. But she was still uncertain as to why she had been brought here- by the Force Storm or by Atrisia herself, she couldn't say. But the Force worked in mysterious ways.

​Bethany Kismet allowed it to guide her, even when she didn't always understand the road. The Force was her ally, her friend- not her tool. She did not wield it.

​It wielded her.

She stepped across the divide, within the safety of his sphere.

"Atrisia weeps," she said softly. Looking up, she studied him without attempting to hide it. "Whose doing was this conflagration?"

She spoke without accusation. Simply seeking.
An Offer of Power


The voice rang within [member="Adas James Malgus"]’s mind once again as [member="Darth Lykos"] interfered.


That time, Darth Lykos would even hear Soeht’s calling.

A grating near Adas tore itself open and flew across the stairs. A pathway to the dark tunnels beneath Jar’Kai was now presented to the young prince.

Within these dark tunnels beneath the city, those searching for Soeht such as Adas and [member="Nick Sept"] would eventually find him.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Spencer Varanin"], [member="Ajira Cardei"],

The droid pushed himself up to stand in the ship's opening, helping Ajira aboard as she and Spencer said tell goodbyes, finally the machine recognized them, able to scan their facial structure when the distance between them closed. He let them have their moment, his copies standing vigil behind him, scanning the horizons.

"Unit 1."

The copy at the communications called out, HK looked back,

"Another survivor calling for evac, not too far from our current position."

HK nodded to the other HK,

"Give us a few minutes first, there is another survivor nearby, crash landed. Whether they are Sith or Alliance, they deserve a passage of this sh*it-hole,"

That's right HK real-life swore, this was not time to mess around!

"Then I am coming back for you, we have received reports of Trandoschans and there is plenty of fight in these old units yet. You will not face whatever comes alone."

He promised to Spencer before sending out a transmission to [member="Seras Rose"],

"Copy that miss Rose, this is unit Iron Knight of the Galactic Alliance, we are in proximity to your position, coming in with evac."

Once the farewell to Spencer was completed, HK would step inside with his copies, taking in their positions as he motioned to the pilot upward,

"Take off,"

He commanded, glancing to Ajira,

"Magnetize your feet anchors and activate your gyroscopic balance stabilizers,"

The droid suggested, taking a second to calculate,

"Or just hang on to something."

He quipped.

The shuttle would raise up into the air once more, pushing a cloud of dust away as its door closed, whooshing away from Spencer and off farther away from the city, away from all the destruction, battle, the gigantic monster off in the distance, towards one of the crash landed shuttles. The Force-born storm loomed dangerously above them, the ever present reminder of wickedness of their enemies.

Rose would soon enough see a shadow pass over her as the black stealth transport made its appearance, lowering down to the ground, door opening up, a tall armored droid in black cloak made an appearance, covered in some sort of black goop, offering an outstretched six-fingered hand to her,

"Come on, we do not have much time!"

The black skies and pure rage manifested would begin to part, the maelstorm controlled as if by some unseen force that commanded it to allow the survivors pass through. It was the work of Spencaham, parting the blood red sea, but in the sky.

Meanwhile the ships of [member="Elpsis Elaris"] would receive a ping from the droid, just letting them know he was still functioning but on the planet's surface, beneath the Force Storm.
Lykos would let out a gruff chuckle at the words of the child before, waving a dismissive hand as he did so. The rifles carried within the arms and holsters of the soldiers - Jar'Kai, if the Zabrak was remembered correctly - would be torn from their persons and sent skittering across the stone beneath their feet as the telekinetic tendrils would emerge from the ether to manipulate the physical realm. The process would be repeated with the weapons sequestered on the bodies of the soldiers, there locations revealed to Lykos through the fact that the Jar'Kai had once been trained with the Sith Assassins themselves. For a few moments afterwards, the echoing sound of metal against stone fading away, Lykos continued to stand stock still, his hands clasped behind his back in a manner reminiscent of his Master as he stared down at the teenager before him, scrutinising him with his lone eye.

Eventually, though, the background noises of the roaring cloud that held the consciousness of a Sith Lord and the sounds of movements from both Sith and attackers would be broken once more as the Zabraks scarred voice would sound at once more. "King in title you may be, that is true. But is it true for you, yourself, Child-Prince." Lykos' head would tilt slight as he began to pace around the young successor, his strides carefully measured and controlled as he weaved himself in and out of frozen soldiers, his calm voice never faltering. "You are still but Kep, child. The trails not yet taken, so you not yet embrace Adulthood. Prince, not King. Not yet. But potential resides within you, within the Soul of a Child is the potential of the King. But will you live to realise it? Child does not mean innocent, will not, does not, shield you from any who may seek to take the power you now hold, through action or words. Death or seduction. Child simply means Untested, Unproven." The final two words would be spoken in a snarl, his voice dropping to a whisper before raising in volume once more, but never by much, his words seemingly carried upon the still air. "In honour of Blood, of Kinship and Honour, the Shadows will envelope you. You do not command the Shadows, learn this Child-Prince-King, but are one. And 'till you are recognised, you are guarded beyond sight." A gruff chuckle would once more fall from the scarred lips of the Zabrak as he stopped his pacing, once more facing Adas directly. "Your Farther was one who shared Kinship-Of-No-Blood, so too shall you 'till otherwise. Learn quick Kep, realise your potential and prove yourself King."

Lykos would bow now, the first time since he had appeared before the Child, a small bow, a bending of his shoulder more than anything else, but a bow none the less. As he arose from his bow, the stilled forms of the Jar'Kai would surge into motion as they were freed from the effects of Force Slow, their bodies surging forwards as delayed neural orders were finally realised. Instinct would cause them to level empty hands at the newly appeared, to their perceptive, Sith Lord. But, since their weapons lay at the feet and not in their grips, the actions were futile and they soldiers would soon find themselves on the ground, an ethereal forced holding them down for a moment before it would release, leaving them wary and cautioned.

Once more, the Assassin would speak, this time to a fuller audience. "No insult is within my words, Lord Adas, acknowledge this, no honour insulted. Advice. That is all. Grow, and know that the Shadows guar-" The words being whispered from Lykos' mouth would halt mid way, his head snapping around to stare seemingly into nothing as a voice would intrude upon his mind, the strength and Darkness contained within the words unable to be hid. Slowly, a rolling, growling sound would emerge from Lykos' figure as he laughed a true, albeit subdued, laugh, not one presented in such a way that it appeared normal to the majority of the galaxy. "Is that what you seek, Young Lord? That which you are chasing after with no regard to forethought?" Again, the Assassin would laugh his chilling, feral laugh. "Then know that my words are true and the Shadows do guard."

Slowly, Lykos' form would fade from view once more, Unseen and Unheard once more, his Presence within the Force becoming null as it shrunk to next to nothingness. Gone apart from a single, whispered sentence that would just reach the ears of Adas. "Lead and prove, Child-Prince-King. The Unnoticed follow for Honour demands it."

[member="Adas James Malgus"] | Soeht
The Warband's ships sat atop the roof tops of Jar kai. The vessels that remained after the storm doubled as artillery. Shielded by the brimstone winds the ships were protected from enemy artillery. Downside is it significantly decreased their range. They fired heavy plasma bolts which rained down on the Mandalorian hordes as they entered the city limits. Men were turned to jelly, their armor melted to their skin and the already hellish environment became more deformed as buildings melted beneath the bright green balls of death.

The platoons took to the sewers, sending troops through the dark murky terrain. The poodoo filled tunnels smelled of rank waste and occasionally an Artisian citizen could be seen taking shelter from the angry storm above. The Trandoshan scouts planted IED's all along the sewer lines.

When their task was done they took to the streets. Flesh eaters could be seen terrorizing anyone who wandered the open roads. The scouts would take pot shots untill the enemy platoon followed. They'd then lead them onto narrow streets where blaster fire would erupt from the flanking buildings mowing down the enemy warriors or explosions would rock the streets.

Having plenty of time to map out the terrain. After the ambushes were sprung the Trandoshans would melt back into the sewers and regroup in another building.

[member="Draco Vereen"]

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