Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Full Reach of Law (GA Dominion of Atrisia Hex)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
LOCATION: aft of the GADF fleet under Sieb Tevv

At the back edges of the tactical interdiction bubbles, sensor contacts blossomed: a One Sith fleet that outgunned the little Naboo flotilla by a serious margin. Shambleau was snapping orders to adjust formation, overlap shields, bring flak escorts to bear -- and then the Sith ships were past. Then they were sweeping by the GA fleet, no shots fired. Then they crashed into the Rancor station's defenses like a hammer into red metal. Shambleau looked down at her hand, actually a shapeshifted tentacle. It was shaking.

"Holy feth," she whispered. "What did we just watch? Captain. Uh, designate the Panathan fleet as friendlies." She ran a hand over her mouth. "With their defection, and all the enemy ships that have run, we have to be running at ten-to-one odds here. And even that station..."

Scanners revealed that it wasn't fully operational. It was lightly armed and unimpressively shielded; its great strength had been its massive fighter contingent, but that kind of capability didn't come online as easily as a gun. Where the feth would the Atrisians find seven hundred twenty pilots, for starters?

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Location: Graug Hallow, Foot of Mount Giju (5 miles from Shield Generator)
Post: 3/20
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance
Allies: The Dominion, The Graug

The ground writhed as the magma of Mount Giju churned, the darkside pulling the molten rock to the surface and increasing the preassure within the sleeping giant. The sword pulsed with energy, sending a wave of anguish and pain across the planet as it built upon the ritual. Vulcanus could feel it now. The power building around him, crawling through his body like insects burrowing under the flesh. The ooze of corruption flowing from every pore. A thin column of smoke rose from the top of Mount Giju as the magma swirled and built up within, melting away stone from the walls as it rose higher.


"Zo sacrafice iv saud ir mesinis bends tave planeta kia nuyak valia!" Vulcanus roared, casting his hands to earth above. Tendrils of fire lashed from his palms, striking at the pool of blood at is feet. The crimson vortex steamed, the blood flash heated by the tendrils of etheral fire dancing across its surface. The caverns rocked with the crazed prayers of the Graug priests and forward stepped the next in line for the ritual and in his hands he held a pot of burning oil. The priest held the pot high in the air, his forked tongue lashing about wildly as he chanted in ecstacy of the blood he would take part in spilling.

There was not a moment of hesitation. The Priest opened his mouth wide and poured the burning oil into his mouth in one, violent motion. A sharp cry of utter anguish pierced the chanting as the burning oil shrivled his tongue and seared his throat. Fire erupted forth from his mouth as he fell to the floor, writhing in the blood of the slaves as the oil began turning his organs to blackened sludge. The fire sparked from his lips, flared from his nostrils and leaked from his skin as it melted away.

A charred, pink liquid dripped from the Priest's mouth; mixing with the blood flowing into the vortex and the rivers of crimson suddenly flared with an arching, red energy rode down the blood like a wave. The vortex began to glow a hellish red as the Sith Magic grew more powerful.

Again the ground shook as an earthquake tore through the landscape and the column of smoke thickened. Windows of the city rattled and streets began to crack...


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
"Unit 1, we are entering real-space."

One of HK's copies alerted him as their small stealth transport finally reached Atrisia. The droid moved to the cockpit, grabbing a durasteel door to keep himself secured as he looked out of the view port. The colorful tunnel of the hyperspace slowed down, transforming into the white streaks of the stars before finally it jumped into the speckled darkness of space.

Immediately the sights of massive fleets would come into view, ships engaging fire, turbolasers coming from the planet, there was a ship used as a station, Sith ships coming up from behind the Galactic Alliance position and firing upon the Sith-Atrisian forces,

"Oh my Force,"

The machine muttered as he scanned over it all,

"This is a fething chit storm."

The chaos was total and overwhelming, he motioned towards the planet,

"Bring us in."

He opened up a channel to [member="Sieb Tevv"], sending out a transmission to him on encrypted channels,

"Admiral Tevv, this is the Iron Knight of the Galactic Alliance, what is the situation?"
I am a son of the Mountain.
Malakai watched as the shields to the planet fell, he paused for a moment before keying in his comm link to the 501st Companies under his command. "Alpha and Bravo Company, rendezvous at the palace, begin setting up defensive measures. Charlie Company, aid delta company in defending the fixed guns." He deactivated his comm before looking to his Sergeant. [member="Warden T. Abroms"] "Take command of the firing line Sergeant, I'm returning to the palace."

Malakai grabbed one of the datapad's next to the terminal and uploaded the galactic map readout, as well as the canon firing order onto it. So long as the main console remained in tact he would be able to monitor and advise the firing orders as he had been doing.

He turned took the datapad, clipping it to his hip before making his way out of the plaza. He knew he had to return to the palace, and find out what was going on.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Enma Jayss"] [member="Kruel Zing"]

Sieb Tevv

[member="HK-36"] received a quick Situation Report from the ANS Fondor's Aegis.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]SITREP: Task Force Fondor responded to intel from SIS Agent on Atrisia of possible Sith activity. TF arrived in system and was greeted by a number of unidentified warships and ships bearing House Zambrano emblems with Panathan transponders. TF's Jedi compliment warned TF Admiral of a Force Storm on planet. TF attempted to negotiate with unidentified warships. Warships opened fire on TF and destroyed a blockade runner. TF returned fire. Panathan ships jumped out of system. A large fleet of unidentified ships came out of hyperspace in system, intentions unknown. TF is currently attempting to subdue known enemy ships and blockade the planet. Panathan elements have returned and are attacking the Rancor station. Mandalorian elements have entered the system and are aiding the Alliance in the assault. Mandalorian elements are designated friendly. Panathan elements are designated as friendly. [/SIZE]
Spencer nodded and followed the points that Ajira had lead her towards. The limp was something she made a mental note about and when they were under some cover, she would quickly turn to the woman and offer her hand. Affection out in the open was dangerous and Spencer fought the urge to hold Ajira for a moment to make sure that she was still there. Instead, she focused her mind on the hand that quickly hovered over the leg that limped. “Well, at least now your limp will be legit again.” Spencer teased. “Something quick to hopefully make you feel better.”

Her mind played over the name of the man Ajira and mentioned. The name meant something to her, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on where and if she had a personal conversation with him. Most of the people she had met was because of Ashin and had ties with the former Sith Empress. Lightly shaking her head, she continued to move with Ajira beside her. “Name is familiar, if you feel him then possibly if he’d stop smashing things we could talk. Other than that, I have no interest.”

Feeling around her leg, she lifted up the pouch and pulled out a small blaster and a lightsaber, “Choose which you want, you know I’m useless with either.”

[member="Ajira Cardei"] [member="Kruel Zing"]
"Frak yeah, I'm here." Marcus grunted over the comlink.

He hated it when [member="Darth Mephirium"] tried to contact him at the worst of times. When the Chimaera lurched out of hyperspace, the mercenary was deep within the bowels of this metal monster, sharing his officer's suite with a duo of fine Zeltrons. The Sith Lord had been kind enough to grant him a few homely pleasantries, including bodies to warm his bed, but he had been betrayed by the fact that they really were attacking within the hour. Feth. The second the alarm klaxons began to blare, the man nearly toppled over his guests in order to reach his wall locker to gear up and rally the rest of the 501st Legion.

Didn't take long to suit up, though. It never did for superheroes like him.

"Damn I look good." He mock flexed before strapping on extra ammunition.

Miranda shook her head in disbelief. "How can you even act this calm when there are men blowtorching their way into the ship?" The AI seemed mighty unsettled, but such was ritual for Marcus. Always helped to get the stress and fear out while you could. Anger was usually the best way to stave off fear but as of late, he'd discovered that humor had worked even better in his case.

"Miranda, get Jonas and Doomi on the line. They should be ready to go. Tell them to go ahead and begin shoring up the initial impact zones." Marcus grabbed one last thing - his lucky trinket - and jammed it into his pocket before rushing out of his personal armory. Hopefully his mercenary friends had at least gotten prepared before he did. Jonas was some mook of a human being, lazy as all get but got his sheb up when things got messy. Doomi, some Rodian he'd picked up long, long ago, was probably the most calculating and vindictive son of a she-Hutt if he ever knew one.

Things were getting dirty already and he hadn't even had time to brush his teeth.

Thus was the life of a soldier of fortune.

"Jonas has already been wounded but Doomi and the rest of the 501st are holding strong." The AI reported. "Sealing off all blast doors in the vicinity and relocating upper echelon personnel to interior zones -- dispatching additional reinforcements."

Enter the 501st.
As for the rough and tough Alliance marines that had made quick work of the destroyer's outer hull, they would soon realize that what lay within the lumbering beast would prove much tougher to break through. The crewmen who composed the first line of defense were sadly cut down almost instantly, but not before they could mash the sealant button to cordon off the entire breach area. Blast doors slammed shut as contingents of the elite Stormtrooper legion rushed down the corridors to meet their opponent with blaster and vibroknife.

[member="Sieb Tevv"], [member="Jagger Fuga"]
Allies: Sith & Co.
Enemies: GA & Co.

Alecandria studied the situation with a finger curled around her chin, considering the precarious position of all sides. The vast numbers that outweighed Mephirium's allies was all but overkill. It would be a tedious thing to manage, and any wrong move could prove to be fatal. She was no master of war, no combat technician, but she had always had a knack for strategy.

The commotion around her was paid little mind, but the Dark Lord's collapse drew her from her thoughts. The Jedi looked at the masked Sith Lord with an elevated brow. She watched him right himself, but turned her attention back towards the pieces and pawns of the battle field.

He asked for her thoughts of the situation then. Carefully, she considered her answer. Drawing her hand from her chin, the dark haired Jedi grasped a hold of her tarnished Saber.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," began Alecandria, her voice quiet and barely audible over the ambiance of the throne room. "Unless a trump card comes into play, we have little option open to us." Falling silent, her fingers drummed over the ruined metal.

Time etched by, feeling more like hours than minutes. It was then that the ground began to quake, and she shifted her footing to adopt a stance more suited to keep her on her feet. "It seems the earth itself grows restless..."
"I am our trump card." Darth Mephirium said simply.

The fleet arrayed before this world was massive. There would be no conceivable way to pull out a victory here, at least, not for normal men.

The glass was settled upon the tac-table, and Mephirium rose.

"Brothers, I call to you," he spoke through the comms. "And you father," his words traveled through the ethereal bond that would always link both himself and [member="Darth Vulcanus"]. "Come to me, father. I need you now."​

Enemy: [member="Ember Rekali"]

Netherworld was weird. Watching the man leap up to meet him Kezeroth grinned briefly, he couldn't see the incoming elbow. Apon contact the red behemoth raised a brow and watched the weird skies above him. How hard was he hit?! His anticipation to hit the ground was well placed but mistaken. Whatever physical form he thought he had was now gone. Eroded by the darkness that came from Embers elbow strike. Floating mid air Kezeroth looked at his body with a passionate hate. " I hate being a ghost! HATE IT!" Swinging his arm in a hay-maker type motion the a telekinetic force followed suit sending a downward punch aimed at the Elder mandos head from afar.

Other spirits and darksiders began to gather around the conflict, like a schoolyard fight.

Lets get ready to rumble!
Allies: Sith and Friends

Enemies: GA and friends

Ship: Brimstone-class assault cruiser 'Celestial Knight'

The orders had came in on an encrypted channel "Move out of the battle zone." It wasn't very descriptive, but it was more than enough.

Bartic opened a channel to [member="Jagger Fuga"] on the Chimera "Admiral I have orders from our emperor, I'm leaving that battle zone you should probably do the same we can cover each other."

He then commed the hanger damage control crew, "Dump something flammable in the hanger back there, and make sure there's lots of smoke."

He turned to his navigator and gave him an order, "List us 13o to the port side and plot us a course over the pole, It'll be a fighting retreat."
New power and the glory victory was now at Mythos' grasp. With the ultimate Power of the Amulet and the Axe Mythos was not a whirling storm of the force, it was do dense and so concentrated that Mythos exhumed visible aura from his body.It was too much, it needed to be released from somewhere.

Mythos had been a Sith lord and King, yet it was not always this way. It was strength and honor that drove him and a sense of duty and responsibility to those who served beneath him. Mythos had to defend Atrisia, he had to hold this line from the alliance at all costs.... at all costs.

Mythos descended from the sky, a powerful wind kicking up the robes behind him with almost visible malice. He began to make his way back to Mephirium and the Capital, if he was to make his final stand with his force he was to do so in the capital of the Atrisia, in the birthplace of his son. He had heard that [member="Serena Bouie"] called his son to hide in the tunnels and this was no good to Mythos at all. "My son, Come to me"

He sent the message through the force but found that the lad had disobeyed his mother. Adas James Malgus was not a few feet from his father. Side by side father and son marched with the Jar'Kai all the way to the capital of Atrisia while the battle raged on in the sky. Some reports had come in saying that [member="Darth Prazutis"] had betrayed the man who had offered nothing but honor... well that an assassination attempt. Mythos chuckled under his breath, the irony did not escape him. He was going to have to kill the man he offered to die for a a day ago.

"The fault of the Sith my son, is that they can never stand together as one... they can never be brothers of the sword or allies... they are at best a convinced to a mutual goal and nothing else" Mythos spoke as he made his way up the massive steps of the palace and to the gates. Adas stayed silent, listening to his father with lightsaber in hand. "You will change this, Atrisia will not fall this day but the victory will be just the begining of a road of long and hard work for both you and your mother" Adas looked perplexed, confusion in his young blue eyes.

"What about you?" Adas asked, confusion and fear in his voice. Mythos answered back from a place of true wisdom, he knew what was to come. "My time draws near my son, this will be the last time we see each other" Adas looked to his father in a confused rage. "But why!? We can win this battle father! We have allies everywhere! How could you say that we are lost!?" The young lad ignited his lightsaber and held it high over his head.The sight bringing a swell of pride to Mythos' heart. The tears in the young mans eyes almost brought tears to his...almost.

"We will win this battle My son, make no mistake of that... but I will not survive this war, You must be king in my stead and if we should fall you must go to Midvinter. The latter will not happen but it is a place you will be safe... Find a man named Thurion, he will-" Adas cut him off.

"I want to fight! I won't let you die!"

Mythos did not know what to say. He bit his lips and said something that he truly did not understand, it came from a place that he had destroyed years ago, his son had a good talent of bringing that side out.

"Train yourself, to let go of everything you fear to lose my come... We must not keep Mephirium waiting "

[member="Darth Mephirium"]


Atlas Kane

Heavy thuds echoed through the halls as the Sith Lord made his way towards the Throne Room. It was time to reassemble for whatever Mephirium had planned. The situation seemed dire, their fleet was being beaten, their shield was destroyed, potential allies turned enemy. Defeat seemed all but certain. As much as Praetorias hated to admit it, the odds were stacked against him and his allies.

He placed his hands on the doors, pushing them open, as he stepped into the throne room where Mephirium was.

"What do you ask of us, oh Slayer of the Beast? What is it that you have seen within the "Great Ocean"?" He raised his voice, an inquisitive, yet irritated tone.

"You have no chance of winning here, it is time to admit defeat Praetorias. End your evil reign here and face a fair trial in the custody of the Jedi." Praetorias' expression grew grim and angered. Great, not him as well.
I am a son of the Mountain.
Malakai paused in his approach to the palace, he heard his Master's call on the comm. It caused him to arch a brow before continuing to the palace. He made no attempt to respond to the Dark lord for he was only minutes from the palace.

He crossed his arms as he walked up the steps to the palace. Malakai was not sure what his Master had been planning, but he said eager to see.

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Allies: [member="Phoebus"] [member="Darth Malakai"] [member="Bartic Myth'rand"] [member="Darth Mephirium"] [member="Tarok"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Jagger Fuga"] [member="Akuma"] [member="Dravis Rosilla"]

Enemies: GA & Allies [member="Ajira Cardei"] [member="Ajira Cardei"]

Satisfaction… That’s what Kruel felt as he just knew, the force had assured him that the woman he was giving chase to would be the one to die on this day. He could always taste her flesh, the sweet tri-copper taste as her blood drained down his gullet. The marrow he would suck from her bones a dessert, yet it had all been taken from him in an instant. Kruel had felt it, a use of the force. This one wasn’t hidden at all and Kruel could feel it. As he watched the building collapse there was no sensation of death throughout the force. There was nothing but silence. His prey had escaped. “NO! NOOOOOO!” Kruel shouted his fists balled he released another wave at the remnants of the building blowing it to bits. Eyes wide, his lamprey mouth agap the dashade released another bloodcurdling scream. He had been wronged in more than one way on this day.

“I will find you! It may not be today… It may not even be a year from now but you will fall before me. You shall be devoured like those before you!” Kruel shouted stalking through the streets. He was more than angry, he was furious. A veil of red fell over his vision. The Sith Lord wanted nothing more than the taste of blood till the chirp in his com drew his attention. A message came through from Cyril. He must now return. “No! CYRIL! NOT NOW!” Kruel screamed. His prey would have to wait, the vow of death had been given. Tempted to disobey the call and pursue his hunt Kruel thought otherwise.

With a final roar, he exploded off into the sky surrounding himself in a bubble created through his own power. Through the act of telekinesis, he propelled the bubble at speeds rivaling a missile a speed which would be dangerous to any humanoid flying regularly. “My apprentices… Return to the palace.” Cruising through the sky Kruel was forced to hold on to his emotions that threatened to boil over. Even his allies were in danger of being eaten at this moment. Crashing through the palace wall Kruel looked around at his gathered allies flames burning in his eyes.
Causstik Rahn and his soldiers sat as the Mandalorian horde met them dead on. The shields were already down, but that seemed to make no difference to the Mandalorians. They charged on. The dug in Trandoshan mowed the charging troopers down. E-web's spat liquid death upon the warriors. Turbo cannons barked their salvos of annihilation, which ended in plumes of smoke, gore, and dirt. Their charge faltered and by the time they reached the mine field it had come to a halt.

"SCORE KEEPER WATCH ME! OH WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY!" Causstik roared to the wind. He threw a phrik clad arm forward "CHARGE!!!" Hundreds of manic frenzied Trndoshans hopped over their trench lines and chased down the cowardly fools as they retreated. They were skewed alive by Vibro blades. Gunned down by blasters. Causstik personally favored his wrist mounted flamethrowers. Gouts of flames shot out in a fountain of destruction. Men bursted into flames, engulfed by the War Lord's righteous inferno. A mando charged him from the rear and Causstik spun to gut him with his clawed gauntlets. A Chieftain came charging out of the smoke filled haze of battle.

"Sir the shields are down. What are your orders?"

It was obvious the Trandoshans had anhilated the first assault. They were no longer needed here. "Back to the boats. Friendlies are approximately five miles from here. We will link up with them," The Chieftains withdrew to ready their vessel's and link up with [member="Darth Vulcanus"] forces.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kruel Zing"] [member="Spencer Varanin"]

Ajira snatched the blaster from Spencer's hand. A concussion rattled windows as the flying man blew past, overhead. She thought she heard him shout, an inhuman roar of frustration. Between buildings she watched him accelerate away in the direction she'd intended to go. The Force felt thick and heavy, like air before a thunderstorm. For it to feel this way, even to her limited senses, something portentous had to be in the offing.

"Options," she said. "I have a Sekairo cloaked a couple blocks away. We could follow the civilians into the bunkers and shelters under the city. We could head for the center of the problem. The planetary shields are down, so that takes care of my goal. What are your thoughts?"
As Grace listened to comms, she frowned, stepping into the doorway and looking up. "Rancor Station's under attack. There's no way I could make it there alive to aid them, my Lord." She called back, a hint of gravity in her voice. The dark look on her face deepened as she listened to the conversation behind her. Trump card? What were they talking about? This seemed like a bad idea, no matter what it was. As Darth Malakai approached, the Vahla nodded to him, and motioned behind her with her head. "The Dark Lord's in there. Probably wants to see you."

I don't like this plan of Mephirium's. Tessa commented. He seems like he's doing something dangerous.

"Of course it's dangerous. We're loosing." Grace replied under her breath. She continued to watch the road. "We need a way to beat them back."

Why? What makes him so important? Tessa replied with a scoffing sound. Come on, I want to hear you say it.

Leaning against the wall, she smiled. "Even in death, you still do this."

Come on, say it.

"He's the Sith'ari. He's what the galaxy need right now."

Are you willing to risk your life on that? Grace just smiled. Leaning against the wall, her eyes scanned the road. Others would come.

[member="Darth Malakai"] [member="Darth Mephirium"] [member="Alecandria"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
The Knight Of The Eclipse swayed and rolled through the darkness of the void as the fast stealth transport came towards the Atrisian orbit, avoiding enemy contact to swoop in undetected through the atmosphere just as before.

While his copy piloted the vessel through the danger zone, he sent out an encrypted message to [member="Elpsis Elaris"],

"Hey kiddo, how close you are to Atrisia? Things are really kharked up over here, apparently some Sith defected and now are siding with the Galactic Alliance against other Sith, pass that by to Sio if you could."

Moving over back to the viewport the droid motioned towards the outskirt of the city,

"There, bring us down by those ruins."

One of the droids glanced to him,

"We have signs of movement from those wrecked buildings."

HK nodded,

"Let us say hello."

[member="Spencer Varanin"], [member="Ajira Cardei"],

The two ladies could see a shadow pass over them shortly before a pitch black sleek transport would make its appearance, its engines whooshing softly as it lowered down in hovering sequence closer to the ground, within a small opening covered by the ruined buildings from the battle and probably fallout of [member="Kruel Zing"] 's rage. Even before the ship's ramp would open they could sense a void within the Force inside, something in there was outside of the Great Ocean as some called it.

The ship's door would start to raise then and from within, if the two would still stick around instead of taking cover, there came the visage of an HK droid laying across the ship's floor propped up by one hand,

"Hello, survivors, do you need a lift?~"

The machine asked in what could be described as a seductive monotone, his silvery Phrik body was covered in a very organic looking substance bearing additional armor plates on it, some sort of Vong suit, the irony of it was not lost on the droid, that provided the Force-void effect.

Behind him two additional HK units appeared, holding shattergun miniguns with their barrels lowered, just in case the survivors would turn out to be hostile, or someone would try to ambush them, at least Ajira should recognize the droids as GA aligned from that wedding the two went to, the helmet equivalent of the organic armor was peeled back to reveal his actual face-plate, maybe Spencer would remember the machine from his career within Protectorate or time he spent among the Vagrant Fleet. As for them, the machine didn't really recognized them, at least not yet, as far as he was concerned the building just collapsed and he was helping to evacuate some unfortunate souls.


Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Location: Graug Hallow, Foot of Mount Giju (5 miles from Shield Generator)
Post: 4/20
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance
Allies: The Dominion, The Graug

"Zo storm anas valia bind nun kia tave morvel shiris dekomet!" Vulcanus bellowed as the blood began rising from the ground, a violent twister that glowed with the malevolent intent of the Dark Lord. The Graug warlord closed his fists and the whips of fire began lashing out from his skin, heating the crimson vortex as it rose around him. The three remaining priests rolled their eyes to the back of their heads, chanting to the air as they prayed for the ascension of their Khaan.

"Tave ashes iv tave servants sekleti aukoti pradzia kia zo valzino!" Vulcanus' voice cracked like thunder, his fists thrown to the sky; the vortex of blood erupting into flame. Whipping his hand in a circular motion, Vulcanus expanded the tornado of fire. The fire consumed the Horde Guard in a flurry of flames, turning their bones to ash which fell into the rivers of blood flowing across the stone. "Tave kraujas iv zo brolin vartotijas sekleti irus tave fires iv chaosas!" Vulcanus called to the third priest, who picked a stone from the ground and began to viscously beat the fourth across the side of his head.

The fourth priest's head split open like an egg and the third reached into his shattered skull, scooping from it a handful of blood and brain matter. Tilting his hand, the blood drained past his lips. He swallowed and then forcibly regurgitated, the vomit mixing with the glowing rivers of blood. A booming laugh shook the stones as the fire consumed the final priest and turned the Graug in the room to little more than ash. Darkside pulsed down through his body and into the ground, magma churning violently as it rushed to the surface.

"You see, only now, don't you..Graxus. You lesser filth" Vulcanus growled, his smile curling as he felt the planet writhing to his command, "You will know my pain now and I will laugh at you from the throne of a God. The death brought today shall fuel my ascension to the only position worthy of my strength!"

An earthquake tore the ground asunder, Mt. Guiji bellowed a plume of ash into the air as the pressure built deep within. Darkside energy rose up the cloud, turning it a deep black with every passing second. Force lightning arched throughout the cloud, striking the ground and sending ruble shooting into the air. The column rose higher and higher, two miles...then four and then six until the lightning and ash could be seen for miles.

Soon the ritual would be complete and the enemy would know fear...

[member="HK-36"] [member="Ajira Cardei"] [member="Kruel Zing"] @Darth Malekai [member="Spencer Varanin"]

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