So... Been thinking about an objective. Wouldn't mind one of you Sithy types to cross blades with. I suppose it doesn't HAVE to be an objective, but it might be fun.. I need a proper antagonist, long term like maybe even. Prefer it to be someone long-term, actually. Develop some plots, sabotage each other. Classic Batman-Joker style level of counterpart.
If anyone wants to make a story or objective out of this, rather than stumbling upon each other and fighting for lulz, i'm all ears. I was thinking something with no NPCs, revolving around perhaps the slaughter of innocents that Julius steps in to stop? You sith like slaughtering innocents, right? Or really, i'm all ears. I just want a fight. "Winning" is not even the goal really. Heck, if the story can be made compelling enough, I'm happy to discuss you winning, capturing me, or permanently maiming this poor guy. Just not the face, that's my fortune... Now if only I could figure out why i'm so poor....