Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Full Reach of Law (GA Dominion of Atrisia Hex)

Ranga Desilijic Boga

SCUBA Captain. Merc. MOTM Dec. 2016
(OOC: Someone please let me rendezvous with you all.)
Post 2
Location: Thebeon, near [member="Xis"]
Objective: Rendezvous with The Dominion

The Hutt's forces were scanning the water, waiting for a good time to move ahead. Ranga was primarily concerned with how his troops would survive if the had to go on full offensive. His troops were trained mostly for stealth in aquatic conditions. He was a bit disappointed that no one had responded to him yet, so he called again.

"Dominion Forces, this is Ranga Boga of the SCUBA Mercenary task force! I request to assist you in the current battle as I'm a great boost for your ranks!"

Ranga paced around anxiously underwater waiting for a response.

[member="Xis"] [member="Kruel Zing"]
[member="Kaili Talith"]

His instinct told him to leave.

That was the truth of it. Take Kaili and get out.

He could have gone to the surface, he could watch and perhaps even stop what was going on, but was it worth it? The truth was that Soliael wasn’t a Jedi, he wasn’t an official on Atrisia, and he certainly wasn’t involved in the did any of this matter? There were the people of course, the hundreds of thousands that had died...and perhaps would die because of all of this, but Kaili had said most of them were in the bunker now.

The question in the end was then...was it worth it?

Was the risk to his life, his daughter's life worth a bit of idle curiosity? Kira would likely argue that they had a duty to protect the planet, that they needed to save everyone, but to Soliael it was more about the safety of his own daughter that mattered. If they wandered to the surface and she got struck by lightning or swiped by a Sith Sword he would never forgive himself.

In the end he simply couldn’t take the risk. The former False God couldn’t justify putting Kaili’s life at risk just to figure out what was going on. Kira would be devastated if anything happened to her, and he...well he’d never be able to look in the mirror. Soliael came to a decision, drawing back from his daughter and squatting down so that he was eye level with her.

The kids were a bit taller than Kira, but he still towered over all of them.

”Nohei.” She wouldn’t like this. ”If you’re right, and the people are safe, then we’re leaving.”

Honesty was the best policy, he’d always taught them that. ”I have no idea what’s going on up there, but I can sense the chaos. The last time I was near anything this bad was Druckenwell. I can’t help everyone, but if we go up there and something happens to you, I wont ever forgive myself.”

Curiosity simply wasn’t enough.

”So we’re going to leave.” Soliael said slowly. ”Alright?”


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Ajira Cardei"],

The droid nodded to Ajira,

"Channel thirty-five, got it."

The Knight Of The Eclipse rocked slightly from cosmic turbulence as it swayed about to change its course,

"We have to get out of the planet's gravity well."

The pilot informed as the machines tried to determine the safest passage outside of Atrisia's orbit, a rather tricky task considering they were surrounded either by storms, alien monsters, or enemy ships,

HK looked back to Ajira,

"You may be able to pay it off right away. We will have a fleet incoming at my command once we get out of the interference, troop transports mostly from Abregado. We cannot win this fight without troops on the ground and space superiority despite everything that is happening, but I will not be able to direct them from the ground with this storm's interference in the way. Would you be able to merge your ships with my reinforcements and lead them into battle?"

It was then that he received a transmission from [member="Elpsis Elaris"],

"I am still fine, the Sith will have to do better than that to deal with me. But yes, I see the Lotek'k, hard to miss. How many ships did you bring in with you? We need to take this battle one step at a time and taking that thing out should be on top priority, I will be bringing in fresh vessels from Abregado to reinforce us and take that thing down faster."

His copy at the communications console looked back then,

"We have reports of two large fleets moving in on Theoben and Cuvacia, initial reports mark them as Horde remnants."

HK looked to Ajira, still sending out a message to Elpsis but she could hear it,

"The surrounding systems are being raided as well, looks like the Horde is back. Prod Sio again, tell her this is going bad pretty quickly and Abregado may be at risk."

He looked to his Comm-Unit then,

"Any news from ally support requests?"

His copy look to the console and shook its head,

"Nothing from the Bounty Guild, nothing from General Beyyr, nothing from Larraq."

HK stood up from his seat, walking over to the console he commanded his copy,

"Send out a long-range transmission to [member="Bryce Bantam"], tell him that I am currently in Atrisia system and let him know about the Horde making its appearance again, remind him that it used to have a presence in the Kathol region and I faced them in battle before near Demonsgate before the current regimes rose to power to keep their people safe. Ask them if there are any ships he could spare to help us, now our homeworld is in danger."

The copy nodded, relaying the message,

"Put me in through to [member="Joza Perl"] and that Chiss Jedi, [member="Akio Diachi"], tell them that I hope they recovered well from the battle and that Joza's child is alright, ask her if she received the flowers I sent to her hospital,"

He did, it would have been described in the thread if it hasn't stopped so abruptly, a lovely pink bouquet of native Abregado flora,

"Tell them that my people are in dire danger, the Horde has reared its head once more and they are raiding the planets in nearby systems while battle rages on in Atrisia,"

At least he assumed they were raiding, after all it's pretty much all that the Horde does,

"Ask them if there is anything they could do to mobilize forces among the Silvers or other groups and help us, just how I came in to help them when they faced grave danger."

The copy nodded, glancing to him,

"Anybody else?"

HK nodded simply,

"That kid we saved on Chiss homeplanet, [member="Aster Rose Baelor"], send out a message to her, she has connections to Iron's commanders I believe. Let her know that I am on Atrisia and the surrounding planets near my home are being raided by large fleets of the monstrous Horde, ask her if there is anything she could do for the Iron Empire to help me just how I helped them against the Sith."

He reached to rub the back of his smooth Phrik head,

"That will be all for now."

It was a lot of messages, a lot of calls for reinforcements, all encrypted of course, but then again if you had allies and favors to call upon, why not use them. Hopefully at least one of them would answer.


The ship would try to make its way through the storm field, twisting here and swaying there, dodging arcs of Force-borne lightning, debris from other ships, enemy and ally alike, HK motioned out towards what remained of Atrisian fleet,

"There, the storm is the weakest on their position, looks like it is concentrated on where the Alliance was gathered."

The pilot looked back right at HK,

"You want us to fly towards the enemy?"

The droid shrugged,

"We have a stealth ship, do we not?"

So The Knight Of The Eclipse charged right at the last of the Atrisian ships, zooming by asteroids and space-shrapnel, even dodging a Lotek'k tentacle now and again, being forced much too close for comfort to the beast, fortunately what the droids lacked in precognition and instincts they made up in reflexes and timing.

"Almost there."

The pilot informed them as they spun about, gliding along the hull of one of the Attrisian vessels just as an electric arc of the storm licked along it, triggering an explosion within its bowels, neither fleet was truly safe from the untamed power of the Maelstorm. They jerked to the side, like a swimmer pushing off of a wall to dodge the imploding vessel, outrunning its components and armor as it was sprayed into the void.

"Punch it, HK-ie!"

The pilot unit called out as his co-pilot pressed the hyperspace sequence, vessel aiming towards the origin of Naboo beacon, as stars become elongated white streaks, the vessel lurching forward for just few seconds before the streaks stopped, it was a relatively short tactical jump, and the small Naboo fleet was visible before them, a serene contrast to what they just went through.
-Post 1-
Inside of me I always knew this day would come. This quickly? Maybe not. I stood at the entrance of an elongated room filled with pilots and multiple different types of species. I stood attentive near some rather smelly twi'leks. My sweat began to drip from my head.

"Are you OK?" The twi'lek asked me.

"Yeah fine.. This is just my first assignment..."

"Ahh I see. You will be fine just listen closely, the commander does not like to repeat himself."

The commander stepped forward. My heart increased in pounding loudly. The briefing itself lasted ten minutes.

"Before you leave, engineers please step forward.."

I have never been a great pilot. In fact I don't own my own ship, but I have always had a knack at fixing ships. Back on tatooine I worked with merchants to gain credits to support my family. Once my family died I became infuriated and joined the Alliance.

He tasked us with fixing imploding engines on several fighters.

"My first real mission..."

I did not know how much more i could take of my heart beating...
Location: Capital city, heading for palace
Enemies: [member="Akuma"] Matata | [member="Seria Ventreme"] | [member="Darth Mephirium"] | [member="Dravis Rosilla"] | [member="Darth Malakai"] | [member="Kruel Zing"] |[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
Allies: [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Adele Adonai"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Raph Thule"] | [member="Seras Rose"] | [member="Spencer Varanin"]

It was a game of follow the leader. And for now, Gabe was content following Jacen. As content as someone could be in such a circumstance. The storms called to them like the wail of an angry siren, drawing them from the protection of the broken shuttle, into the epicenter of the disruption. It was as close to a cacophony as possible for those sensitive to the force. A lot of action on the surface and only so much time and focus to whittle it down. "Hopeful for an end to this..." He quipped, not finishing the phrase. He couldn't dismiss the jaded sense that this could be all for nothing. That was the imprint of a former self, the corporeal touch of a memory that he swore he would be rid of it. And so he was. As quickly as the thought was there, it was cast out with renewed vigor.

He flexed his hands as they moved forward, the rifle slung across his back and the saber sitting idle on hip. The wind from the storm lashed out at the approaching Hounds, the angry specters within setting to form as quickly as they were to vanish. From sight, but never from sense, as the feeling of their presences grew with every step towards them. Gabe was equipped with abilities, having known the scorching touch of the Yuuzhan Vong and the stern hand of a reluctant Zelosian. But for combating the pure forces of darkness, he wasn't sure what good he could serve. The power of the lightside, within him, was simply something inherent and never truly taught.

As he clenched his fingers, he felt the golden ring on his finger. He recalled happy memories, not unlike those experienced while concussed. His children running through the snow, the smell of a wood fire in a well seasoned brick fire place. There was nothing the darkness could conquer when spirits were forever high.

He watched as Jacen moved forward, direct and to the point. But this Jedi Marshall had never learned that power. But what he had learned, in so many years locked away in the darkness of his mind, was to overcome and exert will. To look for the window when it showed itself.

Slowlyh pushing his hands together, he closed his eyes and let go of the fear of diminishing. He couldn't directly fight this, not as others might, but he may not need to. Moments and their interpretations slowed in his minds eye. The whirl of an atrisian building would take eons to move upon one concentric path, within the storm. The singular battle cries of warriors would turn into long gutteral echoes, cascading across the atmosphere. He would find peace in these elongated moments, reflective thought towards the preservation of others. What would start as Serenity might approach Harmony as he attempted to empower and protect those around him, most importantly Jacen. Alignment needed no lessons, it was as much a natural state of being as the entropy they currently fought.

A shroud of light outstretched from his inward facing palms as a certain peace took hold. He couldn't do this on his own, but that was a problem for future Gabe.
Location: Outskirts of Jar'Kai
Enemies: Sith Spookies - [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Kruel Zing"]
Allies: [member="Ajira Cardei"] [member="Adele Adonai"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]

Ghosts, why was it always ghosts….

Spencer could feel them crawling along her mind, instantly she focused some of her energy to blockade against their attempts at corrupting her mind. The woman had trained vigorously in the arts of mentalism, creating a steel trap that was her mind. While she was a youth, she was crippled by her empathy, taking the emotions of others tenfold of what they felt. Never able to survive without the defenses she was taught by Ashin Varanin, these defenses, now perfected shielded her mind against the crawling tendrils of the dark side ghosts. They threatened to remind her of the horrors she had absorbed and locked away by the Phobis Device; a demonic weapon created by the twisted and dark minds of the Dread Lords.

The horrible memories remained locked away within the darkest corner of her mind, she remembered that day as if it was yesterday and her comical disconnection with the world around her helped seal away the evils. Remaining focused, she needed to keep pushing forward despite the whispers and the threats of the dead sith lords. One crept along her mind, requesting she join them in death. Her lips parted into a grin as she remarked, “To die would be an awfully big adventure, but not today boys...not today”. Another, one she was more familiar with meeting him only moments before wanted to devour her. Twitching her nose she was displeased with the fact that he sent himself to the depths of Chaos and not her. A part of her wondered about death only to hunt him till the end of time through the pits of hell. Again, not today she had something more to live for.

It was in that instant, she felt a burst of energy fill her body. Her mind barricaded itself tighter as she channeled the new found energy to her defenses. Her own strength, fueled her storm as it continued to push forward attempting to snuff the life of the Sith’s monstrosity. With the power she was given, there was a familiar warmth to it and with that a sense of relief. Feeling this power exchange from Ashin, meant that the woman had escaped the storm. She could focus her entire being to the storm now, knowing that her mission was complete.

As much as she wanted to laugh, she knew that deep down she wasn’t going to be able to beat the Sith Lords and the Storm on her own. She needed help and that help was on its way, she could feel them. Just hold out a bit longer, just a few more moments and everything will be alright. Spencer focused her mind on fonder memories, ones that held her reason for continuing - ones that kept her alive during the Phobis Device onslaught in her mind. Using what she learned from that encounter, she continued to fend off of with all her might against the Sith Lords and their Storm.​


There would be no falling back now. Both sides were committed, for better or worse. The systems around Atrisia would decide upon which side to place their stock. Atrisia itself would be rocked ever further as the alliance tried to 'liberate' the planet. Was there truly any point in explaining things to this Jedi woman?

"I created this storm," Mephirium stated calmly. Though his visage was hidden by his mask, one would easily guess his expression of apathy from his tone of voice. "The Galactic Alliance came to this world with a fleet large enough to conquer seven sectors. My people were frightened when the Alliance demanded to search for war criminals, and one of the admirals opened fire. Now it seems the alliance has called in the entirety of its military presence, as well as that of their allies."

He titled his head up toward the sky, observing the beauty of a galaxy's end that swirled above him. "The storm was created with the sacrifice of my closest constituents. We had hoped that it would keep the alliance from invading, and save the Atrisians from another war of zealotry. We underestimated the alliance's ignorance, unfortunately."

He felt something else on the edge of his consciousness. Pinpricks of light that fancied themselves heroes: the Jedi whom were coming to kill him. He could not piece together any individual presences, but he did not need to. He knew just who it was that was coming for him.

"I came to offer you Jedi a deal," his mask fell back to Bethany. "Atrisia's leadership was chosen democratically by its people. The king has died trying to defend it, but the prince yet lives. There is a sector of the city that we are willing to cordon off for alliance personnel. They may wait out the storm there and leave peacefully once it has come to its end."

It was Mephirium's last effort to preserve lives, though he knew it likely fell upon deaf ears. The fact that Bethany had not actually come with the Jedi only worsened things, but then he had no way of knowing that.

The pinpricks drew closer.

"[member="Alecandria"]," he turned toward the girl. "Should they overwhelm me, you will surrender to them. They will see you as their kin -- a Jedi I have taken captive. If all else fails, you will be safe." His voice carried the dissonance of apathy, but any who knew Mephirium understood he felt anything but such. "Jedi," he spoke again, turning back to Bethany. "I know not whom you are, nor do I care. This girl is my captive, and she has had no part in this conflict. Should the Galactic Alliance refuse my entreaties for peace, then I would ask that you see her life preserved."

Another shift. The Great Ocean hastened to warn him of its coming. The Jedi were close now, but there was another; one whom carried far more malevolence to her purpose. He knew of her instantly, and yet he wished he did not. [member="Darth Vitium"] had come. Whether she had done so for a confrontation, or it was simply coincidence, he did not now. It wouldn't matter. She would recognize his presence with ease, and given the spirits now bound to him, she might be able to do so from miles away.

The 501st and the Atrisian Guard could hold the outlying cities. Jar'kai's fate fell to him. "Jedi," he spoke again, "Come within the city. There are shelters where you will be safe. Take Alecandria with you."

In the end, Mephirium was a weak man. He could not allow his allies to die for him when the cause was so dire. No, he would face the Jedi, Vitium, and the entire damned galaxy alone if it let them live. With a click of his tongue, he opened a comm to [member="Darth Malakai"]. "Gratua. I have an order for you." Unable to maintain the apathy of his command, a grimness found its way into Mephirium's voice. "Gather the apprentices and the new king. Vacate the palace. You will move to the outlying cities and rendezvous with the 501st. Once there, I expect you to do everything in your power to preserve your life, and the lives of your peers. Fail in this, and you fail in the single most important task I have ever given you."

Mephirium did not await a reply. The enemy was closing in quickly now, and time was of the essence. "Protect her, Jedi." Were his parting words to both [member="Alecandria"] and [member="Bethany Kismet"].

With a whirl of his cloak, Mephiriu strode back through the city's protective sphere. It would remain open for the two women to follow, if that was their choice.

Alone, Cyril Grayson walked through Jar'kai. It was a city of ghosts now, the majority of its population having long since found safety in the underground bunkers. These had been held together by some of Mephirium's acolytes when the Mandalorian vessels had crashed, and so Mephirium could walk with a clear conscience.

Left with naught but the wind for company, Mephirium's thoughts drifted to what-ifs and could-have-beens. The Jedi would show him no quarter. If Silara found him...well, he was not sure if he could will himself to try and kill her. His heart was consumed with a tumultous array of emotions ranging from the deepest of hatred for the alliance and their ignorance, to a concern that bordered on paternal love for those who yet stood with him.

A contingent of the Atrisian Guard and their 501st compatriots hastened to join him. Mephirium brushed them away with a hand. "No. Protect the civilian population, and protect the children. They all come for me, not you, I will not run."

Some men sputtered to respond, but the stare Mephirium gave them, even hidden by his mask, brooked no argument. "Find the young king and his mother. See to it that they make their way to the shelters, and protect them with your lives. I do not think the alliance would execute a child, but I do not hold it past their Mandalorian counterparts."

The men left obediantly, one by one. Now truly alone, Mephirium cast his gaze over Jar'kai. He stood in a long courtyard that served as an entrance to a park in the center of the city. The palace was some ways away, and Mephirium found an odd sense of peace in his solitude.

[member="Veiere Arenais"] had heard his call. He only wished for his friend to see what he had been forced to do, not for the Jedi Knight to join him in what might be annihilation. Even still, he reached out to his old friend anyway. Comms were fried, and normally Mephirium's capacity for telepathy was nil, but things were different now. With the souls of his fellow lords entrenched in his very being, he had reached height of power that he had never dreamed of.

Ironic that it would be spent in such a way.

"Veiere," he spoke, hoping his words might find their way through the Great Ocean to Veiere's mind. "Know that everything I have done has been in service to the people." He echoed words spoken previously to the Commenori Knight. "Know that my fellow lords gave their lives to defend this world. Know that might students and friends still live, and may require asylum on Commenor should I die here. Know that the full might of the Galactic Alliance, the Jedi Order, their Mandalorian puppets and every other damned power in the galaxy was required to wound me, and know that I am not dead yet. I will destroy everyone and everything that tries to hurt my people, and if it means giving my life, then so be it."

With that, Mephirium cut the connection. His cowl fell back, and he undid the latches of his mask. The mass of warped metal fell to the paved earth with a crunch, and for the first time, Mephirium saw the skies with his own eyes.

He had been holding back until now.

Over the past few decades, Cyril Grayson had become more than a simple Jedi. He had grown into a man of conviction; a man of conscience. The decisions he had made culminated into this final, crucial point. If he died here, then the Dominion would survive. The galaxy would know what the Galactic Alliance had wrought. If he found victory, then the stars could yet be freed. No matter the outcome, he was going to fight like the devil, and when they sent him to hell he would become its ruler.

He had not expected the tears. They were slow, warm little things that trailed down his cheek, like the kisses Caida had given him every time he'd returned home from a day at the mills. Feeling buried years ago came to the forefront. Little [member="Caida Grayson"], his heart, [member="Cedric Grayson"], his soul, and [member="Cyrene Grayson"], his love. All gone. All dead. Had the alliance cared? Had anyone? No. Balmoraa had burned under the fires of the fleet [member="Darth Arcis"] had commanded, and his children had burned with it. No one ever asked what had happened. No one ever made the time to ask where Cyril's family had gone. At least his mother had gotten a funeral, for [member="Feena Mason"] had been beloved by her people, but his wife? His kids?

No one remembered. No one cared. The Dark Lord had been killed for them and no one cared. Cyril had done all this for them and no one cared. They only saw a monster: a power-hungry man with aspirations of grandeur. They did not see his vision. They did not understand that everything he did, was so that no one would ever again experience the pain that had broken him.

That day on Balmoraa had been the death of Cyril Grayson. Out of pain, fear, and hatred had Darth Mephirium been born. Now, Mephirium was dead too. What remained was naught but a specter, a broken combination of the two. One whom had been forced to end the lives of the handful of men who understood what he was, so that he might save the Atrisians. Some might have died in the process, but at the very least, Mephirium might preserve the democratic choice.

More importantly, Cyril wanted to see them hurt. He wanted the alliance to understand what their war had caused; what their expansion would bring. [member="Grace Darkson"] had called him the Sith'ari, and if this was the fate of such a title, he could only hope he was truly the one whom carried it. He could not rightfully wish this pain upon another being.

The tears flowed freely now, but Cyril's was a face of stone. His body did not shake, nor did he sob. He just cried, and when it was done, he rose. All inhibitions he might have carried left with the tears. His head rose toward the sky, and the powers of the Great Ocean rushed to meet him. The tide was dark and cold, but warm and bright all the same. There was no simple side to it: it just was. It filled him like the strongest of liquors, and burned through his veins like the fires of a nascent star.

The lights of damnation burned in his eyes, and a father's grief fueled his power. His students would not meet with the fate of his children. The 501st would not be slaughtered to further some politician's agenda. Atrisia's people would not have the customs and laws of a foreign power forced upon them. The Galactic Empire would not claim this world to fuel its war machine. Cyril would see the galaxy burn before that happened.

"Krag," he spoke, knowing only the demon would hear him. "All my life, you have called me lesser. You killed my father, and you broke me as a boy. For all my choices, you created the foundation of what I would grow to be." He tilted his head back toward the sky. "They're going to come for me. All of them. My enemies, my old friends, family, comrades -- they want my blood. They want my people to suffer, just as you made me suffer."

A hand burning with the tattoos forced into it by Graug priests rose to the aether. "You will repay me now. Here, at the end, it is you and I who will stand together. For all your cruelty, all I did in your service, you know you owe this to me. You know that without my Dominion, they will banish you beyond the Great Ocean."

The lightsaber the root upon which Mephirium clung to reality. His body seemed to glow with the ethereal energies, and only the weapon leashed him to the physical realm. Flecks of the ethereal fell from him like snow sliding down a roof, and his presence within the Great Ocean was like that of a titan.

He called the world to him. Every Jedi, every Sith, every man woman and child that would see him dead now had a beacon to his location. The ash cloud would protect the city from bombardment, and Mephirium would protect it from everyone.

"Stand with me now, Krag. I am the Sith'ari, and it is only befitting that the creature that made me what I am, stand with me here, at the end."

The earth itself shook to his call.

Kruel, Praetorias, Arcis, Nulgath, Cyrene, Caida, Cedric, Bane, Decius, Feena, Felicity, Mythos, Rana, everyone.
He would not let them down.

Their souls hastened to meet his own. Those whom had given their lives for his purpose bolstered him, and those that he loved bound him to reality. The lightsaber burned with the heat of a star as it was ignited, the color crystal warped by the ethereal energies that fell from Cyril in waves. Its blade shifted color a dozen times, from the brightest blues to the deepest reds.

Mephirium was the living embodiment of the Great Ocean: the force. Alone, he stood at the edge of the abyss, and waited.

"Come then, invaders. If you are so grossly incandescent, so right and just in your cause, then prove it."
-Post 2-
LOCATION : Alliance Base
PLANET : Sullust
FACTION : The Galactic Alliance

I entered the hanger bay with the full intention of fixing the imploding engine of the ship, but something caught my eye. The spark of an engine on a nearby cruiser emitted. I immediately rushed to it in the hopes of fixing it. I got out my equipment and got to it.

At first the engine seemed to be malfunctioning and I soon realized it had been sabotaged.

"Captain! This engines been tampered with!"

The captain ran over to me leaving behind his two politician friends.

"Wait a minute, you're right! This engine has a small slit in the power cell! Look alive men we have a traitor among us..."

Guards poured into the room searching for any sign of defectors. I was questioned of course, and I told them I what had happened. At that moment I recalled the two men arguing nearby me. A man in a hood had disappeared past them.

"Hey guard! A man in a hood recently ran out of the hanger, and I think he had a weapon!"

The guards went to look while I took the pleasure of inspecting the engine. The power cell was cut by an old Donkuwah knife. The blade was about 2 inches in length by the look of the cut. If the ship would of taken off the cell would of exploded causing a devastating explosion.

I approached the commander "If this ship took off it would of exploded killing many.. The traitor in question was obviously on a sabotage mission..."

"Indeed he was, but how do we find someone like this? They could be armed or worse... They could be near us right now.."

NEW ENEMY : Traitor (Unknown)
The girl preformed a flip over Causstik Rahn nicking his armor in the process. The blade bounced off the phrik armor and Causstik became angry... "This has gone on long enough! Kill her!" Causstik shouted to his clans men. He had grown tired and his forces needed his attention. As the Trandoshan squad moved in for the kill Causstik raced away to find the chieftain he had placed in charge. He entered the dank sewage system and made his way through the dimly lit tunnels. He was greeted by a platoon of Trandoshans on their way to spring thier next ambush.

"Hiisssk crossk fsss," (Take me to the HQ)

Their Chieftain nodded and guided him to the surface. They entered a room reinforced with sand bags and dura-steel paltes. The windows had been tinted by old news paper scrapping and the only dim light originated from a few candles spread around the room. Causstik greeted the chieftain with a hug and then addressed him.

"Greetings brother, we must rally with the forces of the 501st. Did our reinforcements make it?" Causstik asked timidly

"Aye, they managed to smuggle in a additional five hundred troops under the guise of Refugees. We lost many to the storms," The Chieftain said forlornly. He seemed distraught, but Causstik could not console him now.

"Good, have them land at the palace. We will take three hundred of our forces from this position and leave a hundred fifty to maintain the defenses."

The Chieftain nodded in agreement and rallied the troops. They made quick head way to the palace and eight hundred Trandoshans sat camped outside. Their was fighting within, but Causstik had no time for petty show boating. He and his Chieftains marched to the top of the palace and entered the main hall. He found Malakai standing here with a Sith and Jedi he did not recognize.

"[member="Darth Malakai"], my troops and I are yours to command. What do you command of us?"

Meanwhile just outside the palace almost a thousand Trandoshan warriors waited eagerly for battle.
I am a son of the Mountain.
So much was happening, making it very difficult for the Sith to keep track. His comm rang, causing his attention to be sacrificed for a fraction of a moment. A blaster bolt nearly impacted his arm, causing him to move back to cover behind the nearby hall. As his troopers assaulted the invader Malakai tuned himself to his comm, his Master's words coming through clearly. "Gratua. I have an order for you." "Gather the apprentices and the new king. Vacate the palace. You will move to the outlying cities and rendezvous with the 501st. Once there, I expect you to do everything in your power to preserve your life, and the lives of your peers. Fail in this, and you fail in the single most important task I have ever given you."
There was no luxury of hesitation, no moment to consider his words, the time for reflection had long since ended. Now was the time for action, the soldiers in the hall continued to fight, immediately Darth Malakai used his comm link to speak to @Akuma. "You will have to finish this fight yourself, the Dark Lord has issued his orders. My troopers will remain here, kill this rabble and report in once he's dead." Malakai returned to the main hall of the palace, just in time to be met by an all too familiar Trandosian. [member="Causstik Rahn"] "The forces of the Dark Lord must be united in our efforts, come with me." The two would make their way outside of the palace, Malakai looked over the Trandosians. Viscous, savage, and vile but more than capable warriors for this fight. It was only moments after the Trandosians arrived that the remainder of the 501st regrouped at the palace.

The forces that [member="Tarok"] had sent in reinforcement to the city, as Malakai looked over them victory began to feel that much more of a reality for the Dominion. He turned to [member="Causstik Rahn"] , a look of satisfaction held on his face. "We-" As if perfect timing could not be asked for another unit of the Dominion found themselves in the rally point. A cruiser had made it's way over the capitol, and Malakai watched as LAAT's were launched from it's hangers. "That's one of ours..."

He activated his comm device, running his hand over his gauntlet to get in touch with [member="Bartic Myth'rand"] . "This is Darth Malakai, the Dark Lord's orders have been given. We are to retake this capitol and then move out to the surrounding cities. Commander, I trust we can call on your men to provide air support and shuttles as needed?" He deactivated his comm for a moment before looking over the soldiers in the area. He knew they were still short on command forces, once again the Sith opened his comm link to the Dominion's secure channel. "All forces, return to the palace, prepare to launch our counter attack." [member="Enma Jayss"] [member="Adas James Malgus"] [member="Dravis Rosilla"] .

Malakai knew their forces were amassing faster than they could control, if they were to strike it would need to be soon. He looked to the soldier's that had gathered, many of them looked to him expectantly. Were they expecting a speech? Words of motivation? Malakai was not one for motivating others, it was never one of his skills and he never expected it to be. He remained silent, awaiting until the others arrived, awaiting for the true beginning of this war.
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Aela had no idea what the kark was going on.

She and Jamie had been traveling through the core on their way to a diplomatic meeting when they had received an urgent call from a nearby Alliance fleet. The message had been a simple one, a request for all Alliance, New Jedi Order, and SIS personnel to make their way to Atrisia. Since that message had been received aboard their tiny little shuttle there had been nothing else despite multiple requests for more information.

Aela had even tried pulling rank, she never did that.

Yet she had received scant few communications and at this point she wasn’t sure if it was because of their own array or if something had gone entirely wrong, either way however she was starting to get quite nervous about...well all of this. She had already donned her armor and strapped on her lightsabers, knowing that they would likely have to fight.

For a moment the Jedi Marshall leaned back in her chair, shifting slightly as her fingers drifted over the communications controls. There was no point in trying to hail anyone on Atrisia at this point, for some reason the networks there either weren’t answered or they were completely down, she would have to try a wider frequency. With a quick flick of her fingers she shifted the controls to hail all Alliance Frequency. ”Come in. Please come in. This is Jedi Marshall Aela Talith. I am requesting any and all information on the situation at Atrisia.”

She repeated the message two more times, and then spun in her chair.

”Jamie!” She yelled out to her padawan. ”Everything okay back there?”

Aela had earlier sent Jamie back to the cargo hold to secure everything and get dressed for combat. She had no idea what would be waiting for them once they reached Atrisia, but she would be damned if her apprentice went running into the situation wearing no armor and unprepared for what was coming. For all Aela knew they were about to rush head-first into a battle like Coruscant.
Location: Inysh
Allies: Galactic Alliance / [member="Cathul Thuku"] / [member="Sieb Tevv"] / [member="Zark"]
Enemies: Sith
Objective: Secure The Planet, Establish A Triage Point

Like descending beacons of hope, transport shuttle after transport shuttle began filtering through the clouds where an impending storm was brewing on the horizon. Everyone involved in this campaign, Sith and Jedi alike, knew the dangers of this Force Storm and the resulting affects it was wrecking on both sides. This storm, however, would prove more of an annoyance than danger. From her designated spot in the command shuttle, Geloyra's black eyes tracked the red lightning that sparkled in the distance. "We need to beat that storm to our designated landing zone," speaking calmly into the shuttle's com system that had been linked to every shuttle making the descent. The planet was barren, but it was heavily polluted. "Until further notice, everyone is to wear the proper breathing apparatuses," she finished.

Her shuttle was the first to touch down. Geloyra took a brief glance at the already amassed triage support group through the tinted viewport before darting out of the shuttle's cockpit. By the time she reached the back end, droids and workers alike had began off loading their cargo. When she stepped onto the planet's surface, the other shuttles had landed and they too were working diligently to add their supplies to the mix.

"There," pointing to a small clearing surrounded on three sides by high clusters of rock, "Is where we will set-up our base of operations." Geloyra felt a mixture of joy and nervousness coursing through her. She was happy to being doing her part, but as a temporary commander she could feel the weight of responsibility weighing down heavily upon her shoulders. If she failed in this mission, could she ever forgive herself for allowing so many deaths? Closing her eyes momentarily as she walked toward the site, she placed herself into a quick meditation session. By the time she reached her location, the fear of failure had been replaced by an overwhelming sense of calmness.

"Commander Malleus, welcome to Inysh." The young Firrerreo turned to see a soldier heavily dressed in battle armor walking in her general direction. "I wasn't aware we needed protection from the Galactic Alliance's military. Surely the Sith would find us to be boring prey," she said extending her right hand. The man gripped it and let out a small chuckle. "You don't know the Sith. They make high proclamations about testing themselves against the strong, but in truth they rather bask in victory over the weak. Captain Tidio at your service. I've been ordered to ensure that you are safely under my umbrella of protection while your team sets up. And you can dispense with the mask, the air is quite stable."

"Thank you, Captain. As you can see my team is properly motivated to have us up and running before the day's end." Captain Tidio turned his head toward the busy workers and droids whistling under his helmet. "Forgive my boldness, Padawan. You seem capable enough but is it wise for the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance to bestow so much faith in a Padawan? A very young Padawan."

Releasing her hand from his and fighting down her animal instinct to bear her teeth, her words came out politely as she replied, "My age is not in question of whether or not I can conduct my duties adequately nor is it my rank among the Jedi Order. All Jedi that reach the mantle of Padawan, regardless of age, are expected to follow direct orders. And my orders, Captain, come directly from my Master. Now if you'll excuse me, I have said duties to perform."

In the distance, as she began to activate her com link, the first knuckle rapping of thunder washed toward the triage camp. "Master, I've arrived and my team is assembling another triage center. I await further instructions."

Darth Imperia

Allies: [member="Darth Vitum"], Loxley the Swamp Dog, Sith & Company
Enemies: Galactic Alliance & Company
Objectives: Survive
Equipment: Antique DL-44 Blaster Pistol, Armorweave Jacket, Respirator, Wits



All-out War, even.

This was not the young Apprentice's element. Politicking, carousing and manipulating pretty, dim young men and women - that was where she was most at home. Were she thinking logically, rationally, she wouldn't even be here. But there was something alluring about the war-torn surface of this insignificant little planet - rage, pain and fear the likes of which she'd never experienced before. It called out to her, flooding her senses even from Orbit. The Sithling ceased her meditation as Vitium began speaking, looking up at her Mistress with yellow eyes and a smirk on her face. There was her out - a chance to be anywhere but here. As stated before, if she were being rational, she'd take that opportunity to bail faster than a Zeltron faced with a marriage proposal.

"This? I wouldn't miss this for the world, Mistress." The Acolyte's voice was tinged with amusement - genuine for once, instead of the carefully constructed facade that Vitium would by this point be familiar with. "I'll just need to gather my assets before we land." Those 'assets' included an antique Blaster Pistol, manufactured before the legendary Battle of Yavin, a respirator in case she ran into any nasty chemical agents...

And, of course, Loxley. Loxley was the Apprentice's Kobarian Swamp Hound, a large, obedient beast trained for combat. Not to mention one of the roughly five creatures in the Galaxy that the Sithling held any appreciable affection for. That ever-loyal hound was currently resting in whatever space was appropriate on Vitium's ship, ready to be roused to action at any moment.
Location: Atrisia System, ANS Light of Ashla (Alliance FOB)
Objective: Effect Repairs and Redeploy Assault Force
Allies: [member="Sieb Tevv"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Lady Shambleau"], GA & Friends
Enemies: [member="Jagger Fuga"], [member="Mythos"], [member="Darth Mephirium"], Sith & Friends
Stay Awaaaaay: [member="Ostanes"]

Reactor Room, Indomitable-class Star Defender ANS Light of Ashla
Alliance Forward Operating Base, Atrisia System

"Commodore Pulsar!" someone shouted above him, their voice muffled by the terminal situated above him, "Commodore!"

A hydrospanner in one hand, a las torch in the other, Zark lay on the deck floor, his body swallowed from the waist up by the nest of cabling and componentry that made up the inner guts of the auxiliary shield collator. Almost from the moment they had begun to effect emergency prepares, he had been off the bridge and helping where he could, relying on one very flustered aide to keep him apprised of their progress and relay information as it came into the bridge. Of course, it didn't help that the Jedi Knight only listened to the junior officer half the time as repairwork took the most of his concentration. A part of him knew he didn't have to be here, in fact that he might be better serving his men on the bridge where he belonged, aware and focused on intel as it was reported, but a larger part of him was still in shock. Never before, even on Castameer, had he lost so many souls under his command. On the third shout for his name, he sighed and dragged himself out and back into the world.

"What is it?!" he snapped, harder than he should have.

"Shields are back sir, up and holding at thirty percent," the young man announced, hesitantly adding, "For the moment, at least."

"Well why didn't you say anything?" the Commodore grunted, shaking his head as his thoughts drifted past the unjustly admonished young man. There would be no hiding in dark corners anymore, "Tell them I'll be right up."

It was time to lead again, though all he really wanted was to gather his dead and bring them home to mourn with their families. Hundreds of thousands of souls, gone in an instant, all because the Sith elements that had snaked their way into the planetary leadership had mistaken a peacekeeping task force for an execution squad, self-defense as an impending invasion. Such a massacre would not stand, and where before Alliance forces had been acting for the most part reactively, that was about to change. There was no going back now, to not liberate those on Atrisia from rule under sentients capable of such wanton destruction would mean all those Federation lives would have been given in vain. No, there would have to be justice for this somehow, someway. From the reports coming in the entire sector was on fire in reaction to the events that were taking place in this system, broadcasted from several sources in realtime or else annotated by second parties and shared with large swathes of the galaxy via the HoloNet. The Sith had made no attempts to jam them and the Alliance, not even anticipating contact with such a hostile force, had kept the comm lines open during the battle in space, still holding out hopes for negotiations of a ceasefire as they continued their blockade.

He moved through the crowded corridors of the capital ship, most of them looking like a tornado had just rolled through and filled with frantic people moving to and fro, many of them wounded. Still, each one paused to salute their commanding officer as he passed by, signifying to Zark that at least someone on this ship didn't think that he had failed them all utterly. Emergency lighting flickering, and at various junctions there was debris and, of course, people to be moved aside, so what would have been a quick walk to the turbolifts turned into a more considerable venture. Finally he made it, the relieved aide not far along behind, and together they rode up in silence.

"Status?!" he barked before he was even completely off the lift and onto the command deck.

"Shields steady at thirty five percent, Commodore," Commander Bashir reported, the young Mon Cala XO looking exhausted beyond belief, "The patch seems to be holding. Work crews are getting started on hyperdrive and sublight repairs as we speak."

"And elsewhere?" he prodded.

"We've reestablished contact with the Rivers of Arbra," Bashir continued, "Their communications dish was knocked out during the emergency jump, but they managed to reroute power enough to get a signal through. The Eriadu's engine repairs are almost complete and she'll be rendezvousing with us shortly. Communications are coming in from all over the sector asking for standing orders, and then of course there's the Rebel's Hope."

"What about the Hope?" Zark said suddenly, turning to make intense eye contact with the commander. After the tragedy of today, losing his old command and the friends aboard would be too much.

"She still hasn't yielded the field, sir."

"What?" he asked, the expression on his face contorting through a few distinct emotional states at once.

"Captain Stazi jumped out with us to avoid the storms," Bashir explained, "But he dropped back into realspace relatively close to the planet, and immediately set a course back on full impulse. Apparently Rogue Squadron refused the return order."

"Of course they did," he groaned softly, chuckling in spite of the dire circumstances, "And of course he did. Well, court-martial-able offense or not, wily old Mazik had the right idea. Send a transmission to all forces in system. Now that these storms have calmed down at least a little bit, all sublight capable vessels are to return to orbit. We left a lot of good people behind back there, and I don't intend for this world to be their tomb because the going got a little tough for the rest of us up here. Now the planetary population is experiencing a global environmental disaster, but they won't view us as their rescuers or liberators but as their invaders, because that's what they've been told we are! But that doesn't make them any less innocent, or less deserving of our help. We're here now, and we may be the only ones who can help. We are duty bound as Federation officers do whatever we can."

Whether they like it or not...he added silently. None of them were sure why, but in the past fifteen minutes or so the storms in space had weakened somewhat. Not enough to be any less deadly, but the system was now at least navigable at sublight speeds, which led Zark to suspect from his education that something must be interrupting or at least interfering with the dark magic at its source. Still, at below lightspeed it would take some time for the spaceworthy craft to make it back to orbit, perhaps too much time, but another point to point jump within the system could be potentially suicidal. So it was better to get started now than deliberate.

"Our sublight capabilities won't be restored in time to join them," the executive officer said quietly to him on the side, "Mobilizing the rest of the task force would leave the Ashla dangerously exposed. Are you certain?"

"That's why I waited to give you some shields before I did it!" he said, smiling grimly as he clasped the younger officer on the shoulder, "Bashir, you have the bridge."

"Sir?" he called out in alarm to the Commodore's back, "Where are you going?"

"Have the hangar prep a shuttle and tell them to expect me on the Ascendant," he called over his shoulder, "I am going to try and finish this."

Ship Movement
Indomitable-class remaining at edge of system, effecting engine repairs.
Remaining task force ships moving to rejoin ANS Rebel's Hope in orbit at sublight speeds.

Task Force - Sullust
"Pulsar's Peacekeepers."
3,340 meters

Indomitable-class Star Defender:
ANS Light of Ashla

Noble-class Star Defenders:
ANS Ab Aeterno

Dreadnought-class Mark III Escort Cruisers:
ANS Ascendant, ANS Justicar

Unyielding-class Command Cruiser:
ANS Rebel's Hope

Nebulon-L Multirole Frigates:
ANS Lord Protector, ANS Remember Eriadu, ANS Krayt Dragon

Strike-class Corvettes:
ANS Fate's Folly, ANS Rivers of Arbra, ANS Tetan Queen
-Final Before Endor-
LOCATION: Alliance Base
PLANET : Sullust
FACTION : The Galactic Alliance
MISSION : Find traitor
ENEMIES : Traitor

"Hey! Did you find him yet?" I said as i approached the guard to the front gate.

"No, they said they are reviewing the footage..."

I entered the main hanger once more to find hundreds of pilots running from x-wing to x-wing.

"Whats going on?"

"Were preparing for Endor! There is a first order attack and we are ordered to assist!"

The thought hit me. This is the perfect time for a sabotage.

I scanned the increasing mass of soldiers and cruisers to find any sign of wrong doing. I ran to the far side of the hanger bay to find three men sitting playing cards. Behind them was the man in the cloak. He sat with a gun raised at me.

"Hello Craig... I hear you know about me?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Derek Suffer, rebel pilot.. Well? I guess was rebel pilot. You see, Craig? I myself have been wanting more.. Kind of like you? When you left that retched place to start a new life with the Alliance. Now? I work with the first order and i'm on a sabotage mission, which you found out quickly. You are to smart for your own good!

His blaster was raised at me. Behind me was no one as the door was closed to the room.

"What do you want from us?"

"Oh come now Craig? You must know why im here? The First Order sent me to delay the Endor strike team being assembled here!

Behind me a giant man stood with his arms crossed blocking the doorway. To my right was a window, not big enough to crawl out of. All I had was me and my blaster.

"Listen I don't want any trouble..."

"Well, Craig, you have already got yourself into trouble haven't you?"

A click and loud bang filled the room. Derek blasted his pistol at me and instinctively I ducked. The blast hit his partner killing him with one swift shot. I kicked a chair at Derek swinging him against the wall. I flipped over the table grasping his wrist. He punched my left side and I collapsed backwards.

"No more tricks boy!"

He swung his pistol at me and hit me in my mid section. I fell to the ground in pain. The man stood above me.

"See ya around Craig."

He pulled out a detonator and clicked it. He smirked and ran out of the room. I would still be hobbled over on the ground feeling the pain of my chest expand across my body. A loud boom emitted into the room. Outside in the hanger ships began exploding one by one.

A loud alarm exploded into the halls of the surrounding buildings.

A direct attack on Sulllust and I could not prevent it..
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies: None

"Kark Aela! I'm here. You don't need to shout." Jamie said, stepping back into the cockpit. The blonde had done as asked. The younger of the two dropped back into the chair beside her master, wearing the light but maneuverable armor she'd acquired in the event of needing such protection for conflicts the likes of which she and Aela were about to embark upon at Atrisia. A simple armorweave with interwoven shadowsilk and photoreactive fibers provided adequate protection, though was hardly line of fire intended. The energy shield and light shield attached to the wrists were meant to compensate for that lack of support in the event it were needed. Jamie was far from a hard hitter, and so keeping herself from being hit was the highest priority.

She glanced nervously towards the comm, with a distinct lack of flashing amber indicating no calls were waiting, meaning her question was likely answered before she even asked. Though for the sheer sake of discussion she asked regardless. "Any word from the Alliance on what's going on?"

A hand ran down her left side, feeling for the wooden hilt of her yellow saber that hung from her side as a means of quelling her nerves. Knowing it was there was a simple measure of peace in and of itself, but she quite honestly wished to know what they were about to get themselves into, given the vagueness of the only aide request they'd received thus far.
The battle had begun heating up, however all the Eaters of the Dead remained on their perch atop the hull of their troop ship, not terrorizing anyone as of yet, nor did they intend to. Most of the Mandalorians were jump infantry and Basilisks assaulting buildings with resistance from the top down, however sewer IED's would still catch some of them off guard. The rumbling of the Volcanic distortions and the ash cloud, as well as the tremors of the seismic bombardment continued. The bombardment should have been enough to cause a sizeable earthquake, and of course, a Kandosii-type dreadnought did crash into the outskirts as it broke apart, important portions of the ship detonating into blinding flashes of light.

Draco and his small group of Basilisk riders soared through the air, pulse wave cannons and particle beam cannons resonating as they fired into collections of resistance. Enemy infantry literally exploding into flesh and gore wasn't uncommon for Basilisk war droids as they moved through the city. The two Solus Nek flew ahead of the group, staying ahead of them.

Lightning and waves of thundered rolled through the cities, blinding flashes of power and rumbles of energy from the sky and from the ground wracked the poor city of Jar'kai. Somehow, Draco wasn't surprised Mythos would sink the entire planet into chaos, likely unintentionally. The Warlord looked over the hellish landscape and the black clouds of ash choking the sky, and for a moment he was saddened by the destruction wrought on this place. The war droids swooped low to the ground, gliding to a stop, the Solus Nek warriors flying past them to the fore.

"Taryc, right? Well, we got some choices, but I'm pretty sure the main goal is to assault the palace. Sound good to you?" Draco didn't know what she was capable of, but he assumed he would be finding out shortly. The Storm was calming, slowly but surely, even still the Mandalorians and the warriors they were fighting needed to find shelter from the storm.

//To: [member="Faith Organa"]
Now why would I downgrade to even the hottest Zeltron when I already have the most beautiful creature to share a bed with. Besides, those pictures of Ra are worth millions now that he's dead or missing.

Still just socks, though. Maybe we should upgrade the servant droids if they can't keep up with the 'mess'. One man can't be so messy that a palace can't keep up with him every once in a while.

[member="Darth Mephirium"] [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

”No.” She said simply, and that very fact worried her. If they didn’t know what was going on, didn’t know what was happening on Atrisia, then they would be running head-long into a situation that...well could be deadly. For all they knew Atrisia didn’t even exist anymore, some mad Sith could have blown it up entirely and brought yet another beautiful to cinders.

”I sent out a general call.” Aela told her. ”Hopefully we’ll get something back from other Alliance Ships in the area.”

Or maybe High Command.

At this point Aela would take the word of a passing freighter company. They needed information, they needed something. She leaned over and checked the chrono on the control table, nodding her head. It would be another fifteen minutes before they arrived at Atrisia, hopefully in that time they would be able to get some information.

”We’ll drop out of hyperspace at the edge of the system, not close to the planet.” Hopefully that would give them some lee-way not to run into any debris that may or may not be there.

She frowned slightly, her stomach turning.
The Transition

LOCATION: Galactic Alliance Base
PLANET : Sullust
ENEMIES : First Order, Derek Suffer
MISSION: Evacuate and Evac to Endor

The base was in ruins. Madness. I could not explain it any better. Madness. This was uncalled for. Sullust was the sacred capital of the Alliance, and for all they knew, they thought it would impossible to target this... Easily. I must say for myself that it was amazingly confusing. One second I was in a ball apon the floor. The next I was in a cruiser being treated along with hundreds of other men. The explosion was devastating. Hundreds of thousands of credits wasted. The fleet left was less then 5 cruisers and 20 fighters. Before there was hundreds... Over 200 dead. It is a devastating loss for the Alliance. Sullust is now on high alert after the assault. Military presence is now seen around every corner of every street. From what they told me, they are checking every civilian for id. The traitor named Derek Suffer escaped without any oppression. The loss was a minor set back, but huge for the First Order. I myself was tasked with fixing as much of the cruisers as I could. Many of my close friends were dead. My brother contacted me soon after. We exchanged words, but not before we made the jump to hyperspace. We are now on the move to Endor. The First Order is striking and we cant sit by any longer. I myself will begin healing as fast as I can. This war does not come without its consequences.
Objective: Consume
Allies: [member="Kruel Zing"]
Enemies: GA and Jedi. SO many.​

" Spencer." Nulgaths spectral voice uttered one last time before mental walls could be perceived & felt through a spectral minds-eye. Had he given up? No. In life the Sith lord knew of [member="Spencer Varanin"] and her intense mental abilities. Even in spirit and as enlightened as he was in his current chaotic state he knew better than to assault her mind further. No instead he would take a look at the bigger picture. If no harm could be done to Spencer herself then her beloved would take her place! Eternal eyes traced the cosmic strings from the woman on Artisia to the depths of space above and what Nulgath saw made him conjure up quite the chuckle. His full attention fell on [member="Ajira Cardei"]'s mental and weakened state. This woman was the outer source of power and though the two womens power was a sight to behold there was a single flaw that the Darkness could see.

It was a small door within Ajira Cardei's flowing power. Its name is worry.

"Fools!" Nulgaths spirit shouted exploiting the single negative emotion and feasting on it with Consume Essence. Their surging power was now his strength. Ajira's worry. Like tearing at a open wound, Nulgath clawed at [member="Ajira Cardei"]'s single feeling and sought to amplify it and torment her mind intensely. Their force bond would be their undoing. Her torment would be [member="Spencer Varanin"]'s pain!

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